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النتائج 611 - 620 من 1,539
Uncertainty analysis along the ecological quality status of water bodies: The response of the Posidonia oceanica multivariate index (POMI) in three Mediterranean regions
Mascaró, Oriol | Bennett, Scott | Marbà, Núria | Nikolić, Vedran | Romero, Javier | Duarte, Carlos M. | Alcoverro, Teresa
Uncertainty analyses allow the identification and quantification of the factors that contribute to the potential misclassification of the ecological status of water bodies, helping to improve the sampling design used in monitoring. Here we used a Posidonia oceanica multivariate index (POMI) bio-monitoring dataset covering a total of 81 sites distributed throughout 28 water bodies from the coast of Catalonia, Balearic Islands and Croatia to determine the levels of uncertainty associated with each region and how they change according to the quality status of water bodies. Overall, variability among sites (meadows) within water bodies was the factor that generated the greatest risk of misclassification among the three regions, within which the Balearic Islands had the lowest uncertainty, followed by Croatia and Catalonia. When water bodies classified in good/high quality were separated from those in moderate/poor status classes, we found that the latter displayed higher levels of uncertainty than the former.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Differential biomagnification of PCB, PBDE, Hg and Radiocesium in the food web of the European hake from the NW Mediterranean
Harmelin-Vivien, M. L. (Mireille L.) | Bodiguel, Xavier | Charmasson, Sabine | Loizeau, Véronique | Mellon-Duval, Capucine | Tronczyński, Jacek | Cossa, Daniel
Consumption of marine organisms represents one of the main exposure sources of contaminants for human populations. To obtain a global view of the contamination in commercial fish in the NW Mediterranean Sea, we analysed four types of priority contaminants (PCBs, PBDEs, Hg and ¹³⁷Cs) in the European hake, Merluccius merluccius, from the Gulf of Lions in relation with organism’s trophic level (δ¹⁵N). All contaminants presented a significant increase in concentration in hake muscle with trophic level. However, obvious differences between contaminants were evidenced. Biomagnification factors (BMF and FWMF) along the hake food web were higher for Hg and CB-153 than for BDE-47 and ¹³⁷Cs, and increase in contaminant concentration with trophic level occurred at different rates depending on contaminants. Such differences of biomagnification patterns can be related to physico-chemical properties of the different contaminants.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Bacterial communities are sensitive indicators of contaminant stress
Sun, Melanie Y. | Dafforn, Katherine A. | Brown, Mark V. | Johnston, Emma L.
With many environments worldwide experiencing at least some degree of anthropogenic modification, there is great urgency to identify sensitive indicators of ecosystem stress. Estuarine organisms are particularly vulnerable to anthropogenic contaminants. This study presents bacterial communities as sensitive indicators of contaminant stress. Sediments were collected from multiple sites within inner and outer zones of three heavily modified and three relatively unmodified estuaries. Bacterial communities were censused using Automated Ribosomal Intergenic Spacer Analysis and analysed for a suite of metal and PAH contaminants. Shifts in both bacterial community composition and diversity showed strong associations with sediment contaminant concentrations, particularly with metals. Importantly, these changes are discernable from environmental variation inherent to highly complex estuarine environments. Moreover, variation in bacterial communities within sites was limited. This allowed for differences between sites, zones and estuaries to be explained by variables of interest such as contaminants that vary between, but not within individual sites.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Impacts of human activities on coral reef ecosystems of southern Taiwan: A long-term study
Liu, Pi-Jen | Meng, Pei-Jie | Liu, Li-Lian | Wang, Jih-Terng | Leu, Ming-Yih
In July 2001, the National Museum of Marine Biology and Aquarium, co-sponsored by the Kenting National Park Headquarters and Taiwan’s National Science Council, launched a Long-Term Ecological Research (LTER) program to monitor anthropogenic impacts on the ecosystems of southern Taiwan, specifically the coral reefs of Kenting National Park (KNP), which are facing an increasing amount of anthropogenic pressure. We found that the seawater of the reef flats along Nanwan Bay, Taiwan’s southernmost embayment, was polluted by sewage discharge at certain monitoring stations. Furthermore, the consequently higher nutrient and suspended sediment levels had led to algal blooms and sediment smothering of shallow water corals at some sampling sites. Finally, our results show that, in addition to this influx of anthropogenically-derived sewage, increasing tourist numbers are correlated with decreasing shallow water coral cover, highlighting the urgency of a more proactive management plan for KNP’s coral reefs.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Oxidative stress responses and biological indices in the giant clam Tridacna maxima and the reef fish Epinephelus merra from the French Polynesian Moorea Island
Métais, Isabelle | Ekouma, Elsa Mengue | Ngpan, Romina | Planes, Serge | Mouneyrac, Catherine
Responses of biological indices and oxidative stress biomarkers were studied in the giant clam Tridacna maxima and in the fish Epinephelus merra collected from two sites differing by their level of contamination in the French Polynesian Moorea island. Higher levels of catalase (CAT), glutathione-S-transferases (GST) and thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARs) were observed in the hepatopancreas of T. maxima and in the liver of E. merra compared to muscle. CAT and TBARs levels were significantly higher in the hepatopancreas of clams collected from the impacted site (Vaiare) compared to the reference site (bay of Cook). The same pattern was observed for TBARs levels in the liver of E. merra. These results indicate that both organisms from the impacted site were exposed to contaminants leading to an oxidative stress and demonstrate, for the first time, the usefulness of T. maxima and E. merra as sentinel species for biomonitoring reef environments.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Clam farming generates CO₂: A study case in the Marinetta lagoon (Italy)
Mistri, Michele | Munari, Cristina
Respiration and calcium carbonate (CaCO₃) production by the farmed short-neck clam Ruditapes philippinarum were calculated to assess their importance as carbon dioxide (CO₂) sink/source in a lagoon of the Po Delta River (Italy). Biomass and calcimass were established by monthly harvests during a 1-year period (2009). The ratio of CO₂ released to CaCO₃ precipitated was calculated as a function of the near-bottom temperature. From our estimates, R. philippinarum sequestered [Formula: see text] for shell formation, but the CO₂ fluxes due to respiration and calcification resulted 22.7 and 5.56 [Formula: see text] , respectively. Clam farming seems therefore to be a significant additional source of CO₂ to seawater.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Assessing, managing and monitoring contaminated aquatic sediments
Chapman, P. M. | Smith, Murray
Contaminated sediments continue to be a global problem that is too often not addressed in a logical, tiered framework. Such frameworks, when they exist, typically are restricted to assessment and prioritization and do not include possible remedies with accompanying follow-up monitoring to ensure those remedies were successful and further remedies are not necessary. A logical, tiered framework that encompasses all of the above (i.e., assessment through to post-remedy monitoring) is described. This framework was developed by the Canadian Government for use in Canada but has wider applications.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]The effects of mariculture activities on the adsorption/desorption and chemical fractionations of mercury on sediments
Liang, Peng | Wu, Sheng-Chun | Li, Yi-Chun | Li, Hong-Bo | Yu, Guang-bin | Yu, Shen | Wong, Ming H.
The aims of the present study were to investigate the effects of mariculture activities on inorganic mercury (Hg²⁺) adsorption/desorption on sediments and the distributions of newly adsorbed Hg²⁺ on different chemical fractionations. The adsorption amount and binding energy of Hg²⁺ on mariculture sediment (MS) were significantly higher (p<0.05) than reference sediment (RS). This may be explained by the strong complexation role that exists between Hg²⁺ and organic matter (OM), which derived from unconsumed fish feed and fish metabolites. The reducible Hg²⁺ in MS was significantly lower (p<0.01) than RS, which may have been caused by the decreasing amount of iron and manganese hydroxide in MS, lead to the decrease of Hg²⁺ bound to them. On the contrary, the residual Hg²⁺ was significantly higher (p<0.01) in MS than RS, which suggests that newly adsorbed Hg²⁺ was more stable in MS than RS.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]On the biological connectivity of oil and gas platforms in the North Sea
Thorpe, S.A.
Tests are made of the conjecture that the platforms in the North Sea are biologically connected, with organisms originating from some platforms reaching and substantially augmenting those at others so that, together, the platforms effectively form a sort of artificial reef. The M₂ tide results in a relatively rapid transfer of organisms between neighbouring platforms. Some 60% of platforms in the southern UK Sector are directly connected by tidal flows. Such connection in the northern Sector is relatively rare, about 23% of platforms being connected. Mean flows connect platforms in ‘strings’ sharing a common streamline spread by turbulent dispersion. Metrics are devised to indicate how well a particular platform is connected to others. Strings are broken when contributions to the concentration of organisms from platforms fall below detection limits. Many platforms are likely to be connected in strings in the southern UK Sector, but relatively few in the northern Sector.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]PCBs, PBDEs and organochlorine pesticides in crabs Hepatus pudibundus and Callinectes danae from Santos Bay, State of São Paulo, Brazil
Magalhães, C.A. | Taniguchi, S. | Cascaes, M.J. | Montone, R.C.
The occurrence of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) as polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) and polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDE) in crabs Hepatus pudibundus and Callinectesdanae was assessed from two different places inside of the Santos Bay and Moela Island near one of the most economically important metropolitan areas in Southern Brazil. Among POPs analyzed, ∑PCBs (222–923ngg⁻¹lipid weight) and ∑DDTs (154–410ngg⁻¹lw) exhibited the highest concentrations in the crabs. ∑HCHs ranged from 10.3 to 30.9ngg⁻¹lw and were found in all individuals. Other OCPs found in lower concentration was Mirex (7.6–41.6ngg⁻¹lw) and HCB (5.83–16.9ngg⁻¹lw). ∑PBDEs (24.1ngg⁻¹lw) were only found in one male individual from the species C. danae collected near to the submarine sewage of Santos. Male crabs showed higher POP concentrations than female crabs for those two species.
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