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النتائج 431 - 440 من 5,138
Modeling spray drift and runoff-related inputs of pesticides to receiving water
Zhang, Xuyang | Luo, Yuzhou | Goh, Kean S.
Pesticides move to surface water via various pathways including surface runoff, spray drift and subsurface flow. Little is known about the relative contributions of surface runoff and spray drift in agricultural watersheds. This study develops a modeling framework to address the contribution of spray drift to the total loadings of pesticides in receiving water bodies. The modeling framework consists of a GIS module for identifying drift potential, the AgDRIFT model for simulating spray drift, and the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) for simulating various hydrological and landscape processes including surface runoff and transport of pesticides. The modeling framework was applied on the Orestimba Creek Watershed, California. Monitoring data collected from daily samples were used for model evaluation. Pesticide mass deposition on the Orestimba Creek ranged from 0.08 to 6.09% of applied mass. Monitoring data suggests that surface runoff was the major pathway for pesticide entering water bodies, accounting for 76% of the annual loading; the rest 24% from spray drift. The results from the modeling framework showed 81 and 19%, respectively, for runoff and spray drift. Spray drift contributed over half of the mass loading during summer months. The slightly lower spray drift contribution as predicted by the modeling framework was mainly due to SWAT's under-prediction of pesticide mass loading during summer and over-prediction of the loading during winter. Although model simulations were associated with various sources of uncertainties, the overall performance of the modeling framework was satisfactory as evaluated by multiple statistics: for simulation of daily flow, the Nash-Sutcliffe Efficiency Coefficient (NSE) ranged from 0.61 to 0.74 and the percent bias (PBIAS) < 28%; for daily pesticide loading, NSE = 0.18 and PBIAS = −1.6%. This modeling framework will be useful for assessing the relative exposure from pesticides related to spray drift and runoff in receiving waters and the design of management practices for mitigating pesticide exposure within a watershed.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Biomarkers of antibiotic resistance genes during seasonal changes in wastewater treatment systems
Jiao, Ya-Nan | Zhou, Zhen-Chao | Chen, Tao | Wei, Yuan-Yuan | Zheng, Ji | Gao, Rui-Xia | Chen, Hong
To evaluate the seasonal distribution of antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) and explore the reason for their patterns in different seasons and different systems, two wastewater treatment systems were selected and analyzed using high-throughput qPCR. Linear discriminant analysis (LDA) effect size (LEfSe) was used to discover the differential ARGs (biomarkers) and estimate the biomarkers’ effect size. We found that the total absolute abundances of ARGs in inflows and excess sludge samples had no obvious seasonal fluctuations, while those in winter outflow samples decreased in comparison with the inflow samples. Eleven differentially abundant ARGs (biomarker genes, BmGs) (aadA5-02, aac-6-II, cmlA1-01, cmlA1-02, blaOXA10-02, aadA-02, tetX, aadA1, ereA, qacEΔ1-01, and blaTEM) in summer samples and 10 BmGs (tet-32, tetA-02, aacC2, vanC-03, aac-6-I1, tetE, ermB, mefA, tnpA - 07, and sul2) in winter samples were validated. According to 16S rRNA gene sequencing, the relative abundance of bacteria at the phylum level exhibited significant seasonal changes in outflow water (OW), and biomarker bacteria (BmB) were discovered at the family (or genus) level. Synechococcus and vadinCA02 are BmB in summer, and Trichococcus, Lactococcus, Pelosinus, Janthinobacterium, Nitrosomonadaceae and Sterolibacterium are BmB in winter. In addition, BmB have good correlations with BmGs in the same season, which indicates that bacterial community changes drive different distributions of ARGs during seasonal changes and that LEfSe is an acute and effective method for finding significantly different ARGs and bacteria between two or more classes.In conclusion, this study demonstrated the seasonal changes of BmGs and BmB at two wastewater treatment systems.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Detection of glyphosate residues in companion animal feeds
Zhao, Jiang | Pacenka, Steven | Wu, Jing | Richards, Brian K. | Steenhuis, Tammo | Simpson, Kenneth | Hay, Anthony G.
The widespread adoption of genetically modified, glyphosate-tolerant corn and soybean varieties in US crop production has led to a dramatic increase in glyphosate usage. Though present at or below regulatory limits currently set for human foodstuffs, the concentration of glyphosate in companion animal feed is currently unknown. In the present study, 18 commercial companion animal feeds from eight manufacturers were analyzed for glyphosate residues using ELISA. Every product contained detectable glyphosate residues in the range of 7.83 × 10¹–2.14 × 10³ μg kg⁻¹ dry weight, with the average and medians being 3.57 × 10² and 1.98 × 10² μg kg⁻¹ respectively. Three products were tested for within-bag variation and six were tested for lot to lot variation. Little within-bag variation was found, but the concentration of glyphosate varied by lot in half of the products tested. Glyphosate concentration was significantly correlated with crude fiber content, but not crude fat or crude protein. Average daily intakes by animals consuming feeds containing the median glyphosate concentration are estimated to result in exposures that are 0.68–2.5% of the Allowable Daily Intake (ADI) for humans in the US and EU, which are 1750 and 500 μg kg⁻¹ respectively. Consumption of the most contaminated feed, however, would result in exposure to 7.3% and 25% of the above ADIs, though the relevance of such an exposure to companion animals is currently unknown.Companion animal feeds contained 7.83 × 10¹–2.14 × 10³ μg kg⁻¹ glyphosate which is likely to result in pet exposure that is 4–12 times higher than that of humans on a per Kg basis.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Microplastics play a minor role in tetracycline sorption in the presence of dissolved organic matter
Xu, Baile | Liu, Fei | Brookes, Philip C. | Xu, Jianming
Microplastics have a great potential to sorb organic pollutants from the adjacent environment. In this study, the sorption of tetracycline, a polar and ionizable antibiotic, on three types of microplastics (polyethylene (PE), polypropylene (PP) and polystyrene (PS)) were investigated in batch sorption experiments. The sorption isotherms were well fitted by the Langmuir model, indicating that not only hydrophobic interactions but also other interactions (e.g. electrostatic interactions) played important roles in the sorption process. PS had the maximum sorption capacity, following the order PS > PP > PE, which can be attributed to polar interactions and π-π interactions. The sorption of tetracycline on microplastics was significantly influenced by pH, with sorption capacity increasing gradually, peaking at pH 6.0 and then decreasing, likely due to the influence of tetracycline speciation with the change of pH. Fulvic acid was selected as representative dissolved organic matter (DOM) to examine the effect on sorption. The increasing concentration of fulvic acid inhibited the sorption of tetracycline on three microplastics, decreasing them by more than 90% at the fulvic acid concentration of 20 mg/L, which implied a greater affinity of tetracycline to fulvic acid than to microplastics. Increasing salinity from 0.05 to 3.5% had negligible effects on the sorption of tetracycline on the three microplastics. Our results highlight the importance of pH and DOM on the sorption of tetracycline on microplastics, and suggest the relatively minor role of microplastics in the fate and transport of tetracycline in the aquatic environment in the presence of DOM.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Multiwall carbon nanotubes modulate paraquat toxicity in Arabidopsis thaliana
Fan, Xiaoji | Chui, Kawai | Lavoie, Michel | Peijnenburg, W.J.G.M. | Zhu, Youchao | Lu, Tao | Fu, Zhengwei | Zhu, Tingheng | Qian, Haifeng
Carbon nanotubes can be either toxic or beneficial to plant growth and can also modulate toxicity of organic contaminants through surface sorption. The complex interacting toxic effects of carbon nanotubes and organic contaminants in plants have received little attention in the literature to date. In this study, the toxicity of multiwall carbon nanotubes (MWCNT, 50 mg/L) and paraquat (MV, 0.82 mg/L), separately or in combination, were evaluated at the physiological and the proteomic level in Arabidopsis thaliana for 7–14 days. The results revealed that the exposure to MWCNT had no inhibitory effect on the growth of shoots and leaves. Rather, MWCNT stimulated the relative electron transport rate and the effective photochemical quantum yield of PSII value as compared to the control by around 12% and lateral root production up to nearly 4-fold as compared to the control. The protective effect of MWCNT on MV toxicity on the root surface area could be quantitatively explained by the extent of MV adsorption on MWCNT and was related to stimulation of photosynthesis, antioxidant protection and number and area of lateral roots which in turn helped nutrient assimilation. The influence of MWCNT and MV on photosynthesis and oxidative stress at the physiological level was consistent with the proteomics analysis, with various over-expressed photosynthesis-related proteins (by more than 2 folds) and various under-expressed oxidative stress related proteins (by about 2–3 folds). This study brings new insights into the interactive effects of two xenobiotics (MWCNT and MV) on the physiology of a model plant.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Integrated metabolomic and transcriptomic analysis of brain energy metabolism in the male Oriental river prawn (Macrobrachium nipponense) in response to hypoxia and reoxygenation
Sun, Shengming | Guo, Zhongbao | Fu, Hongtuo | Zhu, Jian | Ge, Xianping
Hypoxia is as an endocrine disruptor, and, in crustaceans, the energy metabolic consequences of hypoxia in the brain tissue are still poorly understood. We combined gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS)-based metabolomic analysis and high-throughput RNA sequencing to evaluate the metabolic effects and subjacent regulatory pathways in the brain tissue of the male Oriental river prawn (Macrobrachium nipponense) in response to hypoxia and reoxygenation. We recorded LC₅₀ and heartbeats per minute of male M. nipponense juveniles. Hypoxia resulted in the generation of reactive oxygen species in the brain cells and alterations in gene expression and metabolite concentrations in the prawn brain tissue in a time-dependent manner. The transcriptomic analyses revealed specific changes in the expression of genes associated with metabolism pathways, which was consistent with the changes in energy metabolism indicated by the GC-MS metabolomic analysis. Quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction and western blot confirmed the transcriptional induction of these genes because of hypoxia. The lactate levels increased significantly during hypoxia and decreased to normal after reoxygenation; this is consistent with a shift towards anaerobic metabolism, which may cause metabolic abnormalities in the brain tissue of M. nipponense. Overall, these results are consistent with metabolic disruption in the brain of M. nipponense exposed to hypoxia and will help in understanding how crustacean brain tissue adapts and responds to hypoxia and reoxygenation.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Azadirachtin impairs egg production in Atta sexdens leaf-cutting ant queens
Amaral, Karina Dias | Martínez, Luis Carlos | Pereira Lima, Maria Augusta | Serrão, José Eduardo | Della Lucia, Terezinha M. C.
Leaf-cutting ants are important pests of forests and agricultural crops in the Neotropical region. Atta sexdens colonies can be composed of thousands of individuals, which form a highly complex society with a single reproductive queen. Successful control of this species is achieved only if the queen is affected. Few data are available on the lethal or sublethal effects of toxic compounds on leaf-cutting ant queens. Azadirachtin has been claimed as an effective biopesticide for insect control, but its action on leaf-cutting ants has been little explored. This study shows that azadirachtin affects oviposition in A. sexdens queens, impairing egg development by decreasing protein reserves. Azadirachtin inhibits the synthesis of vitellogenin, the major yolk protein precursor. The negative effects of azadirachtin on the reproduction of leaf-cutting ant queens suggest a potential use for the control of these insects.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Personality and artificial light at night in a semi-urban songbird population: No evidence for personality-dependent sampling bias, avoidance or disruptive effects on sleep behaviour
Raap, Thomas | Thys, Bert | Grunst, Andrea S. | Grunst, Melissa L. | Pinxten, Rianne | Eens, Marcel
Light pollution or artificial light at night (ALAN) is an increasing, worldwide challenge that affects many aspects of animal behaviour. Interestingly, the response to ALAN varies widely among individuals within a population and variation in personality (consistent individual differences in behaviour) may be an important factor explaining this variation. Consistent individual differences in exploration behaviour in particular may relate to the response to ALAN, as increasing evidence indicates its relation with how individuals respond to novelty and how they cope with anthropogenic modifications of the environment. Here, we assayed exploration behaviour in a novel environment as a proxy for personality variation in great tits (Parus major). We observed individual sleep behaviour over two consecutive nights, with birds sleeping under natural dark conditions the first night and confronted with ALAN inside the nest box on the second night, representing a modified and novel roosting environment. We examined whether roosting decisions when confronted with a camera (novel object), and subsequently with ALAN, were personality-dependent, as this could potentially create sampling bias. Finally, we assessed whether experimentally challenging individuals with ALAN induced personality-dependent changes in sleep behaviour.Slow and fast explorers were equally likely to roost in a nest box when confronted with either a camera or artificial light inside, indicating the absence of personality-dependent sampling bias or avoidance of exposure to ALAN. Moreover, slow and fast explorers were equally disrupted in their sleep behaviour when challenged with ALAN. Whether other behavioural and physiological effects of ALAN are personality-dependent remains to be determined. Moreover, the sensitivity to disturbance of different behavioural types might depend on the behavioural context and the specific type of challenge in question. In our increasingly urbanized world, determining whether the effects of anthropogenic stressors depend on personality type will be of paramount importance as it may affect population dynamics.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]An increase in precipitation exacerbates negative effects of nitrogen deposition on soil cations and soil microbial communities in a temperate forest
Shi, Leilei | Zhang, Hongzhi | Liu, Tao | Mao, Peng | Zhang, Weixin | Shao, Yuanhu | Fu, Shenglei
World soils are subjected to a number of anthropogenic global change factors. Although many previous studies contributed to understand how single global change factors affect soil properties, there have been few studies aimed at understanding how two naturally co-occurring global change drivers, nitrogen (N) deposition and increased precipitation, affect critical soil properties. In addition, most atmospheric N deposition and precipitation increase studies have been simulated by directly adding N solution or water to the forest floor, and thus largely neglect some key canopy processes in natural conditions. These previous studies, therefore, may not realistically simulate natural atmospheric N deposition and precipitation increase in forest ecosystems. In a field experiment, we used novel canopy applications to investigate the effects of N deposition, increased precipitation, and their combination on soil chemical properties and the microbial community in a temperate deciduous forest. We found that both soil chemistry and microorganisms were sensitive to these global change factors, especially when they were simultaneously applied. These effects were evident within 2 years of treatment initiation. Canopy N deposition immediately accelerated soil acidification, base cation depletion, and toxic metal accumulation. Although increased precipitation only promoted base cation leaching, this exacerbated the effects of N deposition. Increased precipitation decreased soil fungal biomass, possible due to wetting/re-drying stress or to the depletion of Na. When N deposition and increased precipitation occurred together, soil gram-negative bacteria decreased significantly, and the community structure of soil bacteria was altered. The reduction of gram-negative bacterial biomass was closely linked to the accumulation of the toxic metals Al and Fe. These results suggested that short-term responses in soil cations following N deposition and increased precipitation could change microbial biomass and community structure.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Impacts of environmental factors on the whole microbial communities in the rhizosphere of a metal-tolerant plant: Elsholtzia haichowensis Sun
Deng, Songqiang | Ke-tan, | Li, Longtai | Cai, Shenwen | Zhou, Yuyue | Liu, Yue | Guo, Limin | Chen, Lanzhou | Zhang, Dayi
Rhizospheric microbes play important roles in plant growth and heavy metals (HMs) transformation, possessing great potential for the successful phytoremediation of environmental pollutants. In the present study, the rhizosphere of Elsholtzia haichowensis Sun was comprehensively studied to uncover the influence of environmental factors (EFs) on the whole microbial communities including bacteria, fungi and archaea, via quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) and high-throughput sequencing. By analyzing molecular ecological network and multivariate regression trees (MRT), we evaluated the distinct impacts of 37 EFs on soil microbial community. Of them, soil pH, HMs, soil texture and nitrogen were identified as the most influencing factors, and their roles varied across different domains. Soil pH was the main environmental variable on archaeal and bacterial community but not fungi, explaining 25.7%, 46.5% and 40.7% variation of bacterial taxonomic composition, archaeal taxonomic composition and a-diversity, respectively. HMs showed important roles in driving the whole microbial community and explained the major variation in different domains. Nitrogen (NH4-N, NO3-N, NO2-N and TN) explained 47.3% variation of microbial population composition and 15.9% of archaeal taxonomic composition, demonstrating its influence in structuring the rhizospheric microbiome, particularly archaeal and bacterial community. Soil texture accounted for 10.2% variation of population composition, 28.9% of fungal taxonomic composition, 19.2% of fungal a-diversity and 7.8% of archaeal a-diversity. Rhizosphere only showed strong impacts on fungi and bacteria, accounting for 14.7% and 4.9% variation of fungal taxonomic composition and bacterial a-diversity. Spatial distance had stronger influence on bacteria and archaea than fungi, but not as significant as other EFs. For the first time, our study provides a complete insight into key influential EFs on rhizospheric microbes and how their roles vary across microbial domains, giving a hand for understanding the construction of microbial communities in rhizosphere.
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