خيارات البحث
النتائج 51 - 60 من 325
Use of freshwater plants for phytotoxicity testing: a review
Lewis, M.A. (US Environmental Protection Agency, 1 Sabine Island Drive, Environmental Research Laboratory, Gulf Breeze, Florida 32561 (USA))
Assessment of the toxic potential of hydrocarbon containing sludges
Morelli, I.S. | Vecchioli, G.I. | Panno, M.T. del | Garre, M.I. | Costanza, O.R. | Painceira, M.T. (Laboratorio de Biodegradacion Microbiologogica de Hidrocarburos, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Universidad Nacional de la Plata, 47 y 115 (1900) La Plata (Argentina))
A kinetic study of anaerobic digestion of olive mill wastewater at mesophilic and thermophilic temperatures
Borja, R. | Martin, A. | Banks, C.J. | Alonso, V. | Chica, A. (Instituto de la Grasa y sus Derivados (C.S.I.C.), Avda. Padre Garcia Tejero, 4, 41012-Sevilla (Spain))
Assessment of inorganic lead species and total organo-alkyllead in some Egyptian agricultural soils
Elsokkary, I.H. | Amer, M.A. | Shalaby, E.A. (Department of Soil and Water Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Alexandria University, El-Shatby, Alexandria (Egypt))
Ambient ozone (O3) and adverse crop response: a unified view of cause and effect
Krupa, S.V. | Grunhage, L. | Jager, H.J. | Nosal, M. | Manning, W.J. | Legge, A.H. | Hanewald, K. (Department of Plant Pathology, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN 55108 (USA))
Adsorption and desorption of Cu at high equilibrium concentrations by soil and clay samples from Bulgaria
Atanassova, I.D. ('N. Poushkarov' Soil Science and Agroecology Research Institute, 7 Shosse Bankya, Sofia 1080 (Bulgaria))
Acceleration of 13C-labelled photosynthate partitioning from leaves to panicles in rice plants exposed to chronic ozone at the reproductive stage
Nouchi, I. | Ito, O. | Harazono, Y. | Kouchi, H. (National Institute of Agro-Environmental Sciences, 3-1-1 Kannondai, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305 (Japan))
Climate change: potential effects of increased atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO(2)), ozone (O3), and ultraviolet-B (UV-B) radiation on plant diseases
Manning, W.J. | Tiedemann, A. von (Department of Plant Pathology, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA 01003-2420 (USA))
Vegetative growth of soybean as affected by elevated carbon dioxide and ozone
Reinert, R.A. | Ho, M.C. (USDA-ARS, Department of Plant Pathology, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, North Carolina 27695 (USA))
Influence of air pollution on the foliar nutrition of conifers in Great Britain
Innes, J.L. (Forestry Commission, Alice Holt Lodge, Wrecclesham, Farnham, Surrey, GU10 4LH (United Kingdom))