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النتائج 891 - 900 من 4,926
Estimating the relative magnitudes of adsorption to solid-water and air/oil-water interfaces for per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances
Brusseau, Mark L.
Per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) have attracted considerable concern due to their widespread occurrence in the environment and potential human health risks. Given the complexity of PFAS retention in multi-phase systems, it would be useful for characterization and modeling purposes to be able to readily determine the relative significance of the individual retention processes for a given PFAS and set of subsurface conditions. A quantitative-structure/property-relationship (QSPR) analysis was conducted for adsorption of PFAS by soils, sediments, and granular activated carbon (GAC), and integrated with a prior analysis conducted for adsorption to air-water and oil-water interfaces. The results demonstrated that a model employing molar volume provided reasonable predictions of organic-carbon normalized soil/sediment adsorption coefficients (log Kₒc), GAC-adsorption coefficients (log Kd), and air/oil-water interfacial adsorption coefficients (log Kᵢ) for PFAS. The relative magnitudes of solid-water and air/oil-water interfacial adsorption were compared as a function of controlling variables. A nomograph was developed that provides a first-order determination of the relative significance of these interfacial adsorption processes in multi-phase porous-media systems.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Effects of cerium oxide on rice seedlings as affected by co-exposure of cadmium and salt
Wang, Yaoyao | Wang, Lingqing | Ma, Chuanxin | Wang, Kexiang | Hao, Yi | Chen, Qing | Mo, You | Rui, Yukui
Effects of CeO2 NPs (200 mg.L−1) on rice (Oryza sativa L.) alone or co-exposure with cadmium (Cd) and salt (sodium chloride, NaCl) were investigated in hydroponic systems for two weeks. Physiological results show that rice biomass was significantly inhibited when NaCl or CdCl2 added alone or in co-exposure treatment. CeO2 NPs significantly relieve the chlorophyll damage under CdCl2 environmental stress. The presence of CeO2 NPs alleviated both stressors induced damages to rice as indicated by the reduced proline level. Additionally, CeO2 NPs triggered the antioxidant defense systems to counteract the oxidative stress caused by NaCl and CdCl2. The level of 8-OHdG, one of the most important indicators for genotoxicity, in rice suggest that the presence of CeO2 NPs reduced the DNA damage in NaCl treated rice. Elemental analysis indicated that co-exposure to NaCl and CdCl2 slightly decreased the Cd content as compared to the one in the CdCl2 alone treatment, and this co-exposure also significantly reduced the Na content when comparing with the NaCl alone treatment. Taken together, our findings suggest that CeO2 NPs could alleviate the CdCl2 and NaCl stresses, but could not completely change the phenotype of both contaminants treated rice.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Occupational exposure to volatile organic compounds and health risks in Colorado nail salons
Lamplugh, Aaron | Harries, Megan | Xiang, Feng | Trinh, Janice | Hecobian, Arsineh | Montoya, Lupita D.
Nail salon technicians face chronic exposure to volatile organic compounds (VOCs), which can lead to adverse health outcomes including cancer. In this study, indoor levels of formaldehyde, as well as benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylene, were measured in 6 Colorado nail salons. Personal exposure VOC measurements and health questionnaires (n = 20) were also performed; questionnaires included employee demographics, health symptoms experienced, and protective equipment used. Cancer slope factors from the United States Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) and anthropometric data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention were then used to estimate cancer risk for workers, assuming 20-yr exposures to concentrations of benzene and formaldehyde reported here. Results show that 70% of surveyed workers experienced at least one health issue related to their employment, with many reporting multiple related symptoms. Indoor concentrations of formaldehyde ranged from 5.32 to 20.6 μg m−3, across all 6 salons. Indoor concentrations of toluene ranged from 26.7 to 816 μg m−3, followed by benzene (3.13–51.8 μg m−3), xylenes (5.16–34.6 μg m−3), and ethylbenzene (1.65–9.52 μg m−3). Formaldehyde levels measured in one salon exceeded the Recommended Exposure Limit from the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. Cancer risk estimates from formaldehyde exposure exceeded the US EPA de minimis risk level (1 × 10−6) for squamous cell carcinoma, nasopharyngeal cancer, Hodgkin's lymphoma, and leukemia; leukemia risk exceeded 1 × 10−4 in one salon. The average leukemia risk from benzene exposure also exceeded the US EPA de minimis risk level for all demographic categories modeled. In general, concentrations of aromatic compounds measured here were comparable to those measured in studies of oil refinery and auto garage workers. Cancer risk models determined that 20-yr exposure to formaldehyde and benzene concentrations measured in this study will significantly increase worker's risk of developing cancer in their lifetime.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]A comprehensive risk assessment of metals in riverine surface sediments across the rural-urban interface of a rapidly developing watershed
Wang, Zhenfeng | Zhou, Jiayu | Zhang, Chi | Qu, Liyin | Mei, Kun | Dahlgren, Randy A. | Zhang, Minghua | Xia, Fang
Metal contamination in aquatic environments is a severe global concern to human health and aquatic ecosystems. This study used several risk assessment indices, to evaluate metal (Cu, Zn, Pb, Cd and Cr) environmental risk of riverine surface sediments across the rural-urban interface of the rapidly developing Wen-Rui Tang River watershed in eastern China. Risk assessments were determined for 38 sites based on the potential ecological risk index (RI), consensus-based sediment quality guidelines (SQGs) and risk assessment code (RAC). Land-use cluster analysis showed that sediments were severely contaminated, especially for Cd, whose concentrations were ∼100 times higher than background levels and had a high proportion in the bioaccessible fraction. According to RI, ErCd was identified with extremely high risk potential, resulting in the highest ecological risk of Cluster 4 (industrial). Similarly, risk within Cluster 4 (industrial) was also ranked highest by SQGs assessment due to the high proportion of industrial land use. Zinc was determined with high risk due to its high concentration compared to its effect range medium (ERM) value. Discrepancies in predicting environmental risks from metals among the three indices were mainly attributed to the contrasting definitions of these metrics. Environmental risk uncertainty derived from spatial variation was further estimated by Monte Carlo simulation and ranked as: Zn > Cd > Cr > Pb > Cu. This comprehensive environmental risk assessment provides important information to guide remediation strategies for management of metal contamination at the watershed scale.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Temporal variation in zooplankton and phytoplankton community species composition and the affecting factors in Lake Taihu—a large freshwater lake in China
Li, Cuicui | Feng, Weiying | Chen, Haiyan | Li, Xiaofeng | Song, Fanhao | Guo, Wenjing | Giesy, John P. | Sun, Fuhong
Monitoring diverse components of aquatic ecosystems is vital for elucidation of diversity dynamics and processes, which alter freshwater ecosystems, but such studies are seldom conducted. Phytoplankton and zooplankton are integral components which play indispensable parts in the structure and ecological service function of water bodies. However, few studies were made on how zooplankton and phytoplankton community may respond simultaneously to change of circumstance and their mutual relationship. Therefore, we researched synchronously the phytoplankton communities as well as zooplankton communities based on monthly monitoring data from September 2011 to August 2012 in heavily polluted areas and researched their responses to variation in environmental parameters and their mutual relationship. As indicated by Time-lag analysis (TLA), the long-term dynamics of phytoplankton and zooplankton were undergoing directional variations, what's more, there exists significant seasonal variations of phytoplankton and zooplankton communities as indicated by Non-Metric Multidimensional scaling (NMDS) methods. Also, Redundancy Analysis (RDA) demonstrated that environmental indicators together accounted for 25.6% and 50.1% variance of phytoplankton and zooplankton, respectively, indicating that environmental variations affected significantly on the temporal dynamics of phytoplankton as well as zooplankton communities. What's more, variance partioning suggested that the major environmental factors influencing variation structures of zooplankton communities were water temperature, concentration of nitrogen, revealing the dominating driving mechanism which shaped the communities of zooplankton. It was also found that there was significant synchronization between zooplankton biomass and phytoplankton biomass (expressed as Chl-a concentration), which suggested that zooplankton respond to changes in dynamic structure of phytoplankton community and can initiate a decrease in phytoplankton biomass through grazing in a few months.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Transport and retention of reduced graphene oxide materials in saturated porous media: Synergistic effects of enhanced attachment and particle aggregation
Xia, Tianjiao | Ma, Pengkun | Qi, Yu | Zhu, Lingyan | Qi, Zhichong | Chen, Wei
The increasing production and use of graphene-based nanomaterials (e.g., graphene oxide (GO) and reduced graphene oxide (RGO)) will lead to their environmental release. To date, transport of RGOs in saturated porous media is poorly understood. Here, we examined the transport behaviors of three RGO materials obtained by reducing a GO product with commonly used reducing agents – N₂H₄, NaBH₄ and L-ascorbic acid (referred to as N₂H₄-RGO, NaBH₄-RGO and VC-RGO, respectively). When the dominant background cation was Na⁺, K⁺ or Mg²⁺, the mobility of the RGOs and GO in saturated quartz sand correlated well with their surface C/O ratio. Interestingly, the lower mobility of the more reduced materials (the ones with higher C/O values) was not only the results of their less negative surface charges and larger particle sizes, but also the outcome of their greater hydrophobicity, in line with the calculated extended Derjaguin–Landau–Verwey–Overbeek (XDLVO) profiles. Counterintuitively, when the background cation was Ca²⁺, the least reduced material among the three RGOs, VC-RGO, exhibited the lowest mobility. Analysis of electrophoretic and aggregation properties, as well as pH-effect experiments, indicated that the surprisingly low mobility of VC-RGO was attributable to the strong cation-bridging effect (primarily Ca²⁺-bridging between RGO and quartz sand) associated with this material, as VC-RGO contained the highest amount of surface carboxyl group (a strong metal-binding moiety). Notably, enhanced attachment (due to increased hydrophobic effect and cation-bridging) and particle aggregation appeared to work synergistically to increase RGO retention, as the attachment of large RGO aggregates significantly enhanced particle straining by narrowing the flow path. These observations reveal a largely overlooked link between the mobility of graphene-based materials and their key physicochemical properties.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Association between extracted copper and dissolved organic matter in dairy-manure amended soils
Araújo, Eloá | Strawn, Daniel G. | Morra, M. J. (Matthew John) | Moore, Amber | Ferracciú Alleoni, Luis Reynaldo
Dairy manure often has elevated concentrations of copper (Cu) that when applied to soil may create toxicity risks to seedlings and soil microbes. Manure application also increases dissolved organic matter (DOM) in soil solution. We hypothesize that high rates of dairy manure amendment over several years will cause increased DOM in the soil that complexes Cu, increasing its mobility. To test this hypothesis, this study investigated water soluble Cu concentrations and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in soil samples from 3 years of manure-amended soils. Samples were collected at two depths over the first 3 years of a long-term manure-amendment field trial. DOC, Cu, Fe, and P concentrations were measured in water extracts from the samples. Ultraviolet/visible (UV/Vis) spectra were used to assess the DOC characteristics. After 3 years of manure application, extractable Cu concentration was approximately four times greater in the surface and two times greater in subsurface samples of manure-amended soils as compared to non-amended control soils and traditional mineral fertilizer-amended soils. The extractable Cu concentration was greatest in plots that had the highest manure amendment rates (35 t ha⁻¹ and 52 t ha⁻¹, dry weight). The UV/Vis parameters SUVA₂₅₄ and E₂/E₃ correlated with Cu concentration in the extracts (p < 0.05), suggesting that DOC characteristics are important in Cu-binding. The molecular characteristics of the DOC in the subsurface after 3 years of manure amendment were distinct from the DOC in the control plot, suggesting that manure amendment creates mobile DOC that may facilitate Cu mobilization through soil. The 10-fold increase in extractable Cu concentration after only 3 years of manure application indicates that repeated applications of the dairy manure sources used in this study at rates of 35 t/ha or greater may create risks for Cu toxicity and leaching of Cu into ground and surface waters.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]In vitro toxicological evaluation of ionic liquids and development of effective bioremediation process for their removal
Thamke, Viresh R. | Chaudhari, Ashvini U. | Tapase, Savita R. | Paul, Dhiraj | Kodam, Kisan M.
The present study deals with the cyto-genotoxicological impact of ionic liquids, 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium bromide, trihexyl tetradecylphosphonium dicyanamide, 1-decyl-3-methylimidazolium tetrafluoroborate, benzyldimethyltetradecylammonium chloride, and 1-butyl-4-methylpyridinium chloride, on animal cells and their biodegradation. The long alkyl chain containing ionic liquids were found to be more toxic whereas benzene functional group in benzyldimethyltetradecylammonium chloride enhances its toxicity. Aerobic bacterial granules, a bacterial consortium, were developed that have promising ability to break down these organic pollutants. These aerobic bacterial granules have been applied for the biodegradation of ionic liquids. The biological oxygen demand (5 days) and chemical oxygen demand parameters confirmed that the biodegradation was solely due to aerobic bacterial granules which further decreased the time period needed for regular biodegradation by biological oxygen demand (28 days). The high resolution mass spectrometry analysis further approved that the degradation of ionic liquids was mainly via removal of the methyl group. Elevated N-demethylase enzyme activity supports the ionic liquids degradation which may be occurring through demethylation mechanism. The amplicon sequencing of aerobic bacterial granules gives insight into the involvement of the bacterial community in the biodegradation process.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Vertical distribution of 129I and radiocesium in forest soil collected near the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant boundary
Yang, Guosheng | Hu, Jun | Tsukada, Hirofumi | Tazoe, Hirofumi | Shao, Yang | Yamada, Masatoshi
Three soil core samples were collected from a forest located about 1.1 km south of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant (FDNPP) boundary in 2017, and the vertical profiles of 129I from the FDNPP accident were determined by the combination of TMAH (tetramethyl ammonium hydroxide) extraction and ICP-MS/MS analysis. The humus layer above the soil layer was heavily contaminated with 134Cs (1983–5985 Bq g−1) and 137Cs (1947–5902 Bq g−1) (decay-corrected to March 11, 2011). The 129I activity concentrations decreased sharply with the soil depth, from 1894 to 34.1, from 9384 to 78.9, and from 2536 to 51.3 mBq kg−1, for the three sites. Downward migration of 129I was slightly faster than the one of 134Cs. In addition, the cumulative 129I inventories were observed to be 43.4 ± 1.0, 71.7 ± 1.8, and 56.5 ± 1.8 Bq m−2, respectively. Subsequently, the cumulative 131I inventories were estimated to be 1.76 ± 0.06, 2.90 ± 0.11, and 2.28 ± 0.10 GBq m−2 (decay-corrected to March 11, 2011), respectively. Finally, the total atmospheric deposition of 129I on the land of Japan due to the FDNPP accident was estimated to be around 1.09–1.71 kg (7.11–11.2 GBq).
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Unveiling tropospheric ozone by the traditional atmospheric model and machine learning, and their comparison:A case study in hangzhou, China
Feng, Rui | Zheng, Hui-jun | Zhang, An-ran | Huang, Chong | Gao, Han | Ma, Yu-cheng
Tropospheric ozone in the surface air has become the primary atmospheric pollutant in Hangzhou, China, in recent years. Previous analysis is not enough to decode it for better regulation. Therefore, we use the traditional atmospheric model, Weather Research and Forecasting coupled with Community Multi-scale Air Quality (WRF-CMAQ), and machine learning models, Extreme Learning Machine (ELM), Multi-layer Perceptron (MLP), Random Forest (RF) and Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) to analyze and predict the ozone in the surface air in Hangzhou, China, using meteorology and air pollutants as input. We firstly quantitatively demonstrate that the dew-point deficit, instead of temperature and relative humidity, is the predominant meteorological factor in shaping tropospheric ozone. Urban heat island, daily direct solar radiation time, wind speed and wind direction play trivial role in impacting tropospheric ozone. NO₂ is the primary influential factors both for hourly ozone and daily O₃-8 h due to the titration effect. The most environmental-friendly way to mitigate the ozone pollution is to lower the volatile organic compounds (VOCs) with the highest ozone formation potentials. We deduce that the tropospheric ozone formation process tends to be not only non-linear but also non-smooth. Compared with the traditional atmospheric models, machine learning, whose characteristics are rapid convergence, short calculating time, adaptation of forecasting episodes, small program memory, higher accuracy and less cost, is able to predict tropospheric ozone more accurately.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]