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النتائج 261 - 270 من 4,023
Towards the implementation of the Stockholm Convention in Spain: Five-year monitoring (2008–2013) of POPs in air based on passive sampling
Muñoz-Arnanz, Juan | Roscales, Jose L. | Ros, María | Vicente, Alba | Jiménez, Begoña
Within the framework of the Spanish monitoring program, this study reports on air concentration of DDTs, HCB, HCHs, NDL-PCBs, DL-PCBs, PCDD/Fs and PBDEs measured during the five-year sampling period 2008–2013. Spanish coastal remote and urban locations were studied using PUF disk passive air samplers which were deployed and collected every three months. Despite the wide range of concentrations measured for most contaminants, a common pattern of relative abundance (median values): NDL-PCBs (36.6 pg/m³) > HCB (24.8 pg/m³) ≈ HCHs (17.9 pg/m³) ≈ DDTs (16.6 pg/m³) > PBDEs (3.65 pg/m³) > DL-PCBs (2.99 pg/m³) >> PCDD/Fs (0.060 pg/m³) was found fairly consistent across most seasons and locations. Nevertheless, important variations in yearly concentrations were measured for different POPs. In general, higher levels of DDTs, HCHs, NDL-PCBs, DL-PCBs and PCDD/Fs were found in urban sites highlighting important differences between remote and urban sampling locations for most target contaminants. Greater concentrations of the banned organochlorine pesticides in urban locations suggested the existence of unexpected pointed sources that need to be further investigated and characterized. The limited dataset collected thus far rendered no clear temporal trends for most study target compounds, which emphasizes the necessity of the Spanish monitoring program future maintenance in time.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Long-term impacts of nitrogen deposition on coastal plant communities
Pakeman, R. J. (Robin J.) | Alexander, Jim | Brooker, Rob | Cummins, Roger | Fielding, Debbie | Gore, Sarah | Hewison, Richard | Mitchell, Ruth | Moore, Emily | Orford, Katy | Pemberton, Clare | Trinder, Clare | Lewis, Rob
Nitrogen deposition has been shown to have significant impacts on a range of vegetation types resulting in eutrophication and species compositional change. Data from a re-survey of 89 coastal sites in Scotland, UK, c. 34 years after the initial survey were examined to assess the degree of change in species composition that could be accounted for by nitrogen deposition. There was an overall increase in the Ellenberg Indicator Value for nitrogen (EIV-N) of 0.15 between the surveys, with a clear shift to species characteristic of more eutrophic situations. This was most evident for Acid grassland, Fixed dune, Heath, Slack and Tall grass mire communities and despite falls in EIV-N for Improved grass, Strand and Wet grassland. The increase in EIV-N was highly correlated to the cumulative deposition between the surveys, and for sites in south-east Scotland, eutrophication impacts appear severe. Unlike other studies, there appears to have been no decline in species richness associated with nitrogen deposition, though losses of species were observed on sites with the very highest levels of SOx deposition. It appears that dune vegetation (specifically Fixed dune) shows evidence of eutrophication above 4.1 kg N ha−1 yr−1, or 5.92 kg N ha−1 yr−1 if the lower 95% confidence interval is used. Coastal vegetation appears highly sensitive to nitrogen deposition, and it is suggested that major changes could have occurred prior to the first survey in 1976.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]pH-dependent phosphatization of ZnO nanoparticles and its influence on subsequent lead sorption
Xu, Huacheng | Li, Lina | Lv, Hua | Liu, Xin | Jiang, Helong
Phosphatization of ZnO nanoparticles (ZNPs) at various pHs and its influence on subsequent lead sorption were investigated. Results showed that, in presence of phosphate, both the chemical speciation and crystalline phase of ZNPs were pH dependent that most of them were converted to crystalline Zn3(PO4)2 at acidic pHs, but only little amorphous hopeites can be formed under alkaline condition. Phosphatization process significantly enhanced subsequent lead sorption with the order of acidic process > alkaline > pristine ZNPs. Spectroscopic analysis including ATR-FTIR and XPS revealed main mechanisms of lead phosphate precipitation and inner-sphere complexes for lead sorption on acidic and alkaline treatment products, respectively. The potential toxicity of ZNPs and heavy metals in eutrophic aquatic ecosystems would thus be reduced due to the ubiquitous phosphatization process. This study highlights the importance of environmental variables in exploring the environmental behavior and fate of heavy metals as well as nanoparticles in natural waters.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Thallium dispersal and contamination in surface sediments from South China and its source identification
Liu, Juan | Wang, Jin | Chen, Yongheng | Shen, Chuan-Chou | Jiang, Xiuyang | Xie, Xiaofan | Chen, Diyun | Lippold, Holger | Wang, Chunlin
Thallium (Tl) is a non-essential element in humans and it is considered to be highly toxic. In this study, the contents, sources, and dispersal of Tl were investigated in surface sediments from a riverine system (the western Pearl River Basin, China), whose catchment has been contaminated by mining and roasting of Tl-bearing pyrite ores. The isotopic composition of Pb and total contents of Tl and other relevant metals (Pb, Zn, Cd, Co, and Ni) were measured in the pyrite ores, mining and roasting wastes, and the river sediments. Widespread contamination of Tl was observed in the sediments across the river, with the highest concentration of Tl (17.3 mg/kg) measured 4 km downstream from the pyrite industrial site. Application of a modified Institute for Reference Materials and Measurement (IRMM) sequential extraction scheme in representative sediments unveiled that 60–90% of Tl and Pb were present in the residual fraction of the sediments. The sediments contained generally lower 206Pb/207Pb and higher 208Pb/206Pb ratios compared with the natural Pb isotope signature (1.2008 and 2.0766 for 206Pb/207Pb and 208Pb/206Pb, respectively). These results suggested that a significant fraction of non-indigenous Pb could be attributed to the mining and roasting activities of pyrite ores, with low 206Pb/207Pb (1.1539) and high 208Pb/206Pb (2.1263). Results also showed that approximately 6–88% of Tl contamination in the sediments originated from the pyrite mining and roasting activities. This study highlights that Pb isotopic compositions could be used for quantitatively fingerprinting the sources of Tl contamination in sediments.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Total and methyl mercury concentrations in sediment and water of a constructed wetland in the Athabasca Oil Sands Region
Oswald, Claire J. | Carey, Sean K.
In the Athabasca Oil Sands Region in northeastern Alberta, Canada, oil sands operators are testing the feasibility of peatland construction on the post-mining landscape. In 2009, Syncrude Canada Ltd. began construction of the 52 ha Sandhill Fen pilot watershed, including a 15 ha, hydrologically managed fen peatland built on sand-capped soft oil sands tailings. An integral component of fen reclamation is post-construction monitoring of water quality, including salinity, fluvial carbon, and priority pollutant elements. In this study, the effects of fen reclamation and elevated sulfate levels on mercury (Hg) fate and transport in the constructed system were assessed. Total mercury (THg) and methylmercury (MeHg) concentrations in the fen sediment were lower than in two nearby natural fens, which may be due to the higher mineral content of the Sandhill Fen peat mix and/or a loss of Hg through evasion during the peat harvesting, stockpiling and placement processes. Porewater MeHg concentrations in the Sandhill Fen typically did not exceed 1.0 ng L−1. The low MeHg concentrations may be a result of elevated porewater sulfate concentrations (mean 346 mg L−1) and an increase in sulphide concentrations with depth in the peat, which are known to suppress MeHg production. Total Hg and MeHg concentrations increased during a controlled mid-summer flooding event where the water table rose above the ground surface in most of the fen. The Hg dynamics during this event showed that hydrologic fluctuations in this system exacerbate the release of THg and MeHg downstream. In addition, the elevated SO42− concentrations in the peat porewaters may become a problem with respect to downstream MeHg production once the fen is hydrologically connected to a larger wetland network that is currently being constructed.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Effects of seasonal hypoxia on the release of phosphorus from sediments in deep-water ecosystem: A case study in Hongfeng Reservoir, Southwest China
Wang, Jingfu | Chen, Jingan | Ding, Shiming | Guo, Jianyang | Christopher, Dallimore | Dai, Zhihui | Yang, Haiquan
Using the diffusive gradients in thin films (DGT) technique and microelectrode technique, hypoxia and its effects on the release of phosphorus (P) from sediments were carefully investigated in Hongfeng Reservoir, a typical deep-water ecosystem where eutrophication and hypoxia is still an environmental challenge in Southwest China. The results suggested that hypoxia significantly promotes the release of P from sediments and the release of P under hypoxic condition mostly comes from the release of BD–P. Together with the in-situ and high resolution evidences from DGT and microelectrode, the release of P from sediments under hypoxic condition was assumed to be coupled processes which are associated with the combined cycles of “P-Fe-S”. Evidences from the present work implied that the internal P-loadings induced by hypoxia, especially after a reduction of external P-loading, should be paid more attention in eutrophic deep-water reservoirs, Southwest China.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Occurrence and distribution of perfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) in surface water and bottom water of the Shuangtaizi Estuary, China
Shao, Mihua | Ding, Guanghui | Zhang, Jing | Wei, Lie | Xue, Huanhuan | Zhang, Nannan | Li, Yang | Chen, Guanqun | Sun, Yeqing
Perfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) have been recognized as emerging environmental pollutants. However, there is limited information on the contamination level and spatial distribution of PFASs in the Shuangtaizi Estuary, where the Shuangtaizi Hekou Nature Reserve is located. In the present study, the contamination level and spatial distribution of PFASs in surface water (approximately 0.5 m below the surface) and bottom water (about 0.5 m above the bottom) of the Shuangtaizi Estuary were investigated. The data indicated that the Shuangtaizi Estuary was commonly contaminated by PFASs. The total concentration of PFASs in surface and bottom water of the Shuangtaizi Estuary ranged from 66.2 to 185 ng L−1 and from 44.8 to 209 ng L−1, respectively. The predominant PFASs were perfluorobutanoic acid (PFBA), perfluoropentanoic acid, perfluorooctanoic acid, perfluorohexanoic acid and perfluorobutane sulfonate (PFBS). In general, PFAS concentrations in surface water samples were lower than those in bottom water samples. The spatial distribution of PFASs in the Shuangtaizi Estuary was mainly affected by particular landform, tide and residual currents in Liaodong Bay. The total mass flux of 15 PFASs from the Shuangtaizi River to Liaodong Bay was estimated to be 352 kg year−1, which was lower than the total flux from the Daling River and the Daliao River. As short-chain PFASs, such as PFBS and PFBA, have been the prevalent compounds in some places and are continuously produced and used, long-term monitoring and effective pollution controls are suggested.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Recycle food wastes into high quality fish feeds for safe and quality fish production
Wong, Ming-Hung | Mo, Wing-Yin | Choi, Wai-Ming | Cheng, Zhang | Man, Yu-Bon
The amount of food waste generated from modern societies is increasing, which has imposed a tremendous pressure on its treatment and disposal. Food waste should be treated as a valuable resource rather than waste, and turning it into fish feeds would be a viable alternative. This paper attempts to review the feasibility of using food waste to formulate feed pellets to culture a few freshwater fish species, such as grass carp, grey mullet, and tilapia, under polyculture mode (growing different species in the same pond). These species occupy different ecological niches, with different feeding modes (i.e., herbivorous, filter feeding, etc.), and therefore all the nutrients derived from the food waste could be efficiently recycled within the ecosystem. The problems facing environmental pollution and fish contamination; the past and present situation of inland fish culture (focusing on South China); upgrade of food waste based feed pellets by adding enzymes, vitamin-mineral premix, probiotics (yeast), prebiotics, and Chinese medicinal herbs into feeds; and potential health risks of fish cultivated by food waste based pellets are discussed, citing some local examples. It can be concluded that appropriate portions of different types of food waste could satisfy basic nutritional requirements of lower trophic level fish species such as grass carp and tilapia. Upgrading the fish pellets by adding different supplements mentioned above could further elevated the quality of feeds, leading to higher growth rates, and enhanced immunity of fish. Health risk assessments based on the major environmental contaminants (mercury, PAHs and DDTs) in fish flesh showed that fish fed food waste based pellets are safer for consumption, when compared with those fed commercial feed pellets.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Targeting neurotrophic factors and their receptors, but not cholinesterase or neurotransmitter, in the neurotoxicity of TDCPP in Chinese rare minnow adults (Gobiocypris rarus)
Yuan, Lilai | Li, Jiasu | Zha, Jinmiao | Wang, Zijian
Organophosphate flame retardants (OPFRs) have been detected at high concentrations in various environmental and biotic samples, but little is known about their toxicity. In this study, the potential neurotoxicity of three OPFRs (TCEP, TDCPP, and TPP) and Chlorpyrifos (CPF, an organophosphate pesticide) were compared in Chinese rare minnow using an acute toxicity test and a 21-day fish assay. The acute test demonstrated significant inhibition of acetylcholinesterase (AChE) and butyrylcholinesterase (BChE) by CPF. Although significant AChE inhibition at high concentration of TPP was also observed, none of the OPFRs had effects similar to CPF on these enzymes, indicating that their acute toxicities to Chinese rare minnow may be unrelated to cholinesterase inhibition. In addition, the 21-day fish assay with TDCPP demonstrated no significant effects on cholinesterase activities or neurotransmitter levels. Nonetheless, this OPFR exhibited widespread effects on the neurotrophic factors and their receptors (e.g., ntf3, ntrk1, ntrk2, ngfr, and fgf2, fgf11, fgf22, fgfr4), indicating that TDCPP or other OPFRs may elicit neurological effects by targeting neurotrophic factors and their receptors in Chinese rare minnow.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Persistent organic pollutants in the Antarctic coastal environment and their bioaccumulation in penguins
Mwangi, John Kennedy | Lee, Wen-Jhy | Wang, Lin-Chi | Sung, Ping-Jyun | Fang, Lee-Shing | Lee, Yen-Yi | Chang-Chien, Guo-Ping
Persistent organic pollutants (POPs), including polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans (PCDD/Fs), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), polybrominated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans (PBDD/Fs), polybrominated biphenyls (PBBs), and polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs), have been identified in penguins, lichens, soils, and ornithogenic soils in the Antarctic coastal environment in this study. To the best of our knowledge, no previous study has reported PBDD/F and PBB data from Antarctica. The POP mass contents in penguins were in the following order: PCBs >> PBDEs >> PCDD/Fs; PCBs were the dominant pollutants (6310–144,000 pg/g-lipid), with World Health Organization toxic equivalency values being 2–14 times higher than those of PCDD/Fs. Long-range atmospheric transport is the most primary route by which POPs travel to Antarctica; however, local sources, such as research activities and penguin colonies, also influence POP distribution in the local Antarctic environment. In penguins, the biomagnification factor (BMF) of PCBs was 61.3–3760, considerably higher than that for other POPs. According to BMF data in Adélie penguins, hydrophobic PBDE congeners were more biomagnified at log Kow > 6, and levels decreased at log Kow > 7.5 because larger molecular sizes inhibited transfer across cell membranes.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]