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النتائج 51 - 60 من 61,960
Assessing the Effect of Environmental Stressors on the Community Structure of Macroinvertebrates and Water Quality of River Ugbalo, Nigeria
Olusegun Olatunji, Emmanuel | Abubokhai Elakhame, Luckey | Catherine Osimen, Ekikhalo | Ovie Edegbene, Augustine
Aquatic macroinvertebrates play significant roles in the benthic zone of the aquatic ecosystem and they have different tolerance level to pollution. Globally, macroinvertebrates are usedas bioindicators in determining the ecological health and water quality status of aquatic ecosystem. Therefore, this study focused on the community structure of benthic macroinvertebrates in River Ugbalo, south-south Nigeria. Macroinvertebrates and physicochemical parameters were sampled in three marked out stations between March 2018 and February 2020. Physicochemical parameters were analyzed following standard procedures, while macroinvertebrates were collected with Kick net and Van Veen grab. Physicochemical parameters showed that the water quality of the three stations sampled were fair considering the values of pH, turbidity, sulphate, nitrate, phosphate, DO, BOD, and EC which were within the World Health Organization and Federal Environmental Protection Agency of Nigeria. Cluster analysis based on Bray- Curtis similarity showed that macroinvertebrates were clustered by stations rather than seasons. A total of 5,580 macroinvertebrates individuals were recorded showing high biodiversity in the river. Diptera was the most abundant Order with 2,488 individuals followed by Odonata with 697 individuals. The least represented Order was Lepidoptera with 13 individuals. The diversity indices showed that Margalef index (5.93), Simpson diversity (0.95), Evenness (0.63), and Shannon-Weiner index (3.30) were highest in Station 1. This research work showed that the water quality of the studied stations was fair and station 3 was the most perturbed station. We recommend the enactment and enforcement of policies that will lead to aquatic ecosystem restoration.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Water Quality Status of Mangrove Ecosystem in Bedono, Sayung, Demak, Central Java
Retnaningsih Soeprobowati, Tri | Jumari, Jumari | Wasiq Hidayat, Jafron | Muhammad, Fuad | Hanif Al Falah, Mirza | Kadek Dita Cahyani, Ni | Gell, Peter
Mangrove ecosystems have many functions for coastal areas, including ecological, social, and economic services. These functions have a systemic impact on the environment of other coastal ecosystems and human life. The mangrove ecosystem covering an area of 197.92 ha in Bedono, Demak Regency, Central Java was threatened due to the wave abrasion and high tides. Some parts of Bedono Village had become inundated and flooded permanently, zink as part of the ocean. This research was conducted to quantify water pollution in the mangrove ecosystem of Bedono Village using the Storage and Retrieval (STORET) method and the pollution index (PI). The fieldwork was conducted June 2022, by collecting water samples for laboratory analysis tests and in-situ water quality measurement. The parameter of the water quality that exceeded threshold of the Government Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 22 of 2021 are the dissolved oxygen (DO) ranges between 4.39-8.78 mg L-1, BOD ranges between 30-32.4 mg L-1, phosphate ranges between 0.063-0.074 mg L-1, ammonia ranges between 0.148-0.48 mg L-1, Cr ranges between 0.071-0.21 mg L-1, and Pb ranges between 0.071-0.21 mg L-1. Based on the STORET method, the water quality in the mangrove ecosystem was found to be in the category of moderately (-16, for harbor function) – heavily polluted (-80, for tourism and -90, marine biota), whereas based on the PI index it was lightly polluted (1.77-4.12, for harbor function) – moderately polluted (11.06-13.83for tourism, and 9.96-11.85, marine biota).
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Reducing Environmental Pollutants by using Triorganotin(IV)-Tyrosine Complexes that Prolong the Life of the Polymers used in Outdoor Patios
R. Arraq, Rafid | G. Hadi, Angham | S. Ahmed, Dina | Zainulabdeen, Khalid | Hashim, Hassan | A. Ahmed, Ahmed | M. Yusop, Rahimi | H. Jawad, Ali | A. Mohammed, Salam | Al-Amiery, Ahmed | Yousif, Emad
When exposed to UV light at ambient temperature, three tri organotin (IV) complexes with tyrosine as a ligand (85–97% yields) were utilized as additives to prevent the photo-degradation of PVC films (40 μm thickness). The compounds were described using NMR (1H, 13C and 119Sn), IR, and elemental analysis. The compounds formed were assigned trigonal bipyramidal geometry depending on the spectrum data. Several Triorganotin (IV) tyrosine complexes were synthesized and mixed with polymers to form thin films (vinyl chloride). Up to 300 hours of UV light (wavelength: 313 nm) exposure was given to these films. A microscope, atomic force microscopy, and scanning electron microscopy were used to examine the surface morphology of the PVC films. Rapid UV-weathering was employed to determine weight loss and the production of certain functional groups, including carbonyl and polyene. Compared to pure PVC film, the films with manufactured complexes showed less undesired alterations. By absorbing UV light and scavenging peroxides, hydrochlorides and radicals. The polymer was photo stabilized by the triorganotin (IV)-tyrosine complexes (vinyl chloride). It was discovered that Ph3SnL has the fastest rate of PVC photostabilization.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Fuzzy Inference of Air Quality – A case study of Vadodara City
Seema, Nihalani
Abstract: Air Quality Index (AQI) is derived from a series of observations of different air pollutants for reporting air quality. The severity of air pollution and its impacts on the general public are typically reported using the air quality index. Different methods have been developed by various regulatory agencies and scientists, to calculate the AQI using aggregation methods involving critical pollutants. This paper presents a comparison between conventional AQI and Fuzzy AQI. 20 sampling locations were chosen for Vadodara city in order to investigate the effects of urban air pollution, and ambient air quality was measured twice a week from October 2017 to February 2018. The Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) method formulas were used to calculate the traditional Air Quality Index using the measured values of Coarse particulate matter (PM10), Sulphur dioxide (SO2), and Oxides of nitrogen (NOX). Additionally, the membership functions were provided as input to the Mamdani fuzzy inference system (FIS) for the fuzzy logic system, and the fuzzy air quality index (FAQI) was calculated. The computed conventional AQI values were compared with FAQI values. A close co-relation was observed between conventional AQI and fuzzy AQI values. The application of the fuzzy inference system demonstrates its capability to manage difficult issues including data ambiguity. The findings clearly show that the FIS is capable of resolving inherent discrepancies and interpreting complex conditions.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Performance Evaluation of Different Soil Media by Batch-Operated Pilot-Scale Horizontal Subsurface Flow Constructed Wetlands for Wastewater Treatment
Kumar Swarnakar, Arvind | Bajpai, Samir | Ahmad, Ishtiyaq
Constructed wetland systems (CWs) are low-cost natural treatment systems for various types of influents. Although mainly the natural wetlands are soil-based, the constructed wetlands have been traditionally built using aggregate media. The performance of four types of available soils in Chhattisgarh was studied as the filter media in the horizontal subsurface flow-constructed wetland (HSFCW). Fourteen pilot-scale CW units with different soil types (entisol, vertisol, alfisol, inceptisol, and stone aggregate) and plant types (Canna indica and Typha latifolia) were used to treat domestic wastewater (WW). One set of each soil base reactor was planted with Canna indica and Typha latifolia, and one was kept blank (unplanted). All soils and plants are easily available.The reactors received primary wastewater in batch loads with WW loading for six hours to maintain aerobic conditions. The residence time of WW was 48 hours, and the applied hydraulic loading rate (HLR) was based on soil and aggregate. According to the findings, the planted HSFCW was more effective than the unplanted system. The results show that the wetland constructed on the treatment efficiency of the soil base has excellent potential to treat WW, with both plants.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Assessment of some Heavy Metals and Health Risks in Water and Shrimps from a Polluted Mangrove Swamp, Niger Delta, Nigeria
Davies, Davies, Ibienebo Chris | Anyanwu, Emeka
The heavy metal concentrations of water and shrimp (Penaeus monodon) from Isaka Bundu swamp, Niger Delta were evaluated between January and June 2022. The non-carcinogenic health risk assessment was used to assess the water's suitability for recreation and the shrimps for consumption. Five heavy metals (Pb, Cu, Cd, Ni, and Zn) were assessed in both media using standard methods and compared with national and international standards. The Chronic daily intake (CDI) for Cd and Cu (in children) exceeded their respective reference doses while hazard quotients (HQs) for Cd and Cu (in children) and all the hazard indices were greater than 1 in the water. All the target hazard quotients (THQs) and total hazard index (THIs) were lower than 1 in the shrimps. The heavy metal concentrations, CDIs, HQ/THQs and HI/THIs were higher in the more impacted stations 1 and 3. Based on the heavy metal concentrations and health risk assessment, the waters of the Isaka Bundu swamp are unsafe for recreational purposes. However, shrimps are safe for human consumption. The high concentrations of heavy metals in the water influenced the concentrations in the shrimps. Anthropogenic activities in the area contributed to the heavy metal concentrations in the environment. The results also showed that the children were more prone to adverse health impacts.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Status, Health Effects and Remediation Techniques of E-waste – A Review
Guin, Shailu | Deswal, Surinder
The annual global generation of e-waste is estimated to be 59.08 million tonnes (7.37 kg per capita), out of which the major chunk is being processed in informal sector using primitive and hazardous methods in developing countries due to cheap labour, less stringent laws and regulatory policies. Despite the fact the annual global value of e-waste industry being about USD 62.5 billion that provides employment to millions in developing countries, the unstructured/informal operations in e-waste sector had and have been causing hazardous health issues in human and environment along with unlawful activities. Many studies have been reported on wide array of interrelated aspects and issues of e-waste, but only few studies have reviewed potential remediation techniques that can take care of the increasing e-waste and its sustainable management. Therefore, disposal and remediation techniques for polluted sites have been the key concerns in the field of environmentally sustainable management (ESM) of e-waste. The present review revealed that of all the classic and hybrid remediation techniques, the biological remediation techniques being eco-friendly and cost effective needs to be explored for metal removing from contaminated environment. The review also concludes the imminent necessity of ESM by framing and implementing regulations and laws essentially incorporating Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) in developing countries. The review of Indian scenario suggests the scope of startups for the sustainable recycling of e-waste to achieve healthy environment, employment and economic opportunities.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]A Review on Global Pesticide Use and Food Contamination: African Perspective
Adebisi, Fagbohun | Dauda, Mary | Anjorin, Toba
Pesticide application has increased globally with increasing demand for food, and modernized Agriculture as a result of an explosion in the world’s population growth, especially in developing nations in Africa, Asia, and South America. However, pesticides have helped to improve productivity, protect the nutritive integrity of food crops, and ensure year-round food supplies worldwide. The production and consumption of pesticides persisted from one decade to another until the ecosystem started to suffer from its adverse effects on the environment and human health. Previous investigations revealed that pesticides found entry into the human food chain. In response to these problems, researchers all over the world have conducted several kinds of research on pesticide applications, and their residual contamination in food. This review crosses from the past to present researches on the usage of pesticides, their accumulation in food, and possible methods of their reduction as highlighted by researchers over many years. There is a need for continuous monitoring of pesticide residue profile in soil, crop produce, and animal products in developing countries so that it will not exceed maximum residue limits (MRLs).
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Treatment of Fish Processing Wastewater by Alum and PAM: A Comparative Study on Turbidity, COD, BOD, and Rheological Properties
AL Riyami, Hanan Ahmed Said | Al Dawery, Salam Kadhim | Reddy, Sreedhar | Ahmed, Anwar
This research article compares the efficacy of using alum and poly aluminum chloride (PAM) for the treatment of fish processing wastewater. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of each treatment method in reducing turbidity, COD), BOD, and altering the rheological properties of the wastewater. Batch mode coagulation and flocculation experiments were conducted using lab scale jar test apparatus. The findings indicate that both alum and PAM can significantly reduce turbidity and COD. The highest turbidity removal efficiency of 93% was achieved with alum at a dose of 200 mg/L, while PAM achieved a maximum turbidity removal efficiency of 86% at a dose of 100 mg/L. Alum and PAM achieved the highest BOD5 and COD removal efficiencies at a dosage of 200 mg/L and pH 7.0. However, the removal efficiencies varied at different pH values and dosages. Alum and PAM have significant effect on the rheological properties of fish processing wastewater. The viscosity of settled residual sludge after chemical coagulation is more compared to untreated fish processing wastewater due to aggregation of suspended particles to form larger flocs. This would improve the settling properties of the coagulated sludge. The study concludes that both alum and PAM can be viable options for treating fish processing wastewater, with Alum showing a slight edge over PAM in certain aspects.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Enhanced Microbial and Total petroleum hydrocarbon degradation in Crude-Oil Polluted Soils using Agro-Wastes
Bessong Agbor, Reagan | Eyogor Edu, Ndem | Ndarake Asuquo, Eno | Akpang Ivon, Etta | Alain Inah, Simon | Bebia, Obase-Etta
Bioremediation has become a trending and developing field in environmental restoration through the use of micro-organisms to utilize and reduced the concentration and toxicity of various chemical pollutants. This study is on bioremediation of hydrocarbon-polluted soils using some agricultural wastes. Ninety (90) plastic buckets were filled with 4kg each of the composite soil. The soil contained in the plastic buckets was spiked with 250ml crude oil, except in the unpolluted plastic buckets (0%) crude oil. The agro-wastes (plantain stem sap, bush mango peels, and fruited pumpkin husk powder) in single and combined forms were applied after 14 days soil pollution. The amendments were applied as follows: Pristine control (0% agro-wastes), crude-oil control (0% agro-wastes), 150g, 250g, and 350g of the agro-wastes. Soil samples were collected at 90 days for soil microbial counts and the total hydrocarbon content of the soil. Data collected were subjected to 2-way ANOVA. The result showed that the microbial population in the crude-oil polluted soil amended with different agricultural wastes significantly increased (p<0.05) the total heterotrophic and crude oil utilizing bacterial and fungal counts in the soils and the increase in microbial population result in a significant reduction in total hydrocarbon content (THC) of the soils. The reduction in the THC of the soil was treatment dependent. It is, therefore concluded that based on the efficiency of these agro-wastes in enhancing microbial degradation, further studies should be carried out on the enzyme activities and production of bio-surfactant from the wastes to shorten the degradation time.
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