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النتائج 271 - 280 من 1,539
Estimating mercury concentrations and fluxes in the water column and sediment of Lake Ontario with HERMES model
Ethier, Adrienne L.M. | Atkinson, Joseph F. | DePinto, Joseph V. | Lean, David R.S.
The HERMES model-predicted Hg concentrations and fluxes in Lake Ontario were based on twelve lake and drainage basin variables (i.e., water temperature, precipitation rate, air Hg, surface area, mean depth, water volume, water inflow rate, inflow water Hg, inflow and lake suspended particulate matter, air–water and water–air mass transfer coefficients, and sedimentation rate). The HERMES model-predicted Hg water and surface sediment concentrations were found to be significantly correlated (±20%) with measured values (r² = 0.94, p < 0.0001, n = 13) and mechanistic model predictions (LOTOX2-Hg, r² = 0.95, p < 0.0001, n = 10). The predictive capacity of HERMES was previously tested on smaller (≤1 km²) lakes in Nova Scotia and Ontario, Canada (i.e., water and sediment Hg concentrations were ±15% of measured data). Results suggest that HERMES could be applicable to a broad range of lake sizes. Uncertainty analyses on HERMES model input variables indicated a larger atmospheric Hg contribution for Lake Ontario when compared to previous predictions for smaller lakes.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Contrasting levels of heavy metals in the feathers of urban pigeons from close habitats suggest limited movements at a restricted scale
Frantz, Adrien | Pottier, Marie-Anne | Karimi, Battle | Corbel, Hélène | Aubry, Emmanuel | Haussy, Claudy | Gasparini, Julien | Castrec-Rouelle, Maryse
Despite restrictions in emissions, heavy metals may remain a major environmental issue due to their numerous sources and their persistence. Here, we assessed current levels of 4 metals (Copper, Cadmium, Lead, Zinc) in the feathers of 91 feral pigeons (Columba livia) from 7 sites in the urbanized region of Paris. Elements were detected in all pigeons, indicating that metals persist in urbanized areas. The ratio between metal concentrations in the feathers vs. in the environment calculated using data from other studies was 2–90 times higher for cadmium than for other metals, underlying its ecological importance. Concentrations in the feathers depended on locality, suggesting that pigeons remain in local habitats at this restricted scale, as expected from previous observations. Overall, our study suggests that urban feral pigeons may represent a good model system for metal biomonitoring.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Metal resistance in populations of red maple (Acer rubrum L.) and white birch (Betula papyrifera Marsh.) from a metal-contaminated region and neighbouring non-contaminated regions
Kirkey, Fallon M. | Matthews, Jennifer | Ryser, Peter
Metal resistance in populations of Acer rubrum and Betula papyrifera in the industrially contaminated region of Sudbury, Ontario, was compared with resistance in populations from neighbouring uncontaminated regions. In two one-season experiments, seedlings were grown outdoors on contaminated (mainly Cu, Ni) and uncontaminated substrates. Sudbury populations of both species responded less to contamination than populations from uncontaminated regions. In A. rubrum this difference was small. For both species, Sudbury plants were smaller when grown on uncontaminated substrate. B. papyrifera from Sudbury grew better on contaminated substrate than the other populations. There is indication of variation in metal resistance within the populations from the non-contaminated regions. The data shows that trees may develop adaptive resistance to heavy metals, but the low degree of resistance indicates that the development of such resistances are slower than observed for herbaceous species with shorter generation times.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Modelling nitrous oxide emissions from grazed grassland systems
Wang, Junye | Cardenas, Laura M. | Misselbrook, Tom H. | Cuttle, Steve | Thorman, R. E. (Rachel E.) | Li, Changsheng
Grazed grassland systems are an important component of the global carbon cycle and also influence global climate change through their emissions of nitrous oxide and methane. However, there are huge uncertainties and challenges in the development and parameterisation of process-based models for grazed grassland systems because of the wide diversity of vegetation and impacts of grazing animals. A process-based biogeochemistry model, DeNitrification-DeComposition (DNDC), has been modified to describe N₂O emissions for the UK from regional conditions. This paper reports a new development of UK-DNDC in which the animal grazing practices were modified to track their contributions to the soil nitrogen (N) biogeochemistry. The new version of UK-DNDC was tested against datasets of N₂O fluxes measured at three contrasting field sites. The results showed that the responses of the model to changes in grazing parameters were generally in agreement with observations, showing that N₂O emissions increased as the grazing intensity increased.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Removal of estrogens in municipal wastewater treatment plants: A Chinese perspective
Xu, Nan | Xu, Yi-Feng | Xu, Shuo | Li, Jing | Tao, Hu-Chun
Great efforts have been made in China to retrofit and upgrade the existing municipal wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) for enhanced removal of organic substrates and in particular nutrients. However, the removal of trace recalcitrant or hazardous organic chemicals, e.g. steroid estrogens, one group of typical endocrine disrupting chemicals, has long been overlooked. The extensive investigations on estrogen removal rates in global and Chinese WWTPs and the estrogen biodegradation kinetics results in batch laboratory experiments are reviewed in this study. The effects of estrogen initial concentration and nitrifying activated sludge are highlighted. Challenges existing in current estrogen studies are pointed out, which are relevant for researches on fate and behavior of similar down-the-drain chemicals in both Chinese and global WWTPs.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Relevance of aerosol size spectrum analysis as support to qualitative source apportionment studies
Manigrasso, M. | Febo, A. | Guglielmi, F. | Ciambottini, V. | Avino, P.
This work presents a diagnostic methodology in support to source apportionment studies to identify remote and local pollution sources. It is based on the temporal analysis of both PM size distributions and PM size fraction correlation along with natural radioactivity measurements as index of Planetary Boundary Layer dynamic. A correlation drop is indicative of changing aerosol sources. When this observation is coupled with decreasing level of natural radioactivity and increasing aerosol concentration, be it coarse or fine, it is indicative of the inflow of remote polluted air masses. The methodology defines in which size range operates the contribution of remote pollution sources. It was applied to two PM10 pollution episodes: the first involved the advection of coarse PM, the second entailed the inflow of two air masses, one transporting coarse dust and the other fine PM. Dust models and backward trajectories analysis confirmed such results, indicating the air mass provenience.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]High levels of DDT in breast milk: Intake, risk, lactation duration, and involvement of gender
Bouwman, Hindrik | Kylin, Henrik | Sereda, Barbara | Bornman, Riana
We investigated presence and levels of DDT in 163 breast milk samples from four South African villages where, in three of them, malaria is controlled with DDT-sprayed indoors. Mean ΣDDT levels in breast milk were 18, 11, and 9.5 mg/kg mf (milk fat) from the three DDT-sprayed villages, respectively, including the highest ΣDDT level ever reported for breast milk from South Africa (140 mg/kg mf). Understanding the causes for these differences would be informative for exposure reduction intervention. The Provisional Tolerable Daily Intake (PTDI) for DDT by infants, and the Maximum Residue Limit (MRL) were significantly exceeded. DDT had no effect on duration of lactation. There were indications (not significant) from DDT-sprayed villages that first-born female infants drink milk with more ΣDDT than first-born male infants, and vice versa for multipara male and female infants, suggesting gender involvement on levels of DDT in breast milk – requiring further investigation.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Sorption kinetics of ofloxacin in soils and mineral particles
Pan, Bo | Wang, Peng | Wu, Min | Li, Jing | Zhang, Di | Xiao, Di
The environmental behavior of antibiotics is not well known and the precise environmental risk assessment is not practical. This study investigated the sorption kinetics of ofloxacin, a widely used antibiotics, on soil particles with different organic carbon contents as well as soil components (a humic acid, ferric oxide and kaolinite). Two-compartment sorption kinetics were mathematically recognized (except ferric oxide because of its very fast sorption). The apparent sorption rate and the contribution of fast sorption compartment decreased with the increased organic carbon content with the exception of humic acid, suggesting that the slow sorption sites were partially located in organo-mineral complex. The OFL concentration-dependent sorption kinetics suggested that the slow sorption compartment was not controlled by diffusion process as indicated by slower sorption at higher OFL loading. The difference between OFL sorption kinetics and those of hydrophobic organic contaminants was discussed and possible mechanism of OFL two-compartment sorption was proposed.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Bioaerosols in residential micro-environments in low income countries: A case study from Pakistan
Nasir, Zaheer Ahmad | Colbeck, I. (Ian) | Sultan, Sikander | Ahmed, Shakil
Our knowledge of the concentrations of bioaerosols in residential micro-environments in low income countries is scanty. The present investigation was conducted to assess the culturable concentration and size distribution of bacteria, gram negative bacteria and fungi in two rural and an urban site in Pakistan. The highest indoor culturable bacteria concentration was found at Rural Site II (14,650 CFU/m³) while the outdoor maximum occurred at the urban site (16,416 CFU/m³). With reference to fungi, both indoor and outdoor concentrations were considerably higher at Rural Site I than the other sites. The size distribution of culturable bacteria at all sites showed greater variability than that of culturable fungi. At all sites more than the half (55–93%) of the culturable bacterial and fungal counts were observed in the respirable fraction (<4.7 μm) and so had the potential to penetrate into lower respiratory system.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Evaluation of acute toxicity and teratogenic effects of disinfectants by Daphnia magna embryo assay
Ton, Shan-Shin | Zhang, Shixian | Hsu, Ling-Yin | Wang, Meng-Hsuan | Wang, Kai-Sung
Three common disinfectants were selected in this study to investigate their toxicity to Daphnia magna. The methods used in this study included the traditional acute toxicity test, new embryo toxicity test, and teratogenic test. The study concluded that the acute toxicity of the three disinfectants to young daphnids and embryos were hypochlorite > formaldehyde > m-cresol. The effects on growth mostly occurred in the late stages of organogenesis. Of the organs, the Malpighian tube was the most sensitive to disinfectants during embryonic organogenesis. After exposure of the disinfectants to sunlight for 4 h, acute toxicity and teratogenic effects of hypochlorite on young daphnids decreased by 30% and 71%, respectively, while those of formaldehyde decreased by 35% and 49%, respectively. In addition, comparing toxic endpoints of the three disinfectants with and without sunlight exposure, the embryo tests were equally sensitive to the three-week reproduction test in this study.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]