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النتائج 631 - 640 من 1,309
Listening to the Deep: Live monitoring of ocean noise and cetacean acoustic signals
André, M. | van der Schaar, M. | Zaugg, S. | Houégnigan, L. | Sánchez, A.M. | Castell, J.V.
The development and broad use of passive acoustic monitoring techniques have the potential to help assessing the large-scale influence of artificial noise on marine organisms and ecosystems. Deep-sea observatories have the potential to play a key role in understanding these recent acoustic changes. LIDO (Listening to the Deep Ocean Environment) is an international project that is allowing the real-time long-term monitoring of marine ambient noise as well as marine mammal sounds at cabled and standalone observatories. Here, we present the overall development of the project and the use of passive acoustic monitoring (PAM) techniques to provide the scientific community with real-time data at large spatial and temporal scales. Special attention is given to the extraction and identification of high frequency cetacean echolocation signals given the relevance of detecting target species, e.g. beaked whales, in mitigation processes, e.g. during military exercises.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Levels and distribution of polybrominated diphenyl ethers and organochlorine compounds in sea turtles from Japan
Malarvannan, Govindan | Takahashi, Shin | Isobe, Tomohiko | Kunisue, Tatsuya | Sudaryanto, Agus | Miyagi, Toshihiko | Nakamura, Masaru | Yasumura, Shigeki | Tanabe, Shinsuke
Three species of sea turtles (green, hawksbill and loggerhead turtles) stranded along the coasts or caught (by-catch) around Ishigaki Island and Kochi, Japan were collected between 1998 and 2006 and analyzed for six organohalogen compounds viz., PBDEs, PCBs, DDTs, CHLs, HCHs and HCB. The present study is the first and foremost to report the occurrence of organohalogen compounds in the sea turtles from Japan. Among the compounds analyzed, concentrations of PCBs, DDTs and CHLs were the highest in all the turtle samples. PBDEs were ubiquitously present in all the turtle species. Comparing with the other two species, concentrations of organohalogens in green turtle were relatively low and decreasing trend in the concentrations were noted with increasing carapace length. Concentrations of OCs in sea turtles from the coasts of Ishigaki Island and Kochi were relatively low as compared to those from other locations in the world.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Levels and spatial distribution of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in superficial sediment from 15 Italian marine protected areas (MPA)
Perra, Guido | Pozo, Karla | Guerranti, Cristiana | Lazzeri, Denise | Volpi, Valerio | Corsolini, Simonetta | Focardi, S. (Silvano)
Surface sediment from 15 Italian marine protected areas (MPA) were analysed for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). The organic carbon percentage was also determined. Total PAH concentrations (ngg⁻¹d.w.) ranged from 0.71 (Penisola del Sinis) to 1550 (Miramare). Individual PAH analysis showed that three and four rings PAHs were the most frequently detected isomers and accounted for 60–70% of the PAH total concentrations. PAH ratio analysis showed a prevalence of pyrolytic PAH origin at most of the MPAs with exception of Porto Cesareo and Ustica where a petrogenic origin was detected. Results for organic carbon percentages ranged from 0.3% (Capo Rizzuto) to 2% (Punta Campanella). These results are comparable to other Mediterranean marine environments. However, our results shows that some MPAs, such as Miramare, Porto Cesareo, Isola Capo Rizzuto and Punta Campanella, are subject to strong pressure from urban and industrial activities where high PAH levels were detected.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Effects of the construction of Scroby Sands offshore wind farm on the prey base of Little tern Sternula albifrons at its most important UK colony
Perrow, Martin R. | Gilroy, James J. | Skeate, Eleanor R. | Tomlinson, Mark L.
Despite widespread interest in the impacts of wind farms upon birds, few researchers have examined the potential for indirect or trophic (predator–prey) effects. Using surface trawls, we monitored prey abundance before and after construction of a 30 turbine offshore wind farm sited close to an internationally important colony of Little terns. Observations confirmed that young-of-the-year clupeids dominated chick diet, which trawl samples suggested were mainly herring. Multivariate modelling indicated a significant reduction in herring abundance from 2004 onwards that could not be explained by environmental factors. Intensely noisy monopile installation during the winter spawning period was suggested to be responsible. Reduced prey abundance corresponded with a significant decline in Little tern foraging success. Unprecedented egg abandonment and lack of chick hatching tentatively suggested a colony-scale response in some years. We urge a precautionary approach to the timing and duration of pile-driving activity supported with long-term targeted monitoring of sensitive receptors.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Environmental magnetic and petroleum hydrocarbons records in sediment cores from the north east coast of Tamilnadu, Bay of Bengal, India
Venkatachalapathy, R. | Veerasingam, S. | Basavaiah, N. | Ramkumar, T. | Deenadayalan, K.
In this study, mineral magnetic properties and petroleum hydrocarbons were statistically analysed in four sediment cores (C1, A1, T1 and K1) from the north east coast of Tamilnadu, India to examine the feasibility of PHC concentrations assessment using magnetic susceptibility. The C1 and A1 cores reveal a clear horizon of increase in PHC above 35 and 50cm respectively suggesting the excess anthropogenic loading occurred in the recent past. Magnetic properties which were enhanced in the upper part of the sediment cores were the result of ferrimagnetic minerals from anthropogenic sources. Factor analysis confirmed that the input of magnetic minerals and petroleum hydrocarbons in Chennai coastal sediments are derived from the same sources. The present study shows that instead of expensive and destructive PHC chemical methods, magnetic susceptibility is found to be a suitable, cheap and rapid method for detailed study of petroleum hydrocarbon contamination in marine sediments.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]The combined effects of oxygen availability and salinity on physiological responses and scope for growth in the green-lipped mussel Perna viridis
Wang, Youji | Hu, Menghong | Wong, Wai Hing | Shin, Paul K.S. | Cheung, Siu Gin
Mussels were maintained for 4weeks under different combinations of dissolved oxygen concentration (1.5, 3.0 and 6.0mgO₂l⁻¹) and salinity (15, 20, 25 and 30) in a 3×4 factorial design experiment. Clearance rate (CR), absorption efficiency (AE), respiration rate (RR) and scope for growth (SFG) decreased with decreasing salinity and dissolved oxygen concentration (DO), while excretion rate (ER) increased with decreasing salinity and increasing DO. The O:N ratio was <10 at salinities of 15 and 20, irrespective of DO levels. SFG was negative in most of the treatments, except for those under 6.0mgO₂l⁻¹ or at a salinity of 30 when DO was lower. The results may help explain the distribution pattern of Perna viridis in Hong Kong waters and provide guidelines for mussel culture site selection.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Phytoplankton pigments and epifluorescence microscopy as tools for ecological status assessment in coastal and estuarine waters, within the Water Framework Directive
Seoane, Sergio | Garmendia, Maialen | Revilla, Marta | Borja, Angel | Franco, Javier | Orive, Emma | Valencia Rincón, Victoriano
Inverted microscopy is widespread employed for the analysis of phytoplankton composition within water quality monitoring networks. However, the analysis at the lowest taxonomical level is not always required for ecological status assessment. In addition, inverted microscopy can underestimate the small phytoplankton, and not always distinguish photoautotrophic from heterotrophic cells. In this study, as alternative tools, epifluorescence microscopy and High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) were employed to characterize phytoplankton communities within waters of different trophic condition. Epifluorescence microscopy confirmed its effectiveness to count the small phytoplankton. Furthermore, significant correlations between nutrients of anthropogenic origin and nanoplankton abundances were found. However, this technique resulted very time-consuming. HPLC together with the CHEMTAX program was more appropriate than inverted microscopy, in terms of cost-effectiveness. Also, the main variability patterns observed in the phytoplankton community structure by HPLC coincided with previous findings in the study area. Nevertheless, a rapid screening at the inverted microscope is recommended.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Recovery from the impact of light reduction on the seagrass Amphibolis griffithii, insights for dredging management
McMahon, Kathryn | Lavery, Paul S. | Mulligan, Michael
A large-scale, manipulative experiment was conducted to examine the extent and rate of recovery of meadows of the temperate Australian seagrass, Amphibolis griffithii to different light-reduction scenarios typical of dredging operations, and to identify potential indicators of recovery from light reduction stress. Shade cloth was used to mimic different intensities, durations and start times of light reduction, and then was removed to assess the recovery. The meadow could recover from 3months of light stress (5–18% ambient) following 10months re-exposure to ambient light, even when up to 72% of leaf biomass was lost, much faster recovery rates than has previously been observed for large seagrasses. However, when the meadow had been shaded for 6–9months and more than 82% of leaf biomass was lost, no recovery was detected up to 23months after the light stress had ceased, consistent with other studies. Five potential indicators of recovery were recommended.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Decrease of Zn, Cd and Pb concentrations in marine fish species over a decade as response to reduction of anthropogenic inputs: The example of Tagus estuary
Raimundo, Joana | Pereira, Patrícia | Caetano, Miguel | Cabrita, Maria Teresa | Vale, Carlos
Concentrations of Zn, Cd and Pb were measured in muscle of pelagic, demersal and benthic fishes, captured in the coastal area adjoining the Tagus estuary (Portugal), in 1998 and 2010. Additionally, Pb and Cd were determined in estuarine waters, showing a pronounced decrease between 1999 and 2010. Accordingly, specimens captured in 2010 presented significantly lower metal concentrations than individuals caught in 1998. Reductions were more evident for Pb (reduction of 59–99%) than for Cd (14–93%) and Zn (17–54%). Values in pelagic and demersal species exhibited higher reductions than in benthic species. Decrease of metal concentrations in fish appears thus to reflect the improvement of estuarine water quality as anthropogenic sources have been reduced or eliminated. Furthermore, it emphasises the usefulness of the descriptor “Contaminants in Fish” to assess the efficiency of measures to achieve a good environmental status, in the scope of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Accumulation of butyltin compounds in cetaceans from Korean coastal waters
Choi, Minkyu | Moon, Hyo-Bang | An, Yong-Rock | Choi, Seok-Gwan | Choi, Hee-Gu
Data on the occurrence and accumulation profiles of butyltins (BTs), including tributyltin (TBT), in marine mammals are scarce. This is the first study to investigate residue levels and accumulation patterns of BTs in cetaceans from Korean coastal waters. The total concentrations of BTs (sum of mono- to tri-butyltins) in minke whales (Balaenoptera acutorostrata) and long-beaked common dolphins (Delphinus capensis) ranged from 15.7 to 297ng/g wet weight (mean: 100ng/g wet weight) and from 59.0 to 412ng/g wet weight (mean: 228ng/g wet weight), respectively. Dibutyltin (DBT) accounted for 63% of the total BTs in all cetacean samples. Significant species-specific differences in BT concentrations, possibly due to the differences in their habitat and diet, were found between the two cetacean species. The concentrations of DBT and TBT in most cetacean samples exceeded the threshold value for cytotoxic effects in cetaceans, implying potentially adverse health risks from exposure to BTs.
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