أجريس - النظام الدولي للعلوم الزراعية والتكنولوجيا

[ نُشرت في: Pollution ]
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النتائج 471 - 480 من 1,548

Assessing confinement in coastal lagoons


National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Thermal treatment as a method to control transfers of invasive biofouling species via vessel sea chests


Piola, Richard F. | Hopkins, Grant A.

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Identifying fluorescent pulp mill effluent in the Gulf of Maine and its watershed


Cawley, Kaelin M. | Butler, Kenna D. | Aiken, George R. | Larsen, Laurel G. | Huntington, Thomas G. | McKnight, Diane M.

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Persistent organic pollutants in the endangered Hawaiian monk seal (Monachus schauinslandi) from the main Hawaiian Islands


Bohlander, Jessica | Boyd, Daryle | Ylitalo, Gina M. | Littnan, Charles | Pearce, R. (Ronald)

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Evaluation of the ecotoxicity and biological efficacy of ship’s ballast water treatment based on hydroxyl radicals technique


Zhang, Nahui | Zhang, Zhitao | Bai, Mindong | Chen, Cao | Meng, Xiangying | Tian, Yiping

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Survival and movements of Magellanic penguins rehabilitated from oil fouling along the coast of South America, 2000–2010


Ruoppolo, Valeria | Vanstreels, Ralph Eric Thijl | Woehler, E. J. (Eric J.) | Heredia, Sergio Andres Rodríguez | Adornes, Andréa Corrado | Silva-Filho, Rodolfo Pinho da | Matus, Ricardo | Poleschi, Carla | Griot, Karen | Kolesnikovas, Cristiane K Miyaji | Serafini, Patrícia

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Assessing sound exposure from shipping in coastal waters using a single hydrophone and Automatic Identification System (AIS) data


Merchant, Nathan D. | Witt, Matthew J. | Blondel, Philippe | Godley, Brendan J. | Smith, George H.

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

A unique aspect of ballast water management requirements – The same location concept


Gollasch, Stephan | David, Matej

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Northern fulmars as biological monitors of trends of plastic pollution in the eastern North Pacific


Avery-Gomm, Stephanie | O’Hara, Patrick D. | Kleine, Lydia | Bowes, Victoria | Wilson, Laurie K. | Barry, Karen L.

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Bacterial communities are sensitive indicators of contaminant stress


Sun, Melanie Y. | Dafforn, Katherine A. | Brown, Mark V. | Johnston, Emma L.

National Agricultural Library - United States of America