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النتائج 1701 - 1710 من 7,989
Combining sediment management and bioremediation in muddy ports and harbours: A review
Polrot, A. | Kirby, J.R. | Birkett, J.W. | Sharples, G.P.
This paper reviews two important sources of innovation linked to the maritime environment and more importantly to ports: the potential coupling of sediment management and (bio)remediation. The detrimental effects of dredging are briefly considered, but the focus here is on a sustainable alternative method of managing the problem of siltation. This technique consists of fluidizing the sediment in situ, lowering the shear strength to maintain a navigable under-keel draught. Preliminary investigations show that through this mixing, aeration occurs, which results in a positive remediation effect as well. An overview of port contamination, remediation, and the recent research on aerobic (bio)degradation of port contaminants is made in order to show the potential for such innovative sediment management to reduce dredging need and remediate contaminated mud in ports. This review also highlights the lack of full-scale field applications for such potential remediation techniques, that remain largely confined to the laboratory scale.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Catalytic upgrade for pyrolysis of food waste in a bubbling fluidized-bed reactor
Ly, Hoang Vu | Tran, Quoc Khanh | Kim, Seung-Soo | Kim, Jinsoo | Choi, Suk Soon | Oh, Changho
Biofuel production via pyrolysis has received increasing interest as a promising solution for utilization of now wasted food residue. In this study, the fast pyrolysis of mixed food waste (MFW) was performed in a bubbling fluidized-bed reactor. This was done under different operating conditions (reaction temperatures and carrier gas flow rate) that influence product distribution and bio-oil composition. The highest liquid yield (49.05 wt%) was observed at a pyrolysis temperature of 475 °C. It was also found that the quality of pyrolysis bio-oils (POs) could be improved using catalysts. The catalytic fast pyrolysis of MFW was studied to upgrade the pyrolysis vapor, using dolomite, red mud, and HZSM-5. The higher heating values (HHVs) of the catalytic pyrolysis bio-oils (CPOs) ranged between 30.47 and 35.69 MJ/kg, which are higher than the HHVs of non-catalytic pyrolysis bio-oils (27.69–31.58 MJ/kg). The major components of the bio-oils were fatty acids, N-containing compounds, and derivatives of phenol. The selectivity for bio-oil components varied depending on the catalysts. In the presence of the catalysts, the oxygen was removed from oxygenates via moisture, CO₂, and CO. The CPOs contained aliphatic hydrocarbons, polycyclic aromatic compounds (such as naphthalene), pyridine derivatives, and light oxygenates (cyclic alkenes and ketones).
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Patterns of distribution and accumulation of trace metals in Hysterothylacium sp. (Nematoda), Phyllodistomum sp. (Digenea) and in its fish host Hoplias malabaricus, from two neotropical rivers in southeastern Brazil
Rosa Leite, Lucas Aparecido | dos Reis Pedreira Filho, Walter | Kozlowiski de Azevedo, Rodney | Doro Abdallah, Vanessa
Here we evaluated the potential for trace metal accumulation of two parasitic species, Hysterothylacium sp. (Nematoda) and Phyllodistomum sp. (Digenea), found parasitizing Hoplias malabaricus, a characiform fish also known as trahira, collected from two neotropical rivers, Jacaré-Pepira and Jacaré-Guaçú, in southeastern Brazil. Fish were collected between July 2017 and July 2019, totaling 90 fish specimens analyzed, 45 from each river. From fish, we take samples of three different tissues: muscle, intestine and liver. Along with the parasite samples taken from fish hosts, tissue samples were analyzed by an Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometer (ICP-MS) for obtaining the trace metal (Al, Cr, Mn, Fe, Ni, Cu, As, Cd e Pb) concentrations. All elements were found in statistically higher concentrations in the parasites, both nematodes and digeneans, than in the host tissues, but in comparison, was observed that Hysterothylacium sp. had higher concentrations than those obtained in Phyllodistomum sp. We also found that uninfected fish had statistically higher concentrations of metals than infected ones. And in those who are infected, the size of the parasitic infrapopulations correlated negatively with the concentrations of trace metals obtained in the hosts tissues, that is, the concentrations in fish showed a tendency to decrease as the parasitic infrapopulations increased, or vice versa. In addition, our results show that the influence of the parasitic infrapopulations on metal concentrations in the fish host is not affected in cases of mono-infection or co-infection.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Potential health risks of inhaled toxic elements and risk sources during different COVID-19 lockdown stages in Linfen, China
Wang, Yanyang | Liu, Baoshuang | Zhang, Yufen | Dai, Qili | Song, Congbo | Duan, Liqin | Guo, Lili | Zhao, Jing | Xue, Zhigang | Bi, Xiaohui | Feng, Yinchang
Levels of toxic elements in ambient PM₂.₅ were measured from 29 October 2019 to 30 March 2020 in Linfen, China, to assess the health risks they posed and to identify critical risk sources during different periods of the COVID-19 lockdown and haze episodes using positive matrix factorization (PMF) and a health-risk assessment model. The mean PM₂.₅ concentration during the study period was 145 μg/m³, and the 10 investigated toxic elements accounted for 0.31% of the PM₂.₅ mass. The total non-cancer risk (HI) and total cancer risk (TCR) of the selected toxic elements exceed the US EPA limits for children and adults. The HI for children was 2.3 times that for adults for all periods, which is likely due to the high inhalation rate per unit body weight for children. While the TCR for adults was 1.7 times that of children, which is mainly attributed to potential longer exposure duration for adults. The HI and TCR of the toxic elements during full lockdown were reduced by 66% and 58%, respectively, compared to their pre-lockdown levels. The HI and TCR were primarily attributable to Mn and As, respectively. Health risks during haze episodes were significantly higher than the average levels during COVID-19 lockdowns, though the HI and TCR of the selected toxic elements during full-lockdown haze episodes were 68% and 17% lower, respectively, than were the levels during pre-lockdown haze episodes. During the study period, fugitive dust and steel-related smelting were the highest contributors to HI and TCR, respectively, and decreased in these emission sources contributed the most to the lower health risks observed during the full lockdown. There, the control of these sources is critical to effectively reduce public health risks.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]The human and ecological risks of neonicotinoid insecticides in soils of an agricultural zone within the Pearl River Delta, South China
Yu, Zimin | Li, Xue-Fang | Wang, Shaorui | Liu, Liang-Ying | Zeng, E. Y. (Eddy Y.)
Neonicotinoid insecticides (NIIs) are extensively used worldwide and frequently detected in the environment. The human and ecological risks associated with the occurrence of NIIs in agricultural zones are of high importance. The present study highlights the regional occurrence and human exposure risks of NIIs in agricultural soil within the Pearl River Delta (PRD), South China. Six neonicotinoids, i.e., imidacloprid, clothianidin, acetamiprid, imidaclothiz, dinotefuran, and flonicamid, were measured in 351 soil samples from Zengcheng, a typical agricultural zone. The soil samples were categorized into three groups based on cultivated plants: vegetables, rice, and fruits. At least one of these neonicotinoid insecticides was detected in 95% of the soil samples. The levels of ∑₆NII (range (median)) were 0.26–390 (23), 0.26–280 (6.1), and 0.26–120 (5.0) ng g⁻¹ dry weight in soil samples from vegetable farms, rice paddies, and fruit farms, respectively. Neonicotinoids were detected more frequently and at statistically higher concentrations in vegetable farms than in both rice paddies and fruit farms. This is likely ascribed to higher application frequencies of NIIs in vegetable farms due to higher planting frequencies. The hazard index values for human exposure to NIIs in the agricultural soils were all below 1, suggesting negligible non-cancer risks. The current residual levels of NIIs in the soils could however pose sub-lethal or acute effects to non-target terrestrial organisms such as earthworms. The present study suggests that more information is needed regarding NIIs contamination in soils from agricultural regions of South China to ensure that human and ecological risk from exposure to these compounds can be fully addressed.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Oxidative stress, metallomics and blood toxicity after subacute low-level lead exposure in Wistar rats: Benchmark dose analyses
Javorac, Dragana | Antonijević, Biljana | Anđelković, Milena | Repić, Aleksandra | Bulat, Petar | Djordjevic, Aleksandra Buha | Baralić, Katarina | Đukić-Ćosić, Danijela | Antonić, Tamara | Bulat, Zorica
Exposure to lead (Pb) is still rising concern worldwide, having in mind that even low-dose exposure can induce various harmful effects. Thus, in-depth knowledge of the targets of Pb toxicity and corresponding mechanisms is essential. In the presented study, the six groups (male Wistar rats, n = 6) received 0.1; 0.5; 1; 3; 7; 15 mg Pb/kg body weight/day for 28 days, each day by oral gavage, while the control group received distilled water only. All animals were sacrificed 24 h after the treatment, and blood was collected for the analysis of hematological, biochemical, oxidative status and essential elements levels. An external and internal dose-response relationship was performed using PROASTweb 70.1 software. The results showed that low doses of Pb affect hematological parameters and lipid profile after 28 days. The possible mechanisms at examined Pb dose levels were a decrease in SOD, O₂•⁻ and Cu and an increase in Zn levels. The dose-dependent nature of changes in cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, O₂.⁻, SOD, AOPP in serum and hemoglobin, Fe, Zn, Cu in blood were obtained in this study. The most sensitive parameters that were alerted are Cu blood levels (BMDL₅: 1.4 ng/kg b.w./day) and SOD activity (BMDL₅: 0.5 μg/kg b.w./day). The presented results provide information that may be useful in further assessing the health risks of low-level Pb exposure.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Influence of humic acid structure on the accumulation of oxyfluorfen in tropical soils of mountain agroecosystems
Barbosa, Daniele Rodrigues | García, Andrés Calderín | da Costa Barros de Souza, Camila | Amaral Sobrinho, Nelson Moura Brasil do
Herbicide application is a practice commonly used in agricultural systems because it is an efficient method of weed control. An inherent characteristic of some herbicides used in mountain agriculture, such as oxyfluorfen, is high adsorption to soil organic matter (SOM). Thus, intensive management that changes the quantity and quality of SOM, such as soil tillage and the massive application of organic fertilizers such as poultry litter, may favor soil contamination by this herbicide and alter its dynamics in the environment. Therefore, this study aimed to characterize the structures of humic substances (HSs) in the soil of forest areas and areas with intensive production of vegetables, relating them to the accumulation of the herbicide oxyfluorfen in tropical mountain agroecosystems. Organic carbon content was quantified in HSs, humic acid (HAs) were structurally characterized by CP/MAS ¹³C-NMR spectroscopy, and the oxyfluorfen molecule was detected and quantified using the QuEChERS residue detection method with subsequent analysis by LC-MS/MS. Oxyfluorfen was not detected in the forest areas, but it was detected in the vegetable growing areas at points with the lowest slope and high contents of organic matter and clay, with values of up to 0.13 mg kg⁻¹. The intensification in the SOM mineralization process, promoted by the intensive management adopted in the vegetable growing areas, resulted in a 16.46% reduction in COT, a 58.84% reduction in the carbon content in the form of SH and a reduction in the structures that give recalcitrance to the HA molecule (CAₗₖyₗ-H,R, CCOO–H,R, CAᵣₒₘₐₜᵢc-H,R, and CAᵣₒₘₐₜᵢc-O) when compared to those values in the forest area, presenting HAs with more aliphatic and labile properties. Thus, due to the structural characteristics of the HAs in the vegetable production areas, the herbicide oxyfluorfen showed a close relationship with the more aliphatic oxygenated structures, namely, CAₗₖyₗ-O,N, CAₗₖyₗ-O and CAₗₖyₗ-di-O.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Mechanisms of transplacental transport and barrier of polybrominated diphenyl ethers: A comprehensive human, Sprague-Dawley rat, BeWo cell and molecular docking study
Yu, Yingxin | Li, Xiaojing | Hu, Junjie | Jiang, Zi’an | Zhang, Xiaolan | Li, Guiying | Ma, Shengtao | Lei, Bingli | Fang, Xiangming | Fan, Ruifang | An, Taicheng
Although studies have reported that polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) can transfer from mothers to fetuses, the underlying transplacental transport and barrier mechanisms are still unclear. Therefore, we conducted a series of comprehensive experiments in humans, Sprague-Dawley rats, and a BeWo cell monolayer model, as well as a molecular docking study. PBDEs in mothers can transfer to fetuses with a ratio of approximately 0.46, suggesting that the placenta could not efficiently acts as a barrier to PBDE transplacental transport. Similar results were observed in pregnant rats, although varying times were required for different congeners to reach a steady-state in fetuses. The transport ratios at pregnancy day 14 in rats were generally higher than those at pregnancy day 18, which demonstrated that the barrier capacity of immature placentas was lower than that of mature placentas. None concentration-dependent transplacental transport was observed in BeWo cells with efflux ratios of 1.73–2.32, which suggested passive diffusion mechanisms govern the influx of PBDEs through placenta. The accumulated ratios of PBDEs and the inhibitor assay indicated that the effluent channel of P-glycoprotein was partially inhibited by PBDEs. Using molecular docking studies, three pocket sites were identified for different congeners in P-glycoprotein, which demonstrated that the inhibition of P-glycoprotein efflux pump through the pocket sites.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Multigenerational study of the obesogen effects of bisphenol S after a perinatal exposure in C57BL6/J mice fed a high fat diet
Brulport, Axelle | Le Corre, Ludovic | Maquart, Guillaume | Barbet, Virginie | Dastugue, Aurélie | Severin, Isabelle | Vaiman, Daniel | Chagnon, Marie-Christine
Bisphenol S is an endocrine disruptor exhibiting metabolic disturbances, especially following perinatal exposures. To date, no data are available on the obesogen effects of BPS in a mutligenerational issue.We investigated obesogen effects of BPS in a multigenerational study by focusing on body weight, adipose tissue and plasma parameters in male and female mice.Pregnant C57BL6/J mice were exposed to BPS (1.5 μg/kg bw/day ie a human equivalent dose of 0.12 μg/kg bw/day) by drinking water from gestational day 0 to post natal day 21. All offsprings were fed with a high fat diet during 15 weeks. Body weight was monitored weekly and fat mass was measured before euthanasia. At euthanasia, blood glucose, insuline, triglyceride, cholesterol and no esterified fatty acid plasma levels were determined and gene expressions in visceral adipose tissue were assessed. F1 males and females were mated to obtain the F2 generation. Likewise, the F2 mice were cross-bred to obtain F3. The same analyses were performed.In F1 BPS induced an overweight in male mice associated to lipolysis gene expressions upregulation. In F1 females, dyslipidemia was observed. In F2, BPS exposure was associated to an increase in body weight, fat and VAT masses in males and females. Several plasma parameters were increased but with a sex related pattern (blood glucose, triglycerides and cholesterol in males and NEFA in females). We observed a down-regulation in mRNA expression of gene involved in lipogenesis and in lipolysis for females but only in the lipogenesis for males. In F3, a decrease in VAT mass and an upregulation of lipogenesis gene expression occurred only in females.BPS perinatal exposure induced sex-dependent obesogen multigenerational effects, the F2 generation being the most impacted. Transgenerational disturbances persisted only in females.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Associations of ambient particulate matter with homocysteine metabolism markers and effect modification by B vitamins and MTHFR C677T gene polymorphism
Yang, Bo-Yi | Cao, Ke | Luo, Ya-Na | He, Zhi-Zhou | Guo, Peng-Yue | Ma, Hui-Min | Yang, Mo | Zhou, Yang | Hu, Liwen | Chen, Gong-Bo | Zeng, Xiao-Wen | Yu, Hong-Yao | Yu, Yunjiang | Dong, Guang-Hui
Evidence concerning effects of ambient air pollution on homocysteine (HCY) metabolism is scarce. We aimed to explore the associations between ambient particulate matter (PM) exposure and the HCY metabolism markers and to evaluate effect modifications by folate, vitamin B₁₂, and methylenetetrahyfrofolate reductase (MTHFR) C677T gene polymorphism. Between December 1, 2017 and January 5, 2018, we conducted a panel study in 88 young college students in Guangzhou, China, and received 5 rounds of health examinations. Real-time concentrations of PMs with aerodynamic diameter ≤2.5 (PM₂.₅), ≤1.0 (PM₁.₀), and ≤0.1 (PM₀.₁) were monitored, and the serum HCY metabolism markers (i.e., HCY, S-Adenosylhomocysteine [SAH], and S-Adenosylmethionine [SAM]) were repeatedly measured. We applied linear mixed effect models combined with a distributed lag model to evaluate the associations of PMs with the HCY metabolism markers. We also explored effect modifications of folate, vitamin B₁₂, and the MTHFR C677T polymorphism on the associations. We observed that higher concentrations of PM₂.₅ and PM₁.₀ were associated with higher serum levels of HCY, SAH, SAM, and SAM/SAH ratio (e.g., a 10 μg/m³ increase in PM₂.₅ during lag 0 day and lag 5 day was significantly associated with 1.3–19.4%, 1.3–28.2%, 6.2–64.4%, and 4.8–28.2% increase in HCY, SAH, SAM, and SAM/SAH ratio, respectively). In addition, we observed that the associations of PM₂.₅ with the HCY metabolism markers were stronger in participants with lower B vitamins levels. This study demonstrated that short-term exposure to PM₂.₅ and PM₁.₀ was deleteriously associated with the HCY metabolism markers, especially in people with lower B vitamins levels.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]