خيارات البحث
النتائج 541 - 550 من 1,309
Seasonal and spatial variability of water quality parameters in the Port of Genoa, Italy, from 2000 to 2007
Ruggieri, N. | Castellano, M. | Capello, M. | Maggi, S. | Povero, P.
This paper presents the results of the statistical analysis of a set of physico-chemical and biological water quality parameters, monthly collected from 2000 to 2007 in the Genoa Harbour area (Ligurian Sea). We applied multivariate methods, such as principal component analysis (PCA) and dynamic factor analysis (DFA) for investigating the spatial and temporal variability and for providing important background information on pollution problems in the region. PCA evidenced the role of the sewage and river discharges and of the exchanges with the open sea in determining the harbour water quality. DFA was used to estimate underlying common trends in the time series. The DFA results partly show a general improvement of water quality over the 8-years period. However, in other areas, we found inter-annual variations but no significant multi-annual trend. Furthermore, we included meteorological variables in our statistical analyses because of their potential influence on the water quality parameters. These natural forcings explain part of the variability in water quality parameters that are superimposed on the dominating anthropogenic pollution factors.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Microplastics in the marine environment
Andrady, A. L. (Anthony L.)
This review discusses the mechanisms of generation and potential impacts of microplastics in the ocean environment. Weathering degradation of plastics on the beaches results in their surface embrittlement and microcracking, yielding microparticles that are carried into water by wind or wave action. Unlike inorganic fines present in sea water, microplastics concentrate persistent organic pollutants (POPs) by partition. The relevant distribution coefficients for common POPs are several orders of magnitude in favour of the plastic medium. Consequently, the microparticles laden with high levels of POPs can be ingested by marine biota. Bioavailability and the efficiency of transfer of the ingested POPs across trophic levels are not known and the potential damage posed by these to the marine ecosystem has yet to be quantified and modelled. Given the increasing levels of plastic pollution of the oceans it is important to better understand the impact of microplastics in the ocean food web.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Trace metals in harbour and slipway sediments from the island of Malta, central Mediterranean
Huntingford, Emily J. | Turner, Andrew
Sediment samples collected from large harbours and public slipways on the island of Malta have been analysed for geochemically important metals (Al, Ca, Fe, Mn) and contaminant metals (As, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, Sn, Zn) following fractionation (<63μm) and digestion in aqua regia. Absolute and Al-normalised concentrations of contaminant metals exhibited relatively little dispersion both among different samples from the same location and between samples from different locations, notable exceptions including lower concentrations of Cr and Sn on the slipways than in the harbours. Sources of contaminant metals are attributed to diffuse and specific waste inputs from urban surroundings and boating and shipping activities. Overall, concentrations are similar to those reported for other large harbours in urban settings where equivalent sample fractionation-digestion has been performed. Relative to various sediment quality guidelines, Pb is predicted to exert the greatest threat to the marine environment of Malta.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Sedimentation on the cold-water coral Lophelia pertusa: Cleaning efficiency from natural sediments and drill cuttings
Larsson, Ann I. | Purser, Autun
Anthropogenic threats to cold-water coral reefs are trawling and hydrocarbon drilling, with both activities causing increased levels of suspended particles. The efficiency of Lophelia pertusa in rejecting local sediments and drill cuttings from the coral surface was evaluated and found not to differ between sediment types. Further results showed that the coral efficiently removed deposited material even after repeated exposures, indicating an efficient cleaning mechanism. In an experiment focusing on burial, fine-fraction drill cuttings were deposited on corals over time. Drill cutting covered coral area increased with repeated depositions, with accumulation mainly occurring on and adjacent to regions of the coral skeleton lacking tissue cover. Tissue was smothered and polyp mortality occurred where polyps became wholly covered by material. Burial of coral by drill cuttings to the current threshold level used in environmental risk assessment models by the offshore industry (6.3mm) may result in damage to L. pertusa colonies.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]ANN application for prediction of atmospheric nitrogen deposition to aquatic ecosystems
Palani, Sundarambal | Tkalich, Pavel | Balasubramanian, Rajasekhar | Palanichamy, Jegathambal
The occurrences of increased atmospheric nitrogen deposition (ADN) in Southeast Asia during smoke haze episodes have undesired consequences on receiving aquatic ecosystems. A successful prediction of episodic ADN will allow a quantitative understanding of its possible impacts. In this study, an artificial neural network (ANN) model is used to estimate atmospheric deposition of total nitrogen (TN) and organic nitrogen (ON) concentrations to coastal aquatic ecosystems. The selected model input variables were nitrogen species from atmospheric deposition, Total Suspended Particulates, Pollutant Standards Index and meteorological parameters. ANN models predictions were also compared with multiple linear regression model having the same inputs and output. ANN model performance was found relatively more accurate in its predictions and adequate even for high-concentration events with acceptable minimum error. The developed ANN model can be used as a forecasting tool to complement the current TN and ON analysis within the atmospheric deposition-monitoring program in the region.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Persistence profile of polyaromatic hydrocarbons in shallow and deep Gulf waters and sediments: Effect of water temperature and sediment–water partitioning characteristics
Tansel, B. | Fuentes, C. | Sánchez, M. | Predoi, K. | Acevedo, M.
Persistence profiles of selected polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were analyzed depending on temperature variations in the water column and water–sediment interactions in the Gulf of Mexico. The PAHs studied include anthracene, fluoranthene, pyrene, and chrysene. The half-lives of PAHs in the deep waters (over 1000m) are about twice as long as those in the shallow areas (100–150m), and almost 2.5 times as long as those in the top layer (0–10m) of the water column. The half-lives of the PAHs in the sediments are significantly longer. Among the PAHs studied, chrysene is the most persistent in the water column, and pyrene is the most persistent in the sediments. The half-life of chrysene in the shallow and deep waters is over 2.5 and about 5years, respectively. For pyrene, the half-life in the shallow and deep sediments is about 9 and 16years, respectively.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Identification of genes expressed in juvenile Haliotis rufescens in response to different copper concentrations in the north of Chile under controlled conditions
Silva-Aciares, Fernando | Zapata, Manuel | Tournois, Jennifer | Moraga, Dario | Riquelme, Carlos
This study reports molecular markers potentially associated with resistance or sensitivity to the impact of copper in juvenile red abalone, Haliotis rufescens, in the north of Chile under experimental conditions. Genomic analysis was made applying subtractive hybridization libraries (SSH) to identify genes up-and down regulated during cooper exposure in abalone over periods of 12 and 168h exposed to 2.5 and 10μg/L of Cu⁺². Results obtained from the SSH library revealed 368 different sequences regulated by copper, that correspond to eight major physiological functions. The validation of these sequences obtained by SSH as well as their expression kinetics were made by PCR in real time on 14 potential genes regulated by metal stress. This study provides information for the characterization of potential genomic markers that may be used in future environmental monitoring and to investigate new mechanisms of stress to copper in this commercially important marine species.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Molecular ecological responses of dinoflagellate, Karenia mikimotoi to environmental nitrate stress
Lei, Qiang-Yong | Lü, Song-Hui
Karenia mikimotoi is one of the most important harmful algal species in the Chinese coastal waters, and which produce hemolytic toxins and ichthyotoxins, resulting in devastating economic losses. Previous studies demonstrated that the increase of nitrate concentration could promote the growth and reproduction of K. mikimotoi. However, the intrinsic mechanisms regarding the effects of nitrate on the K. mikimotoi photosynthesis, nucleic acid replication and differential protein expression remain to be elucidated. Our study demonstrated that nitrate stress inhibited growth of K. mikimotoi (p<0.01). Algal chlorophyll fluorescence intensity varied slightly while algal cell cycle succession was significantly retarded by nitrate stress (p<0.05). Sixteen proteins were detected only in nitrate-limited cultures which related to nitrate transport, signal transduction, amino acid metabolism, DNA repair and hemolysin manufacture. Eleven proteins were detected only in nitrate-replete sample and were related to photorespiration, reproduction and growth, assistance of protein modification, cytoskeleton stability and signal transduction. Based on analysis of differential proteomic functional annotations, we hypothesized a proteomic response mechanism of K. mikimotoi to environmental nitrate stress.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]The atmospheric lead record preserved in lagoon sediments at a remote equatorial Pacific location: Palmyra Atoll, northern Line Islands
Collen, John D. | Baker, Joel A. | Dunbar, Robert B. | Rieser, Uwe | Gardner, Jonathan P. | Garton, David W. | Christiansen, Kylie J.
Anthropogenic lead (Pb) inputs to the atmosphere increased greatly over the past century and now dominate Pb supply to the oceans. However, the Pb content of sediments across the equatorial Pacific region is relatively unknown, and data exist only for deep sea sites where Pb deposition lags surface water inputs by up to a century. Here we present ICP-MS analyses of Pb of a core from a lagoon at Palmyra Atoll, northern Line Islands, that spans approximately the past 160years. The non-bioturbated sediments of the euxinic lagoon, coupled with rapid rates of deposition, provide a unique fine-scale record of atmospheric Pb supply at a remote Pacific location. These first observations of historic Pb sedimentation in an atoll lagoon reveal a 63-fold increase in Pb flux to sediments during the past century and correlate directly with the North American consumption of leaded gasoline that began in 1926.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Fast and easy method for seagrass monitoring: Application of acoustic telemetry to precision mapping of Posidonia oceanica beds
Descamp, Pierre | Holon, Florian | Ballesta, Laurent | Guilbert, Antonin | Guillot, Marie | Boissery, Pierre | Raimondino, Valérie | Deter, Julie
Posidonia oceanica is an endemic seagrass from the Mediterranean Sea. It is an indicator of water quality and of the ecological state of coastal ecosystems. The aim of this paper is to test acoustic telemetry for monitoring the position of P. oceanica meadow limits with varied types. After evaluating the accuracy of the system, we present results from a spatiotemporal survey of P. oceanica meadows on nine sites located on the French coast. The method has been demonstrated to be highly efficient for high precision underwater mapping regardless of meadow type, with 1cm accuracy for a distance of 40m between the base and the pointer. A temporal survey led at Cerbere–Banyuls shows a weak global progression of 4m² (progression of 26m² - regression of 22m²) between 2006 and 2010. Finally, we discuss the cost and efficiency of this method, and wether it should be generalized for further studies.
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