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النتائج 1801 - 1810 من 1,950
Stream water chemistry in the arsenic-contaminated Baccu Locci mine watershed (Sardinia, Italy) after remediation
Ardau, Carla | Podda, Francesca | Da Pelo, Stefania | Frau, Franco
The abandoned Pb-As Baccu Locci mine represents the first and only case of mine site remediation in Sardinia, Italy. Arsenic is the most relevant environmental concern in the Baccu Locci stream watershed, with concentrations in surface waters up to and sometimes over 1 mg/L. The main remediation action consisted in creation of a "storage site", for the collection of contaminated materials from different waste-rock dumps and most of tailings piles occurring along the Baccu Locci stream. This paper reports preliminary results on the level of contamination in the Baccu Locci stream after the completion of remediation measures. Post-remediation stream water chemistry has not substantially changed compared to the pre-remediation situation. In particular, dissolved As maintains an increasing trend along the Baccu Locci stream, with a concentration of about 400 μg/L measured at a distance of 7 km from the storage site. Future monitoring will provide fundamental information on the effectiveness of remediation actions conducted and their applicability to other mine sites in Sardinia. At the stage of mine site characterisation of future remediation plans, it is recommended to pay more attention to the understanding of mineralogical and geochemical processes responsible for pollution. Moreover, mixing of materials with different composition and reactivity in a storage site should require careful consideration and long-term leaching tests.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Source apportionment of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in surface sediments of the Bohai Sea, China
Hu, Ning-Jing | Huang, Peng | Liu, Ji-Hua | Shi, Xue-Fa | Ma, De-Yi | Liu, Ying
A total of 112 surface sediment samples covering virtually the entire Bohai Sea were analyzed for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), in order to provide the extensive information of recent occurrence levels, distribution, possible sources, and potential biological risk of these compounds in this area. Surface sediment samples were collected from the Bohai Sea using a stainless steel grab sampler. Sixteen PAHs were determined by a Finnigan TRACE DSQ gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. Diagnostic ratios, cluster analysis, and principal component analysis (PCA) with multivariate linear regression (MLR) were performed to identify and quantitatively apportion the major sources of sedimentary PAHs in the Bohai Sea. Concentrations of total PAHs in the Bohai Sea ranged widely from 97.2 to 300.7 ng/g (mean, 175.7 ± 37.3 ng/g). High concentrations of PAHs were found in the vicinity of Luan River Estuary-Qinhuangdao Harbor, Cao River Estuary-Bohai Sea Center, and north of the Yellow River Estuary. The three-ring PAHs were most abundant, accounting for about 37 ± 5 % of total PAHs. The four-ring and five-ring PAHs were the next dominant ones comprising approximately 29 ± 7and 23 ± 3 % of total PAHs, respectively. Concentrations of acenaphthylene, acenaphthene, and dibenz[a,h]anthracene are higher than Canadian interim marine sediment quality guideline values at most of the sites in the study area. Contamination levels of PAHs in the Bohai Sea were low in comparison with other coastal sediments in China and developed countries. The distribution pattern of PAHs and source identification implied that PAH contamination in the Bohai Sea mainly originates from petrogenic and pyrogenic sources. Further PCA/MLR analysis suggested that the contributions of spilled oil products (petrogenic), coal combustion, and traffic-related pollution were 39, 38, and 23 %, respectively. Pyrogenic sources (coal combustion and traffic-related pollution) contributed 61 % of anthropogenic PAHs to sediments, which indicates that energy consumption could be a dominant factor in PAH pollution in this area. Acenaphthylene, acenaphthene, and dibenz[a,h]anthracene are the three main species of PAHs with more ecotoxicological concern in the Bohai Sea.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Performance evaluation and application of surface-molecular-imprinted polymer-modified TiO₂ nanotubes for the removal of estrogenic chemicals from secondary effluents
Zhang, Wenlong | Li, Yi | Wang, Qing | Wang, Chao | Wang, Peifang | Mao, Kai
The removal of estrogenic chemicals during wastewater reclamation has been a great concern. Current advanced treatment processes are inefficient for the removal of estrogenic chemicals from secondary effluents of municipal wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) due to the coexistence of other pollutants with less environmental significance which are also removed simultaneously. The search for highly selective and low-cost removal methods is warranted. Therefore, surface-molecular-imprinted polymer-modified TiO₂ nanotube (S-MIP-TiO₂ NT) photocatalysts were fabricated, characterized, and tested for the removal of estrogenic pollutants from wastewater in this study for the first time. Scanning electron microscopy and Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy studies showed that the TiO₂ NTs (with an average diameter of 60 nm) were successfully imprinted with functional groups (i.e., carboxyl). The adsorption selectivity and photocatalytic activity of the S-MIP-TiO₂ NTs towards template compound (17β-estradiol, E2) were improved, compared with neat TiO₂ NTs. Interestingly, S-MIP-TiO₂ NTs exhibited higher adsorption intensity and photocatalytic selectivity at low concentrations (from 10 ng/L to 100 μg/L, as normal estrogenic chemical concentrations in secondary effluents) of E2 than that at high concentrations (from 10 to 1,000 mg/L). It was also found that some representative estrogenic chemicals and estrogenic activity could be selectively and rapidly removed from secondary effluents of municipal wastewater treatment plants using S-MIP-TiO₂ NTs as photocatalysts. In addition, S-MIP-TiO₂ NT photocatalysts exhibited excellent regeneration characteristics. Photocatalytic treatment using S-MIP-TiO₂ NTs could be a promising approach for the effective removal of estrogenic chemicals from secondary effluents of municipal WWTPs.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Heavy metal accumulation by poplar in calcareous soil with various degrees of multi-metal contamination: implications for phytoextraction and phytostabilization
Hu, Yahu | Nan, Zhongren | Su, Jieqiong | Wang, Ning
The object of this study was to assess the capacity of Populus alba L. var. pyramidalis Bunge for phytoremediation of heavy metals on calcareous soils contaminated with multiple metals. In a pot culture experiment, a multi-metal-contaminated calcareous soil was mixed at different ratios with an uncontaminated, but otherwise similar soil, to establish a gradient of soil metal contamination levels. In a field experiment, poplars with different stand ages (3, 5, and 7 years) were sampled randomly in a wastewater-irrigated field. The concentrations of cadmium (Cd), Cu, lead (Pb), and zinc (Zn) in the poplar tissues and soil were determined. The accumulation of Cd and Zn was greatest in the leaves of P. pyramidalis, while Cu and Pb mainly accumulated in the roots. In the pot experiment, the highest tissue concentrations of Cd (40.76 mg kg(-1)), Cu (8.21 mg kg(-1)), Pb (41.62 mg kg(-1)), and Zn (696 mg kg(-1)) were all noted in the multi-metal-contaminated soil. Although extremely high levels of Cd and Zn accumulated in the leaves, phytoextraction using P. pyramidalis may take at least 24 and 16 years for Cd and Zn, respectively. The foliar concentrations of Cu and Pb were always within the normal ranges and were never higher than 8 and 5 mg kg(-1), respectively. The field experiment also revealed that the concentrations of all four metals in the bark were significantly higher than that in the wood. In addition, the tissue metal concentrations, together with the NH4NO3-extractable concentrations of metals in the root zone, decreased as the stand age increased. P. pyramidalis is suitable for phytostabilization of calcareous soils contaminated with multiple metals, but collection of the litter fall would be necessary due to the relatively high foliar concentrations of Cd and Zn.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Sorption and desorption studies of a reactive azo dye on effective disposal of redundant material
Çelekli, Abuzer | Bozkurt, Hüseyin
The effective disposal of redundant elephant dung (ED) is important for environmental protection and utilization of resource. The aim of this study was to remove a toxic-azo dye, Reactive Red (RR) 120, using this relatively cheap material as a new adsorbent. The FTIR-ATR spectra of ED powders before and after the sorption of RR 120 and zero point charge (pHzpc) of ED were determined. The sorption capacity of ED for removing of RR 120 were carried out as functions of particle size, adsorbent dose, pH, temperature, ionic strength, initial dye concentration, and contact time. Sorption isotherm, kinetic, activation energy, thermodynamic, and desorption parameters of RR 120 on ED were studied. The sorption process was found to be dependent on particle size, adsorbent dose, pH, temperature, ionic strength, initial dye concentration, and contact time. FTIR-ATR spectroscopy indicated that amine and amide groups have significant role on the sorption of RR 120 on ED. The pHzpc of ED was found to be 7.3. Sorption kinetic of RR 120 on ED was well described by sigmoidal Logistic model. The Langmuir isotherm was well fitted to the equilibrium data. The maximum sorption capacity was 95.71 mg g(-1). The sorption of RR 120 on ED was mainly physical and exothermic according to results of D-R isotherm, Arrhenius equation, thermodynamic, and desorption studies. The thermodynamic parameters showed that this process was feasible and spontaneous. This study showed that ED as a low-cost adsorbent had a great potential for the removal of RR 120 as an alternative eco-friendly process.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Assessment of DNA damage in Brazilian workers occupationally exposed to pesticides: a study from Central Brazil
Khayat, Carolinne Borges | Costa, Emília Oliveira Alves | Gonçalves, Macks Wendhell | da Cruz e Cunha, Damiana Mirian | da Cruz, Alex Silva | de Araújo Melo, Caroline Oliveira | Bastos, Rogério Pereira | da Cruz, Aparecido Divino | de Melo e Silva, Daniela
We evaluated 41 rural workers occupationally exposed to pesticides and 32 subjects as a control group, using the micronucleus (MN) and the comet assay. For the comet assay, we evaluated the peripheral blood, and for the MN, we sampled cells from the oral epithelium. Damage to DNA was measured by tail length, % DNA in tail (% tail), olive tail moment (OTM), and tail moment (TM). The exposed group presented an 8× increase in MN frequency, when compared to the control group (p <0.05). When we contrasted the MN frequencies between the individuals that use and do not use personal protective equipment, we found a mean of 7.5 MN (57 % variance) and 12.1 MN (130 % variance), respectively. The binucleated cells were 0.04 and 0.005, in the exposed and control groups, respectively, indicating 8× increase in the number of binucleated cells, when comparing the groups (p <0.05). In the comet assay, we demonstrated statistically significant differences in three parameters (% DNA, OTM, and TM) indicating that the rural workers presented high levels of genomic damages. Our results indicate that occupational exposure to pesticides could cause genome damage in somatic cells, representing a potential health risk to Brazilian rural workers that deal constantly with agrochemicals without adequate personal protection equipment.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Nitrogen transformations and balance in constructed wetlands for slightly polluted river water treatment using different macrophytes
Wu, Haiming | Zhang, Jian | Wei, Rong | Liang, Shuang | Li, Cong | Xie, Huijun
Nitrogen removal processing in different constructed wetlands treating different kinds of wastewater often varies, and the contribution to nitrogen removal by various pathways remains unclear. In this study, the seasonal nitrogen removal and transformations as well as nitrogen balance in wetland microcosms treating slightly polluted river water was investigated. The results showed that the average total nitrogen removal rates varied in different seasons. According to the mass balance approach, plant uptake removed 8.4–34.3 % of the total nitrogen input, while sediment storage and N₂O emission contributed 20.5–34.4 % and 0.6–1.9 % of nitrogen removal, respectively. However, the percentage of other nitrogen loss such as N₂ emission due to nitrification and denitrification was estimated to be 2.0–23.5 %. The results indicated that plant uptake and sediment storage were the key factors limiting nitrogen removal besides microbial processes in surface constructed wetland for treating slightly polluted river water.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]New trends in the analytical determination of emerging contaminants and their transformation products in environmental waters
Agüera, Ana | Martínez Bueno, María Jesús | Fernández-Alba, Amadeo R.
Since the so-called emerging contaminants were established as a new group of pollutants of environmental concern, a great effort has been devoted to the knowledge of their distribution, fate and effects in the environment. After more than 20 years of work, a significant improvement in knowledge about these contaminants has been achieved, but there is still a large gap of information on the growing number of new potential contaminants that are appearing and especially of their unpredictable transformation products. Although the environmental problem arising from emerging contaminants must be addressed from an interdisciplinary point of view, it is obvious that analytical chemistry plays an important role as the first step of the study, as it allows establishing the presence of chemicals in the environment, estimate their concentration levels, identify sources and determine their degradation pathways. These tasks involve serious difficulties requiring different analytical solutions adjusted to purpose. Thus, the complexity of the matrices requires highly selective analytical methods; the large number and variety of compounds potentially present in the samples demands the application of wide scope methods; the low concentrations at which these contaminants are present in the samples require a high detection sensitivity, and high demands on the confirmation and high structural information are needed for the characterisation of unknowns. New developments on analytical instrumentation have been applied to solve these difficulties. Furthermore and not less important has been the development of new specific software packages intended for data acquisition and, in particular, for post-run analysis. Thus, the use of sophisticated software tools has allowed successful screening analysis, determining several hundreds of analytes, and assisted in the structural elucidation of unknown compounds in a timely manner.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]The short-term effect of cadmium on low molecular weight organic acid and amino acid exudation from mangrove (Kandelia obovata (S., L.) Yong) roots
Xie, Xiangyu | Weiss, Dominik J. | Weng, Bosen | Liu, Jingchun | Lu, Haoliang | Yan, Chongling
The aim of this study was to evaluate short-term concentration and time effects of cadmium on Kandelia obovata (S., L.) Yong root exudation, thereby evaluating and predicting the ecophysiological effects of mangrove to heavy metals at the root level. Mature K. obovata propagules were cultivated in a sandy medium for 3 months, and then six concentrations of Cd (0, 2.5, 5, 10, 20, and 40 mg L⁻¹) were applied. After exposure time of 24 h and 7 days, respectively, the root exudates of K. obovata were collected and low molecular weight organic acids (LMWOAs) and amino acids of which were analyzed. In addition, we measured glutathione, soluble protein content, and Cd concentration in the plant. We found 10 and 15 types of LMWOAs and amino acids in root exudates of K. obovata with total concentrations ranging from 29.54 to 43.08 mg g⁻¹ dry weight (DW) roots and from 737.35 to 1,452.46 ng g⁻¹ DW roots, respectively. Both of them varied in quality and quantity under different Cd treatment strengths and exposure times. Oxalic, acetic, L-malic, tartaric acid, tyrosine, methionine, cysteine, isoleucine, and arginine were dominant. Both LMWOAs and amino acids excreted from K. obovata roots play a key role in Cd toxicity resistance. The responsiveness of amino acids was less than that of LMWOAs. We suggest that the ecological effect of root-excreted free amino acids in the rhizosphere is mainly based on the role of nutrients, supplemented with detoxification to heavy metals.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Biotreatment of chromite ore processing residue by Pannonibacter phragmitetus BB
Wang, Yangyang | Yang, Zhihui | Peng, Bing | Chai, Liyuan | Wu, Baolin | Wu, Ruiping
Chromite ore processing residues (COPR) is the source of the Cr(VI) contamination in the environment. Pannonibacter phragmitetus BB was used to treat two different types of COPRs in this research. The water-soluble Cr(VI) of COPR A and B is 3,982.9 and 1,181.4 mg/kg, respectively. In the column biotreatment process, P. phragmitetus BB can reduce Cr(VI) in the leachate to an undetectable level at the flow rate of 1 and 2 ml/min. In the direct biotreatment process, Cr(VI) in the liquid supernatant of COPR A and B decreased from 265 and 200 mg/l to 145 and 40 mg/kg after 240 h of incubation. In one-step and two-step biotreatment processes, Cr(VI) in the liquid supernatant of both COPRs can be reduced to an undetectable level. The toxicity characteristic leaching procedure results indicate that the Cr(VI) concentration of treated COPR A (3.48 mg/l) is lower than the identification standards for hazardous wastes of China (5 mg/l) (GB 5085.6-2007). The information obtained in this study has significance for the application of P. phragmitetus BB to remediate COPR contamination.
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