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النتائج 2321 - 2330 من 4,926
Evaluation of hematological, biochemical parameters and thiol enzyme activity in chrome plating workers
Lacerda, Larissa Machado | Garcia, Solange Cristina | da Silva, Luciano Basso | de Ávila Dornelles, Mariana | Presotto, Anelise Teresinha | Lourenço, Eloir Dutra | de Franceschi, Itiane Diehl | Fernandes, Elissa | Wannmacher, Clovis Milton Duval | Brucker, Natália | Sauer, Elisa | Gioda, Adriana | Machado, Aline Belem | Oliveira, Evandro | Trombini, Thereza Luciano | Feksa, Luciane Rosa
The most commonly used solution in chrome plating bath is chromic acid (hexavalent Cr), and a considerable amount of mists is released into the air and consequently produce hazards to workers. Thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate whether the biomarker of exposure to metals, specially Cr levels, presents associations with hematological and biochemical parameters and if they can alter the activity of enzymes that contain thiol groups such as pyruvate kinase, creatine kinase, adenylate kinase, and δ-aminolevulinate dehydratase. Fifty male chrome plating workers were used for exposed group and 50 male non-exposed workers for control group. For that, biological monitoring was performed through quantification of metals on total blood and urine by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) and enzyme activity was performed by spectrometry in erythrocytes. In addition, chromium levels in water was quantified and ecotoxicology assay was performed with Allium cepa test. The results demonstrated that blood and urinary chromium levels in exposed group were higher than the control group (p < 0.0001). Furthermore, decreased activity of enzymes was found in those that contain thiol groups from exposed group when compared with the control group (p < 0.001). The water analysis did not present a statistical difference between control and exposed groups (p > 0.05), demonstrating that water did not seem to be the source of contamination. In summary, our findings indicated some toxicology effects observed in the exposed group, such as thiol enzyme inhibition, mainly associated with occupational exposure in chrome plating and besides the presence of other metals, and Cr demonstrated to influence the activity of the enzymes analyzed in this research.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Environmental variations mediate duckweed (Lemna minor L.) sensitivity to copper exposure through phenotypic plasticity
Roubeau Dumont, Eva | Larue, Camille | Pujol, Benoît | Lamaze, Thierry | Elger, Arnaud
Environmentally mediated sensitivity of Lemna minor to copper (Cu) was evaluated for the first time in three experiments: the effects of two levels of nutrient concentration, light irradiance or Cu pre-exposure were tested. Various Cu concentrations (ranging from 0.05 to 0.25 mg/L) were used to assess the sensitivity of L. minor to this metal, using one common strain previously acclimatized to two different levels of light intensity, nutrient enrichment and Cu pre-exposure. Our results showed a phenotypic plastic response of the relative growth rates based on frond number and fresh mass production, and maximum quantum yield of photosystem II (Fᵥ/Fₘ). Growth was affected by the three environmental conditions both prior and during Cu exposure, whereas Fᵥ/Fₘ was mostly affected during Cu exposure. Copper significantly influenced all the parameters measured in the three experiments. Environmental conditions significantly modified L. minor sensitivity to Cu in all experiments, with up to twofold difference depending on the treatment. Growth rate was the parameter that was most impacted. Our study revealed for the first time the existence of phenotypic plasticity in L. minor sensitivity to chemical contamination, and implies that environmental context needs to be taken into account for a relevant risk assessment.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Tea Residue Boosts Dye Decolorization and Induces the Evolution of Bacterial Community
Xie, Xuehui | Zheng, Xiulin | Yu, Chengzhi | Zhang, Qingyun | Wang, Yiqin | Cong, Junhao | Liu, Na | He, Zhenjiang | Yang, Bo | Liu, Jianshe
Considerable researches on removal of azo dyes have been reported in recent years, but few researchers have documented adsorption and/or transformation of anthraquinone dyes by physical, chemical, or biological treatment methods due to their fused aromatic structures. In this study, tea residue was found to have significant enhancement effect on the decolorization of anthraquinone dye reactive blue 19. This effect worked on different dye decolorizing bacterial florae and the natural bacterial flora from surface water and exhibited universal feature. Six single bacterial strains were isolated from bacterial flora DDMY2. Unexpectedly, all of them had poor decolorization capacity. High-throughput sequencing results revealed the community evolution of bacterial flora DDMY2 cultured with tea residue after 6 months and 12 months. It was found that the community structure changed dramatically because the influence of tea residue and the dominant functional genera, such as unclassified_o_Pseudomonadales, Stenotrophomonas, Bordetella, and Brevibacillus, was significantly enriched. Meanwhile, the evolved community structure could keep stable for a long time, resulting in the decolorization effect stabilized for a long time. This study provides the tea residue as the bioactivator that can be applied to boost the decolorization of dyes by various potential bacterial florae. It also enlarges our knowledge of making full use of biowaste in biological wastewater treatment.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]RETRACTED ARTICLE: Immobilization of Heavy Metals in e-Waste Contaminated Soils by Combined Application of Biochar and Phosphate Fertilizer
Huang, Ling | Liu, Chong | Liu, Xiaowen | Chen, Zhiliang
This paper reports the effects of single and combined application of biochar and phosphate fertilizer on immobilization of heavy metals in e-waste-contaminated soils. The results showed that combined amending biochar and phosphate fertilizer improved physical and chemical characteristics of soil but resulted in ammonium nitrogen loss. Biochar combined with phosphate fertilizer increased shoot biomass of lettuce while biochar applied alone could inhibit the growth of lettuce. A distinct decrease of heavy metal concentrations in lettuce was observed in phosphate fertilizer + biochar (3.0%) treatments while highest heavy metal concentrations in shoots and roots were observed in control treatments. In phosphate fertilizer (0.8%) + biochar (3.0%) treatment, Cd, Cu, Pb, and Zn concentrations of lettuce leaf were reduced by 34.78%, 29.37%, 46.59%, and 40.95%, respectively. Biochar + phosphate fertilizer and biochar both reduced bioconcentration of Cd, Cu, Pb, and Zn in different tissues of lettuce while transshipment of Cd, Cu, Pb, and Zn from root to shoot increased after combined amendment of biochar with phosphate fertilizer. Application of phosphate fertilizer + biochar enhanced the immobilization of Cd, Cu, Pb, and Zn by decreasing the exchangeable Cd, Cu, Pb, and Zn in the soil. Precipitation, adsorption, ionic exchange, and chelation contributed to the good immobilization capacity of biochar + phosphate fertilizer on Cd, Cu, Pb, and Zn in e-waste-contaminated soils.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Soil Nitrogen and Mercury Dynamics Seven Decades After a Fire Disturbance: a Case Study at Acadia National Park
Patel, Kaizad F. | Jakubowski, Michael D. | Fernandez, Ivan J. | Nelson, Sarah J. | Gawley, William
Forest soils (mainly soil organic carbon) play an important role in the retention of nitrogen and mercury, and loss of the forest floor during wildfires can stimulate N and Hg losses. In this paper, we investigate long-term impacts of forest fire on soil N and Hg concentrations at Acadia National Park (ANP) in Maine. Acadia National Park experienced a severe fire in 1947. Within the national park, Hadlock Brook watershed was left unburned, whereas most of Cadillac Brook watershed was intensely burned, with substantial loss of the forest floor. Post-fire regeneration in Cadillac was mostly as hardwood species, whereas vegetation in Hadlock remained predominantly softwood. We sampled soils in both watersheds in 2015, approximately 70 years after the fire. The soils were analyzed for total carbon (TC), total nitrogen (TN), total mercury (THg), and methylmercury (MeHg) content. Compared to Hadlock, Cadillac soils had ~ 50% lower TC, ~ 40% lower TN, and ~ 50% lower THg content, reflecting the loss of forest floor 70 years ago. Methylmercury concentrations in Cadillac were approximately 2 times the concentrations in Hadlock, indicating that conditions were more conducive to methylation, potentially due to differences in forest type. Long-term comparisons of stream DOC, NO₃⁻, and THg concentrations between the two watersheds demonstrated that concentrations were significantly lower in Cadillac Brook, reflecting greater retention in Cadillac and a legacy of lower atmospheric deposition in the hardwood as compared to softwood watershed. This study provides insights on the multi-decadal recovery from a stand-replacing disturbance and underscores the persistence of altered soil biogeochemistry.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Using Spectrometric Colour Measurement for the Prediction of Soil PCBs in a Contaminated Site of Southern Italy
Ancona, Valeria | Leone, Natalia | Galeone, Ciro | Bagnuolo, Giuseppe | Uricchio, Vito Felice | Leone, Antonio P.
Soil contamination with polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) is one the most relevant environmental problem in the SIN (Site of National Interest) of Taranto (Apulia Region, Southern Italy) and the surrounding area. Evaluation of PCB contents and their spatial distribution is an essential pre-requisite for soil remediation. Conventional laboratory analyses, although useful and irreplaceable for a precise and detailed evaluation of these contaminants, are costly and time-consuming, thus not very suitable for investigation over large areas. Then, there is a need to develop/validate alternative, rapid and cost-effective techniques, to use as substitutive of integrative to conventional analytical approaches. In this study, the usefulness of soil colour, based on spectrometric measurements, coupled with regression analysis, was assessed. Until now, never an analogous investigation has been realised. Twenty-eight soil samples, previously collected within an area (the ex-MATRA) highly contaminated by the disposal of oil used as dielectric fluid, composed by a mixture of PCB congeners, were used in the investigation. Colour coordinates in different colour systems were calculated from spectroradiometric measurements over the soil samples. Eighteen PCB congeners (i.e. 12 dioxin-like PCBs and six non-dioxin-like “indicator” PCBs), their sum (PCBs₁₈) and the extractable organic halogen content (EOX)—which is an expression of the total content of halogen in organochlorine compounds, including the PCBs—were determined through conventional laboratory analysis. Simple linear regression analysis was carried out to predict the values of PCBs and EOX on the basis of colour variables. Excellent predictive models (R² > 0.80) for PCBs₁₈ and EOX, as well as for some of the individual PCB congener, resulted from the regression analysis. Thus, spectroscopic determination of soil colour can be considered as a promising tool for a rapid screening of PCBs in contaminated soils.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]A Review of the Techniques Used to Control Confounding Bias and How Spatiotemporal Variation Can Be Controlled in Environmental Impact Studies
Hatami, Rezvan
Inferring causality has long been a challenging task in environmental impact studies and monitoring programs, mostly because of the problem of confounding bias, i.e. the difficulty of separating impact from natural variation. Traditional approaches for dealing with confounding, despite improvements in study design and statistical analysis, are inadequate. Using aquatic biota as a case study, this review explains the limitations of traditional methods used to separate the impact of human-made pollution from natural variation in the environment. Advantages and disadvantages of the traditional and novel techniques are enumerated. Bayesian networks (BNs) and structural equation modelling (SEM) as causal modelling techniques are introduced as approaches to improve environmental impact monitoring.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Evaluation of the Cr(VI) Adsorption Performance of Xanthate Polysaccharides Supported onto Agave Fiber-LDPE Foamed Composites
Moreno-López, Arturo Y. | González-López, Martín E. | Manríquez-González, Ricardo | González-Cruz, Ricardo | Pérez-Fonseca, Aida A. | Gómez, César | Flores-Cano, José V. | Robledo-Ortíz, Jorge R.
In this work, hexavalent chromium adsorption onto LDPE and agave fiber composites coated with chitosan or cellulose was studied in batch experiments. Chemical modifications consisting in cross-linked chitosan, cross-linked chitosan xanthate, and cellulose xanthate were applied to the polysaccharide-coated sorbents in order to increase their stability and adsorption capacity. The sorbents were characterized in terms of morphology by scanning electron microscopy and their chemical composition was evaluated by infrared and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopies. The results showed that the adsorption kinetics followed the pseudo-second-order model in all cases (i.e., chemisorption as the rate-limiting step of the adsorption reaction). Moreover, the isotherms evidenced a monolayer adsorption on homogeneous sites described by the Langmuir model. The maximum adsorption capacity of 284.7 mg Cr(VI)/g was obtained for the cross-linked chitosan xanthate sorbent at pH 4 which represents an increase of 43% against the chitosan-coated sorbent (199.1 mg Cr(VI)/g). Besides, functionalized cellulose sorbent also increased its capacity from 84.5 to 106.0 mg Cr(VI)/g cellulose due to the xanthate group. Up to six adsorption-desorption cycles were completed for the case of functionalized chitosan sorbent, confirming that the stability was increased with the cross-linking and the material could be reused several times without losing its adsorption capacity. In the case of cellulose xanthate, only three adsorption cycles were completed. However, improvements were observed in the desorption capacity considering that it decreased below 20% after two cycles in the cellulose-coated sorbent.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Assessment of Pollution Sources, Fate of Pollutants, and Potential Instream Interventions to Mitigate Pollution of Earthen Canals of Urban to Rural-Urban Fringe
Gomes, Pattiyage I. A. | Fernando, Bothalage A. V. W. | Dehini, Ganegeoda K.
Three representative earthen canals from urban, peri-urban, and rural-urban fringe of Sri Lanka were studied for a 2-year period against different seasons to capture insights important in ecological rehabilitation. Only the canal from rural-urban fringe showed a better water quality in wet season; elucidating, the impact of contaminated catchment runoff in the other canals. At a given sampling session, one or two peaks (relative maxima) were observed in urban and peri-urban canals for pollution representative parameters such as nitrate nitrogen and soluble reactive phosphorus. Those peaks were highly localised, an indication of poor advection. In general, two-dimensional variations of electrical conductivity and turbidity in dry season were uniform in urban and peri-urban canals, an indication of dominant molecular diffusion. This was further evidenced via physical models for different flow stages (low, high, and bankfull). Therefore, fate of contaminants had to be mainly governed by assimilation via sediments. However, grey water footprint analyses showed urban and peri-urban canals have over utilised the natural assimilation capacity of many water quality parameters by several folds. This study proved the importance of inducing attenuation by instream physical heterogeneity similar to natural streams or naturalised canals such as the canal from the rural-urban fringe of this study.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Modeling CO2 emissions in an emerging market: empirical finding from ARDL-based bounds and wavelet coherence approaches
Kalmaz, Demet Beton | Kirikkaleli, Dervis
This study aims to investigate the long-run and causal effects of energy consumption, economic growth, urbanization, and trade openness on CO₂ emissions in Turkey using newly developed econometric techniques. To our best knowledge, there has been no study examining the relationship between CO₂ emissions, energy consumption, trade openness, urbanization, and economic growth in Turkey. Therefore, this study proposes to fill this gap in the literature. In this study, we use time series data covering the years between 1960 and 2015. To capture long-run effects, we used ARDL, FMOLS, and DOLS estimators, while wavelet coherence technique is used to explore causal effects among the variables. Our results reveal that (i) there is a long-run equilibrium relationship between CO₂ emissions and energy consumption, economic growth, urbanization, and trade openness; (ii) in the long-run, CO₂ emission in Turkey is significantly triggered by energy consumption, economic growth, and urbanization; and (iii) the results of the wavelet coherence–based causality test provide supportive evidence to the long-run estimations of this study.
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