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النتائج 221 - 230 من 738
Removal of arsenic from contaminated groundwater by solar-driven membrane distillation
Manna, Ajay K. | Sen, Mou | Martin, Andrew R. | Pal, Parimal
Experimental investigations were carried out on removal of arsenic from contaminated groundwater by employing a new flat-sheet cross flow membrane module fitted with a hydrophobic polyvinylidenefluoride (PVDF) microfiltration membrane. The new design of the solar-driven membrane module in direct contact membrane distillation (DCMD) configuration successfully produced almost 100 per cent arsenic-free water from contaminated groundwater in a largely fouling-free operation while permitting high fluxes under reduced temperature polarization. For a feed flow rate of 0.120 m3/h, the 0.13 μm PVDF membrane yielded a high flux of 74 kg/(m2 h) at a feed water temperature of 40 °C and, 95 kg/m2 h at a feed water temperature of 60 °C. The encouraging results show that the design could be effectively exploited in the vast arsenic-affected rural areas of South-East Asian countries blessed with abundant sunlight particularly during the critical dry season. Solar-driven membrane distillation has the potential of removing arsenic from contaminated groundwater.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Bioanalytical characterisation of multiple endocrine- and dioxin-like activities in sediments from reference and impacted small rivers
Kinani, Said | Bouchonnet, Stéphane | Creusot, Nicolas | Bourcier, Sophie | Balaguer, Patrick | Porcher, Jean-Marc | Aït-Aïssa, Sélim
A comprehensive evaluation of organic contamination was performed in sediments sampled in two reference and three impacted small streams where endocrine disruptive (ED) effects in fish have been evidenced. The approach combined quantitative chemical analyses of more than 50 ED chemicals (EDCs) and a battery of in vitro bioassays allowing the quantification of receptor-mediated activities, namely estrogen (ER), androgen (AR), dioxin (AhR) and pregnane X (PXR) receptors. At the most impacted sites, chemical analyses showed the presence of natural estrogens, organochlorine pesticides, parabens, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (16 PAHs), bisphenol A and alkylphenols, while synthetic steroids, myco-estrogens and phyto-estrogens were not detected. Determination of toxic-equivalent amounts showed that 28–96% of estrogenic activities in bioassays (0.2–6.3 ng/g 17β-estradiol equivalents) were explained by 17β-estradiol and estrone. PAHs were major contributors (20–60%) to the total dioxin-like activities. Interestingly, high PXR and (anti)AR activities were detected; however, the targeted analysed compounds could not explain the measured biological activities. This study highlighted the presence of multiple organic EDCs in French river sediments subjected to mixed diffuse pollution, and argues for the need to further identify AR and PXR active compounds in the aquatic environment. Multiple endocrine disrupting chemicals (ER, AR, AhR and PXR ligands) are detected in French river sediments using a panel of in vitro bioassays and analytical methods.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Airborne particulate matter from livestock production systems: A review of an air pollution problem
Cambra-López, Maria | Aarnink, André J.A. | Zhao, Yang | Calvet, Salvador | Torres, Antonio G.
Livestock housing is an important source of emissions of particulate matter (PM). High concentrations of PM can threaten the environment, as well as the health and welfare of humans and animals. Particulate matter in livestock houses is mainly coarse, primary in origin, and organic; it can adsorb and contain gases, odorous compounds, and micro-organisms, which can enhance its biological effect. Levels of PM in livestock houses are high, influenced by kind of housing and feeding, animal type, and environmental factors. Improved knowledge on particle morphology, primarily size, composition, levels, and the factors influencing these can be useful to identify and quantify sources of PM more accurately, to evaluate their effects, and to propose adequate abatement strategies in livestock houses. This paper reviews the state-of-the-art of PM in and from livestock production systems. Future research to characterize and control PM in livestock houses is discussed. Control of particulate matter emissions, a major challenge to modern livestock production.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Phytotoxicity of atrazine, isoproturon, and diuron to submersed macrophytes in outdoor mesocosms
Knauert, Stefanie | Singer, Heinz | Hollender, Juliane | Knauer, Katja
The submersed macrophytes Elodea canadensis, Myriophyllum spicatum and Potamogeton lucens were constantly exposed over a five-week period to environmentally relevant concentrations of atrazine, isoproturon, diuron, and their mixture in outdoor mesocosms. Effects were evaluated investigating photosynthetic efficiency (PE) of the three macrophytes and growth of M. spicatum and E. canadensis. Adverse effects on PE were observed on days 2 and 5 after application. M. spicatum was found to be the more sensitive macrophyte. E. canadensis and P. lucens were less sensitive to atrazine, diuron and the mixture and insensitive to isoproturon. PE of M. spicatum was similarly affected by the single herbicides and the mixture demonstrating concentration addition. Growth of E. canadensis and M. spicatum was not reduced indicating that herbicide exposure did not impair plant development. Although PE measurements turned out to be a sensitive method to monitor PSII herbicides, plant growth remains the more relevant ecological endpoint in risk assessment. Short-term effects on photosynthesis did not result in growth reduction of submerse macrophytes exposed to PSII inhibitors.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Inputs and distributions of synthetic musk fragrances in an estuarine and coastal environment; a case study
Sumner, Nicola R. | Guitart, Carlos | Fuentes, Gustavo | Readman, James W.
Synthetic musks are ubiquitous contaminants in the environment. Compartmental distributions (dissolved, suspended particle associated and sedimentary) of the compounds throughout an axial estuarine transect and in coastal waters are reported. High concentrations of Galaxolide® (HHCB) and Tonalide® (AHTN) (987–2098 ng/L and 55–159 ng/L, respectively) were encountered in final effluent samples from sewage treatment plants (STPs) discharging into the Tamar and Plym Estuaries (UK), with lower concentrations of Celestolide® (ADBI) (4–13 ng/L), Phantolide® (AHMI) (6–9 ng/L), musk xylene (MX) (4–7 ng/L) and musk ketone (MK) (18–30 ng/L). Rapid dilution from the outfalls is demonstrated with resulting concentrations of HHCB spanning from 5 to 30 ng/L and those for AHTN from 3 to 15 ng/L. The other musks were generally not detected in the estuarine and coastal waters. The suspended particulate matter (SPM) and sedimentary profiles and compositions (HHCB:AHTN ratios) generally reflect the distribution in the water column with highest concentrations adjacent to sewage outfalls. Synthetic musks were determined in coastal environmental compartments along an estuarine transect indicating their ubiquitous occurrence in transitional waters.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Multi-element accumulation near Rumex crispus roots under wetland and dryland conditions
Kissoon, La Toya T. | Jacob, Donna L. | Otte, Marinus L.
Rumex crispus was grown under wet and dry conditions in two-chamber columns such that the roots were confined to one chamber by a 21 μm nylon mesh, thus creating a soil–root interface ('rhizoplane'). Element concentrations at 3 mm intervals below the ‘rhizoplane’ were measured. The hypothesis was that metals accumulate near plant roots more under wetland than dryland conditions. Patterns in element distribution were different between the treatments. Under dryland conditions Al, Ba, Cu, Cr, Fe, K, La, Mg, Na, Sr, V, Y and Zn accumulated in soil closest to the roots, above the ‘rhizoplane’ only. Under wetland conditions Al, Fe, Cr, K, V and Zn accumulated above as well as 3 mm below the ‘rhizoplane’ whereas La, Sr and Y accumulated 3 mm below the 'rhizoplane' only. Plants on average produced 1.5 times more biomass and element uptake was 2.5 times greater under wetland compared to dryland conditions.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Effect of metal accumulation on metallothionein level and condition of the periwinkle Littorina littorea along the Scheldt estuary (the Netherlands)
Broeck, Heidi van den | Wolf, Hans De | Backeljau, Thierry | Blust, Ronny
Metal (i.e. Ag, As, Ca, Cd, Co, Cu, Mn, Pb and Zn) and metallothionein (MT) concentrations in the soft tissue of Littorina littorea were measured along the heavily polluted Western Scheldt (WS) and relatively clean Eastern Scheldt (ES) estuary. Along the WS metal and MT levels in periwinkles reflected the known downstream decreasing pollution gradient. Surprisingly in ES animals As, Mn and Zn concentrations decreased from east to west reflecting past pollution. Compared to the WS metal concentrations of ES periwinkles were significantly lower and both estuaries were maximally discriminated from each other based on their Cd soft tissue concentration using a canonical discriminant analysis. Furthermore, no overall difference was found in MT levels among animals from both estuaries. Using previously obtained condition data (i.e. dry/wet weight ratio and lipid content) the relation between soft tissue metal concentration (i.e. Cd, Cu and Zn) and fitness indicators (i.e. MT and condition data) was examined using a canonical correlation analysis. Periwinkles with a high metal load (i.e. Cd and Zn) also had high MT levels but were in a relatively poor condition.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]High organochlorine accumulation in blubber of Guiana dolphin, Sotalia guianensis, from Brazilian coast and its use to establish geographical differences among populations
Lailson-Brito, J. | Dorneles, P.R. | Azevedo-Silva, C.E. | Azevedo, A.F. | Vidal, L.G. | Zanelatto, R.C. | Lozinski, C.P.C. | Azeredo, A. | Fragoso, A.B.L. | Cunha, H.A. | Torres, J.P.M. | Malm, O.
Blubber samples from 33 Guiana dolphins (Sotalia guianensis) from three estuaries (Guanabara, Sepetiba/Ilha Grande and Paranaguá Bays) of Southern and Southeastern Brazil were analyzed for organochlorine compounds (DDTs, PCBs and HCB). The sampled individuals were incidentally captured in gillnet fishery between 1995 and 2005. The concentrations (in ng/g lipids) varied from 652 to 23 555 for ΣDDT; from 765 to 99 175 for ΣPCB; and from <4.4 to 156 for HCB. The results have shown that cetaceans from Brazil present organochlorine concentrations that are comparable to those reported for highly industrialized regions of Northern Hemisphere. Using discriminant analysis it was possible to verify that the dolphin populations from the three bays present different organochlorine accumulation patterns. This feature allows the use of this set of pollutants as an auxiliary tool for identification of different populations of the species off Brazilian Coast.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Trace element mobility in a contaminated soil two years after field-amendment with a greenwaste compost mulch
Clemente, Rafael | Hartley, William | Riby, Philip | Dickinson, Nicholas M. | Lepp, N. W. (Nicholas W)
Application of greenwaste compost to brownfield land is increasingly common in soil and landscape restoration. Previous studies have demonstrated both beneficial and detrimental effects of this material on trace element mobility. A pot experiment with homogenised soil/compost investigated distribution and mobility of trace elements, two years after application of greenwaste compost mulch to shallow soils overlying a former alkali-works contaminated with Pb, Cu and As (∼900, 200 and 500 mg kg−1, respectively). Compost mulch increased organic carbon and Fe in soil pore water, which in turn increased As and Sb mobilization; this enhanced uptake by lettuce and sunflower. A very small proportion of the total soil trace element pool was in readily-exchangeable form (<0.01% As, <0.001% other trace elements), but the effect of compost on behaviour of metals was variable and ambiguous. It is concluded that greenwaste compost should be applied with caution to multi-element contaminated soils.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Localization of hexahydro-1,3,5-trinitro-1,3,5-triazine (RDX) and 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene (TNT) in poplar and switchgrass plants using phosphor imager autoradiography
Brentner, Laura B. | Mukherji, Sachiyo T. | Walsh, Susan A. | Schnoor, Jerald L.
Phosphor imager autoradiography is a technique for rapid, sensitive analysis of the localization of xenobiotics in plant tissues. Use of this technique is relatively new to research in the field of plant science, and the potential for enhancing visualization and understanding of plant uptake and transport of xenobiotics remains largely untapped. Phosphor imager autoradiography is used to investigate the uptake and translocation of the explosives 1,3,5-trinitro-1,3,5-triazine (RDX) and 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene within Populus deltoides × nigra DN34 (poplar) and Panicum vigratum Alamo (switchgrass). In both plant types, TNT and/or TNT-metabolites remain predominantly in root tissues while RDX and/or RDX-metabolites are readily translocated to leaf tissues. Phosphor imager autoradiography is further investigated for use in semi-quantitative analysis of uptake of TNT by switchgrass. Phosphor imager autoradiography allows for rapid localization and quantification of RDX, TNT, and/or metabolites in plant tissues.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]