خيارات البحث
النتائج 311 - 320 من 1,950
New approach to the ecotoxicological risk assessment of artificial outdoor sporting grounds
Krüger, O. | Kalbe, U. | Richter, E. | Egeler, P. | Römbke, J. | Berger, W.
Artificial surfaces for outdoor sporting grounds may pose environmental and health hazards that are difficult to assess due to their complex chemical composition. Ecotoxicity tests can indicate general hazardous impacts. We conducted growth inhibition (Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata) and acute toxicity tests (Daphnia magna) with leachates obtained from batch tests of granular infill material and column tests of complete sporting ground assemblies. Ethylene propylene diene monomer rubber (EPDM) leachate showed the highest effect on Daphnia magna (EC50 < 0.4% leachate) and the leachate of scrap tires made of styrene butadiene rubber (SBR) had the highest effect on P. subcapitata (EC10 = 4.2% leachate; EC50 = 15.6% leachate). We found no correlations between ecotoxicity potential of leachates and zinc and PAH concentrations. Leachates obtained from column tests revealed lower ecotoxicological potential. Leachates of column tests of complete assemblies may be used for a reliable risk assessment of artificial sporting grounds.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Estimation of main greenhouse gases emission from household energy consumption in the West Bank, Palestine
Abu-Madi, Maher | Rayyan, Ma'moun Abu
The main GHGs (CO2, NOx, and SO2) have been quantified based on national energy and population statistics. The results show that the contribution of households' energy consumption in the West Bank to global CO2 emission is about 0.016%, while contribution of total energy consumption by all sectors is about 0.041%. The results show that wood is the most polluting energy source in terms of CO2 and NOx emission, while electricity is the most polluting source in terms of SO2. Other sources like diesel, kerosene, and LPG that contribute to the GHGs emission are also quantified. The total amounts of CO2, NOx, and SO2 by households in the West Bank are 4.7 million tonne per year, 3.02 thousand tonne per year, and 2.23 thousand tonne per year respectively. This study presents a set of measures that might help in reducing the level of GHGs emission and protect the environment.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Enhanced degradation of 14C-HCB in two tropical clay soils using multiple anaerobic–aerobic cycles
Kengara, Fredrick Orori | Doerfler, Ulrike | Welzl, Gerhard | Rüth, Bernhard | Munch, Jean Charles | Schroll, Reiner
The aim of the study was to induce and enhance the degradation of hexachlorobenzene (HCB), a highly-chlorinated persistent organic pollutant, in two ecologically different tropical soils: a paddy soil (PS) and a non-paddy soil (FS). The degradation of HCB was enhanced using two anaerobic–aerobic cycles in model laboratory experiments. There was greater degradation of HCB in the PS (half-life of 224 days) relative to the FS (half-life of 286 days). It was further shown that soils amended with compost had higher metabolite concentrations relative to the non-amended soils. In the first cycle, there was little degradation of HCB in both soils. However, in the second cycle, there was enhanced mineralization in the PS under aerobic conditions, with the compost-treated samples showing higher mineralization. There was also extensive volatilization in both soils. The metabolite pattern revealed that the increased mineralization and volatilization was due to the formation of lower chlorinated benzenes.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Methodology for setup and data processing of mobile air quality measurements to assess the spatial variability of concentrations in urban environments
Van Poppel, Martine | Peters, Jan | Bleux, Nico
A case study is presented to illustrate a methodology for mobile monitoring in urban environments. A dataset of UFP, PM2.5 and BC concentrations was collected. We showed that repeated mobile measurements could give insight in spatial variability of pollutants at different micro-environments in a city. Streets of contrasting traffic intensity showed increased concentrations by a factor 2–3 for UFP and BC and by <10% for PM2.5. The first quartile (P25) of the mobile measurements at an urban background zone seems to be good estimate of the urban background concentration. The local component of the pollutant concentrations was determined by background correction. The use of background correction reduced the number of runs needed to obtain representative results. The results presented, are a first attempt to establish a methodology for setup and data processing of mobile air quality measurements to assess the spatial variability of concentrations in urban environments.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Maternally transferred mercury in wild largemouth bass, Micropterus salmoides
Sackett, Dana K. | Aday, D Derek | Rice, James A. | Cope, W Gregory
Maternal transfer of mercury in fish represents a potential route of elimination for adult females and a risk to developing embryos. To better quantify maternal transfer, we measured Hg in female largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides) muscle and eggs from six waterbodies. Mercury in eggs from two waterbodies exceeded a US federal screening level (0.3 μg g−1) and was likely high enough to cause adverse reproductive effects. We found a curvilinear relationship between female and egg Hg. Fish with <0.37 μg g−1 Hg had low levels of Hg in eggs; those with Hg >0.37 μg g−1 showed a direct relationship between egg and muscle Hg (Log10 egg Hg = −1.03 + 1.18 * log10 muscle tissue Hg + 2.15 * (log10 muscle tissue Hg + 0.35)2). We also report higher maternal transfer (0.2–13.2%) and higher ratios of egg to muscle tissue Hg (4–52%) and egg to whole body Hg concentrations (7–116%) than previously observed for teleost fish.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Risk of tuberculosis in high-rise and high density dwellings: An exploratory spatial analysis
Lai, Poh C. | Low, Chien-Tat | Tse, Wing-Sze Cindy | Tsui, Chun-Kan | Sun Ra, | Hui, Pak-Kwan
Studies have shown that socioeconomic and environmental factors have direct/indirect influences on TB. This research focuses on TB prevalence of Hong Kong in relation to its compact urban development comprising of high-rise and high-density residential dwellings caused by rapid population growth and limited land resources. It has been postulated that occupants living on higher levels of a building would benefit from better ventilation and direct sunlight and thus less likely to contract infectious respiratory diseases. On the contrary, those on lower floors amid the dense clusters of high-rises are more susceptible to TB infection because of poorer air quality from street-level pollution and lesser exposure to direct sunlight. However, there have not been published studies to support these claims. As TB continues to threaten public health in Hong Kong, this study seeks to understand the effects of housing development on TB occurrences in an urban setting.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Using SPME fibers and Tenax to predict the bioavailability of pyrethroids and chlorpyrifos in field sediments
Harwood, Amanda D. | Landrum, Peter F. | Weston, Donald P. | Lydy, Michael J.
The presence of pyrethroids in both urban and agricultural sediments at levels lethal to invertebrates has been well documented. However, variations in bioavailability among sediments make accurate predictions of toxicity based on whole sediment concentrations difficult. A proposed solution to this problem is the use of bioavailability-based estimates, such as solid phase microextraction (SPME) fibers and Tenax beads. This study compared three methods to assess the bioavailability and ultimately toxicity of pyrethroid pesticides including field-deployed SPME fibers, laboratory-exposed SPME fibers, and a 24-h Tenax extraction. The objective of the current study was to compare the ability of these methods to quantify the bioavailable fraction of pyrethroids in contaminated field sediments that were toxic to benthic invertebrates. In general, Tenax proved a more sensitive method than SPME fibers and a correlation between Tenax extractable concentrations and mortality was observed.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Air Quality Standards for Particulate Matter (PM) at high altitude cities
Bravo Alvarez, H. | Sosa Echeverria, R. | Sanchez Alvarez, P. | Krupa, S.
The Air Quality Standards for Particulate Matter (PM) at high altitude urban areas in different countries, must consider the pressure and temperature due to the effect that these parameters have on the breath volume.This paper shows the importance to correct Air Quality Standards for PM considering pressure and temperature at different altitudes. Specific factors were suggested to convert the information concerning PM, from local to standard conditions, and adjust the Air Quality Standards for different high altitudes cities. The correction factors ranged from: 1.03 for Santiago de Chile to 1.47 for El Alto Bolivia. Other cities in this study include: Mexico City, México; La Paz, Bolivia; Bogota, Cali and Medellin, Colombia; Quito, Ecuador and Cuzco, Peru.If these corrections are not considered, the atmospheric concentrations will be underestimated.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Atmospheric polychlorinated biphenyls in Indian cities: Levels, emission sources and toxicity equivalents
Chakraborty, Paromita | Zhang, Gan | Eckhardt, Sabine | Li, Jun | Breivik, Knut | Lam, Paul K.S. | Tanabe, Shinsuke | Jones, K. C. (Kevin C.)
Atmospheric concentration of Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) were measured on diurnal basis by active air sampling during Dec 2006 to Feb 2007 in seven major cities from the northern (New Delhi and Agra), eastern (Kolkata), western (Mumbai and Goa) and southern (Chennai and Bangalore) parts of India. Average concentration of Σ25PCBs in the Indian atmosphere was 4460 (±2200) pg/m−3 with a dominance of congeners with 4–7 chlorine atoms. Model results (HYSPLIT, FLEXPART) indicate that the source areas are likely confined to local or regional proximity. Results from the FLEXPART model show that existing emission inventories cannot explain the high concentrations observed for PCB-28. Electronic waste, ship breaking activities and dumped solid waste are attributed as the possible sources of PCBs in India. Σ25PCB concentrations for each city showed significant linear correlation with Toxicity equivalence (TEQ) and Neurotoxic equivalence (NEQ) values.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Wet deposition of brominated flame retardants to the Great Lakes basin – Status and trends
Robson, Matthew | Melymuk, Lisa | Bradley, Lisa | Treen, Brenda | Backus, Sean
This study examined the temporal and spatial trends in wet deposition of 19 legacy and emerging brominated flame retardants (14 polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs), 1,2-bis(2,4,6-tribromophenoxy)ethane (BTBPE), decabromodiphenylethane (DBDPE), hexabromocyclododecane (HBCD) and pentabromoethylbenzene (PBEB)) at 9 sites in the Canadian Great Lakes between 2004 and 2010. Concentrations of BDE-209 in wet deposition declined significantly. This indicates that the voluntary actions taken to phase out the use of BDE 209 in North America are having an immediate effect on its environment concentrations. The analysis also revealed the presence of 22 short-term high concentration events that dominated overall wet deposition loadings of current-use BFRs to the lakes. For instance, one sample in 2007 was responsible for 37% of the total loadings of HBCD to Lake Huron over the entire six-year sampling period. This questions the current paradigm of how we believe such pollutants enter the environment.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]