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النتائج 1 - 3 من 3
Internal stresses of biomass compositions
Nulle, I.(Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia))E-mail:Imants.Nulle@llu.lv | Kakitis, A.(Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia))
Relevant resources for biomass energy production are cereal straw residues and emergent vegetation from wetlands. This bulk herbaceous biomass is a material with low density. Density of briquetted straw and reed has been increased from 60 kg mE-3 to 1000 kg mE-3. The storage, dosage and mixing of biomass bulk materials before compacting are necessary, which requires working knowledge of the bulk properties of materials. The angle of repose of straw, reed and peat particles was investigated. It was stated that angle of repose of straw and reed varies between 45-55 degrees. The angle of repose of peat particles varies between 37-50 degrees. The stress ratio between horizontal and vertical stress is important for equipment design. This ratio was investigated for different size particles of straw, reed and peat. Stress ratio of straw particles varies between ~ 0.6-0.71.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Investigation of the quality of dough with germinated grain additive
Rakcejeva, T.(Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia))E-mail:Tatjana.Rakcejeva@llu.lv | Skudra, L.(Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia)) | Legzdina, L.(Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia))
Germinated grains are added to wheat dough with the purpose to promote the biological value of bread. As a result, a new product was obtained with a higher content of protein, fibre, B group vitamins; and vitamins C and E. The task was to investigate gluten quality changes at grain germination time, wheat dough rheological properties changes with various wheat, rye and barley amount additions, germinated for a different time. With the purpose to save maximum stability value of gluten, it was ascertained that the germination time of wheat grain could not be more than 24 hours. The best dough quality was obtained with germinated wheat grain additive. Germinated rye and barley grain additive (more than the experimentally ascertained amount) increases dough softening, decreases dough development time and dough stability. Only adding experimentally determined optimal amount of germinated grain, which promotes high quality bread, could produce dough with accepted rheological properties.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Distinguishing between the effect of seed material and forest type on Scots pine stand productivity
Jansons, A.(Latvian Forestry Research Inst. Silava, Salaspils (Latvia))E-mail:arisjansons@navigator.lv
Due to large diversity of site conditions suitable for Scots pine growth in Latvia, it is important to evaluate their influence on growth and survival of particular Scots pine families. To do so, open pollinated progenies from phenotypically selected plus trees of 35 at the age of 32 years have been evaluated in 2 forest types (Cladinosa-callunosa and Hylocomyosa). Investigation revealed that forest type and family influence had a great significance to height, diameter at breast height, and diameter of thickest branch up to 2 meters' height (alpha is less than 0.001), but clone influence had lower significance (alpha=0.008). Proportion of influence to height growth caused by tree family was 70% at the age of 6 years and 17% at the age of 32 years. Proportion of influence on survival caused by tree family was 57% and 44% respectively. The corresponding influence of forest type was 12% and 28% to height, 15% and 39% to survival. Diameter at breast height at the age of 32 years was equally influenced by forest type and family (~11%). Equal breeding effect - but not with the same families - can be reached both in fertile and poor soils. In group (20%) selection this effect was ~8% for height, 11% for diameter, and 30% for survival; in individual selection ~10% for height, and ~17% for diameter.
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