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Development trends and opportunities for social assistance
Joppe, Aina | Būmane, Inga | Ozola, Kristīne
A social security system must provide social security and support for all members of society, regardless of their age or financial situation. The elderly and disabled may face various health problems, physical and mental decline which may make them dependent on other people or on professional care. People with financial means lack the care they need; for example, older people who may not have family carers or who do not want to use commercial care services. In this case, an additional support system is needed to provide care for those with financial resources. A social program should be available so that these people can receive help from the state or the municipality. As life expectancy increases and older people become a larger demographic group in society, it is essential to provide adequate care and support for this group of older people. This includes medical and health care, as well as social care and emotional support. In this context, the state and society have a responsibility to provide appropriate care services and resources to ensure the dignity, comfort, and security for older people if they can afford private care. In old age, people deserve to live with dignity and quality care, regardless of their financial situation or social status. This requires care and attention by both the state and society to establish and maintain systems that guarantee that the needs of older people are met.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Evaluation of scenarios for the improvement of social protection for families with children in Latvia
Mistre, Baiba | Leibus, Inguna | Mazure, Gunita | Rivza, Peteris
Social protection for families with children is one of the priorities Latvia has highlighted in its strategic planning documents. Moreover, the priority being advanced for several planning periods indicates on the necessity to improve social security and foster the birth rate in the country. The research aim is to develop priority scenarios for possible improvement of social protection for families with children in Latvia. The authors put forward four scenarios for the improvement of social protection for families with children in Latvia, of which the experts in the field recognised the replacement of the personal income tax relief for children with a larger family state benefit as the priority. This would ensure fairer support for all families with children, including those on low incomes. Also, increasing the minimum wage and reducing the shadow economy would improve the social protection of families with children. Evaluating the criteria of population interests, the experts recognised the increase of family social security as more important than the increase in the number of children in the family, as the increase of social protection would contribute to the increase in the number of children in families thereof.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Livelihood resilience and the agrifood system in Myanmar: Implications for agriculture and a rural development strategy in a time of crisis
Myanmar Agriculture Policy Support Activity
Myanmar’s agrifood system has proven surprisingly resilient in the face of multiple crises—COVID 19, the military coup, economic mismanagement, global price instability, and widespread conflict—with respect to production and exports. Household welfare has not been resilient, however. High rates of inflation, especially food price inflation, have resulted in dietary degradation across all house hold groups, especially those dependent on casual wage labor. Among household members, young children experience the highest rates of inadequate dietary quality. Expanded social protection to improve access to better-quality diets for vulnerable households and individuals is therefore needed. Beyond the current political crisis, increased public and private investment in a more efficient and dynamic agrifood system should be a high priority. This will help drive down poverty rates and ensure access to healthy diets in the near term, while laying the foundation for sustained growth and struc tural transformation of the economy.
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