خيارات البحث
النتائج 41 - 50 من 113
Induced air mixing of large bodies of polluted water
Zieminski, Stefan A. | Whittemore, Raymond C.
Process alternatives for removal of carbonaceous, nitrogenous, and phosphorus materials from concentrated waste streams
Phosphorus removal by an activated sludge plant
Pyrite depression by reduction of solution oxidation potential
Legal aspects of water storage for flow augmentation
Treatment of waste water, waste oil mixtures
Projects [of the] Industrial Pollution Control Branch
Reconditioning of food processing brines
Mercer, Walter A.
Storm water pollution from urban land activity
Underground coal mining methods to abate water pollution
Wilson, Larry W. | Matthews, Noah J. | Stump, James L.
The report is a review of published information pertaining to the abatement of harmful drainage from underground coal mines. Reviewed are new physical approaches to the problem of interdicting water entry into coal mines. These include land management for surface and sub-surface water diversion, the exploitation of water carrying strata, and new mining methods. Some chemical approaches to abatement reviewed include the use of silica gel solutions underground to prevent acid formation, the use of inert gas in active mines, and the use of new and the refinement of known grouting agents.
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