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النتائج 81 - 90 من 446
Assessment of sediment concentration and nutrient loads in effluents drained from extensively managed fishponds in France
Banas, D. | Masson, G. | Leglize, L. | Usseglio-Polatera, P. | Boyd, C.E.
Expansion of aquaculture has increased concern over its environmental impact. The composition of effluents from intensive aquaculture is well documented, but few data on extensive aquaculture are available. During 12 draining operations, 523 water samples were collected downstream from six extensively-managed fishponds in northeastern France. Study ponds had surface areas of 2-620 ha and were managed for production of Cyprinids and Percids. Concentrations of total suspended solids, total phosphorus, and Kjeldahl nitrogen in effluents from the ponds were greatest during the final stage of draining. Loads of phosphorus were higher than those reported for effluents of more intensive aquaculture ponds in the USA, but the source of the potential pollutants was catchments and sediment rather than feeds and fertilizer. It will be necessary to reduce the water drawdown rate during the fishing stage and possibly implement other best management practices to prevent the TSS concentration from exceeding 1 g/L. Effluent phosphorus loads were higher than those reported for more intensive aquaculture ponds, but the pollutant source was catchments rather than feeds and fertilizers.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Bulk deposition of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in an industrial site of Turkey
Esen, F. | Cindoruk, S.S. | Tasdemir, Y.
Ambient air and deposition samples were collected in the period of July 2004-May 2005 in an industrial district of Bursa, Turkey and analyzed for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) compounds. The overall average of fourteen bulk deposition fluxes for PAHs was 3300 ± 5100 ng m-2 d-1. PAH depositions showed a seasonal variation and they were higher in winter months. This was probably due to increases in residential heating activities and decreases in atmospheric mixing layer levels. Ambient air samples, measured with a high volume air sampler, were collected from the same site. The average total concentration including gas and particulate phase was about 300 ± 420 ng m-3 and it was in the range of previously reported values. Some of the ambient air and bulk deposition samples were collected simultaneously in dry periods. Both concurrently measured values were used to calculate the dry deposition velocities whose overall average value was 0.45 ± 0.35 cm s-1. Bulk deposition fluxes of PAHs were measured in an industrial area and deposition velocities of PAHs were reported.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Spatial and temporal variations of mercury levels in Okefenokee invertebrates: Southeast Georgia
George, B.M. | Batzer, D.
Accumulation of mercury in wetland ecosystems has raised concerns about impacts on wetland food webs. This study measured concentrations of mercury in invertebrates of the Okefenokee Swamp in Georgia, focusing on levels in amphipods, odonates, and crayfish. We collected and analyzed total mercury levels in these invertebrates from 32 sampling stations across commonly occurring sub-habitats. Sampling was conducted in December, May, and August over a two-year period. The highest levels of mercury were detected in amphipods, with total mercury levels often in excess of 20 ppm. Bioaccumulation pathways of mercury in invertebrates of the Okefenokee are probably complex; despite being larger and higher in the food chain, levels in odonates and crayfish were much lower than in amphipods. Mercury levels in invertebrates varied temporally with the highest levels detected in May. There was a lack of spatial variation in mercury levels which is consistent with aerial deposition of mercury. This study measured mercury levels in invertebrates and found the highest levels in amphipods.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Construction and comparison of fluorescence and bioluminescence bacterial biosensors for the detection of bioavailable toluene and related compounds
Li, Y.F. | Li, F.Y. | Ho, C.L. | Liao, V.H.C.
Environmental pollution with petroleum products such as benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes (BTEX) has garnered increasing awareness because of its serious consequences for human health and the environment. We have constructed toluene bacterial biosensors comprised of two reporter genes, gfp and luxCDABE, characterized by green fluorescence and luminescence, respectively, and compared their abilities to detect bioavailable toluene and related compounds. The bacterial luminescence biosensor allowed faster and more-sensitive detection of toluene; the fluorescence biosensor strain was much more stable and thus more applicable for long-term exposure. Both luminescence and fluorescence biosensors were field-tested to measure the relative bioavailability of BTEX in contaminated groundwater and soil samples. The estimated BTEX concentrations determined by the luminescence and fluorescence bacterial biosensors were closely comparable to each other. Our results demonstrate that both bacterial luminescence and fluorescence biosensors are useful in determining the presence and the bioavailable fractions of BTEX in the environment. The choice of reporter genes for toluene bacterial biosensors to determine BTEX bioavailability is case-specific.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Interactive effects of nitrogen deposition and fire on plant and soil chemistry in an alpine heathland
Britton, A.J. | Helliwell, R.C. | Fisher, J.M. | Gibbs, S.
The response of alpine heathland vegetation and soil chemistry to N additions of 0, 10, 20 and 50 kg N ha−1 year−1 in combination with simulated accidental fire (+/−) was monitored over a 5-year period. N addition caused rapid and significant increases in plant tissue N content and N:P and N:K of Calluna vulgaris, suggesting increasing phosphorus and potassium limitation of growth. Soil C:N declined significantly with N addition, indicating N saturation and increasing likelihood of N leakage. Fire further decreased soil C:N and reduced potential for sequestration of additional N. This study shows that alpine heathlands, which occupy the headwaters of many rivers, have limited potential to retain deposited N and may rapidly become N saturated, leaking N into downstream communities and surface waters. N deposition on alpine heathland causes a rapid shift towards P limitation and subsequent N saturation of vegetation and soil.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Comparison of regression coefficient and GIS-based methodologies for regional estimates of forest soil carbon stocks
Campbell, J.E. | Moen, J.C. | Ney, R.A. | Schnoor, J.L.
Estimates of forest soil organic carbon (SOC) have applications in carbon science, soil quality studies, carbon sequestration technologies, and carbon trading. Forest SOC has been modeled using a regression coefficient methodology that applies mean SOC densities (mass/area) to broad forest regions. A higher resolution model is based on an approach that employs a geographic information system (GIS) with soil databases and satellite-derived landcover images. Despite this advancement, the regression approach remains the basis of current state and federal level greenhouse gas inventories. Both approaches are analyzed in detail for Wisconsin forest soils from 1983 to 2001, applying rigorous error-fixing algorithms to soil databases. Resulting SOC stock estimates are 20% larger when determined using the GIS method rather than the regression approach. Average annual rates of increase in SOC stocks are 3.6 and 1.0 million metric tons of carbon per year for the GIS and regression approaches respectively. Large differences in estimates of soil organic carbon stocks and annual changes in stocks for Wisconsin forestlands indicate a need for validation from forthcoming forest surveys.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Visible leaf injury in young trees of Fagus sylvatica L. and Quercus robur L. in relation to ozone uptake and ozone exposure. An Open-Top Chambers experiment in South Alpine environmental conditions
Gerosa, G. | Marzuoli, R. | Desotgiu, R. | Bussotti, F. | Ballarin-Denti, A.
An Open-Top Chambers experiment on Fagus sylvatica and Quercus robur seedlings was conducted in order to compare the performance of an exposure-based (AOT40) and a flux-based approaches in predicting the appearance of ozone visible injuries on leaves. Three different ozone treatments (charcoal-filtered; non-filtered; and open plots) and two soil moisture treatments (watered and non-watered plots) were performed. A Jarvisian stomatal conductance model was drawn up and parameterised for both species and typical South Alpine environmental conditions, thus allowing the calculation of ozone stomatal fluxes for every treatment. A critical ozone flux level for the onset of leaf visible injury in beech was clearly identified between 32.6 and 33.6 mmol O3m-2. In contrast, it was not possible to identify an exposure critical level using the AOT40 index. Water stress delayed the onset of the leaf visible injuries, but the flux-based approach was able to take it into account accurately. Ozone fluxes are more accurate than AOT40 exposure index in predicting ozone visible foliar injury onset on beech seedlings in South Alpine environmental conditions.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Long-term effects of aided phytostabilisation of trace elements on microbial biomass and activity, enzyme activities, and composition of microbial community in the Jales contaminated mine spoils
Renella, G. | Landi, L. | Ascher, J. | Ceccherini, M.T. | Pietramellara, G. | Mench, M. | Nannipieri, P.
We studied the effectiveness of remediation on microbial endpoints, namely microbial biomass and activity, microbial and plant species richness, of an As-contaminated mine spoil, amended with compost (C) alone and in combination with beringite (B) or zerovalent iron grit (Z), to increase organic matter content and reduce trace elements mobility, and to allow Holcus lanatus and Pinus pinaster growth. Untreated spoil showed the lowest microbial biomass and activity and hydrolase activities, and H. lanatus as sole plant species, whereas the presented aided phytostabilisation option, especially CBZ treatment, significantly increased microbial biomass and activity and allowed colonisation by several plant species, comparable to those of an uncontaminated sandy soil. Microbial species richness was only increased in spoils amended with C alone. No clear correlation occurred between trace element mobility and microbial parameters and plant species richness. Our results indicate that the choice of indicators of soil remediation practices is a bottleneck. Organo-mineral amendment and revegetation of a gold mine spoil increased microbial activity but did not increase microbial species richness.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Phthalate esters (PAEs): Emerging organic contaminants in agricultural soils in peri-urban areas around Guangzhou, China
Zeng, Feng | Cui, Kunyan | Xie, Zhiyong | Wu, Linuo | Liu, Min | Sun, Guoquan | Lin, Yujun | Luo, Danling | Zeng, Zunxiang
This study reports the first data on the concentrations and distribution of phthalate esters (PAEs) in the agricultural soils from the peri-urban areas of Guangzhou city. Σ16PAEs concentrations ranged from 0.195 to 33.6 μg g−1-dry weight (dw). Elevated levels of PAEs were recorded in the vegetable fields located next to the urban districts, and a decreasing trend exists following the distance away from the urban center. Diisobutyl phthalate (DiBP), Di-n-butyl phthalate (DnBP), and Di(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP) dominated the PAEs in the agricultural soils. Significant relationship (correlation coefficient R2 = 0.85, p < 0.01, n = 40) was present between the accumulation of PAEs and total organic carbons in agricultural soils. In addition, both pH and texture of soils are found to be important factors affecting the level of PAEs. This study shows that the agricultural soils in the peri-urban area of Guangzhou city were moderately polluted by PAEs. PAEs are determined in agricultural soils at high concentration levels, which imply a potential risk for the food chain.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Effects of repeated exposure to malathion on growth, food consumption, and locomotor performance of the western fence lizard (Sceloporus occidentalis)
Holem, R.R. | Hopkins, W.A. | Talent, L.G.
Effects of repeated pollutant exposure on growth, locomotor performance, and behavior have rarely been evaluated in reptiles. We administered three doses of malathion (2.0, 20, or 100 mg/kg body weight) to western fence lizards (Sceloporus occidentalis) over an 81 day period. Eight and 23% mortality occurred at 20 and 100 mg/kg (p = 0.079) and 85% of lizards in the 100 mg/kg group exhibited clinical symptoms of poisoning. Growth, food consumption, body condition index, and terrestrial locomotor performance were not significantly influenced by malathion. However, arboreal sprint velocity was significantly reduced in lizards receiving 100 mg/kg. Fifty percent of lizards in the 100 mg/kg group also refused to sprint in the arboreal setting (p = 0.085). Based on these results, arboreal locomotor performance was the most sensitive metric of exposure we evaluated. Further study of compounds such as malathion is warranted due to highly variable application rates and exposure scenarios. Repeated exposure of western fence lizards to malathion caused reduced arboreal performance and some mortality but growth, food consumption, and terrestrial performance were not affected.
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