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Decision making on the use of cultural heritage in rural tourism development in Latvia
Jeroscenkova, L., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia) | Rivza, B., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia) | Rivza, P., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia)
The preservation of cultural heritage has become an important component of government policies of the EU and, of course, Latvia. Along with the preservation of cultural heritage, the use of it is also important. The aim of the research is to choose the best scenario for the use of cultural heritage in developing rural tourism in Latvia. The paper focuses on the problem of use of cultural heritage in the rural tourism development. The paper defined three scenarios for the use of cultural heritage in developing rural tourism: the initiative of entrepreneurs, public organisations and residents; the programme funded by national and regional institutions; the EU fund for the preservation of cultural heritage. A decision on the choice of the most appropriate scenario was made based on an expert decision-making method – the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). Out of the three scenarios seven experts: rural craftsmen, a municipality vice leader, a civil servant from the Latvia Ministry of Finance, representatives from rural tourism organisations and the Association of Rural Female organisations, chose the third scenario – the EU fund for the preservation of cultural heritage.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Miklouho-Maclay park - the object of historical, cultural and architectural heritage
Markov, F., Zhytomyr National Agricultural Univ. (Ukraine)
The article is devoted to the analysis of historical, cultural, and architectural importance of Miklouho-Maclay park, a monument of landscape art. It examines the archive data about the family of the famous traveler, ethnographer, anthropologist Mykola Mykolayovych Miklouho-Maclay who lived in Malyn (Zhitomir district Ukraine) at the end of XIX and the beginning of XX century, his contribution to the development of landscape art. It is shown that the park contains 57 species of arboreal-shrub plants including 34 species of trees, 22 shrubs, and one shrubbу liana. 23 of them (40%) are introduced species. The author offers the direction of parkland reconstruction and points out recommendations on territory zoning.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Culinary heritage in Latvian municipalities and its role in the development of entrepreneurship
Jeroscenkova, L., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia)
The municipalities of Latvia are different in terms of business development level. Latvia’s regions are grouped into clusters based on several indicators: number of economically active individual merchants and commercial companies per 1000 capita, territorial development index, and proportion of working-age population. In addition to the business indicators, the following tourism indicators were selected: number of recreational establishments, number of bedplaces, number of individual rooms, number of farms and individual merchants making use of culinary heritage. All these indicators are statistically significant for clustering municipalities. The clustering was performed by employing K-Means clustering and using the data processing programme SPSS. All Latvia’s municipalities were divided into four clusters based on the business development level and the level of exploitation of tourism infrastructure and culinary heritage. The analysis results enable conclusions to be made that a positive correlation exists between the business environment development level, and the level of use of tourism and culinary heritage. Culinary heritage is an important additional possibility for fostering business and economic growth in Latvia’s municipalities. A linear multifactor regression equation was obtained, which associated the revenues of the operating budget of a municipality with the following statistically significant factors: population density, territorial development index, expenditure on economic activity development, number of economically active entrepreneurs and commercial companies, number of tourism establishments, and number of enterprises dealing with culinary heritage. The analysis of regression equation coefficients points to the positive effects of all the factors included in the equation on the revenues of the basic budget of a municipality.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Project activities as tool for the place image formation: case study of Lithuanian district Silale
Tamuliene, V., Aleksandras Stulginskis Univ., Akademija, Kauno reg. (Lithuania)
The positive place image attracts investors, foreign and national guests, creates the local residents’ pride and distinguishes it form the competing locations. Project activities are completed/or being carried out under the funding of the European Union and the Republic of Lithuania. The research problem: do project activities form positive place image? The research object – place image formation carrying out project activities. The purpose of the article – to analyze the implemented projects by Silale district Municipality and investigate their impact on the location image formation in Silale district. Research objectives are: (1) to identify and investigate the factors impacting the formation of Silale district Image; (2) to analyze and assess the project activities performed by Silale district Municipality. For the research completion the methods of questionnaire survey and content analysis were applied. The gained research outcome has disclosed that project activities in Silale district are focused to the restoration and beautifying of environment, but not on the investors, and there are not carried out any investment attraction projects. Two segments – local residents and tourists – received the benefit from the project activities in Silale district.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Churchyard elements in Latgale Upland [Latvia]
Markova, M., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia)
Churchyard of Latgale Upland is one of the most important parts of cultural historic space of Latvia. The study is based on the materials from expedition made in summer and autumn 2011, as well as on literary studies. Architecturally compositional form of the church is a key part of the landscape, supplemented by other landscape elements. Research and evaluation of the individual elements give specific cultural space characteristics of each investigated area. Visibility in the main view points and links with residential buildings for the churchyard is vital. Each study of landscape area schemes formation is based not only on the church as a domination point expression. Separate churchyard elements - crucifixes, procession paths, burial area, meditation area and a planting in church gardens - are important in describing churchyards. The aim of the research was to find most common elements in churchyards to establish general guidelines for recording and evaluation of the churchyard in Latgale Upland in future. In perspective that could be used as basis for making the landscape typology. Results showed typical landscape elements in the churchyard. In describing churchyards is important to divide typical and unique elements. The research provides information that is important for the further local territorial development plans, focusing attention on the region’s cultural values and identity preservation.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Consumers’ willingness to pay for agricultural landscape improvements in Lithuania: estimation framework
Novikova, A., Aleksandras Stulginskis Univ., Akademija, Kauno reg. (Lithuania) | Vaznonis, B., Aleksandras Stulginskis Univ., Akademija, Kauno reg. (Lithuania)
Agriculture not only supplies food and fibre to the society, but also provides other services, which are not revealed in the market prices. The role of agricultural activities is essential in forming and improving the landscape, in particular, for Lithuanian case study. Therefore, the paper focuses on development of the framework for estimation of consumers’ willingness to pay for agricultural landscape improvements. The objectives of this paper are to present construction of the estimation framework for eliciting willingness to pay (WTP) for non- market agricultural landscape goods through choice experiments (CE) in Lithuania; then, to show the results of framework pre-test, and identify applicability of the framework designed. CE is a survey-based method implying creation of repetitive choice situations about alternatives of agri-environmental schemes for revealing how inhabitants of Lithuania value public goods from agricultural landscape (scenic views, variety of flora and fauna species, recreational infrastructure and services, the objects of cultural heritage), enabling to estimate Lithuanian residents’ WTP and the demand for improvements of agricultural landscape. The results of the pilot survey have shown that the questionnaire was comprehensible and interesting to the respondents, revealing that the valuation of agricultural landscape is in demand by the society. The results of modelling, applying conditional logit, have shown a good model fit, allowing the usage of the estimation framework for the main survey and an estimation of consumers’ willingness to pay for public goods/improvements from agricultural landscape.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Surface modelling of a unique heritage object: use of UAV combined with camera and LiDAR for mound inspection
Jankauskiene, D., Klaipeda State Univ. of Applied Sciences (Lithuania);Latvia Univ. of Life Sciences and Technologies, Jelgava (Latvia) | Kuklys, I., Klaipeda State Univ. of Applied Sciences (Lithuania) | Kukliene, L., Klaipeda State Univ. of Applied Sciences (Lithuania) | Ruzgiene, B., Klaipeda State Univ. of Applied Sciences (Lithuania)
Nowadays, the use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle flying at a low altitude in conjunction with photogrammetric and LiDAR technologies allows to collect images of very high-resolution to generate dense points cloud and to simulate geospatial data of territories. The technology used in experimental research contains reconstruction of topography of surface with historical structure, observing the recreational infrastructure, obtaining geographic information for users who are involved in preservation and inspection of such unique cultural/ heritage object as are mounds in Lithuania. In order to get reliable aerial mapping products of preserved unique heritage object, such photogrammetric/ GIS procedures were performed: UAV flight for taking images with the camera; scanning surface by LiDAR simultaneously; processing of image data, 3D modelling and generation of orthophoto. Evaluation of images processing results shows that the accuracy of surface modelling by the use of UAV photogrammetry method satisfied requirements – mean RMSE equal to 0.031 m. The scanning surface by LiDAR from low altitude is advisable, relief representation of experimental area was obtained with mean accuracy up to 0.050 m. Aerial mapping by the use of UAV requires to specify appropriate ground sample distance (GSD) that is important for reducing number of images and time duration for modelling of area. Experiment shows that specified GSD of 1.7 cm is not reasonable; GSD size increased by 1.5 times would be applicable. The use of different software in addition for DSM visualization and analysis is redundant action.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Protection of traditional handicrafts: the Lithuanian case
Pareigiene, L., Vytautas Magnus Univ., Kaunas (Lithuania) | Ribasauskiene, E., Vytautas Magnus Univ., Kaunas (Lithuania)
The preservation and nurturance of national heritage products, which are inherent to particular localities, are very significant for the economic and social vitality, and sustainable development of a country. National handicrafts are a means of maintaining national identity, originality, and distinction in a constantly changing world. For a long time Lithuania was an agrarian country, so its cultural heritage and handicrafts are closely related to the rural environment, culture, traditions, and materials. Nowadays this heritage is a very important source of alternative employment opportunities. In 2007 Lithuania enacted the Law of National Heritage Products; in 2008 and 2011 Programmes for the Protection of National Heritage Products, their Market and Development of Handicrafts were approved. The goal was to provide governmental support to create favourable conditions for the creation, realisation and popularisation of national heritage products. The aim of this paper is to evaluate the situation with traditional handicraft protection in Lithuania within the Programme implementation framework and to submit proposals for better implementation. The analysis shows that not all Programme goals were achieved: those for which municipalities were responsible were implemented better than those implemented by governmental institutions. A presumption could be made that the top-down approach is only partially suitable for the Programme implementation. The partners from the ‘bottom’ (associations, local activity groups) should be involved in the implementation of the Programme to reach better results.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Relation between spread of cultural heritage and indicators of regional development: case of Latgale region (Latvia)
Paiders, J., University of Latvia, Riga (Latvia) | Sture, I., University of Latvia, Riga (Latvia)
The paper deals with statistic analysis of the relation between variables of cultural heritage and that of regional development in Latgale region. Latgale was selected as the study area - it is one of the five cultural or historical ethnographic regions of Latvia with stable original features, which are formed in the result of the specific historical processes but stands out among other regions of Latvia with the lowest indicators of development. According to the results of analysis of correlation, the number of architectural and archaeological monuments per 1000 people or their density in area have no close correlation with the major part of the parameters under examination. The analysis of regression was carried out between 'the number of architectural monuments against the area', and 'the natural logarithm from the density of population in 2005'. The ratio is expressed by the function y = 0.0339x**2 - 0.1422x + 0.1671, where y is the number of architectural monuments per square kilometre, but x - natural logarithm from the density of population (the number of people per square kilometre). The coefficient of determination for this relation is almost the same as for a functional one - 0.9499. Both for the coefficients of the equation and free member of equation have very high validity (t - empirical respectively 21.7; -11.1; 7.9).
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]The compositional solutions of the historical parks in Latvia
Ziemelniece, A., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia)
The information about gardens of the Duchy of Courland in the 17th century is scarce and fragmentary, as part of documents is lost or exported abroad during the war. The time of the Duchy and its baroque gardens is attributed to reign of E. J. Biron in the first half of the 18th century, when impressive palace ensembles were created the help of architects F. B. Rastrelli and S. Jensen, building of summer residences in Rundāle, Vircava, Svēte, Luste. They served as summer amusement gardens or parks. In their arrangement, a compositional connection with the palace, the front courtyard, outbuildings and the garden was sought. These summer residences were located in rural plain areas, thus, the features of natural area - water, floodplains, terrain, nature of plantations and materials were used. The choice of planting materials was influenced by the climatic conditions - harsh winters, short summers, late spring frosts or early autumn frosts. Therefore, in the Duke’s time gardens, there are no delicate plants such as jews, boxwood plants, peach and mandarin fruit trees imported from the Western Europe. The local trees and shrubs, fruit trees, spice plants were used, vegetable beds made. The study examines two of the Duchy’s summer residences at Vircava (Wūrzau) and Svēte (Swethof), the study of which, as already mentioned, is made difficult due to the relatively scarce information.
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