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النتائج 41 - 50 من 76
Similarity indices of zooplankton community in Boka Kotorska bay [Adriatic sea, Montenegro (Serbia and Montenegro)]
Vukanic, V.(Gimnazija, Kotor (Serbia and Montenegro)) E-mail:v_vukanic@yahoo.com
In this paper, we used similarity index, such as Sorensen similarity index (S), Jaccard similarity index (Cj) and Percentage Similarity Index (PSC), to show similarities and contrasts within the qualitative structure of zooplankton of various bays within Boka Kotorska. This kind of statistical overview was made for Boka Kotorska Bay for the first time, so we believe that it is a valuable contribution to recent studies on zooplankton. Tables show the results for each index individually, as well as the smallest and greatest similarity among the bays. We also presented the number of recorded species in the Boka Kotorska Bay arranged by months for three different years.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Determination of arsenic and aluminium in water: results of the 1st regional interlaboratory study
Todorovic, M.(Univerzitet u Beogradu, Beograd (Serbia and Montenegro). Hemijski fakultet) E-mail:vobel@chem.bg.ac.yu | Voulgaropoulos, A. | Manojlovic, D. | Trbovic, D. | Nesic, B. | Krsmanovic, V.D.
The 1st South-Eastern European Interlaboratory Study: WATER ANALYSIS - 2003 was organized by International Scientific Committee on the basis of international European and regional experiences. The total of 38 laboratories took part in WATER-ANALYSIS 2003. Three laboratories were from Greece, two from the Republic of Srpska (Bosnia and Herzegovina), eight from Romania and all others from Serbia and Montenegro. Two samples were prepared from water of the river Danube and the task for participants was to determine trace elements: Al, As, Cd, Cu, Mn, Fe, Pb, and Zn. Results of determination of arsenic (As) and aluminium (Al) are presented in this paper.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Method examples for total organic carbon (TOC) determination in sediment samples
Crnkovic, N. | Mijovic, S.(Republicki hidrometeoroloski zavod Srbije, Beograd (Serbia and Montenegro). Sektor zastite zivotne sredine, Laboratorija i kvalitet voda) E-mail:kvalitet_voda@hidmet.sr.gov.yu
Organic matter of various composition is present in soils and sediments ranging from simple compounds to the very complex proteins, etc. Within the pollutant analysis in soils and sediments the total organic carbon (TOC) content is determined. In addition to this form carbon may be present as elemental or inorganic ones. TOS identification and quantitation methods may be qualitative or quantitative with prior sample preparation. It is recommended catalytic combustion of samples at high temperatures with Pt catalyst and IR detection of evolved CO2.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Treatment of water with humic substances - estimation different methods on the example Kopaonik [mountain, Serbia (Serbia and Montenegro)] treatment plant
Perisic, M.P.(Geoinstitut, Beograd (Serbia and Montenegro)) E-mail:perisicmi@sezampro.yu
Problematics of humic substances removal from surface water with low mineralization and temperature near zero was presented. In this analysis very large spectar of solutions especially for this area was included. More detailed data obtained with this patent solution (7) in laboratory conditions on purificaton of raw water are presented in the analysis. Comparing the new technology with existing purification state and many unsuccessful attempts to obtain the standards gives the possibility of choosing the best drinking water treatment solution for plant on mountain Kopaonik. General estimation of different methods that can give necessary water purification level was done. Technoeconomic and ecological analysis of different water purification methods was realised and the a rational solution with high effects on protection of the environment was given.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Research of drainage canal sediment properties
Savic, R.(Poljoprivredni fakultet, Novi Sad (Serbia and Montenegro). Departman za uredjenje voda) | Fantelic, S. | Belic, A.
The paper outlines the significance of studying and analysing sediment deposition issues in drainage canals in Vojvodina, Serbia (Serbia and Montenegro). This problem needs to be properly addressed considering the total length of the canal network, that is, the total volume of sediment to be removed by dredging if the functional performance of the canal network is to be restored and maintained. Much of the effort needs to be focused to the polluted sediments with a severe risk for the environment. Sediment pollution is caused by the point and non-point sources of pollution. Taking one drainage canal as the example, essential chemical properties of the sediment and hazardous and toxic substances contents (heavy metals, PAHSs and PCBs) are being analysed and presented in the paper.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]The total alpha and beta activity of drinking water in [the] Republic of Serbia [Serbia and Montenegro] 2004
Tanaskovic, I. | Pantelic, G. | Vuletic, V. | Javorina, Lj. | Eremic-Savkovic, M.(Institut za medicinu rada i radiolosku zastitu Dr Dragomir Karajovic, Beograd (Serbia and Montenegro). Laboratorija za toksoplazmozu) E-mail:VTAN@EUNET.YU
The results of the evaluation of the radiological safety of the drinking waters originating from the territory of Serbia were studied during 2004. The total of 121 samples were examined for the total alpha and beta specific activity. Radiologically correct were 92% of drinking water samples.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Guaranteed minimum: pro et contra
Prohaska, S.(Rudarsko-geoloski fakultet, Beograd (Serbia and Montenegro))
A new concept for the determination of reference low flows of natural watercourses - the guaranteed minimum - has recently been introduced into the water management practice. Appreciating the significance underlying the definition of low flows in all segments of water management (municipal and industrial water supply, wastewater discharge, irrigation, navigation, hydropower, water protection, etc.), the author believes that all aspects of the problem must duly be considered, examined and identified. The doubts and issues raised by the guaranteed minimum concept in the domain of random-probabilistic phenomena, such as river discharge, are discussed in the paper.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]One of the problems encountered in computing low flows for water courses that sporadically dry up
Petkovic, T.(Republicki hidrometeoroloski zavod, Beograd (Serbia and Montenegro)) E-mail:petkovic@hidmet.sr.gov.yu
The paper contains description of potential approaches to better defining of distribution curves parameters for low water levels on water courses that sporadically dry up, also including additional information on the length of dry period. Computed results are given for the example of minimum annual discharge on several rivers in the Velika Morava basin, Serbia (Serbia and Montenegro).
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Management of [water] reservoir outflow
Curcic, S. E-mail:curcics@kg.ac.yu | Ostojic, A. | Comic, Lj.(Prirodno-matematicki fakultet, Kragujevac (Serbia and Montenegro). Institut za biologiju i ekologiju)
Man-made lakes cause direct and indirect changes in environmental conditions downstream of the water reservoir. Management must consider these water quality and environmental effects as well as uses of the river below the water reservoir.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Effect of wastewaters from the Novi Sad [Serbia (Serbia and Montenegro)] Oil Refinery on the Danube water and sediment quality at the old and new discharge sites in 2004
Roncevic, S. E-mail:srki@ih.ns.ac.yu | Dalmacija, B. | Krcmar, D. | Aleksic, A. | Jovic, B.(Prirodno-matematicki fakultet, Novi Sad (Serbia and Montenegro). Departman za hemiju)
Wastewater from the Novi Sad Oil Refinery, Serbia (Serbia and Montenegro) had been previously discharged to the Danube river between the raw water wells. In order to protect water supply source, the collector discharge was displaced downstream, outside the raw water wells area. In 2004, the quality of Danube river water and sediment was monitored at the sites of the old and new collector discharge of the Oil Refinery wastewaters, as well as at two control (reference) sites. The paper presents chemical quality parameters of water and sediment, characterizing oil contamination. Significantly increased contents of oil contaminant were measured in the Danube river sediment at the old discharge site compared to other sampling points, which is a consequence of many-year accumulation, as well as in the Danube river water at the new discharge site, as a consequence of the present wastewater discharge.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]