أجريس - النظام الدولي للعلوم الزراعية والتكنولوجيا

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النتائج 21 - 30 من 224

Quality and wastewater treatment propositions for technological process of beer production in brewery "DD Pivara - Nis" [Serbia, Yugoslavia]


Stanisavljevic, M. | Krstic, I. (Fakultet zastite na radu, Nis (Yugoslavia). Smer zastite zivotne sredine)

Unassigned data from Yugoslavia - Antarctica

Application of bioindicators in evaluating the water quality of the Sumanka Hydrosystem [Serbia, Yugoslavia]


Miljanovic, B. (Prirodno-matematicki fakultet, Novi Sad (Yugoslavia). Institut za biologiju) | Maletin, S. | Djukic, N. | Pujin, V. | Markovic, Z. | Ivanc, A. | Teodorovic, I. | Zivic, N.

Unassigned data from Yugoslavia - Antarctica

Some of trace elements in the water of Bokakotorska Bay [Adriatic sea, Montenegro, Yugoslavia]


Joksimovic, D. | Kljajic, Z. | Filipovic, S. (Univerzitet Crne Gore, Kotor (Yugoslavia). Institut za biologiju mora)

Unassigned data from Yugoslavia - Antarctica

Eco-technological procedure of treatment of the sludge generated in the galvanic wastewater purification


Stanisavljevic, M. | Krstic, I. (Fakultet zastite na radu, Nis (Yugoslavia). Smer zastita zivotne sredine)

Unassigned data from Yugoslavia - Antarctica

Proportional presence of phytoplankton group in touristic part of Palic lake [Serbia, Yugoslavia]


Dulic, S. | Mrkic, B. (Zavod za zastitu zdravlja, Subotica (Yugoslavia))

Unassigned data from Yugoslavia - Antarctica

[Monitoring the decontamination degree of the slurry using the alternative aerobic and anaerobic fermentations]


Tibru, I. | Nichita, I. | Savescu, E. | Mircov, V.D. (Facultatea de Medicina Veterinara, Timisoara (Romania))

Unassigned data from Yugoslavia - Antarctica

Summer aspect of zooplankton and microzooperiphyton of some water course in the Republic of Srpska [Bosnia and Herzegovina]]


Bobic, M. (Institut za vode Republike Srpske, Bijeljina - Republika Srpska (Bosnia and Herzegovina))

Unassigned data from Yugoslavia - Antarctica

Criteria for obtaining quality indicators of surface waters: an example of the South Morava river basin [Serbia, Yugoslavia]


Veljkovic, N. (Vodovod, Leskovac (Yugoslavia)) | Milenkovic, S. | Dopudja-Glisic, T.

Unassigned data from Yugoslavia - Antarctica

Sapromicrobiological aspect of the water and mud quality of the most polluted sector (Bezdan-Bechey) of the main canal of the DTD [Danube - Tisza - Danube] canal net [Serbia, Yugoslavia]


Gajin, S. (Prirodno-matematicki fakultet, Novi Sad (Yugoslavia). Institut za biologiju) | Matavulj, M. | Petrovic, O. | Radnovic, D. | Simeunovic, J.

Unassigned data from Yugoslavia - Antarctica