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Content marketing decision application for rural tourism development: case study of ʻĮlankos sodybaʼ
Pazeraite, A., Vytautas Magnus Univ., Kaunas (Lithuania) | Repoviene, R., Vytautas Magnus Univ., Kaunas (Lithuania)
The paper presents theoretical and practical aspects of content marketing decision application for rural tourism development using a case of a farmstead ʻĮlankos sodybaʼ. The first part of the article deals with theoretical insights into content marketing ability to stimulate rural tourism development. Results of literature review reveal that there are connections between elements of the content marketing and rural tourism development, which means that the use of content marketing can be economically valuable for the wider range of the farmsteads. The second part of the paper focuses on the case analysis of the farmstead ‘Įlankos sodybaʼ. In order to explore how the application of content marketing decisions can impact rural tourism development, an experiment of content marketing usage in search advertisement of selected farmstead was carried out. Separate content marketing elements were involved in search advertisement and changes of advertisement effect upon the customers were measured. The given results show that content marketing elements can improve the chosen advertisement effect upon the customers. This leads to presumption that the wider use of content marketing can improve not only the effect of separate marketing tool, but also can contribute to the development of rural tourism. The paper concludes with findings and discussion; limitations and future research possibilities are given as well.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Content marketing decisions for customers’ desired value in the tourism sector
Repoviene, R., Vytautas Magnus Univ., Kaunas (Lithuania) | Pazeraite, A., Vytautas Magnus Univ., Kaunas (Lithuania)
In a landscape of increasing customer/firm interactions in digital space, content marketing, which aims to generate prospects and sales to foster customers’ brand engagement, brand awareness and trust, is on the rise. Notwithstanding, despite significant marketing specialist interest, scientific content marketing research is not widely developed. Therefore, it encourages the need for new studies in the content marketing field. This paper introduces theoretical and practical aspects of content marketing decisions for the creation of desired customer value in the tourism sector. The aim of the presented research is to determine which combinations of content marketing decisions could create the desired value for the customer in the tourism sector. Understanding the content marketing decisions that create the desired value for customers could lead to a proper implementation of content marketing in the tourism sector. The presented results of q-sort study indicate twelve different combinations of content marketing decisions which could be used by tourism organizations in order to create desired value for their customer. Thus, it means that increasement of desired customer value can be made in the light of content marketing usage. The paper ends with insights, conclusions, limitations and future research possibilities.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Content marketing decisions for the customer value creation in social networks: ‘Ilzenberg manor’ case
Repoviene, R., Vytautas Magnus Univ., Kaunas (Lithuania) | Pazeraite, A., Vytautas Magnus Univ., Kaunas (Lithuania)
This article presents theoretical and practical aspects of content marketing decisions for the customer value creation in social networks by using the case of the organic farm ʻIlzenberg manor’. Focus of this paper is to determine which content marketing decisions create the biggest value for the customer in social networks. The first part of the paper deals with theoretical insights into the content marketing decisions and their ability to create the customer value in social networks. Findings of theoretical analysis disclose that there are interfaces between content marketing, separate content marketing decisions and the customer value in the context of social networks. Respectively, it leads to an assumption that the usage of content marketing decisions can be valuable for the customer value creation in social networks. The second part of the paper focuses on the case analysis of the organic farm ‘Ilzenberg manor’. In order to determine which content marketing decisions create value for the customer in social networks, authors examine a correlation between separate content marketing decisions and consumer value indicators by using data from ʻIlzenberg manor’ Facebook page. The obtained results expose that not all content marketing decisions create value for the customer in social networks. Hence, it means that a selection of separate content marketing decisions in social networks can be made through the customer value perspective. The article ends with insights, conclusions, limitations and future research possibilities.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Pratiques d'alimentation pour l'engraissement des agneaux dans des systèmes d'élevage agropastoraux de la région d'El-Guedid-Djelfa
Kanoun M. | Huguenin J. | Yakhlef H. | Kanoun Meguellati A. | Julien L. | Taugourdeau S. | Bellahrache A.
Les pratiques d'engraissement des agneaux sont étudiées dans les systèmes d'élevage ovins agropastoraux de la zone d'El-Guedid située au Nord-Ouest de la Wilaya de Djelfa. L'élevage de cette région est reconnu et approvisionne en viande rouge ovine les grandes agglomérations algériennes, voire au-delà. En quelques décennies, cet élevage, son système de production et sa filière, ont connu de nombreuses transformations pour s'adapter aux changements : démographique, socioéconomique, biophysique, d'utilisation des terres. Malgré les adaptations de conduite d'élevage, certains savoir-faire ont pu être préservés, notamment en matière d'alimentation. Ainsi la viande de Djelfa reste très appréciée. Les élevages ayant recours à certaines pratiques anciennes, associées à de nouvelles conduites, continuent d'assurer des produits de qualité toute l'année. Les évolutions du contexte et des modes d'élevage ont rendu le contexte favorable au développement de pratiques d'engraissement par les éleveurs. La diversité des conduites alimentaires notamment des pratiques d'engraissement et des stratégies des éleveurs selon leurs systèmes d'élevage sont le coeur de notre questionnement. Nous l'avons abordé selon une méthodologie comprenant plusieurs étapes : i) entretiens chez 86 éleveurs et observations dans des ateliers d'engraissement au sein des exploitations agropastorales ; ii) exploitation de la base de données des suivis du marché ovin de Djelfa pour évaluer les prix des animaux ; iii) traitements des données obtenues à l'aide d'outils statistiques (ACM ; PCOA Gower ; traitements graphiques). Cette étude apporte deux enseignements majeurs, d'une part l'utilisation des territoires steppiques n'est pas exclusif aux élevages naisseurs et d'autre part il ressort une dominance des élevages mobiles (transhumants et semi-transhumants). Les éleveurs sédentaires ne représentent que 15 % de notre échantillon. En outre, nous avons caractérisé quatre types d'éleveurs selon leurs mobilités, s
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Lacquer tree-based swidden system in Southwest China
Wang Kanglin (The Chinese Academy of Sciences, Heilongtan, Kunming, Yunnan 650204 (Peoples Rrepublic of China). Kunming Inst. of Botany) Long Chun-Lin
Importance of gender analysis in shifting cultivation
Gurung, C. (Resources Himalaya, Kathmandu (Nepal))
Practices in marketing forest and agricultural products: lessons for resource managers
Karki, M. (International Development Research Center Canada House, 208 Jor Bagh, New Delhi 11003 (India)) Rawal, R. | Raintree, J.
Guidelines for the commercialization of medicinal and aromatic plants (MAPs) in shifting cultivation areas
Karki, M. (International Development Research Center Canada House, 208 Jor Bagh, New Delhi (India)) Rawal, R.B.
Medicinal plants for sustainable management of uplands in south & south-east Asia
Karki, M. (International Development Research Center Canada House, 208 Jor Bagh, New Delhi (India))
Developing and marketing non-timber forest products: methods used in protected areas in Vietnam
Raintree, J. (Forestry Research Center, NAFRI (Scc Natura/SIDA) Scc Natura, P.O. Box 4298 Vientiane (Lao PDR))