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In silico analysis of steady state mechanisms of metabolic networks in COBRA Toolbox and FBA-SimVis
Odzina, I., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia) | Pentjuss, A., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia)
Metabolic analysis is one of the research focuses of systems biology. Two aspects of metabolic networks -network topology and stoichiometry - are what current researchers are most interested in, and both studies have revealed significant information. The research of the stoichiometric matrix of metabolic network has generated a series of powerful methodologies such as flux balance analysis (FBA). For FBA different methods execution are used different software like COBRA Toolbox and FBA-SimVis. The aim of this paper is to compare and analyze functionality of these two toolboxes, metabolic network data conformation conditions, and to compare all available FBA methods comparison in calculation possibilities and visual interpretation way. FBA, when analyzing all fluxes using different options, gives results in its metabolic network flow chart, although Cobra Toolbox returns the results in the matrix in number formats. FBA-SimVis for Steady state metabolic network models analysis is provided for a small metabolic network, because making some FBA analysis there are a ten possibilities to change an unlimited count of variables, to choose or change or optimize reactions as variables. Cobra Toolbox for Steady state metabolic network models analysis is provided for greater metabolic networks with hundreds or thousands of reactions. It allows changing an unlimited count manipulating and optimizing reactions fluxes.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Impact of the adoption of Brachiaria grasses: Central America and Mexico
Holmann, Federico J. | Rivas Ríos, Libardo | Argel M., Pedro J. | Pérez, E.
Livestock production plays a key role in tropical Latin America in a changing economic environment. This study focuses on documenting the transformations of extensive production systems by using superior forage germplasm supplied by regional research systems. The adoption of improved Brachiaria grasses was evaluated from 1990 to 2003 to estimate its impact in terms of animal productivity and income in Central America and Mexico. Information on seed sales in the local market made it possible to estimate the areas planted and the value of additional milk and beef production attributable to adoption. Mexico presents the highest volume of marketed seed and of area established with improved pastures. Among Central America countries, Costa Rica was outstanding in terms of the high volume of seed sold and the area planted, followed by Honduras, Nicaragua, and Panama. The annual growth rate of seed sales was very high during the study period, reaching 32% in Mexico, 62% in Honduras, 45% in Nicaragua, 39% in Costa Rica, and 54% in Panama. The area planted with Brachiaria species during this period totaled 6.5% of the total surface of permanent grasses in Mexico, 12.5% in Honduras, 1.0% in Nicaragua, 18.7% in Costa Rica, and 0.1% in Panama. Excluding Nicaragua and Panama, where adoption is low, Brachiaria grasses account for 24%-55% of total annual milk production and for 5%-18% that of beef. These figures clearly demonstrate that those adopting new Brachiaria cultivars are farmers mainly oriented toward milk production and, to a lesser extent, beef. In monetary terms, the value of additional production attributable to the adoption of Brachiaria grasses in the selected study countries was estimated at US$1084 million per year, 78% corresponding to milk and 22% to beef. Due to the magnitude of the livestock sector in Mexico, adoption generates slightly more than 80% of production profits. Study results indicate that the investment of public funds in Central America and Mexico to support the International Network for Evaluation Tropical Pastures (RIEPT, its acronym in Spanish) paid off in terms of adoption of improved grasses and significant increases in the supply of milk and beef, fundamental items in the diet of consumers from all income levels in the region.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Integrated pest management in Trinidad and Tobago
Jones, Mona T. (Ministry of Agriculture, Land and Marine Resources, Centeno (Trinidad and Tobago). Research Division)
This country paper tabulates IPM projects, status and sources funding in Trinidad and Tobago in 1994. The projects listed are located in the Ministry of Agriculture (MoA), Caroni (1975) Limited, the National Institute for Higher Education, Research, Science and Technology (NIHERST), the International Institute of Biological Control (IIBC) and the University of the West Indies (UWI). Facilities available for IPM work at the subject institutions are also listed.
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