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النتائج 431 - 440 من 3,199
Atrazine triggers developmental abnormality of ovary and oviduct in quails (Coturnix Coturnix coturnix) via disruption of hypothalamo-pituitary-ovarian axis
Qin, Lei | Du, Zheng-Hai | Zhu, Shi-Yong | Li, Xue-Nan | Li, Nan | Guo, Jing-Ao | Li, Jin-Long | Zhang, Ying
There has been a gradual increase in production and consumption of atrazine (ATR) in agriculture to meet the population rising demands. Female reproduction is necessary for growth and maintenance of population. However, ATR impact on females and particularly ovarian developmental toxicity is less clear. The aim of this study was to define the pathways by which ATR exerted toxic effects on ovarian development of ovary and hypothalamo-pituitary-ovarian (HPO) axis. Female quails were dosed by oral gavage from sexual immaturity to maturity with 0, 50, 250 and 500 mg ATR/kg/d for 45 days. ATR had no effect on mortality but depressed feed intake and growth and influenced the biochemical parameters. Notably, the arrested development of ovaries and oviducts were observed in ATR-exposed quails. The circulating concentrations of E2, P, LH and PRL were unregulated and FSH and T was downregulated in ATR-treated quails. The mRNA expression of GnRH in hypothalamo and LH in pituitary and FSH in ovary was downregulated significantly by ATR exposure and FSH and PRL in pituitary were upregulated. ATR exposure upregulated the level of P450scc, P450arom, 3β-HSD and 17β-HSD in ovary and downregulated ERβ expression in female quails. However, ATR did not change ERα expression in ovary. This study provides new insights regarding female productive toxicology of ATR exposure. Ovary and oviduct in sexually maturing females were target organs of ATR-induced developmental toxicity. We propose that ATR-induced developmental abnormality of ovary and oviduct is associated with disruption of gonadal hormone balance and HPO axis in female quails.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Exposure to environmentally-relevant levels of ozone negatively influence pollen and fruit development
Gillespie, Colin | Stabler, Daniel | Tallentire, Eva | Goumenaki, Eleni | Barnes, Jeremy
A combination of in vitro and in vivo studies on tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. cv. Triton) revealed that environmentally-relevant levels of ozone (O3) pollution adversely affected pollen germination, germ tube growth and pollen-stigma interactions – pollen originating from plants raised in charcoal-Purafil® filtered air (CFA) exhibited reduced germ tube development on the stigma of plants exposed to environmentally-relevant levels of O3. The O3-induced decline in in vivo pollen viability was reflected in increased numbers of non-fertilized and fertilized non-viable ovules in immature fruit. Negative effects of O3 on fertilization occurred regardless of the timing of exposure, with reductions in ovule viability evident in O3 × CFA and CFA × O3 crossed plants. This suggests O3-induced reductions in fertilization were associated with reduced pollen viability and/or ovule development. Fruit born on trusses independently exposed to 100 nmol mol−1 O3 (10 h d−1) from flowering exhibited a decline in seed number and this was reflected in a marked decline in the weight and size of individual fruit – a clear demonstration of the direct consequence of the effects of the pollutant on reproductive processes. Ozone exposure also resulted in shifts in the starch and ascorbic acid (Vitamin C) content of fruit that were consistent with accelerated ripening. The findings of this study draw attention to the need for greater consideration of, and possibly the adoption of weightings for the direct impacts of O3, and potentially other gaseous pollutants, on reproductive biology during ‘risk assessment’ exercises.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Environmental health hazards of e-cigarettes and their components: Oxidants and copper in e-cigarette aerosols
Lerner, Chad A. | Sundar, Isaac K. | Watson, Richard M. | Elder, Alison | Jones, Ryan | Done, Douglas | Kurtzman, Rachel | Ossip, Deborah J. | Robinson, Risa | McIntosh, Scott | Rahman, Irfan
To narrow the gap in our understanding of potential oxidative properties associated with Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems (ENDS) i.e. e-cigarettes, we employed semi-quantitative methods to detect oxidant reactivity in disposable components of ENDS/e-cigarettes (batteries and cartomizers) using a fluorescein indicator. These components exhibit oxidants/reactive oxygen species reactivity similar to used conventional cigarette filters. Oxidants/reactive oxygen species reactivity in e-cigarette aerosols was also similar to oxidant reactivity in cigarette smoke. A cascade particle impactor allowed sieving of a range of particle size distributions between 0.450 and 2.02 μm in aerosols from an e-cigarette. Copper, being among these particles, is 6.1 times higher per puff than reported previously for conventional cigarette smoke. The detection of a potentially cytotoxic metal as well as oxidants from e-cigarette and its components raises concern regarding the safety of e-cigarettes use and the disposal of e-cigarette waste products into the environment.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Urban phenological studies – Past, present, future
Jochner, Susanne | Menzel, Annette
Phenology is believed to be a suitable bio-indicator to track climate change. Based on the strong statistical association between phenology and temperature phenological observations provide an inexpensive means for the temporal and spatial analysis of the urban heat island. However, other environmental factors might also weaken this relationship. In addition, the investigation of urban phenology allows an estimation of future phenology from current information since cities with their amplified temperatures may serve as a proxy for future conditions. Nevertheless, the design of spatial compared to long-term studies might be influenced by different factors which should be taken into consideration when interpreting results from a specific study. In general, plants located in urban areas tend to flush and bloom earlier than in the countryside. What are the consequences of these urban–rural differences? This review will document existing findings on urban phenology and will highlight areas in which further research is needed.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Coupling spectroscopic and chromatographic techniques for evaluation of the depositional history of hydrocarbons in a subtropical estuary
Martins, César C. | Doumer, Marta E. | Gallice, Wellington C. | Dauner, Ana Lúcia L. | Cabral, Ana Caroline | Cardoso, Fernanda D. | Dolci, Natiely N. | Camargo, Luana M. | Ferreira, Paulo A.L. | Figueira, Rubens C.L. | Mangrich, Antonio S.
Spectroscopic and chromatographic techniques can be used together to evaluate hydrocarbon inputs to coastal environments such as the Paranaguá estuarine system (PES), located in the SW Atlantic, Brazil. Historical inputs of aliphatic hydrocarbons (AHs) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were analyzed using two sediment cores from the PES. The AHs were related to the presence of biogenic organic matter and degraded oil residues. The PAHs were associated with mixed sources. The highest hydrocarbon concentrations were related to oil spills, while relatively low levels could be attributed to the decrease in oil usage during the global oil crisis. The results of electron paramagnetic resonance were in agreement with the absolute AHs and PAHs concentrations measured by chromatographic techniques, while near-infrared spectroscopy results were consistent with unresolved complex mixture (UCM)/total n-alkanes ratios. These findings suggest that the use of a combination of techniques can increase the accuracy of assessment of contamination in sediments.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]City as a major source area of fine particulate (PM2.5) in China
Han, Lijian | Zhou, Weiqi | Li, Weifeng
The PM2.5 concentration in 31% of China's territorial areas was less than 10 μg/m3, and in 26% of China's territorial areas was higher than 35 μg/m3. High concentrations of PM2.5 were found in the East China Plain, Sichuan province, and the Taklimakan desert. East China Plain was also found with strong significant positive trends. 73% of artificial surface (L01) was found with significant positive trends, but only 2% with significant negative trends. 76% of cropland (L02) was observed with significant positive trends, but only 2% with significant negative trends. The mean significant trends of PM2.5 concentration were 1.81 μg/m3·year for L01 and 1.71 μg/m3·year for L02, higher than that for the rest land covers. The PM2.5 pollution brought potential health risk to susceptible population: only 1% of thm lives at a safe level (<10 μg/m3), but 69% of them were exposed to heavy PM2.5 pollution (>35 μg/m3).
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Size-dependent distribution and inhalation cancer risk of particle-bound polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons at a typical e-waste recycling and an urban site
Luo, Pei | Bao, Lian-Jun | Li, Shao-Meng | Zeng, E. Y. (Eddy Y.)
Atmospheric particle size distribution of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in a typical e-waste recycling zone and an urban site (Guangzhou) in southern China featured a unimodal peak in 0.56–1.8 μm for 4–6 ring PAHs but no obvious peak for 2–3 ring PAHs at both sites. The atmospheric deposition fluxes of PAHs were estimated at 5.4 ± 2.3 μg m−2 d−1 in the e-waste recycling zone and 3.1 ± 0.6 μg m−2 d−1 in Guangzhou. In addition, dry and wet deposition fluxes of PAHs were dominated by coarse (Dp > 1.8 μm) and fine particles (Dp < 1.8 μm), respectively. Fine particles predominated the deposition of PAHs in the lung. The results estimated by incremental inhalation cancer risk suggested that particle-bound PAHs posed serious threat to human health within the e-waste recycling zone and Guangzhou.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Surface–rain interactions: Differences in copper runoff for copper sheet of different inclination, orientation, and atmospheric exposure conditions
Hedberg, Yolanda S. | Goidanich, Sara | Herting, Gunilla | Odnevall Wallinder, Inger
Predictions of the diffuse dispersion of metals from outdoor constructions such as roofs and facades are necessary for environmental risk assessment and management. An existing predictive model has been compared with measured data of copper runoff from copper sheets exposed at four different inclinations facing four orientations at two different urban sites (Stockholm, Sweden, and Milan, Italy) during a 4-year period. Its applicability has also been investigated for copper sheet exposed at two marine sites (Cadiz, Spain, for 5 years, and Brest, France, for 9 years). Generally the model can be used for all given conditions. However, vertical surfaces should be considered as surfaces inclined 60–80° due to wind-driven effects. The most important parameters that influence copper runoff, and not already included in the model, are the wind and rain characteristics that influence the actual rainfall volume impinging the surface of interest.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Passive control potentials of trees and on-street parked cars in reduction of air pollution exposure in urban street canyons
Abhijith, K.V. | Gokhale, Sharad
This study investigates the passive-control-potentials of trees and on-street parked cars on pedestrian exposure to air pollutants in a street canyon using three-dimensional CFD. Since, according to some studies trees deteriorate air quality and cars parked roadside improve it, the combine as well as separate effects of trees and on-street parked cars have been examined. For this, different tree canopy layouts and parking configurations have been developed and pedestrian exposure for each has been analysed. The results showed, for example, tree crown with high porosity and low-stand density in combination with parallel or perpendicular car parking reduced the pedestrian exposure considerably.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Everyday exposure to power frequency magnetic fields and associations with non-specific physical symptoms
Bolte, John F.B. | Baliatsas, Christos | Eikelboom, Tessa | van Kamp, Irene
The aim of this study was to investigate the association between exposure to extremely low frequency magnetic fields (ELF MF), or power frequency fields, and non-specific physical symptoms (NSPS). In a cross-sectional study, personal exposure to ELF MF was measured for 99 adults selected in and around Amsterdam, the Netherlands in 2009–2010. They were scored on 16 NSPS. As a cut-off point for the individual 24-h time weighted average exposure the 80-percentile (0.09 μT) was chosen. As only one man scored “moderately high” on the somatisation scale against nine women, we decided to proceed analyses only with the 48 women. The crude odds ratio (OR) for women was 8.50 (CI 95%: 1.73–46.75), suggesting that for women environmental exposure to ELF MF is associated with an increased score on NSPS. As this is an exploratory cross-sectional study in a relatively small sample, no conclusions regarding causality can be drawn.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]