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Professional education teacher further education
Aizsila, A., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia) | Bierande, S., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia)
The requirements for education, school and teachers become increasingly varied and complicated. The Latvian education system needs to be changed. The aim of the education reform is to establish a qualitative, accessible, competitive education system. The role of the teacher in studies changes with the economical and labour market changes. It determines new requirements and makes the knowledge, skills and competences of teachers change. To foster the development of teacher skills and acquisition of information, it is necessary to promote further education of teachers. The involvement of Latvia in the today’s global processes makes it necessary to substantially reconsider the aims and tasks of the education system – to ensure modernization of the education system and attain the introduction of new education content and methods. The article theoretically and empirically analyses and summarizes the further education experience of teachers at the Centre for Lifelong Education of the Latvia University of Agriculture in 2009/2010. The research target group - professional education teachers. The aim of the article is to justify teacher further education as development of professional and pedagogical competences in ensuring a modern and qualitative study process. The novelty of the research is related to the idea of the professional education reform and optimization of the network of professional schools.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]The role of cooperation for the needs of bioeconomy development
Atkociuniene, V., Vytautas Magnus Univ. Agriculture Academy, Akademija, Kauno raj. (Lithuania) | Balkibayeva, A., Saken Seifullin Kazakh Agro Technical Univ., Nur-Sultan (Kazakhstan)
The concepts of bioeconomy development require the integration of different sectors and economic activities. Bioeconomy helps to achieve the goals of sustainable development. This paper provides an overview of the cooperation for the need of bioeconomy development, examining it from agricultural cooperatives development, theoretical concept and European countries policy and Kazakhstan perspective. The research methods are induction and deduction, monographic, the group interview, statistical data analysis and synthesis, descriptive, matching and comparison and other methods. The cooperation passes through several levels of development – information, consultation, joint action, collective decision-making. The cooperation within farmers (horizontal cooperation) is so far narrow and limited to traditional cooperatives that bring together producers of the same product. New forms of cooperation and more diverse directions in national, regional and local levels are needed to develop the bioeconomy. Partnerships, the interdepartmental and interdisciplinary cooperation based on knowledge and innovation should be established between farmers, agri-food companies and scientific institutions, Kazakhstan and other countries universities. The agricultural and rural development advisory system should be improved, and new measures to promote communication, counselling and cooperation should be introduced.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Translation of experience and knowledge in private forest owners’ networks
Felcis, R., University of Latvia, Riga (Latvia)
Fragmentation of private property (142 thousand private forest owners) cause the challenge for governing forests, because forests are part of wider forest ecosystems, but at the same time narrowly assigned by private borders. Land restitution put the new pressures on path dependent management and new possibilities and responsibilities (that were emergent features of private forest governance). This article is part of doctoral thesis about the common governance of private forests with particular aim to focus on describing knowledge and experience exchange in private forest owners’ networks in this paper. The research question for this article is to help to find out how the translation of experience and knowledge manifest itself in private forest owners’ networks? The best theoretical model to fit this situation is the concept of translation from actor-network theory and emergent norm theory. Case study approach was selected to follow actors in forest owners’ networks. The cases are forest owners’ cooperatives, forest owners NGO’s, as well as other forms, in particular, forest extension services and cases where an emergent process can be seen. The empirical material shows that translation of experience and knowledge manifest itself in few important ways, namely, at first, in a negotiation of needs and agreement on private forest owners’ needs; secondly, in stewardship role of multi-functional actors; thirdly, in emerging and evolving legislative norms. A multi-functional actor is a term offered in order to reveal a wide range of mediation forms in multicultural multi nature of forests as governed property and forests as integral part of ecosystems.
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