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النتائج 481 - 490 من 738
Evaluation of Biochar Effects on Nitrogen Retention and Leaching in Multi-Layered Soil Columns
Ding, Ying | Liu, Yu-Xue | Wu, Wei-Xiang | Shi, De-Zhi | Yang, Min | Zhong, Zhe-Ke
Biochar can play a key role in nutrient cycling, potentially affecting nitrogen retention when applied to soils. In this project, laboratory experiments were conducted to investigate the adsorption properties of bamboo charcoal (BC) and the influence of BC on nitrogen retention at different soil depths using multi-layered soil columns. Results showed that BC could adsorb ammonium ion predominantly by cation exchange. Ammonium nitrogen (NH₄ ⁺-N) concentrations in the leachate of the soil columns showed significant differences at different depths after ammonium chloride application to the columns depending on whether BC had been added. Addition of 0.5% BC to the surface soil layer retarded the downward transport of NH₄ ⁺-N in the 70-day experiment, as indicated by measurements made during the first 7 days at 10 cm, and later, in the experimental period at 20 cm. In addition, application of BC reduced overall cumulative losses of NH₄ ⁺-N via leaching at 20 cm by 15.2%. Data appeared to suggest that BC could be used as a potential nutrient-retaining additive in order to increase the utilization efficiency of chemical fertilizers. Nonetheless, the effect of BC addition on controlling soil nitrogen losses through leaching needs to be further assessed before large-scale applications to agricultural fields are implemented.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Assessment of the Pollution from Tannery Effluents upon Waters and Soils in and Around Kula Vicinity, Turkey
Tarcan, Gültekin | Akıncı, Görkem | Danışman, M Ali
More than 50 tanneries are operated in Kula, Turkey which is located on highly permeable geological units. The untreated effluents from the tanneries discharged onto the ground surface may cause pollution in surface waters, in groundwater, and in soil. Since the water resources of the region are used for drinking, agricultural, and industrial purposes, the quality assessment of groundwaters and surface waters is completed in the content of this study. Additionally, the surface soil samples are analyzed for their heavy metal content to describe the size of the pollution. The results obtained from the analysis of the water samples show that the concentrations are mostly within drinking water limits. But, concentrations are expected to increase in the next years as no effective effluent collection and treatment is present in the tanneries. Although the concentrations of K, SO₄, Mg, Na, and Cl exceed the permissible limits for drinking water in some cases, they may not directly be caused by tannery activities. Nevertheless, they should be assessed as an indicator of the beginning of groundwater pollution. Also, soil samples collected near the tannery district are extremely polluted. This paper discusses the assessment of the geochemical dispersals of Cr and other pollutants derived from the tannery activities within soil and water in Kula.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Inactivation of Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli in Water Using Photocatalysis with Fixed TiO₂
Chen, Chih-Yu | Wu, Lijun | Chen, Hsuan-Yu | Chung, Ying-Chien
Photocatalytic activity in titanium dioxide (TiO₂) has been extensively studied because of its potential use in sterilization, sanitation, and remediation applications. The aim of the study reported here was to assess the feasibility of “fixed” TiO₂ as the photocatalyst for inactivating pathogenic bacteria selected, Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli, from a water stream. The investigation was undergone in a properly designed laboratory-scale evaluation. Using the system reported here, we obtained an effective bactericidal capability for E. coli and S. aureus with 90.0% and 98.0% after 30 and 10 min ultraviolet-A light irradiation with fixed TiO₂, respectively. Parameters such as the various initial bacteria concentration, TiO₂ concentrations, interruption of illumination, turbidity, and coexisted organic matters were examined to identify the removal efficiency in the photocatalytic reaction. Results indicated the negative effect by high bacteria concentration, coexisted organic matters, and turbidity on inactivation of bacteria, and positive effect on disinfection was associated with higher TiO₂ concentration. Furthermore, our results indicated that under the same experimental conditions, the removal efficiency of the system in synthetic water was performed better than that of crude water. This inferior removal capability in crude water is mainly caused by the negative effect from the unknown coexisted factors.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Influence of Rainfall and Basic Water Quality Parameters on the Distribution of Endocrine-Disrupting Chemicals in Coastal Area
Liu, Ying | Guan, Yuntao | Tam, Nora Feng Yee | Mizuno, Tadao | Tsuno, Hiroshi | Zhu, Wanpeng
Occurrence and distribution of three typical endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs), nonylphenol mixture (NPs), bisphenol A (BPA), and 17α-ethynilestradiol (EE2), were investigated in the seawater, suspended solid, and sediment around the coastline of Shenzhen city. Field surveys were conducted in both dry season and rainy season to access the influence of rainfall and basic water quality parameters on the distribution of target EDCs. In the seawater, NPs, BPA, and EE2 ranged from 31 to 1,777 ng/l, from 11 to 777 ng/l, and from 10 to 269 ng/l, respectively. In the suspended solid, NPs, BPA, and EE2 were in the range from 3 to 289 ng/l, from 1 to 75 ng/l, and from 1 to 29 ng/l, respectively. In the sediment, NPs, BPA, and EE2 varied from 9 to 355 ng/g dry weight (dw), from 3 to 156 ng/g dw, and from 7 to 144 ng/g dw, respectively. With the increasing rainfall, the concentrations of target EDCs decreased in seawater and sediment and increased in suspended solid at all the sampling locations. Among the six measured basic water quality parameters, the volatile suspended solid value was positively related with the partition property of target EDCs between suspended solid and seawater. Based on the results of principal component analysis, dissolved organic carbon, total nitrogen, and total phosphorous had close relationships with the distribution of target EDCs in the seawater. Temperature and dissolved oxygen had little relationship with the distribution of target EDCs in the coastal area.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Biosorption of Zn (II) onto the Surface of Non-living Biomasses: A Comparative Study of Adsorbent Particle Size and Removal Capacity of Three Different Biomasses
Mishra, Vishal | Balomajumder, Chandrajit | Agarwal, Vijay Kumar
Present research has delineated the biosorption potential of three different nonliving biomasses namely eucalyptus bark saw dust, mango bark saw dust, and pineapple fruit peel with respect to Zn (II) ion removal from liquid phase through batch experiments. The efficacy of Zn (II) ion biosorption onto surface of biosorbents was judged and correlated with biosorbent particle size, surface chemistry, and surface texture. Maximum metal ion uptake capacity, percentage removal, and minimum equilibrium concentration as 1.688 mg/g, 84.4%, and 1.56 mg/l, respectively, was obtained using eucalyptus bark saw dust mediated biosorption followed by mango bark saw dust as 1.028 mg/g, 51.4%, and 4.867 mg/l and pineapple fruit peel as 0.45 mg/g, 22.9%, and 7.71 mg/l, respectively, at a particle size of 0.5 mm. Additionally, present investigation also proved that biosorption efficiency and metal ion interaction with adsorbent surface also depends upon presence of functional groups involved in metal ion adsorption and surface porosity.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]A Study on Al(III) and Fe(II) Ions Sorption by Cattle Manure Vermicompost
Jordão, Cláudio Pereira | Fernandes, Raphael Bragança A. | de Lima Ribeiro, Kamilla | de Barros, Priscila M. | Fontes, Mauricio Paulo F. | de Paula Souza, Francianny Maria
Cattle manure vermicompost has been used for the adsorption of Al(III) and Fe(II) from both synthetic solution and kaolin industry wastewater. The optimum conditions for Al(III) and Fe(II) adsorption at pH 2 (natural pH of the wastewater) were particle size of ≤250 µm, 1 g/10 mL adsorbent dose, contact time of 4 h, and temperature of 25°C. Langmuir and Freundlich adsorption isotherms fitted reasonably well in the experimental data, and their constants were evaluated, with R ² values from 0.90 to 0.98. In synthetic solution, the maximum adsorption capacity of the vermicompost for Al(III) was 8.35 mg g⁻¹ and for Fe(II) was 16.98 mg g⁻¹ at 25°C when the vermicompost dose was 1 g 10 mL⁻¹, and the initial adjusted pH was 2. The batch adsorption studies of Al(III) and Fe(II) on vermicompost using kaolin wastewater have shown that the maximum adsorption capacities were 1.10 and 4.30 mg g⁻¹, respectively, at pH 2. The thermodynamic parameter, the Gibbs free energy, was calculated for each system, and the negative values obtained confirm that the adsorption processes were spontaneous.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Size Distribution of Wet Weather and Dry Weather Particulate Matter Entrained in Combined Flows from an Urbanizing Sewershed
Piro, P. | Carbone, M. | Garofalo, G. | Sansalone, J.
Urban drainage transports a complex and heterogeneous mixture of aqueous-phase chemicals and also solid-phase particulate matter (PM). In this study, event-scale particle size distribution (PSD) of wet and dry weather flows are measured, modeled, and compared. The flows are generated from a complex urbanizing sewershed (Liguori catchment) in Cosenza, Italy. Results indicate PSDs are heterodisperse, ranging from colloidal to sand-size PM. On an event scale, dry weather PSDs are coarser than wet weather flows, yet within each flow class results indicate flow-limited behavior and only nominal variability during and between events. PSDs from each event and flow category are modeled with a cumulative gamma distribution. Results produced nonparametric distributions of shape (γ) and scaling (α) parameters as well as a d ₅₀ index. Wet weather flows generated statistically significantly higher distributions of γ and α and statistically significantly lower d ₅₀. Nonparametric parameter distributions illustrate greater, yet still nominal variability for wet weather flows.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Assessment of Deep Groundwater Quality in Kathmandu Valley Using Multivariate Statistical Techniques
Chapagain, Saroj Kumar | Pandey, Vishnu P. | Shrestha, Sangam | Nakamura, Takashi | Kazama, Futaba
This study was carried out to assess the overall water quality and identify major variables affecting the deep groundwater quality in Kathmandu Valley, Nepal. Forty-two deep wells were sampled during premonsoon and monsoon seasons in 2007 and analyzed for the major physicochemical variables. The water quality variables such as NH ₄ ⁺ -N, Fe, Pb, As, and Cd at most of the sampling locations exceeded the World Health Organization guideline levels for drinking water. Multivariate statistical techniques such as factor analysis and cluster analysis were applied to identify the major factors (variables) corresponding to the different source of variation in deep groundwater quality. Factor analysis indentified six major factors explaining 74.77% of the total variance in water quality; and the major variations are related with the degree of groundwater mineralization, decomposition of organic matter, and reduction of groundwater environment. The water quality of deep groundwater is influenced by the natural hydrogeochemical environment. The wells are broadly divided into two major groups based on the similar groundwater characteristics using cluster analysis. Results show that water quality of deep groundwater does not vary significantly as a function of season.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Decreases in Condition and Fecundity of Freshwater Fishes in a Highly Polluted Reservoir
Benejam, Lluís | Benito, Josep | García-Berthou, Emili
Despite many efforts for pollution abatement in aquatic ecosystems, there are still some cases of high accumulation of industrial pollutants due to past activities. In Flix reservoir (Ebro River, Spain), there are around 200,000-360,000 tons of industrial pollutants with a high concentration of heavy metals and organochlorides due to the activity of an organochlorine industry during more than half a century. This exceptional amount of pollutants provides a good opportunity (and need) to analyse their effects on fish populations under natural conditions, which is rarely available to ecotoxicologists. We compared the reproductive traits and prevalence of diseases and parasites at this impacted area with a neighbouring upstream reservoir unaffected by the pollution (reference sites) and also to downstream sites. Deformity, eroded fin, lesion and tumour (DELT) anomalies and ectoparasites were clearly more frequent at the impacted area for several fish species (common carp, roach and pumpkinseed). A significant negative impact of Flix reservoir on condition (eviscerated and liver weights, adjusted for fish size with analysis of covariance) and reproductive traits (gonadal weight and number of mature eggs, adjusted for fish size) was also detected for several fish species. The responses to the pollutants were species-specific, and common carp (Cyprinus carpio) was the species with the clearest effects on fitness-related traits at the impacted area, despite also being among the most tolerant to pollution.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Assessment of Radionuclides, Trace Metals and Radionuclide Transfer from Soil to Food of Jhangar Valley (Pakistan) Using Gamma-Ray Spectrometry
Khan, Hasan M. | Chaudhry, Zahid S. | Ismail, Muhammad | Khan, Khalid
The gamma spectrometric analysis of soil and essential foodstuffs, e.g., wheat, millet, potato, lentils and cauliflower, which form the main component of the daily diet of the local public, was carried out using high purity germanium (HpGe) detector coupled with a computer based high-resolution multi-channel analyzer. The activity concentration in soil samples for ²²⁶Ra, ²³²Th and ⁴⁰K ranged from 30.0 Bq kg⁻¹ to 81.2 Bq kg⁻¹, 31.4 Bq kg⁻¹ to 78.25 Bq kg⁻¹ and 308.8 Bq kg⁻¹ to 2177.6 Bq kg⁻¹, with mean values of 56.2, 58.5 and 851.9 Bq kg⁻¹, respectively. The average activity measured for ²²⁶Ra, ²³²Th and ⁴⁰K in soil samples was found higher than the world average. The major radionuclide found in the food items studied was ⁴⁰K, while ²²⁶Ra, ²³²Th and ¹³⁷Cs were detected in very nominal amounts. The results clearly indicate that these radionuclides have no health hazard to human beings, as they are well below the annual limit of intake (ALI) for these radionuclides. The transfer factors of these radionuclides from soil to food were also studied. The mean transfer factors of ⁴⁰K, ²²⁶Ra, ²³²Th and ¹³⁷Cs from soil to food were estimated to be about 0.17, 0.07, 0.16 and 0.23, respectively. An artificial radionuclide, ¹³⁷Cs, was also present in detectable amount in all samples. The internal and external hazard indices were measured and had mean values of 0.70 and 0.55, respectively. Absorbed dose rates and effective dose have been determined in the present study. Concentration of trace metals, such as Cr, Pb, Ni and Zn, was also determined in the soil samples. The concentrations of radionuclides and trace metals found in these samples during the present study were nominal and do not pose any potential health hazard to the general public.
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