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النتائج 31 - 40 من 88
SCRAM: A scoring and ranking system for persistent, bioaccumulative, and toxic substances for the North American Great Lakes : Part I: Structure of the scoring and ranking system [ESPR 7 (1) 51–61 (2000)] Part II: Bioaccumulation potential and persistence [ESPR 7 (2) 115–121 (2000)] Part III: Acute and subchronic or chronic toxicity Part IV: Results from representative chemicals, sensitivity analysis, and discriminatory power
Snyder, Erin M. | Snyder, Shane A. | Giesy, John P. | Blonde, Shari A. | Hurlburt, Gary K. | Summer, Cheryl L. | Mitchell, Rachel R. | Bush, Dennis M.
Part I (SNYDER ET AL., 1999a) of this series introduced SCRAM, a chemical scoring and ranking system for contaminants of the North American Great Lakes. Here, in Part II, scoring of the bioaccumulation potential and persistence of chemicals is discussed, including acceptable types of data, specific scoring instructions, and the basis for criteria and scores for these categories of the system. Difficulties encountered during the process of determining which types of data adequately represent the properties of interest are discussed. Also, justification is given for an emphasis on scoring on the basis of persistence.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]The war in Kosovo : Evidence of pollution transport in the Balkans during operation “Allied Force”
Melas, Dimitrios | Zerefos, Christos | Rapsomanikis, Spyros | Tsangas, Nikolaos | Alexandropoulou, Alexandra
During the operation “Allied Force” in the spring of 1999, the burning or damaging of industrial and military targets in the Former Republic of Yugoslavia resulted in the release of a large number of chemicals into the atmosphere. The releases contained not only conventional air pollutants, but also Semi-Volatile Organic compounds (SVOs) which are known to be hazardous to health. Under suitable meteorological conditions, these chemicals can be transported across borders over large distances. In this paper, an analysis of measurements and dispersion calculations is presented which provides evidence of pollutant transport from the conflict area to Greece. The measuring program was carried out in Xanthi, Greece and included aerosol sampling and subsequent analysis for the determination of the concentration of SVOs including dioxins, furans, PCBs (PolyChlorinated Biphenyls), PAHs (Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons) and organic phthalates.This paper focuses on two episodes of organic phthalates that were observed during the conflict period. Pollution measurements are interpreted by means of air trajectories and dispersion calculations. For this purpose, the HYSPLIT_4 (HYbrid Single-Particle Langrangian Integrated Trajectory) modeling system is used to calculate the dispersion of toxic substances.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Bioremediation of contaminated soils
Wise, Donald L. (Donald Lee)
Remediation engineering of contaminated soils
Wise, Donald L. (Donald Lee)
Offers thorough coverage of the remediation of soils contaminated by hazardous wastes, including materials, analytical techniques, cleanup design and methodology, characterization of geomedia, monitoring of contaminants in the subsurface, and waste containment. Cites specific case studies in hydrocarbon remediation that offer a concise overview of possible technological approaches.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Multidimensional risk analysis of antifouling biocides
Ranke, Johannes | Jastorff, Bernd
In order to improve the orientation about the long-term sustainability of the use of the antifouling biocides tributyltin (TBT), copper, Irgarol® 1051, Sea-Nine™ 211 and zinc pyrithione, used for the protection of fouling in sea-going ships, the risks posed to the marine biosphere due to their use are evaluated. The newly presented method of risk analysis uses release rate, spatiotemporal range, bioaccumulation, bioactivity and uncertainty as 5 dimensions of ecotoxicological risk. For each dimension, a scoring procedure is briefly described. The resulting risk profiles of the antifouling biocides show characteristics of the different substances, but also indicate where further information is required. Application of the method is proposed as a decision support in the integrated development of products, informed purchasing and for regulatory purposes.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-][Technology project: Interaction of plants and microorganisms in elimination of organic soil pollutants]
Karlson, U.
[Availability of pollution components in soil and wastes: Influence on the risk assessment for animals and plants]
Jensen, J. | Pedersen, M.B. | Scott-Fordsmand, J. | Krogh, P.H. | Kjaer, C.
[Technology project: Soil washing: A method for remediation of contaminated soil]
Oemig, F. | Lindskov, C. | Joergensen, E.K.
[Removal of atrazine in anaerobic groundwater]
Pedersen, P.G.
[Microbial adaptation to degradation of the pesticde MCPP in groundwater]
Tuxen, N. | Albrechtsen, H.-J. | Bjerg, P.L. | Lipthay, J.R. de | Johnsen, K. | Aamand, J.