خيارات البحث
النتائج 211 - 220 من 318
Predicting freshwater critical loads from catchment characteristics using national datasets
Kernan, M.R. | Helliwell, R.C.
Critical loads: Some remarks on ecology, diversity conservation and ethics
Tybirk, K.
Uncertainties in large scale assessment of critical load exceedances, and the possibilities of validation
Bak, J.
Temporal and spatial uncertainties in use of biological responses to nitrogen
Falkengren-Grerup, U. (Lund Univ. (Sweden))
Nitrogen mineralization in forest humus polluted with copper or zinc
NikliZska, M. (Krakow Univ. (Poland)) | Bottner, P. | Couteaux, M.-M.
N fertilization experiment with young Norway spruce and beech trees: changes in tree, soil and ectomycorrhizal fungi characteristics
Hiltbrunner, E. | Braun, S. | Tomova, L. | Flueckiger, W.
Some effects of N on ectomycorrhizal diversity of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) in Northeastern Germany
Woellecke, J. (BTU Cottbus (Germany)) | Muenzenberger, B. | Huettl, R.F.
Soil accumulation of nitrogen in some Norwegian terrestrial ecosystems
Stuanes, A.O. | Sogn, T.A. | Strand, L.T. | Abrahamsen, G. (NLH, Aas (Norway))
Litter transformation in spruce forest as a key element of ecosystem function assessment under different ecological conditions
Ushakova, G. | Koroleva, N. (Polar-Alpine Botanical Garden, Kirovsk (Russia))
Foliar Ca, Mg, Al, N and delta15N as indicators of ecological damage in a spruce-fir stand subjected to chronic N additions
Pardo, L.H. | Schaberg, P.G. (USDA Forest Service, Burlington, VT (USA)) | McNulty, S.G. | Aber, J.D.