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النتائج 401 - 410 من 501
Alternate Chemical Compounds as a Condensation Nucleus in Cloud Seeding
Hasan M. Azeez, Nagham T. Ibraheem and Hazim H. Hussain
Cloud seeding involves boosting precipitation by releasing substances into the air that act as cloud condensation or ice nuclei. These substances encourage the development of clouds and precipitation. It’s like giving Mother Nature a gentle push to assist with rainfall in specific areas. The current work aimed to suggest Al2O3 as an alternate compound in cloud seeding rather than silver iodide. In this research, a unique approach is used to identify condensation nuclei, which play a crucial role in cloud formation and droplet growth. Various samples and four sources were included in the current study; refrigerated helfa powder, Himalayan salt, generator powder, and pollen, were analyzed using different physicochemical instruments. The proportions of chemical compounds in the samples show that there is 1.392% of Al2O3 in Refrigerated helfa which is the highest than in the other 3 sources, while the proportions of elements in the samples indicate that refrigerated helfa contains the lowest toxic compound, and although Al2O3 is insoluble in water, it is hygroscopic and can absorb 6.4% of humidity within 24 hours. As for the surface tension, refrigerated helfa shows lower density and surface tension than the other three sources with values of 0.9480 and 47.89 respectively. Al2O3 shows high humid absorptivity and refrigerated helfa can be used as a main source for Al2O3 which has a low effect on biota and is recommended for use in cloud seeding. However further work is recommended to be carried out in using Al2O3 as an alternative compound to silver iodide in cloud seeding.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Effect of Fly Ash in Pyrolysis of HDPE, LDPE and PP Plastic Waste
Y. B. Sonawane, M. R. Shindikar and M. Y. Khaladkar
Fly ash is generally obtained as a by-product from the combustion of coal and other waste materials. It is used for making bricks, but it has few limitations. The fly ash consists of Silica, Alumina, and other metal oxide components in minor quantities. Fly ash particles are observed in the range of nanometers to micrometers and can act as a catalyst in various reactions. The use of low-cost catalysts in the pyrolysis of thermoplastic waste would achieve a high percentage of low molecular weight fractions in liquid form which increases its applicability in commercial sectors. Hence, there is a need to enhance these fractions to achieve a sustainable approach in the catalytic pyrolysis process. fly ash, being a side product, is very cheap, so its effect on the plastic waste pyrolysis process has been studied. In the present research paper, Physical & chemical characterization of fly ash has been carried out. As fly ash consists of different metal oxides in proportion, its applicability in the process of pyrolysis of HDPE, LDPE, and PP waste has been studied. The different weight percent of fly ash (i.e., 5, 10, 15, 20) have been tried in all pyrolysis experiments. It has been observed that 5 wt % fly ash is effective for enhancing the yield of liquid fuel as compared to that without a catalyst. Liquid fuel obtained from catalytic pyrolysis of HDPE, LDPE, and PP waste with Fly ash consists of a high percent of low molecular weight fractions as compared to that of liquid fuel without catalyst, which has been concluded by calorific values & GC-MS result.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Potential Use of Portulaca Plant Species in Removing Estradiol Hormone Pollutants in the Surface Water of Bengawan Solo River
Siti Khoiriyah, Suranto, Prabang Setyono, Evi Gravitiani and Agung Hidayat
Bengawan Solo River water is a source of drinking water and raw materials for the government of Surakarta city, but the water has been mixed with domestic, industrial, and agricultural wastes. The waste contains estradiol-17 derived from urine and feces, both from livestock and humans as well as industries around the sub-watershed Bengawan Solo River. The content of estradiol-17 in the Bengawan Solo sub-watershed is quite high. This study is the first conducted in Bengawan Solo River to look at natural estrogens that are very rarely studied in the environment, which are likely could cause several health effects in humans and wildlife due to their relatively strong estrogenic potential and high levels in wastewater and river water. Therefore, research on the elimination of these compounds using effective, energy-efficient, and low-maintenance technologies for water treatment such as phytoremediation is highly expected. The purposes of this study were to identify estradiol, to measure the estradiol levels through HPLC tests as well as to test the effectiveness of phytoremediation with Portulaca plant as biological agents. The results show that the water of Bengawan Solo River contained estradiol substances ranging from 3.88 ppm to 5.76 ppm. The Portulaca plant species was effective at eliminating estrogenic waste up to 99.89%.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Urban Nature Reserves Waste Challenges from Neighboring Informal Settlements: Western Cape, South Africa
X. S. Grangxabe, T. Maphanga and B. S. Chidi
Nature reserves have played a crucial role in biodiversity conservation for decades. Rapid urban sprawl has increased the amount of solid waste created by littering and illegal dumping in metropolitan nature reserves. This paper examines how two nature reserves, Wolfgat Nature Reserve and Witzands Aquifer Nature Reserves, can combine community conservation with waste management. To determine aspects such as the socioeconomic impact of the nature reserves on the surrounding communities, questionnaires with a specific focus on the topic were distributed to the surrounding communities and subsequently administered. Data was collected using semi-structured interviews with key informants from the nature reserve staff and observational methods, and SPSS was used to analyze the data. Consistent with previous research, this study revealed that ignoring local populations frequently results in people disobeying the appropriate regulations in these protected areas and that education does not guarantee conservation support. Despite this, the survey revealed an absence of community participation; conservators were more reactive than proactive. In this study, the level of education, which in some studies is always associated with knowledge, was contradicted; those with post-secondary education knew little about these areas, and the vast majority of participants were unaware of the protected areas just a few kilometers away from their communities.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]The Effect of Mycorrhiza and Plant Growth-Promoting Rhizobacteria Supplementation on Zea mays saccharata Sturt. Growth and Productivity Grown on Low Nutrients Soil
T. Nurhidayati, L. N. Sari, A. R. Anggraeni, A. Luqman, M. Shovitri, N. D. Kuswytasari, T. B. Saputro and H. D Rizki
Marginal land has low nutrient content (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium). Addressing nutrient deficiencies on marginal land requires a strategic approach. Biological fertilizers like Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi (AMF) and plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) enhance nutrient availability through symbiotic interactions. In addition, organic fertilizers such as compost could provide organic matter and improve soil structure to increase plant growth and productivity. Combining these three fertilizers with the addition of low doses of NPK fertilizer can increase the growth and productivity of maize crops on sub-marginal land. This study aims to determine the effect of AMF, consortium of PGPR, and a low dose of NPK on the growth and productivity of maize and soil nutrients on sub-marginal land by measuring plant growth up to 8 WAP (week after planting) (parameters: plant height, stem diameter, number of leaves, leaf area, chlorophyll content, stomatal density) and productivity (parameters: cob length, cob weight with husk, fresh weight, dry weight) and levels of N, P, and K elements at 8 WAP in the soil after planting. All treatments showed an increase in the level of N and K elements, while the P element showed a decrease compared to the control (soil without treatment). Moreover, each parameter did not show a significant difference, but the P2 (Compost + PGPR consortium + AMF + 50% of NPK) treatment showed the best growth and productivity. Overall, the data showed the utilization of PGPR and AMF combination was able to reduce the usage of chemical fertilizer by 50%.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Effect of Heavy Metal Phytoremediation on Phytochemical Fingerprint and Bioactivity of Pistia stratiotes: A Quest for Re-routing Disposal to Commercial Application
Yashvi Hemani, Trisha Malde, Yashika Puri, Shubhada Walvekar and Sharon D’souza
Phytoremediation is one of the non-energy consuming processes of remediating polluted water. However, the disposal of post-remediated plants poses a threat of the re-introduction of pollutants back into the ecosystem. Re-routing remediated pollutants for commercial application could be one way to reduce the re-introduction of pollutants in an ecosystem. Heavy metal pollution in water bodies is one issue, which can be mitigated to an extent with phytoremediation. In the current study, the effect of heavy metal phytoremediation on the phytochemical fingerprint and bioactivity of Pistia stratiotes L. was investigated. Pistia stratiotes L. was subjected to different concentrations of iron (Fe) and lead (Pb), in the range of 5-20 ppm. Different parameters such as heavy metal estimation (in plants and water post-treatment), thin layer chromatography (TLC), antioxidant activity, and antiurolithic activity were measured. Post remediation, heavy metal concentration was found to be comparatively higher in roots (16.515 ± 0.008 mg.g-1 and 5.25 ± 0.086 mg.g-1 when treated with 15 ppm iron and lead respectively). TLC revealed differences between the fingerprints of treated and untreated plants. Some bands increased in intensity as the concentration of heavy metal increased, while some bands which were present in untreated, were absent in treated plant samples. Antioxidant activity of treated plants shows lesser IC50 values, compared to untreated, in that, treated leaves show better activity (IC50 = 1.8 ± 0.5220 mg.mL-1 of leaf treated with 2 ppm iron as opposed to IC50 > 5 mg.mL-1 of untreated leaf extract). The treated plants revealed good antiurolithic activity compared to untreated, in that, the percentage inhibition showed by Iron treated leaves and roots was better (96.87% and 98.95% exhibited by iron-10 ppm treated leaves and roots respectively), while the untreated showed a maximum of only 68.75% inhibition. The results suggest that the bioactivity of the plant extracts increases post-remediation. Potential applications of these extracts can be explored such as nanoparticle synthesis, drug discovery, etc.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Production of Amylase by Solid State Fermentation Using Agricultural Waste
M. M. Morbia, A. A. Pandey, P. K. Mahla and S. N. Gohil
This study presents a comprehensive investigation into the production of amylase, a crucial enzyme with wide-ranging industrial applications, using locally sourced substrates from Kachchh, Gujarat. The research employed the Bacillus licheniformis strain and substrates such as coconut, rice husk, wheat bran, paddy straw, and maize straw. The study found paddy straw to be the most promising substrate for amylase production. The research also systematically optimized various process parameters for amylase production in Solid-State Fermentation (SSF) using the One Variable at a Time (OVAT) method. These parameters included incubation period, temperature, inoculum level, additional carbon sources, starch concentrations, additional nitrogen sources, initial pH, different mineral salt ions, initial moisture level, and surfactants. The results showed that the optimal conditions for maximum amylase yield were an incubation period of 48 hours, an incubation temperature of 35°C, an inoculum level of 10%, starch as the additional carbon source, a starch concentration of 2.5%, yeast extract as the additional nitrogen source, an initial pH of 7, NaCl as the mineral salt, an initial moisture level of 75%, and Tween 80 as the surfactant. This research provides a reliable and sustainable approach to enzyme production, offering valuable insights for the optimization of the solid-state fermentation process for maximum amylase production.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Navigating the Global Environmental Agenda: A Comprehensive Analysis of COP Conferences, with a Spotlight on COP28 and Key Environmental Challenges
Sabina Akhtar, S. Shaima, G. Rita, A. Rashid and A. J. Rashed
The purpose of the research work is to explore the objective and competence of COP (Conference of Parties) in the context of environmental issues and climate change management and this is performed by evaluating respective articles published in the context of the subject. COP is found efficient in empowering global nations to be aligned with the objective of sustainable growth by making corrective negotiations and agreements as per the current and future environmental issues like the greenhouse effect and air pollution. COP helps ensure environmental issues are fixed by conducting benchmark index-based performance reviews and analyses. It has been observed that the agenda significantly contributes to the green economy, as it promotes sustainable change and development in the environment, society, and economy. A significant innovative strategy was developed at the conference to reduce global temperatures and emissions. In this context, the development of the EV sector plays a crucial role in mitigating environmental impact. The COP28 conference is addressing the climate and nature crisis, considering it a global health emergency. Methodology states that the literature search is conducted from peer-reviewed journal articles from authentic sources like Wiley’s Online Library and Science Direct Pages. Only the journals that were published after the year 2019 have been used in the study. Also, it is seen that COP28 (2023) conventions focused on global warming, climate change, and the production of a green economy, which is continuously being considered, and also, the implications and steps that are required to be taken are discussed.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Quantification of the Few Parameters and Metallic Elements in the Quaternary Sediments of “Baie Du Repos” and their Interrelation
M. T. Moulaye Taher, A. M. El Mokhtar, E. C. S’Id and A. Mahfoudh
Mauritania is a fishing country. However, the Mauritanian coast is increasingly exposed to environmental issues mainly due to anthropogenic activities such as the mining, gas, oil, and fishing industries, as well as new agricultural practices that unreasonably use inputs. Environmental monitoring of the Mauritanian coast faces several challenges; thus, improving the fisheries sector begins with enhancing the state of marine ecosystems and implementing environmental monitoring adapted to climatic conditions and local needs. This study aims to evaluate the quality of the sediments of the “Baie du Repos” in the town of Nouadhibou, Mauritania, through the study of organic matter and the quantification of trace metallic elements in the Quaternary sediments of the Bay. Six samples deemed representative of this Bay were taken and transported to the laboratory. The physicochemical analysis of these samples shows that the superficial horizons of 30 cm depth have overall organic matter contents higher than the average threshold value proposed by the literature for 4 out of 6 of the points studied. The contents recorded for the different metallic trace elements indicate that point 1 is the most exposed to contamination, with the highest concentrations of cadmium, lead, copper, iron, and zinc. The ACP (Principal Component Analysis) showed that the metallic trace elements Pb, Cu, Fe, Cd, and Zn are closely related and evolve positively in the same direction. Additionally, it was found that the points studied are divided into three groups: Group 1 contains only point 1, which is the most exposed to contamination by these toxic elements (Pb, Cu, Zn, Fe, and Cd). Group 2 contains points 3, 5, and 6, which are moderately contaminated by metallic elements with a significant dominance of organic matter (OM). Finally, Group 3 is the least contaminated, with a very high content of organic matter (OM).
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Water Treatment: Evaluation of Maleic Acid-Acrylamide Copolymer Inhibitor Efficiency on Calcite Scale by Response Surface Methodology
Balasubramanian Senthilmurugan and Jayaprakash Sandhala Radhakrishnan
Mineral scales of calcite are common in the oil field and pose a serious integrity problem in the wellbore, flow lines, and equipment. It is also a challenge faced by industries such as refineries and power plants. Scale deposition is a complex process depending on various factors such as concentration of scaling species, temperature, pH, and flow rates. Deterministic models are used to predict the scale formation from the level of supersaturation of the scaling species in the water at the operating conditions. However, due to the complexity of the interaction of variables affecting the scaling and inhibition by chemicals, it is suitable to be represented by statistical models. This work focused on applying statistical analysis techniques such as response surface methodology to understand the effect of different operating parameters on the inhibition efficiency of maleic acid-acrylamide copolymer on CaCO3 scales. The copolymer was synthesized, and its inhibition efficiency on the calcite scale was tested using static jar tests at different pH, temperature, and inhibitor concentrations. The effect of the critical parameters on the inhibition efficiency was analyzed using the statistical technique of Response Surface Methodology (RSM). The design of experiments (DoE) was created using a Box–Behnken design with three levels for each factor. The linear and the quadratic effects of the factors were studied and the interaction effects were analyzed using analyses of variance (ANOVA) and RSM. A desirability function was used to optimize the performance for the combination of the variables. The analysis showed that the linear effect of the parameters had the highest impact on the inhibition efficiency. Significant interaction effects were also identified between the operating variables. A transfer function was used to model the experimental data of inhibitor performance.
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