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النتائج 621 - 630 من 738
Degradation of phenols in olive oil mill wastewater by biological, enzymatic, and photo-Fenton oxidation
Justino, Celine | Marques, Ana Gabriela | Duarte, Kátia Reis | Duarte, Armando Costa | Pereira, Ruth | Rocha-Santos, Teresa | Freitas, Ana Cristina
Background, aim, and scope Olive oil mill wastewater (OOMW) environmental impacts minimization have been attempted by developing more effective processes, but no chemical or biological treatments were found to be totally effective to mitigate their impact on receiving systems. This work is the first that reports simultaneously the efficiency of three different approaches: biological treatment by two fungal species (Trametes versicolor or Pleurotus sajor caju), enzymatic treatment by laccase, and chemical treatment by photo-Fenton oxidation on phenols removal. Materials and methods Those treatments were performed on OOMW with or without phenol supplement (p-coumaric, vanillin, guaiacol, vanillic acid, or tyrosol). OOMW samples resulted from treatments were extracted for phenols using liquid-liquid extraction and analyzed by gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry. Results Treatment with T. versicolor or P. sajor caju were able to remove between 22% and 74% and between 8% and 76% of phenols, respectively. Treatment by laccase was able to reduce 4% to 70% of phenols whereas treatment by photo-Fenton oxidation was responsible for 100% phenols reduction. Discussion Range of phenol degradation was equivalent between T. versicolor, P. sajor caju and laccase for p-coumaric, guaiacol, caffeic acid, and tyrosol in supplemented OOMW, which enhances this enzyme role in the biological treatment promoted by these two species. Conclusions Phenols were removed more efficiently by photo-Fenton treatment than by biological or enzymatic treatments. Recommendations and perspectives Use of fungi, laccase, or photo-Fenton presents great potential for removing phenols from OOMW. This should be further assessed by increasing the application scale and the reactor configurations effect on the performance, besides a toxicity evaluation of treated wastewater in comparison to raw wastewater.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Risk assessment of toxins derived from Bacillus thuringiensis—synergism, efficacy, and selectivity
Then, Christoph
Background, aim, and scope This review deals with publications concerning the mode of action of Bt proteins and their potential synergism with extrinsic factors. The aim was to assess the impact of those factors especially regarding selectivity and efficacy of Bt toxins and to discuss possible gaps in current risk assessment of genetically engineered plants expressing Bt toxins. Main features The review shows that several extrinsic factors are able to influence the selectivity and efficacy of Bt toxins. The findings are seen as being relevant for risk assessment in Bt plants. This conclusion is derived by discussing current state of knowledge about the mode of action of Bt proteins, unexpected effects on non-target organism, and the way how modified Bt toxins are expressed in genetically engineered plants. Results Several publications have been identified that show that certain factors and synergism can impact efficacy and selectivity of Bt toxins. These extrinsic factors are various and include other Bt toxins or parts from the spore of Bacillus thuringiensis as well as certain enzymes, environmental stress, non-pathogenic microorganisms, and infectious diseases. Discussion Research on the underlying mechanism of observed synergism might help to explain some of the effects found in non-target organisms. In general, possible synergism of Bt toxins with extrinsic factors can be relevant for risk assessment of genetically engineered Bt plants since they expose a modified Bt toxin to the environment under various conditions and over a long period of time. Conclusions Risk assessment of genetically engineered plants should put into question the general assumption of a high selectivity and a linear dose-response relationship in the toxicity of Bt proteins. Both selectivity and efficacy can be influenced by synergism, which can provoke unexpected and undesired effects in non-target organisms. Perspectives It is suggested that systematic research be promoted on synergism between Bt toxins and potential extrinsic factors that could impact the spectrum of susceptible organisms. This research should become a prerequisite for risk assessment of Bt plants.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]A universal method to assess the potential of phosphorus loss from soil to aquatic ecosystems
Pöthig, Rosemarie | Behrendt, Horst | Opitz, Dieter | Furrer, Gerhard
Background, aim, and scope Phosphorus loss from terrestrial to the aquatic ecosystems contributes to eutrophication of surface waters. To maintain the world's vital freshwater ecosystems, the reduction of eutrophication is crucial. This needs the prevention of overfertilization of agricultural soils with phosphorus. However, the methods of risk assessment for the P loss potential from soils lack uniformity and are difficult for routine analysis. Therefore, the efficient detection of areas with a high risk of P loss requires a simple and universal soil test method that is cost effective and applicable in both industrialized and developing countries. Materials and methods Soils from areas which varied highly in land use and soil type were investigated regarding the degree of P saturation (DPS) as well as the equilibrium P concentration (EPC₀) and water-soluble P (WSP) as indicators for the potential of P loss. The parameters DPS and EPC₀ were determined from P sorption isotherms. Results Our investigation of more than 400 soil samples revealed coherent relationships between DPS and EPC₀ as well as WSP. The complex parameter DPS, characterizing the actual P status of soil, is accessible from a simple standard measurement of WSP based on the equation [graphic removed] . Discussion The parameter WSP in this equation is a function of remaining phosphorous sorption capacity/total accumulated phosphorous (SP/TP). This quotient is independent of soil type due to the mutual compensation of the factors SP and TP. Thus, the relationship between DPS and WSP is also independent of soil type. Conclusions The degree of P saturation, which reflects the actual state of P fertilization of soil, can be calculated from the easily accessible parameter WSP. Due to the independence from soil type and land use, the relation is valid for all soils. Values of WSP, which exceed 5 mg P/kg soil, signalize a P saturation between 70% and 80% and thus a high risk of P loss from soil. Recommendations and perspectives These results reveal a new approach of risk assessment for P loss from soils to surface and ground waters. The consequent application of this method may globally help to save the vital resources of our terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]A new approach for chemical oxygen demand (COD) measurement at high salinity and low organic matter samples
Kayaalp, Necati | Ersahin, Mustafa Evren | Ozgun, Hale | Koyuncu, Ismail | Kinaci, Cumali
Background, aim, and scope Chemical oxygen demand (COD) is used as a discharge standard parameter in wastewater treatment plant design, environmental modelling and many other applications. Chloride interference is an important problem of COD measurement for wastewaters containing low organic matter and high chloride concentrations. In case of chloride concentrations up to 2,000 mg/L, mercury sulphate addition at a ratio of 10:1 (HgSO₄:Cl⁻) can adequately mask the interference. When chloride concentration exceeds 2,000 mg/L, this ratio becomes ineffective to hinder the interference. At this point, it is proposed to use a greater and constant ratio of mercury sulphate addition. However, this application sometimes results in extra mercury sulphate addition which is not necessary. Even in some cases, greater addition of mercury sulphate alone is not a solution to erroneous measurement results. The purpose of the study is to determine optimum HgSO₄:Cl⁻ ratios according to the chloride concentrations of the samples and to show the importance of the strength of the digestion solution for the correct determination of the COD parameter. Materials and methods CODs of the synthetic samples containing varying COD and chloride concentrations were measured by closed reflux colorimetric method using three digestion solutions having different strengths. Results It is indicated in this study that a constant ratio of mercury sulphate can only prevent chloride interference up to a specific chloride concentration. Conclusions Achieving high precision results in case of low organic matter and high chloride concentration can only be possible by both decreasing the concentration of oxidant and adding mercury sulphate.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Source identification of sulphate forming salts on sandstones from monuments in Salamanca, Spain—a stable isotope approach
Schleicher, Nina | Recio Hernández, Clemente
Background, aim and scope Salt efflorescences markedly contribute to the alteration and deterioration of building material, in this case the Villamayor Sandstone of the facades in the Old Town of Salamanca, Spain (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization world cultural heritage site). A better understanding of the mechanisms of salt formation and the involved elements would allow more precise measures in monument conservation. The magnesium which is required for the salt precipitation originates from selective processes of hydrolysis. The source of sulphate, however, is presently not as clear. Identifying the source of the sulphur was the main goal of this research. Isotope ratio measurement of δ³⁴S and δ¹⁸O was used to clarify the origins of Mg sulphate salts. Materials and methods A total of 56 Mg sulphate samples were collected in two different seasons (July and November 2005) from monuments of the Old Town of Salamanca. These sampled salt efflorescences were analysed for δ³⁴S and δ¹⁸O by mass spectrometry. A ‘dual-inlet' type by VG Isotech was used for δ³⁴S and continuous flow type Isoprime by GV Instruments for δ¹⁸O. Samples were measured in triplicates and standard material was analysed for quality control. Results δ³⁴S values range between 3.6‰ and 15.4‰ with a median value of 10.2‰ for the July samples and of 10.1‰ for November samples. The results of the sulphur ratios hint towards a bimodal distribution (with modes at δ³⁴S = 6‰ and 12‰) for winter samples, which is less obvious during summer. δ¹⁸O values range from 7.1‰ to 41.1‰. However, most values range from 7.1‰ to 20.8‰, whereas only few summer samples show outliers towards higher δ¹⁸O values. The median δ¹⁸O value for July samples is 15.5‰ and for November samples 14.6‰. Discussion The isotopic ratios of the analysed sulphate samples were compared with values of possible source materials. Sulphur sources in the case of Salamanca are barites from the Villamayor Sandstone itself, sea spray, sulphides from regional rocks, biogenic sulphur (soil, avian excreta), as well as sulphur from anthropogenic sources such as building materials (especially mortar) or traffic exhaust. Salamanca is a representative site for non-industrial cities with no heavy industry and thus, there are no significant SO₂ emissions from industry. Conclusions Based on the measured isotopic ratios, it was ascertained that more than one sole sulphur source is present. However, based on additional information about the source material and possible transport ways, some sources could be excluded whereas others only played a minor role. Finally, there is strong indication that the main sulphur source is atmospheric pollution and the exhaust emissions from vehicles in particular, while mortar as building material also contributes to a minor extent. The δ¹⁸O values support this hypothesis. Moreover, the reported δ¹⁸O values are a strong indicator of the secondary nature of the Mg sulphates. Isotope ratio measurement and especially the combined use of δ³⁴S and δ¹⁸O values have proven to be a good instrument in clarifying the origin of salt efflorescences on buildings. Recommendations and perspectives Further studies should investigate more closely the isotopic composition of atmospheric aerosols in Salamanca in order to get a more detailed knowledge about the main sulphur sources, as well as to quantify the relation between the isotopic values and the amount and mineralogical form of the salts.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Polybrominated diphenyl ethers and their methoxylated metabolites in anchovy (Coilia sp.) from the Yangtze River Delta, China
Su, Guan-yong | Gao, Zi-shen | Yu, Yijun | Ge, Jia-chun | Wei, Si | Feng, Jian-fang | Liu, Feng-yan | Giesy, John P. | Lam, Michael H. W. | Yu, Hong-xia
Background, aim, and scope Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) and their metabolites are toxic to animals, and concentrations of the PBDEs metabolites can exceed those of the parent materials. But no information was available on concentrations of PBDEs metabolites in the lower Yangtze River in the region around Jiangsu Province of China, which is heavily urbanized and industrialized area. The aims of this study were to determine whether PBDEs and their methoxylated PBDEs (MeO-PBDEs) were accumulated in Coilia sp. in this area and to investigate the potential sources for these two kinds of brominated organic pollutants. Materials and methods Samples of four species of anchovy were collected from eight sites in the lower Yangtze River, Taihu Lake, and Hongzehu Lake. Concentrations of 13 PBDEs congeners and eight methoxylated PBDEs were determined by use of organic solvent extraction, followed by gas chromatography and mass spectrometry. Results and discussion The frequencies of detection for PBDEs and MeO-PBDEs were 92% and 53%, respectively. Concentrations of ∑PBDEs ranged from not detected (ND) to 77 ng/g lipids (ND-3.8 ng/g wet weight). Concentrations of ∑MeO-PBDEs in anchovy ranged from ND to 48 ng/g lipids (ND-8.2 ng/g wet weight). The PBDE concentrations in anchovy from the Yangtze River Delta were similar to or less than those reported for other species from other locations around the world, while the concentrations of MeO-PBDEs were comparable to or slightly less than those reported in other studies. This is the first report of MeO-PBDEs in biota of China. Conclusions The results of this study as well as those of other studies suggest that PBDEs in anchovy are primarily of synthetic origin and released by human activities, while MeO-PBDEs in anchovy are primarily from nature as natural products from the sea instead of metabolism of PBDEs in anchovy.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Characteristics of exhaust gas, liquid products, and residues of printed circuit boards using the pyrolysis process
Chiang, Hung-Lung | Lo, Cho-Ching | Ma, Sen-Yi
Introduction The pyrolytic method was employed to recycle metals and brominated compounds blended into printed circuit boards (PCBs). Methods PCBs were crushed into pieces 4.0-4.8 mm in size, and the crushed pieces were pyrolyzed at temperatures ranging from 200 to 500°C. The compositions of pyrolytic residues, liquid products, and exhaust were analyzed by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometer, inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry, and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Pyrolytic exhaust was collected by an impinger system in an ice bath cooler to analyze the composition fraction of the liquid product, and uncondensable exhaust was collected for gas constituent analysis. Results Phenol, methyl-phenol, and bromo-phenol were attributed mainly to the liquid product. Metal content was low in the liquid product. In addition, CO, CO₂, CH₄, and H₂ were the major components of pyrolytic exhaust. Conclusions Brominated and chlorinated compounds—i.e., dichloromethane, trans-1,2 dichloroethylene, cis-1,2 dichloroethylene, 1,1,1-trichloroethane, tetrachloromethane, bromophenol, and bromoform—could be high, up to the several parts per million (ppm) level. Low molecular weight volatile organic compounds (VOCs)—i.e., methanol, acetone, ethyl acetate, acrylonitrile, 1-butene, propene, propane, and n-butane—contributed a large fraction of VOCs. The concentrations of toluene, benzene, xylene, ethylbenzene, and styrene were in the ppm range.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Effects of mercury on the activity and community composition of soil ammonia oxidizers
Liu, Yu-Rong | Zheng, Yuan-Ming | Shen, Ju-Pei | Zhang, Li-Mei | He, Ji-Zheng
Purpose Experiments were conducted to examine the effects of mercury (Hg) on soil nitrification activities and the microbial communities of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AOB) and ammonia-oxidizing archaea (AOA). Methods The soil samples spiked with different Hg concentrations were incubated for a period of 1, 2, 4, and 8 weeks in triplicate and the potential nitrification rate (PNR) of the samples was determined. The abundance of AOB and AOA was measured after an 8-week incubation by real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay of the amoA genes, while the community compositions by cloning and sequencing approaches. Results The soil PNR differed with different incubation periods. It tended to decrease with increasing soil Hg concentrations at week 1, basing on which the half-maximal effective concentration (EC50) was 1.59 mg kg⁻¹. There was no significant difference in the abundance of AOB or AOA among the treatments. The AOB community was dominated by Nitrosospira-like sequences and more than 70% of the obtained clones were affiliated with the cluster 3a.2. The percentage of cluster 3a.1 in AOB community appeared to a consistent trend of decreasing with ascending soil Hg concentrations. While all the AOA sequences in the clone libraries were grouped into cluster S (soil and sediment origin). Conclusions This study revealed that Hg could inhibit soil potential nitrification and the extent varied with incubation periods. Soil Hg pollution changed the composition of soil AOB to some extent. These findings will be helpful to recognize the effects of Hg on the activity and community composition of soil ammonia oxidizers.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Humic acids as reducing agents: the involvement of quinoid moieties in arsenate reduction
Palmer, Noel E. | von Wandruszka, Ray
Purpose Dissolved humic acids abiotically reduced inorganic arsenic to varying degrees, depending on solution pH, ionic strength, and type of humate used. The functionalities of dissolved organic matter responsible for these redox reactions remained in question, but quinoid moieties undoubtedly played an important role. It is not fully understood whether the quinoids are solely responsible for arsenate reduction, and what the kinetics of the relevant processes are. Methods Electron spin resonance (ESR) spectroscopy was used to monitor the radical content of the humates, both as bulk material and as size fractions. Information on the redox status of the humates was obtained from fluorescence excitation-emission matrices and correlated with the observed spin count. Size data were obtained from fractionation and UV-Vis spectrometry. Arsenic speciation was carried out by ion chromatography. Results ESR spectroscopy showed a free radical content of 3.4 × 1,017-20 × 1,017 spins/g for bulk and fractionated aqueous humic acids. The number of electrons corresponding to these counts could not account for the entire charge transferred to arsenate during abiotic reduction. The rate constants of the reactions were found to be independent of the humic concentration. Leonardite humic acid separated on a XAD-8 resin yielded fractions that on the short time frame (0-5 h) had rate constants of 0.035 h⁻¹ for the hydrophobic fraction compared to 0.0052 h⁻¹ for the hydrophilic fraction. The rate constants for the hydrophobic and hydrophilic fractions over the longer time frame (100-200 h) were similar—7.3 × 10⁻⁴ and 7.2 × 10⁻⁴ h⁻¹, respectively. Fluorescence excitation-emission matrices of humates involved in arsenate reduction exhibited shifts typical of quinoid components undergoing redox transformations. These gradual shifts took place during the first 24 h of reduction process, after which the spectra no longer changed. The reduction of arsenate, however, continued after this period, indicating that species other than quinoids were involved. This was consistent with the fact that the rate constants for the later processes were smaller. Conclusions The existence of different redox pools within the humate was confirmed, with the quinoid-centered redox entities showing the fastest kinetics. The results pertained to all size and polarity fractions.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Behaviour and dynamics of di-ammonium phosphate in bauxite processing residue sand in Western Australia—II. Phosphorus fractions and availability
Chen, C. R. | Phillips, I. R. | Wei, L. L. | Xu, Z. H.
Background, aim and scope The production of alumina involves its extraction from bauxite ore using sodium hydroxide under high temperature and pressure. This process yields a large amount of residue wastes, which are difficult to revegetate due to their inherent hostile properties—high alkalinity and sodicity, poor water retention and low nutrient availability. Although phosphorus (P) is a key element limiting successful ecosystem restoration, little information is available on the availability and dynamics of P in rehabilitated bauxite-processing residue sand (BRS). The major aim of this experiment was to quantify P availability and behaviour as affected by pH, source of BRS and di-ammonium phosphate (DAP) application rate. Materials and methods This incubation experiment was undertaken using three sources of BRS, three DAP application rates (low, without addition of DAP; medium, 15.07 mg P and 13.63 mg N of DAP per jar, 100 g BRS; and high, 30.15 mg P and 27.26 mg N per jar, 100 g BRS), and four BRS pH treatments (4, 7, 9 and 11 (original)). The moisture content was adjusted to 55% water holding capacity and each BRS sample was incubated at 25°C for a period of 119 days. After this period, Colwell P and 0.1 M H₂SO₄ extractable P in BRS were determined. In addition, P sequential fractionation was carried out and the concentration of P in each pool was measured. Results and discussion A significant proportion (37% recovered in Colwell P and 48% in 0.1 M H₂SO₄ extraction) of P added as DAP in BRS are available for plant use. The pH did not significantly affect 0.1 M H₂SO₄ extractable P, while concentrations of Colwell P in the higher initial pH treatments (pH 7, 9 and 11) were greater than in the pH 4 treatments. The labile fractions (sum of NH₄Cl (AP), bicarbonate and first sodium hydroxide extractable P (N(I)P)) consisted of 58-64% and 70-72% of total P in the medium and high DAP rate treatments, respectively. This indicates that most P added as DAP remained labile or moderately labile in BRS, either in solution, or in adsorbed forms on the surface of more crystalline P compounds, sesquioxides and carbonate, or associated with amorphous and some crystalline Al and Fe hydrous oxides. In addition, differences in the hydrochloric acid extractable P and the residual-P fractions among the treatments with and without DAP addition were relative small comparing with other P pools (e.g., NaOH extractable P pools), further indicating the limited capacity of BRS for fixing P added in Ca-P and other most recalcitrant forms. Conclusions P availability in the original BRS without addition of DAP was very low, mostly in recalcitrant form. It has been clearly demonstrated that significant proportions of P added as DAP could remain labile or moderately labile for plant use during the rehabilitation of bauxite-processing residue disposal areas. There was limited capacity of BRS for fixing P in more recalcitrant forms (e.g., Ca-P and residual-P). Concentrations of most P pools in BRS increased with the DAP application rate. The impact of the pH treatment on P availability varied with the type of P pools and the DAP rate. Recommendation and perspectives It is recommended that the development of appropriate techniques for more accurate estimation of P availability in BRS and the quantification of the potential leaching loss of P in BRS are needed for the accurate understanding of P availability and dynamics in BRS. In addition, application of organic matters (e.g., biosolids and biochar, etc.) to BRS may be considered for improving P availability and buffering capacity.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]