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Effect of different plant production methods on yield and quality of winter wheat 'Portal' in 2009
Tein, B., Estonian Univ. of Life Sciences, Tartu (Estonia) | Eremeev, V., Estonian Univ. of Life Sciences, Tartu (Estonia) | Keres, I., Estonian Univ. of Life Sciences, Tartu (Estonia) | Selge, A., Estonian Univ. of Life Sciences, Tartu (Estonia) | Luik, A., Estonian Univ. of Life Sciences, Tartu (Estonia)
The yield and quality (volume weight, 1000 kernel weight, protein content, falling number, gluten content, gluten index, gluten content in dry matter) of winter wheat was studied in variety 'Portal'. The wheat was part of the five-year crop rotation experiment where red clover (Trifolium pratense L.), winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), peas (Pisum sativum L.), potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) and barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) were following each other. There were two production variants which followed the crop rotation. In one variant mineral fertilizers and pesticides were used, and the other variant was conversion to organic without any synthetic agrochemicals. In mineral fertilizing variant, on the background of P25 and K95 kg haE-1 the N amount varied from 0 to 150 kg haE-1 and herbicide Mustang (preparation norm 0.5 L haE-1, active substance florasulam, 6.25 g LE-1; 2.4-D, 300 g LE-1), insecticide Fastac 50 (preparation norm 0.2 L haE-1, active substance 50 g LE-1 alphacypermethrin) fungicide Falcon EC 460 (preparation norm 0.4 L haE-1, active substances 167 g tebuconazole, 250 g spiroxamine, 43 g triadimenol) and growth regulator Moddus (preparation norm 0.4 L haE-1, active substance 250 g LE-1 trinexapac-ethyl) were used. In conversion to organic the winter wheat grains which followed the red clovers after effect had higher volume weight, 1000 kernel weight and gluten index compared to the variants where mineral fertilizers were used. The yield, protein content, falling number and gluten content in dry matter increased with increase of the amount of mineral N. The wet gluten content was significantly higher compared to the other variants where the N amount was 50 kg haE-1.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Effect of organic and conventional production system on the quality of spring wheat
Tein, B., Estonian Univ. of Life Sciences, Tartu (Estonia)
Field trials with the spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) were carried out on the experimental fields of Estonian University of Life Sciences in 2011. The yield quality (volume weight, 1000 kernel weight, falling number, gluten content, gluten index, gluten content in dry matter) of spring wheat was studied in cultivar ‘Vinjett’. The wheat was part of the five-year crop rotation experiment where red clover (Trifolium pratense L.), spring wheat, peas (Pisum sativum L.), potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) and barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) undersown with red clover were following each other. There were three treatments which followed the crop rotation. In one treatment mineral fertilizers and pesticides were used, but other two treatments were organic without any synthetic agrochemicals. In mineral fertilizing treatments, the background of P25 and K95 kg ha-1 the N amount varied from 0 to 150 kg haE-1. Herbicides Sekator and MCPA 750 were used in conventional part. The aim of this research was to study red clover’s after-effect and different N fertilizer amounts’ influence on the spring wheat yield quality. In treatments where no mineral fertilizers were used and which only followed the red clovers after effect had higher gluten index and gluten content in dry matter. Higher mineral nitrogen amounts and organic treatments decreased spring wheat 1000 kernel weights and volume weights. The wet gluten content and falling number increased with increase of the amount of mineral N.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Consumers’ attitude towards availability and quality of gluten-free products in the Latvian market
Ozola, L., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia) | Straumite, E., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia)
Celiac disease is an autoimmune enteropathy disease, triggered in genetically susceptible individuals by ingested gluten from wheat (Triticum), rye (Secale cereale), barley (Hordeum vulgare) and other closely related cereal grains. The only way of the effective daily treatment is a strict gluten-free diet. From the investigation of products available in the local market, it was found that Latvian producers do not offer gluten-free products. The aim of this research was to study a celiac patient’s attitude to gluten-free product quality and availability in the Latvian market and purchasing habits. The survey was designed using website www.visidati.lv, and a questionnaire was sent to people suffering from celiac disease. The respondents were asked to fill in the questionnaire from the beginning of December 2010 till the end of July 2011. The questionnaire was performed with 131 celiac patients, respondents were from all Latvian regions and they answered 15 questions. One of the most important questions was aimed to find out consumers’ opinion about quality of gluten-free products, consumption patterns of gluten-free products, and, moreover, their interest in products made in Latvia. Respondents were asked to name gluten-free products they mainly buy and give specific purchase locations, evaluate the quality of products and necessity for products produced in Latvia. The results of questionnaire show that the consumers are satisfied with the quality of gluten-free flour, flour blends and pasta, but are not satisfied with the quality of bread and confectionery available in the Latvian markets.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Technological and sensory quality of grain and baking products from spelt wheat
Kyptova, M., University of South Bohemia, Ceske Budejovice (Czech Republic) | Konvalina, P., University of South Bohemia, Ceske Budejovice (Czech Republic) | Khoa, T.D., University of South Bohemia, Ceske Budejovice (Czech Republic)
This work deals with the baking quality of the spelt wheat grain (Triticum spelta L.) compared with bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Mixed flours were made of different share of spelt wheat and bread wheat (in total 11 mixtures) in 2016 in the Česke Budejovice in the laboratories of the Faculty of Agriculture. The technological quality of these mixtures was analysed, focusing on standard evaluation methods (protein content, characteristic of gluten or swellability of protein). The analysis was supplemented by complete rheological analysis made by Mixolab II. Bread was used as a model product. Subsequently, sensory evaluation of baked bread from the previously prepared mixtures was done. Part of the analysis was to estimate the economic basic bread recipe with different proportions of bread wheat and spelt wheat. The results were statistically analysed via STATISTICA 9.1 (StatSoft, Inc., USA). It was proved that the flour made of spelt can give cereal products with a higher nutritional value. The results have shown that the spelt grain is much more suitable for baking. Its advantage is the higher protein content and higher resistance of kneading of the dough and starch gelatinization rate, which was statistically confirmed. The main disadvantage is the higher price of spelt. According to the results, the ideal utilization of spelt wheat based on sensory analysis and economic calculations seems to be the mixture of spelt wheat and bread wheat, which results in an undeniable decrease of the product cost, and hence effects the common customer choice and taste preferences.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Evaluation the baking value of passage flours
Cacak-Pietrzak, G., Warsaw Univ. of Life Sciences (Poland) | Sułek, A., Institute of Soil Science and Plant Cultivation – State Research Inst., Pulawy (Poland) | Wyzinska, M., Institute of Soil Science and Plant Cultivation – State Research Inst., Pulawy (Poland)
The main direction of using wheat grains is grinding them into low-extraction flours. The flours collected from individual passages differ in terms of chemical composition and physical properties, which in turn differentiates their baking value. The aim of the study was to evaluate the baking value of passage flours obtained from the milling of spring and winter wheat grain. Wheat grain was milled in a 6-pass laboratory mill MLU-202 by Bühler. The baking value of the obtained passage flours was evaluated by an indirect method (protein content, gluten content and quality, falling number, farinograph analysis) and by a direct method (by baking and performing quality evaluation of the obtained bread). The research showed that the efficiency of flours from individual milling passages varied. The passages flours differed significantly in terms of chemical composition and baking value. The highest flour yields were obtained from the first and second grinding stages, while the smallest from the third grinding stage. Ash and total protein content, flour water absorption, and amylolytic enzymes activity increased together with the subsequent milling stage in both reduction-passage and grinding-passage. The gluten content increased with the next reduction stage, while it decreased with the subsequent grinding passage. The bread from the laboratory baking test was diversified in terms of sensory characteristics, loaf volume, and crumb porosity. The best quality bread was obtained from flour from the first two reduction passages. The lowest quality bread was obtained from flour from the final grinding passage.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]The influence of production technology on yield and selected quality parameters of spring wheat cultivars
Sulek, A., Institute of Soil Science and Plant Cultivation – State Research Inst., Pulawy (Poland) | Cacak-Pietrzak, G., Warsaw Univ. of Life Sciences (Poland)
The field experiments were conducted at the Institute of Soil Science and Plant Cultivation – State Research Institute Experimental Station in Osiny in the years of 2015 – 2016. The aim of the study was to compare spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) yield depending on an integrated and intensive technology. The used production technologies differed as regards the nitrogen fertilization level, chemical protection against weeds, diseases, pests and the way of straw utilization. The following cultivars were selected for the research: ‘Arabella’ and ‘KWS Torridon’. The weather conditions differentiated the yield of spring wheat in individual years. A higher effectiveness of intensive technology, expressed with a higher grain yield compared to the integrated one, was recorded in 2015 – on average by 18.0%. The yield increase between intensive and integrated technologies resulted from a higher 1000 grain weight. Spring wheat cultivars showed a varied response to the production technologies used. Under the intensive technology, a significant yield increase was recorded for the cv. ‘KWS Torridon’, while the production technologies did not differentiate the yield of cv. ‘Arabella’. The quantity and quality of protein substances and the activity of amylolitic enzymes in grains were more dependent on the cultivar than on the production technique used. In the case of spring wheat cultivars ‘Arabella’ and ‘KWS Torridon’, the integrated production technology ensures obtaining grains of the quality suitable for processing.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Investigation of the quality of dough with germinated grain additive
Rakcejeva, T.(Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia))E-mail:Tatjana.Rakcejeva@llu.lv | Skudra, L.(Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia)) | Legzdina, L.(Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia))
Germinated grains are added to wheat dough with the purpose to promote the biological value of bread. As a result, a new product was obtained with a higher content of protein, fibre, B group vitamins; and vitamins C and E. The task was to investigate gluten quality changes at grain germination time, wheat dough rheological properties changes with various wheat, rye and barley amount additions, germinated for a different time. With the purpose to save maximum stability value of gluten, it was ascertained that the germination time of wheat grain could not be more than 24 hours. The best dough quality was obtained with germinated wheat grain additive. Germinated rye and barley grain additive (more than the experimentally ascertained amount) increases dough softening, decreases dough development time and dough stability. Only adding experimentally determined optimal amount of germinated grain, which promotes high quality bread, could produce dough with accepted rheological properties.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Influence of hydrolysed oats insoluble fraction on dough quality
Gramatina, I. | Kreicbergs, V.
The major wheat flour constituent, which determines the dough quality, is gluten. Oatmeal has higher biological value due to amino acid composition and content if compared to other cereals, but the technological properties of proteins are not as good as the ones of wheat flour. Oat products can be used in bread making although the increased amount of additives shows negative influence on bread texture, elasticity, volume, taste, and flavour. The method is developed for hydrolysed oatmeal separation in soluble and insoluble fractions, thus extending the oatmeal application possibilities. The aim of the current research was the investigation of influence of hydrolysed oats insoluble fraction on wheat dough rheological properties. The obtained results proved that in case hydrolysed oats insoluble fraction additive was used, water adsorption was increased by 63.8%-66.4% and dough stability time was changed from 4.8 to 10.0 min. The negative influence on dough development time and dough softening degree was observed. The farinograpgh quality index was within acceptable limits (less than 120 FU), if the oat additive of 10% and 15% was used. It is possible to obtain dough with better rheological properties if the hydrolysed oats insoluble fraction additive is 15% from flour mass.
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