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النتائج 511 - 520 من 562
Molecular Docking Analysis of Embelia ribes for Selected Constituents as Spodoptera frugiperda (Fall Armyworm) Beta Glycosidase and Caspase-1 Inhibitors
Srinivasan Kumaraswamy, Vasantha-Srinivasan Prabhakaran and Radhakrishnan Narayanaswamy
Insect pest control is one of the major issues facing the agriculture sector because of the need for new agrochemicals and biocontrol agents that are environmentally friendly, economically affordable, and safe for human health. Spodoptera frugiperda (fall armyworm) is one of the insect pests that causes huge damage to various crops around the globe due to its generalist nature. In the present study, three selected Embelia ribes Burm F (Myrsinaceae) constituents, which include embelin, 5-O-methylembelin, and vilangin; one semi-synthetic compound (potassium embelate); three synthetic compounds, namely coenzyme Q10, dopaquinone, and idebenone; and two reference compounds (azadirachtin and amitraz) were assessed on the docking behavior of S. frugiperda (beta glycosidase and caspase-1. The docking studies showed that coenzyme Q10 exhibited the highest binding energies (-130.61 and -434.56 kcal.mol-1) for the target enzymes S. frugiperda (beta glycosidase and caspase-1, respectively). Thus, the present investigation provides new knowledge in understanding Embelia ribes Burm F (Myrsinaceae) constituents as possible inhibitors against S. frugiperda (beta glycosidase and caspase-1) enzyme activities. Furthermore, the present work can help to develop new insecticides and pesticides against S. frugiperda and other related insect pests.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Effect of Compliance with Environmental Regulations in the Construction of Public Civil Works, Cajamarca, Peru
D. Quinto, D. Sanchez, M. Milla, M. Torres, B. Cayatopa, D. Jara and E. Morales
Construction activities produce considerable environmental effects and have resulted in a growing demand to implement favorable environmental practices. In this sense, this research aimed to evaluate the effect of the level of compliance with environmental regulations in public civil works in the San Ignacio, Cajamarca, Peru district. Data were obtained through direct observation and structured interviews in 7 selected construction sites. The deductive and analytical method was used. As a result, the level of compliance was obtained. Work 4 had the highest rank, and works 2 and 5 had the lowest. Currently, all the works are in a similar range of compliance. The degree of association between the level of compliance with environmental regulations and the current state of the civil works indicates a probability of 0.0190, which shows that the low level of compliance with environmental regulations in the construction of public civil works in the district of San Ignacio generates a deterioration in the quality of the environment and increases the possibility of administrative sanctions.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]A Review of Research on Materials for the Separation of Oil/water Mixtures
Xu Meng , Chengzhi Song, Junfeng Yan, Yanyan Dong, Aiqin Hou, Kongliang Xie and Liping Liang
Water pollution caused by oil spills at sea and industrial and daily wastewater discharges are causing serious damage to the ecological environment, not only in terms of economic losses but also in terms of human health and survival, a problem that needs to be addressed urgently. Oil/water separation is a global challenge, and while these problems are frequent, various oil/water separation strategies have been extensively investigated in recent years. The efficiency of the materials prepared is a key factor, as are the environmental friendliness and low cost of the methods and raw materials used in the experiments. This work reviews methods and materials applied in oil/water separation in recent years, including natural textile materials, metal meshes, synthetic membranes, particulate adsorbent materials, foams, sponges, aerogels, smart controllable special wettable separation materials.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Comparison of Machine Learning Models in the Prediction of Accumulation of Heavy Metals in the Tree Species in Kanchipuram, Tamilnadu
R. Sumathi and G. Sriram
Arsenic, aluminum, iron, lead, chromium, copper, zinc, manganese, and cadmium are some of the heavy metal pollutants in the air that cause severe impacts on the biotic and abiotic environment. This study intended to find the accumulation capacity of the heavy metals on the leaves of tree species such as Terminalia catappa, Syzygium cumini, Saraca asoca, Pongamia glabra, and Ficus religiosa and predict their accuracy by comparing different machine learning (ML) models. The samples were collected at six different locations (likely Vellagate, Cancer Institute, CSI hospital area, Moongilmandapam, Collectorate, and Pallavarmedu) and distributed in a manner within Kanchipuram town, Tamil Nadu, in February and March of 2018 and 2019, respectively. Six ML methods were selected, such as KStar (K*), Lazy IKB, Logistic Regression Algorithm (LR), LogitBoost Classifier (LB), Meta Randomizable Filtered Classifier (MRFC), and Random Tree (RT), for prediction and to compare the efficiency of their predictions. Out of six models, Logistic functions perform well in terms of TP rate when compared to other classifiers (93.21%-99.81% TPR– 0.93–0.99) and Logitboost attained a low TP rate that ranged from 0.76 to 0.82. This study indicates the feasibility of different ML methods in the prediction of species capabilities toward the accumulation of heavy metals.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Effects of Flex Fuel in Light Duty Power Generators on the Environment and Circular Bio-Economy
S. Padmanabhan, C. Joel, S. Mahalingam, J. R. Deepak, S. Baskar and M. Ruban
Environmental sustainability encompasses various problems, including clean air, renewable energy, climate change, safe environments, and the capacity to live in a healthy community. One possible strategy for addressing these global problems is the circular bio-economy. Cleaner and lower-carbon environments may be fostered via the production of bioenergy and biomaterials, which can also help to maintain the energy-environment connection. To improve sustainability and the state of the planet, scientists are looking at renewable energy sources like ethanol. Compared to gasoline, ethanol has a reduced carbon footprint and a greater energy density, making it a viable alternative fuel. This study gives an overview of ethanol as a possible alternative fuel for flex-powered power generators in India to meet the goals of the circular bio-economy. This paper details the results of flex-fuel testing conducted on a light-duty power generator using an ethanol-gasoline mix. The findings reveal improved thermal efficiency and lower fuel consumption rates than basic fuel. The emissions of both carbon monoxide and unburned hydrocarbons were shown to be reduced.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]The Impact of High-Concentration Salt Solution on Morphological Changes in a Geosynthetic Clay Liner
N. P. Nisha and J. Prakash Arul Jose
Microscopic examination was used to begin investigating the changes in geosynthetic clay liner (GCL) specimens that had been hydrated with two separate solutions: pure water and a 50 percent concentration NaCl solution. After already being hydrated with NaCl aqueous solution, the GCL samples were examined under an electron microscope. Even though the treated GCL samples’ surfaces mirrored those of the untreated GCL, a crystal deposit was found there. It was found that the bentonite particles in the GCL sample appeared more solid after being hydrated with distilled water as opposed to the NaCl solution using a scanning electron microscope (SEM). It seems that wetting the salt solution decreases the bentonite particles’ tendency to swell. Additionally, it was demonstrated by the energy-dispersive X-ray spectrometer (EDS) data that distilled water hydration had no impact on the distribution of the elements identified in the GCL samples. On the other hand, the presence of bound chlorine demonstrated that the bentonite particles had absorbed the NaCl solution. The hydrated GCL sample’s hydraulic conductivity showed some variation as well.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Analyses of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) in the Ganga River Water in Uttar Pradesh, India
Poonam Sonwani and Sandhya Bharti
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were analyzed in the Ganga River water samples collected from three cities. Jajmau (Kanpur), Dala Khera (Fatehpur), and Kara Kachar (Kaushambi) of Uttar Pradesh, India. At Jajmau (Kanpur), out of sixteen PAHs, eight were found in the Ganga river water in concentration (μg.L-1) order: acenaphthylene (3.8356) > pyrene (0.5878) > fluorene (0.5752) > anthracene (0.2806) > benzo(b)fluoranthene (0.1960) > phenanthrene (0.0526) > benzo(a)pyrene (0.0234) > naphthalene (0.006). In contrast, in Dala Khera (Fatehpur), two PAHs: anthracene (0.2806) and fluorene (0.07894), were observed. In Kara Kachar (Kaushambi), only single phenanthrene (0.04507) was detected. It was noticed that the three-ring types of PAHs occur commonly in all three sites. It is concerning because the river water sampled had PAH concentrations, namely Acy, Flu, Phe, and Pyr, that were relatively higher than those recommended (0.05 μg.L-1) by WHO (1998) in surface water. In contrast, the amounts of Nap, Ant, BbF, and Bap were recorded within the safe levels in Kanpur, while in the other two cities (Fatehpur and Kaushambi), Phe and Ant were detected lower than their permissible limit. Flu was measured as higher than its recommended value by WHO (1998). Similarly, the concentration of Acy, Ant, Pyr, BbF and BaP in river water samples at Jajmau, Kanpur were higher than their safe limits suggested by RIVM report 607711007/2012 for inland surface water while Nap, Flu, and Phe were lower than their recommended values. However, at, Dala Khera and Kara Kachar (Fatehpur and Kaushambi respectively), the concentrations of Ant, Flu and Phe were lower than their prescribed limits given by RIVM 607711007/2012.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]RFID and IoT Enabled Framework to Make Pune City an Eco-friendly Smart City
Sangram C. Patil and Milind R. Gidde
The increasing volume and complexity of waste associated with the modern economy pose a serious risk to ecosystems and human health. Due to the intensive increase in computation, Machine learning is popular. Intelligent solid waste management motivates the Swachh Bharat mission to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the birth of astrapita Mahatma Gandhi. In the context of smart city development, an innovative means of implementing smart solid waste collection is to improve daily solid waste collection at the household level. An intelligent solid waste collection system will be implemented in the Smart City to improve solid waste collection. It is required to educate households about solid waste handling. Municipal Corporation can implement an innovative PPP model as part of an independent India campaign to motivate startup ntrepreneurs, which will generate jobs in India. The city of Pune is in a phase of intelligent urban mobility development to improve citizens’ living standards. Ensure safe traffic management, adequate water supply, smart amenities, and services such as the intelligent collection, transport, and processing of solid waste. RFID and IoT base IT solutions have the potential to develop sustainable, innovative technology to achieve 100% household collections and transportation and treatment of waste so that to minimize waste to send landfill side.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Biomimetic Synthesis of Nanoparticles: State-of-the-Art
Tabassum-Abbasi, S. A. Abbasi, R. Rajalakshmi, Pratiksha Patnaik and Tasneem Abbasi
A state-of-the-art review of biomimetic nanoparticle synthesis is presented. The technique’s origin has been traced to the studies, started over 150 years ago, on the hyperaccumulation of certain metals by different species of plants. How the initial intracellular method of nanoparticle synthesis evolved into the now widely used extracellular route has been described. The review then covers the gist of all the studies reported on the biomimetic synthesis of nanoparticles of different metals using extracts of different botanical species (plants). The synthesis mechanism is discussed, and the factors influencing the nanoparticles’ extent, shapes, and sizes are identified.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Adsorption and Kinetic Studies on Sequestering Effect of Porous Biodegradable Biochar Obtained from Pig-Bone on Hexavalent chromium from Aqueous Solution
L. Vidhya, S. Vinodha, S. J. Pradeeba, B. Jeyagowri, V. Nirmaladevi and N. Nithiya
In the current research work, the authors proposed a list of tactics to eliminate Cr (VI) with the help of pig bone biochar. The Cr (VI) was adsorbed in batches onto pig bone biochar to scrutinize the adsorption data. The studies determine the impact of adsorption dose, pH, and concentration. From the results, it was inferred that the optimum pH level was 7 for the removal of metal. The study calculated the adsorption isotherms in terms of affinity and adsorption capacity by leveraging Temkin, Langmuir, and Freundlich equations. According to the reports, the Langmuir model is suitable for the adsorption data, followed by Temkin and Freundlich equations. In this model, rapid adsorption kinetic rates were observed, whereas the equilibrium state was achieved after two hours. There seems to be a perfect collation between the kinetic adsorption data and the pseudo-second-order equation. The researchers determined both Lagergren and Ho’sconstants. When biochar was characterized with SEM (Scanning Electron Microscope), EDX (Energy Dispersive X-ray spectrometer), and FTIR (Fourier Transform Infrared spectrometer), it was revealed that the Cr (VI) ions interacted with the isolated aggregates formed on the biosorbent surface. From the results, it can be understood that the pig bone biochar can be effectively used to eliminate chromium ions from an aqueous solution.
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