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النتائج 261 - 270 من 325
Epicuticular wax morphology in pollution research - a critical evaluation
Bermadinger-Stabentheiner, E. | Grill, D. (Graz Univ. (Austria). Plant Physiology Inst.)
To use alterations to epicuticular wax morphology as a successful tool in forest damage research, however, it is necessary to distinguish environmental influence and artefacts from common pollution effects. This paper gives a short review about alterations to epicuticular wax morphology of spruce needles.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Application of forest inventory databases in computer simulations
Krc, J. (Forestry Inst. of Slovenia, Ljubljana (Slovenia))
This paper deals with presenting a broad range of possibilities, which can be used with computer equipment by deriving, interpreting and processing forest data. Different rates of generalized data from the forest inventory can be used as a criterion in preparing different solutions. So this data strongly influences decision making processes. The paper also presents cost analysis and multi-criteria evaluation methods.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Cytokinins in Norway spruce seedlings as tester organisms of forest soil pollution
Kraigher, H. (Forestry Inst. of Slovenia, Ljubljana (Slovenia)) | Hanke, D.E. (Cambridge Univ. (United Kingdom). Plant Sciences Dept.)
Cytokinins were analysed by a combined HPLC-ELISA method in needles of Norway spruce seedlings. The seedlings were grown in vitro on sterile or nonsterile soil substrates from two differently polluted forest research plots. Difference were predominantly found in the isopentenyladenine-type of cytokinins. These were elevated in seedlings, grown on polluted soils in comparison to those, grown on soils from the unpolluted plot. A possible explanation might be in the change of the metabolism in the roots due to pollution stress (when grown on sterilized substrates) or in change of the mycorrhizosphere organisms (when grown on nonsterile soil substrates). The model system using Norway spruce seedlings as tester organisms for soil pollution is discussed.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Potassium content in living bark, cambium and wood in relation to electrical resistance and tree condition in the Silver fir (Abies alba Mill.)
Krizaj, B. (Ljubljana Univ. (Slovenia). Biotechnical Fac., Wood Science and Technology Dept.) | Stupar, J. (Jozef Stefan Inst., Ljubljana (Slovenia))
The concentrations of potassium were determined in: (a) the last formed wood, (b) the vascular cambial zone with conductive (noncollapsed) phloem, (c) the youngest nonconductive (collapsed) phloem and the (d) oldest nonconductive phloem, by atomic absorption flame spectroscopy in three unaffected and three heavily affected silver fir (Abies alba Mill.) trees. A commercial conditiometer and own devised Tree Tester were used to determine the electrical resistance (ER). The relationship between the ER of living tissues and K content was investigated. The tissues of unaffected trees were generally characterized by a higher K content and corresponding lower ER. In all trees the K content was highest and ER lowest in the vascular cambial zone with conducting phloem, followed by nonconducting phloem and youngest xylem.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Mineral nutrient acquisition in nonmycorrhizal and mycorrhizal plants
Marschner, H. (Hohenheim Univ., Stuttgart (Germany). Plant Nutrition Inst.)
Root-induced changes in the rhizosphere and root colonization with mycorrhizal fungi have marked influence on mineral nutrient acquisition from soils. Enhanced exudation of organic acids under phosphorus deficiency is a widespread phenomena in woody species forming root clusters. Root colonization with endomycorrhizas (AM) and ectomycorrhizas (ECM) increases the spatial availability of nutrients in the soil and enhances plant growth particulary on nutrient-poor soils. Most of these studies have been conducted under controlled environmental conditions and with annual plant species mycorrhizal with AM. Conclusions on the role of ECM colonization for nutrient acquisition of trees in forest stands are not possible at the present state of knowledge.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]The classification of chromosomal defects of spruce trees as an alternative in environmental studies
Muller, M. | Grill, D. (Graz Univ. (Austria). Plant Physiology Inst.)
A plant test system by the classification of chromosome aberration in the root tip meristems of young spruce plants (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) has been used to study the environmental influence on the genetic material of trees at natural sites and under defined conditions of greenhouses and open-top chambers. All our results suggest that this plant test system is a valuable tool in environmental monitoring.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Comparison of the annual cycle of sulphur content in spruce needles from heavily polluted and less polluted areas
Simoncic, P. | Kalan, P. (Forestry Inst. of Slovenia, Ljubljana (Slovenia))
Needles of 20 years old spruces from Prednji vrh, in the area affected by the Sostanj power station, and from Pokljuka (Alps region, with a relatively unpolluted environment), were analysed for total sulphur content (St). Measurements were taken in a period between April and August twice monthly and in the period from August to April every four weeks (May 1993 - June 1994). Sulphur content in one and two years old spruce needles from Prednji vrh were much higher (one year old needles 2.06-2.50 mg/g needle dry weight, 1993) than in needle samples from Pokljuka (one year old needles 1.05-1.25 mg/g needle dry weight, 1993).
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Endophytes of Austrian pine needles as indicators of pollution
Jurc, M. | Jurc, D. | Simoncic, P. (Forestry Inst. of Slovenia, Ljubljana (Slovenia)) | Gogala, N. (Ljubljana Univ. (Slovenia). Biotechnical Fac., Biology Dept.)
Endophytic fungi species composition in healthy needles of Austrian pine (Pinus nigra Arn.) was investigated at eight locations in Slovenia. Results from October 1994 and January 1995 isolations were compared with analyses of macronutrients, sulphur and lead content of the needles. About 80 species of microfungi were revealed. From the observations and measurements described it was not possible to discriminate between the effect of environmental factors and effect of air pollutants. The pollutants load of all measured elements is low and the environmental factors are very diverse. From the dendogram of isolation frequencies it seems that the age of the tree affects the species composition and frequencies of endophytes to the greatest extent.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Molecular and cytogenetic mapping of plant genomes
Herrmann, R.G. | Martin, R. | Busch, W. | Wanner, G. | Homann, U. (Munich Univ. (Germany). Inst. for Systematic Botany)
Three principal approaches are used in our laboratory to analyze plant genomes: (i) The construction of high density molecular maps: We have established a refined microdissection procedure to construct chromosomal and subchromosomal libraries. Synchronized meristematic root tip tissue from which metaphase spreads can be prepared with a novel dropspread technique in combination with nl-scale PCR allowed the cloning of DNA of 10 or less chromosomes or chromosome segments. The construction of high-resolution maps from discrete genome regions can greatly facilitate genetic fingerprinting, gene isolation and QTL studies. (ii) Synteny analysis: The Aegilops-based deletion mapping system in wheat with an array of deleted chromosome parts and chromosome-specific RFLP markers has lead to the construction of a high density physical consensus map of wheat. The integration of wheat, barley and oat RFLP markers proves the colinearity between the wheat A-, B- and D-genomes, the H- genome of barley and the E-genome of Agropyron. (iii) Gene mapping in situ and chromosomes at high resolution: For the sensitivity enhancement of fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH), the efficient preparation of plant chromosomes for high resolution scanning electron microscopy, mapping of low-copy sequences, and for comparative in situ hybridization a modified drop technique for plant protoplasts was developed. A tandemly amplified repetitive sequence element from microdissected barley chromosomes has enabled the karyotyping of single Gramineae genomes in a single step. These sequences are also useful for simultaneous double or triple hybridization experiments in an attempt to localize new sequence on specific chromosomes or chromosome segments. The physical mapping of the Sec-1 locus has been refined on the satellite of chromosome 1R of rye, and the syntenic locus on barley chromosome 1H identified. A method was developed for in situ hybrization and signal detection at high resolution using a field emission scanning electron microscope and a backscattered electron detector. Colloidal gold particles were localized on chromosome structures resembling the 30 mm fibre. Comparatively, an rDNA probe was located in the secondary constriction and highly compact adjacent regions of barley chromosomes.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]The influence of altitude and exposition on the level of cytogenetic damage to Norway spruce in Slovenia
Rogina, D. | Druskovic, B. (Biology Inst., Ljubljana (Slovenia))
Annual research has proven that the level of the so called natural cytogenetic damage to Norway spruce in Slovenia has been correctly estimated at 8. The results of cytogenetic bioindication calculated in accordance with this level show that average cytogenetic damage in the period from 1985 to 1992 enable us to determine environmental influences on the expression of cytogenetic damage.
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