أجريس - النظام الدولي للعلوم الزراعية والتكنولوجيا

[ نُشرت في: Pollution ]
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تاريخ الإصدار

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النتائج 31 - 40 من 233

Renovation of wastewater by soil columns flooded with primary effluent.


Lance J.C. | Rice R.C. | Gilbert R.G.

Wolters Kluwer - United States of America

Start-up problems at a plant treating food-processing wastewater [Activated sludge].


Stover E.L.

Wolters Kluwer - United States of America

An automatic sequential rain sampler.


Ronneau C. | Cara J. | Navarre J.L. | Priest P.

Wolters Kluwer - United States of America

The occurrence of organochlorine residues in rainwater.


Wells D.E. | Johnstone S.J.

Wolters Kluwer - United States of America

Laboratory studies on optimization of the activated sludge process.


Alam A.B.S. | Angelbeck D.I.

Wolters Kluwer - United States of America

Activated sludge systems using nitrate respiration--design considerations.


Beer C. | Wang L.K.

Wolters Kluwer - United States of America

Accumulation rate and characteristics of septic tank sludge and septage.


Brandes M.

Wolters Kluwer - United States of America

Regional wastewater treatment systems in Japan.


Brill E.D. Jr. | Nakamura M.

Wolters Kluwer - United States of America

Land disposal of toxic substances and water-related problems.


Epstein E. | Chaney R.L.

Wolters Kluwer - United States of America