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Emotional intelligence - an integral part of modern managers' professiogramm
Kulupa, V., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia)
The paper expounds the results of a theoretical and practical research on the significance of presence of emotional intelligence in the manager's professiogram. The research aim is to ascertain the role of emotional intelligence in the manager's professiogram in the 21st century. To foster economic development and global competiveness in Latvia, it is necessary to promote quantitative and qualitative growth of innovative enterprises. To make an innovative enterprise perform successfully, the modern management theory and practice have set forth new requirements for enterprise managers - to develop an ability to be a manager-leader themselves. The manager-leader professiogram has to include competencies forming emotional intelligence. The results of a pilot research revealed that students studying the speciality of management and business (at Latvia University of Agriculture) have a quite low self-evaluation for several competencies of their emotional intelligence; besides, an even lower evaluation is awarded by study fellows and group members. Along with studying theoretical aspects of communication, self-cognition, and self-management, the study process for new specialists of management and business has to be arranged in a way that it promotes practical development and use of EI competencies.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Professionals' attitude to naturalistic forest landscape in urban area. Riga case
Jankovska, I., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia)
The urban forest is recognized as a potential to improve the quality of life of urban dwellers and increase the sustainability and ecological stability of the city. However, there is little data on professional attitude to urban naturalistic landscapes. This research studies the attitude of professionals and decision makers to the naturalistic forest landscapes in urban area of Riga city, Latvia, in contrast to more traditional – formal landscape. The survey includes the opinions of territorial planners and environment specialists from Riga municipality and other institutions related to ecological, practical, planning and conservation activities, and private working landscape architects. The statistical analysis and data’s empirical distribution showed that professionals in Riga city recognize the values and benefits of naturalistic forest landscape. However, environmental preferences may depend more on affective reactions than on ecologically-based logical operations.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Factors shaping management style of a manager: a case study of Kaunas district non-governmental organisations
Marcinkeviciute, L., Aleksandras Stulginskis Univ., Akademija, Kauno reg. (Lithuania) | Zukovskis, J., Aleksandras Stulginskis Univ., Akademija, Kauno reg. (Lithuania)
The scientific literature does not contain any single classification of management style. When dividing management styles into the classic and the new, the changes towards the nature of manager’s exposure to employees are taken into account. When analysing the structure of manager’s style, it is necessary to take into consideration the key factors: the conditions shaping management style, the opportunities for the manager to change and improve it purposefully. The efficiency of manager’s behaviour, together with the choice of management style, resulted in various objective and subjective factors. Objective factors include the factors which cannot (or very little) be affected by the environment. Subjective factors depend only on personal qualities which can be developed and improved. This article deals with objective and subjective factors shaping management style of a manager. The results of the empirical study on the structure of management styles of Kaunas district non-governmental organisations (hereinafter referred to as NGOs) have been presented, as well as the most significant advantages and disadvantages of objective and subjective factors shaping management style. Based on the data of the theoretical analysis and empirical study, improvement directions of the problematic factors of NGOs management styles have been identified and substantiated, taking into consideration the elimination of management style drawbacks.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Students’ opinions about the prospective hospitality manager’s competitiveness during pedagogical experiment
Iriste, S., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia) | Katane, I., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia)
Academic staff of higher education institutions has to extend students’ vision and promote their variability of views on competitiveness in order to promote prospective hospitality managers’ competitiveness. The aim and goal of academic activities of the university teaching staff is to search for appropriate or relevant means and provide the necessary conditions to foster the students’ thinking and understanding of the concept of ‘competitiveness’ according to a new paradigm of this notion. The pedagogical experiment was carried out at the Latvia University of Agriculture. The aim of the study was to promote the opinions’ change regarding the notion of prospective hospitality managers’ competitiveness; the developed competitiveness self-assessment method was used as a pedagogical tool. The results of the research (the concluding statistics of the Wilcoxon test and the Sign Test) show that the students’ opinions regarding the notion of prospective hospitality managers’ competitiveness have significantly changed before and after their competitiveness self-assessment. Thus the theoretically grounded method of competitiveness self-assessment approved by students and experts, including a questionnaire of the students’ survey, significantly extended the students’ vision as a pedagogical tool influencing the opinions regarding competitiveness notion among representatives of the prospective hospitality managers’ profession.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Translation of experience and knowledge in private forest owners’ networks
Felcis, R., University of Latvia, Riga (Latvia)
Fragmentation of private property (142 thousand private forest owners) cause the challenge for governing forests, because forests are part of wider forest ecosystems, but at the same time narrowly assigned by private borders. Land restitution put the new pressures on path dependent management and new possibilities and responsibilities (that were emergent features of private forest governance). This article is part of doctoral thesis about the common governance of private forests with particular aim to focus on describing knowledge and experience exchange in private forest owners’ networks in this paper. The research question for this article is to help to find out how the translation of experience and knowledge manifest itself in private forest owners’ networks? The best theoretical model to fit this situation is the concept of translation from actor-network theory and emergent norm theory. Case study approach was selected to follow actors in forest owners’ networks. The cases are forest owners’ cooperatives, forest owners NGO’s, as well as other forms, in particular, forest extension services and cases where an emergent process can be seen. The empirical material shows that translation of experience and knowledge manifest itself in few important ways, namely, at first, in a negotiation of needs and agreement on private forest owners’ needs; secondly, in stewardship role of multi-functional actors; thirdly, in emerging and evolving legislative norms. A multi-functional actor is a term offered in order to reveal a wide range of mediation forms in multicultural multi nature of forests as governed property and forests as integral part of ecosystems.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]The role of science and education at the millenium in Latvia and Europe
Lescevica, M. (Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia). Faculty of Economics. Dept. of Economics)
During the last decade economy of Latvia has experienced a decrease, crises and also depression. Further development process of Latvia could lead to a rapid economical boom. The application of scientific researches into the development of nationaly economy of Latvia is one of the important aspects. Though the globalisation and commercalisation of scientific researches must be taken into account as well. Science development is opening wide range of possibilitities for research perfection. Most of the Latvian, Lithuanian and Slovakian entrepreneurs are 30-40 years old, who suddenly appeared in the circumstances of conventionally free economy in their twenties.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Comparative study on the impact of COVID-19 on emotional well-being in the workplace
Vintere, Anna | Bartusevičienė, Inga | Aruvee, Eve | Rimkuviene, Daiva
Individuals’ emotional well-being is determined by several factors, including the ability to cope with daily stress and the ability to cope with various daily challenges. Ability of the management to provide favourable psychoemotional and psychosocial conditions within their team is particularly important. However, managers do not always have the knowledge and skills to lead their teams. For the development of the methodology, a study of the scientific literature on topical issue like healthy workplace was performed. The empirical part of the study is based on the results of the survey conducted Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and Sweden within the Nordplus project ‘Dealing with anxiety during a pandemic to enhance adult well-being’ on the impact of COVID-19, as well as the training that would be necessary for the managers of companies or organizations to promote emotional wellbeing in the workplace. The comparative study was conducted from the perspective of both employees and managers. The results show that the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on workplace and the well-being of employees was not strong for the respondents, depending mainly on the job position, the size of the organization and country. Managers and employees consider various psychological trainings essential.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]The performance of Latvian social enterprises: Strengths, challenges and the vision for the future
Casno, Kristine | Sloka, Biruta
Performance is a concept which is critical to both conventional businesses as well as social enterprises. However, for the latter, performance is closely tied to social impact which social enterprises and governments supporting the social entrepreneurship field are seeking to achieve. Despite the criticality of the topic, in Latvia performance of social enterprises has not been analysed in detail before; therefore, this study serves as a valuable starting point for discussions and evidence-based policy and also as a benchmark for future development in the field. Research results indicate that the Latvian social enterprises regard their performance across the social dimensions to be stronger, compared to their results in the business/financial dimensions. A greater balance between the social and businesses/ financial performance dimensions is desirable, providing ample space for interventions aimed at strengthening the business skills and capacities of social enterprises, paying particular attention to those engaged in work integration.
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