خيارات البحث
النتائج 191 - 200 من 266
Effects of ozone on plants in relation to other environmental conditions
Mortensen, L.M. (Norges Landbrukshoegskole, Aas (Norway). Inst. for Hagebruk)
Sulphur content of the epiphytic lichen Hypogymnia physodes as an indicator of atmospheric deposition in Finland
Kubin, E. (Finnish Forest Research Institute, Muhos (Finland). Muhos Research Station)
Effect of local air pollution on the sporophore production of mycorrhizal fungi, mycorrhizae and microbial activity in Scots pine forests
Ohtonen, R. | Markkola, A.M. (Oulu University (Finland). Dep. of Botany)
The liming of forest soils in Finland
Derome, J. | Paetilae, A. (The Finnish Forest Research Institute, Vanda (Finland))
Monitoring of forest vitality in Norway
Venn, K. | Holen, C.O. (Norsk Institutt for Skogforskning, Aas (Norway). Avd. for Skogoekologi) | Loevseth, T. (Norsk Inst. for Jord- og Skogkartlegging, Aas (Norway))
Effects of crown decline on increment in Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst) in southern Sweden
Bjoerkdahl, G. | Eriksson, H. (Swedish Univ. of Agricultural Sciences, Garpenberg (Sweden). Dep. of Forest Yield Research)
The role of field experiments in the study of soil mediated effects of air pollution on forest trees
Tamm, C.O. (Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala (Sweden). Dep. of Ecology and Environmental Research)
Nutrients and structural dynamics of conifer needles in South Sweden 1985-1987
Nihlgaard, B. (Lund University (Sweden). Dep. of Plant Ecology)
Effects of long term exposure of ozone on ultrastructure and net photosynthesis of Norway spruce
Sutinen, S. | Wallin, G. | Sellden, G. (Goeteborg Univ. (Sweden). Dep. of Plant Physiology) | Skaerby, L. (Swedish Environmental Research Institute, Goeteborg (Sweden))
Comparisions of forest soils in relation to acid precipitation in Central Norway, South Norway and Schwarzwald in West Germany
Aune, E.I. (Vitenskapsmuseet, Trondheim (Norway). Botanisk Inst.) | Dahl, E. (Norges Landbrukshoegskole, Aas (Norway). Botanisk Inst.) | Loees, A.K. (Stiftelsen for Oekologisk Landbruk, Tingvoll (Norway))