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Staff motivation in municipal administration: example of R. Hackman's and G. Oldham's work characteristic model
Marcinkeviciute, L., Aleksandras Stulginskis Univ., Akademija, Kauno reg. (Lithuania) | Zukovskis, J., Aleksandras Stulginskis Univ., Akademija, Kauno reg. (Lithuania)
This article analyses the elements of R. Hackman’s and G. Oldman’s work characteristics model: the essential work characteristics, critical psychological states, as well as personal and activity results. Research aim is to offer municipal administrative staff innovative elements of the motivation system. The elements of employee motivation are linked with certain work characteristics, distinguishing specific features of the work process that would meet the needs of workers such as the use of self-expression and potential opportunities, ensuring satisfaction with the content of work, independence and recognition. Before suggesting innovative motivation system elements, the factors and motivation measures that most influence municipal administrative staff of Raseiniai, Joniškis, Pakruojis, Akmenė had been found out. Essential elements of work characteristics model (essential work characteristics, psychological states and personal and activity results) among the employees were identified. It presents the characteristics of innovative motivation system elements of municipal administrative staff. Main analysis methods were used: analysis of documents, quantitative research – survey, comparative analyses, methods of statistical and cluster analysis.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Policies related to volunteer work in Latvia
Jaunmuktane, A., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia)
Volunteer work has been identified as a relatively new kind of leisure activities. It plays an important role in various, at the same time it is a great possibility to learn, acquire new skills and accumulate human capital while taking part in volunteer activities. Therefore, the objective of the study is to research the policies related to voluntary work and their relevance in realization and development of volunteer work in Latvia. Theoretical literature shows that in Latvia the volunteer work is mentioned in some policies – economic, youth policies and civil society. In the framework of economic policy successful development of volunteering enhances the progress of economic processes in the state in two ways by making contributions to Gross Domestic Product; by accumulating person’s human capital, results illustrate that although the term “voluntary work” has a long history, infrastructure for realization of the voluntary work has not been developed in Latvia, and regulatory enactments do not cover voluntary work in an adequate manner. After the analysis the author believes that volunteering is widely discussed in the youth policy as there is law and a range of structured documents where aspects of volunteer work are mentioned. According to the results of research, in the frame of civil society it must be noted that in Latvia the voluntary work movement has to be examined in the context of the establishment of non-governmental organizations because voluntary work movement started to develop in a purposeful and organized manner only in 1998 in non-governmental organizations.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Fertilization value of early red clover, Washington lup and Crimson clover as green manure crops
Bender, A., Estonian Crop Research Inst., Jogeva, Jogeva vad. (Estonia) | Tamm, S., Estonian Crop Research Inst., Jogeva, Jogeva vad. (Estonia)
Field trials were carried out at Jõgeva Plant Breeding Institute in 2008 – 2011 to identify the possibilities of using early red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) ‘Jõgeva 433’ (diploid), Washington lupine (Lupinus polyphyllus Lind.) ‘Lupi’ and crimson clover (Trifolium incarnatum L.) as green manure. Fresh material of the above species was ploughed into the soil in autumn of the sowing year. Fertilizer value was quantified through yield and grain quality of spring wheat ‘Vinjett’ and barley ‘Inari’. The composition and amount of ploughed biomass were recorded. By the time of ploughing, Washington lupine had produced the most abundant biomass. >From studied species crimson clover had the lowest fertilizer value – only by 6–7% extra yield of spring wheat in the following year. Crimson clover had no residual effect of fertilization in the second year. The fertilizer values of red clover and Washington lupine were approximately equal. Their effect on yield increase of spring wheat and barley lasted for three years, on grain quality for two years. Red clover, ploughed into the soil in the year of sowing, resulted in maximum spring wheat yield increase of 23.9%, compared with N 0 treatments; that of Washington lupine was 21.3%. The residual positive effect in the second year quantified as barley production increased by 6.2% in Washington lupine and 7.9% in red clover. The yield increase in the third year was 3.9% and 12.1%, respectively. Green manure increased the contents of crude protein and gluten in spring wheat and crude protein content in barley.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Prospect possibilities of remote work for involvement of Latvian Diaspora’s in economy and businesses of Latvia
Lescevica, M., Vidzeme Univ. of Applied Sciences, Valmiera (Latvia) | Kreituze, I., Vidzeme Univ. of Applied Sciences, Valmiera (Latvia)
During the last decade a huge number of Latvian citizens have left the country and live abroad, which complicates to a certain extent the chance of easily returning and settling down in Latvia. At the same time, the Latvian entrepreneurs are ultimately demonstrating their desperate need for all kind of workers. Especially it could be seen in sectors like medicine, retail, heavy and light industry. Rapidly growing Diaspora allows to acknowledge that there is a big potential of labour force flowing away from the country, sometimes staying without any work positions for quite a long time. The aim of this article is to find evidence that Latvian Diaspora could be involved in the Latvian economy and business by using a new attitude and approach, which should be supported by teleworking. During research the main methods used were content analysis of strategic and planning documents as well as analysis of the best practices in the world and Latvia, with the aim of establishing a model of remote work development and finding out proposals for a better participation of employees, employers and territory representatives – local governments and state institutions. This article is a part of and supported by the State Research Project EKOSOC-LV, part 5.2.2. The authors express their gratitude to the Institute of Social, Economic and Humanities research of Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Topicality of career guidance at schools for promoting of students’ professional self-determination
Korna-Opincane, E., Latvia Univ. of Life Sciences and Technologies, Jelgava (Latvia) | Katane, I., Latvia Univ. of Life Sciences and Technologies, Jelgava (Latvia)
Professional self-determination is an important issue for anyone in the course of a lifetime. The dynamic nature of modern social and economic circumstances makes the issue even more topical. It determines the necessity to improve the career development support system currently existing in the field of education, where various specialists, by purposeful and systematic cooperation, help students in setting their career goals, understating the changeable working environment, seeing various alternatives and making deliberate career decisions. The career support is important as it helps learners choose a suitable professional sphere, profession and educational institution for continuation of their self-improvement upon acquiring of general secondary education. The aim of the research is to provide a scientific basis for topicality of career guidance implementation in school educational environment in order to promote the students’ professional self-determination. In Latvia, a number of career development guidance systems, including counselling and student career support methods and forms are being created and approbated in the educational environment, focusing on the career support curriculum and principles, which would ensure a purposeful implementation of students’ professional self-determination at schools.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Impact of the working width of the plough body on the tillage efficiency
Rucins, A.(Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia))E-mail:arucins@delfi.lv | Vilde, A.(Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia))E-mail:vilde@delfi.lv
Theoretical and experimental investigations are carried out to estimating the impact of the plough body working width on its specific draft resistance, as well as the ploughing efficiency. By using analytical correlations derived as a result of theoretical research, a computer algorithm has been worked out for simulating the functions of the plough body and the forces exerted by soil upon the operating parts, as well as its draft resistance. Specific draft resistance of the plough body, energy consumption, as well as labour efficiency and ploughing costs depend considerably on the working width of the body. By increasing it, the energy capacity, specific fuel consumption and expenditure decrease, but labour efficiency increases.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Harmful factors in the workplaces of tractor drivers
Butkus, R., Aleksandras Stulginskis Univ., Akademija, Kauno reg. (Lithuania) | Vasiliauskas, G., Aleksandras Stulginskis Univ., Akademija, Kauno reg. (Lithuania)
Results of various studies show that the most prevailing risk factors on workers of agricultural sector are noise and vibration. These hazards are especially important in transportation and most field works. Results from previous studies show that vibro-acoustic environment in tractors operated in Lithuania usually cannot be attributed as acceptable, but technical solutions implemented by manufacturers had definitely positive influence on working conditions. Noise level reduced from 90 dB(A) (tractors of 1980 – 1990 years of manufacture) to 73 dB(A) (tractors manufactured from year 2000). As renewal of tractors is not sufficient, there is still a large number of old machinery i.e. noise levels might be as high as 92 dB(A) which allows to work safely only one hour per day without personal protection. It was found that values of whole body vibration (WBV) during ploughing operation might be as high as 1.5 m∙sE-2 which excess the vibration limit value of 1.15 m•sE-2, while hand-arm vibration (HAV) did not exceed the vibration action value of 2.5 m•sE-2. Significant effect of tyre pressure was noticed on vibration values measured on driver’s seat. Vibration acceleration values may be reduced to safe 0.5 m•s-2 by selecting appropriate tyre pressure.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Economics of labor and information in swidden intensification
Raintree, J. (Forestry Research Center, NAFRI Scc Natura, P.O. Box 4298 Vientiane (Lao PDR))
How household development stages influence field expansion among swidden cultivators: Negros Oriental, Philippines
Maata, B.M.Jr (Phil-German Development Foundation Inc., Y.C. James Yen Center, Silang, Cavite (Philippines))
Institutional capacity for designing and implementing agricultural and rural development policies and strategies in Nigeria
Adebayo, Kolawole | Babu, Suresh Chandra | Rhoe, Valerie
This study assessed the capacity for designing and implementing agricultural and rural development policies, strategies, and programs in Nigeria. Data for this study were derived from initial consultations at the Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources (FMAWR), Federal Ministry of Women affairs and Social Development (FMWASD), and the Federal Ministry of Environment (FMEnv) early in 2008. Two consultation workshops were also held, one for relevant staff in the ministries, parastatals, and NGOs; and the other for relevant university professors and researchers. This was followed by a review of relevant literature and a more detailed survey of institutions and individuals. A sample of relevant institutions and individuals were purposively selected from the Federal Capital, Abuja, Oyo, Kaduna, Enugu Ogun, Benue, and Abia States. At each location, trained data collectors compiled a list of state and federal agencies, nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), and universities where 32 institutional questionnaires were administered, of which 29 were valid for further analysis. Similarly, 320 individual questionnaires were administered, of which 183 were valid for further analysis. The null hypothesis that job satisfaction and institutional incentive was independent of selected background information (gender, position, years spent on job, nature of institution, and level of formal education) of the experts was tested using the Chi square analysis. The respondents were mostly male (23 of 24) and were either heads of departments (10 of 24) or directors, their deputies and their equivalents (12 of 24). Most of the respondents (22 of 24) exhibited an indifferent perception to the general environment and processes involved in policymaking. Reported capacity- strengthening efforts (for 13 of the 24 institutions surveyed) amounted to an average cost of US$76.98 per person per day for the 1-3 weeks training provided. While the practice of strategic planning was widespread, mission statements were widely used in only two-fifths of selected institutions; near-term strategies were widely used in about one third; and long-term visions were widely used in a little more than one third. Even the practice of participation in planning from a broad range of personnel within the institution was only widely used in one third of the selected intuitions. Similarly, written guidelines were widely available (22 of 24), but fully disseminated in less than half of the selected institutions. However, respondents claimed that the financial guidelines were being followed strictly, but half of the respondents (12 of 24) did not know the frequency of receiving reports from the accounting system. Most of the selected institutions had both a human resource management unit (70.8 percent) and dedicated staff training centers (54.2 percent), but about half of the respondents neither knew the regularity of review of staff training needs nor when last staff training needs were assessed. The implication of this is that the extent to which the training exercises match the skill gaps of staff and capacity requirements of the institutions were unknown. Between 75–80 percent of the selected institutions engaged in some collaborative programs and linkages with other government institutions, relevant NGOs, international development partners, training institutions, and research institutions. These collaborative ventures worked mainly through cost sharing, exchange, joint engagements, and sharing of reports. Over 70 percent of the individual respondents (experts) had at least a Master of Science (MSc) or its equivalent. The majority (79.7 percent) were male who had spent more than 10 years on the job. About half of the experts worked with universities, compared to 13.1 percent in the ministries and 37.7 percent in parastatals. Their expertise cut across a broad range of subjects relevant for designing and implementing agricultural and rural development policies— more than one quarter were experts in agricultural economics, extension, communication, rural development, and rural sociology. The most frequently mentioned (51.4 percent) person responsible for agricultural and rural development programs, policies, and strategies was the officer-in-charge, but the list of stakeholders was long and varied. Over 60 percent of the respondents stated that at least some consultation was done with stakeholders through face-to-face communication at stakeholder fora, meetings, conferences, summits, and talks. According to the respondents, the major concerns of stakeholders about agricultural and rural development policies, programs, or strategies were the extent to which they achieve stated goals. More than half of the respondents claimed that research evidence such as the achievements of previous and on going programs, results of fresh surveys, and extension and On farm Adaptive Research (OFAR) reports were used to support the development of agricultural and rural strategies, policies, and programs. This evidence was obtained mainly from agricultural institutions and universities as well as available reports, journals, and publications. The respondents stated that the major sources of funds for the process of agricultural and rural development policy were the Federal Government of Nigeria (FGN), The World Bank, state and local governments, and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). They also stated that the various agricultural and rural development policies, strategies, and programs largely benefited the poor (52.5 percent). It was noteworthy that respondents preceived that the number of women at the ministerial and research levels of agricultural and rural development was less than 1 percent. Even at the level of rural farming communities, only 15.3 percent of the respondents felt that there were more women. Furthermore, only 27.4 percent of the experts incorporated environmental issues in their work and only 20.4 percent undertook environmental analysis in their work. Finally, 91.3 percent were indifferent to their job, meaning that it would be difficult for them to perform to the best of their abilities without allowing them greater freedom in the performance of their jobs and work out a reasonable and acceptable reward package for the job done. The results of the Chi square tests showed that the experts’ perception of job satisfaction and institutional incentives is independent of all the background variables considered. The main capacity gaps for designing and implementing agricultural and rural development policies in Nigeria included 1) the need to entrench democratic principles and transparent leadership and 2) to bridge the gap between universities, research institutions, and policymaking and implementing entities. There was also a limited understanding of the relationships between institutional, human, and material resources versus impact of policy on target end-users at every level in the policy design, planning, implementation, and monitoring and evaluation. Finally, there was a need for the institutionalization of effective measures for tracking changes in the role of evidence in strategic, gender-sensitive planning, through regular monitoring and evaluation, impact assessment, adequate documentation, and commitment to utilize the results of the exercise. Efforts should also be targeted towards improving the quality, gender sensitivity, timeliness, and circulation of policy-relevant evidence.
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