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النتائج 1 - 8 من 8
Ensemble work for pupils' self-regulated learning
Arnicane, A., Riga Teacher Training and Educational Management Academy (Latvia)
Music schools in Latvia provide pupils with musical education both in the towns and rural areas of Latvia. Studies include instrumental playing, history of music, and music theory lessons. An actual pedagogical problem at the time is activation of pupils' learning. Self-regulated learning acquires significant meaning for pupils' future life. A way of helping pupils' self-regulation in learning is differentiation of learning methods and forms. The aim of the paper is to research the meaning of music schools' ensemble work (collective performance) for enhancing pupils' self-regulated learning. Learning is a process where an individual inherits accumulated experience of the society acquires skills, knowledge, attitudes, enhances his experience, individually and responsibly working and discovering himself, nature and society. Learning as an activity is based on learning experience. According to L.S. Vygotsky's theory of learning, the cultural development depends upon social interaction. The use of ensemble work (collective performance) in school as a form of learning activity and method observes a reciprocal movement towards didactic goal, includes the components of due learning contents (knowledge, skills, instrumental playing experience, attitudes), the results of learning process and its evaluation. Analysis of the obtained data shows that music teachers choose ensemble work as method and form of teaching to indirectly influence the self-regulated learning of pupils, whereas the pupils do not fully understand the significance of ensemble work for enhancing self-regulated learning techniques.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Intercultural communicative competence
Araja, A., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia) | Aizsila, A., University of Latvia, Riga (Latvia)
The aim of the study is to investigate and analyse the Model of Intercultural Communicative Competence in the Primary Schools. The investigation is based on the theoretical approach – scientific literature analysis of Intercultural Communicative Competence is done. According to that the Model of Intercultural Communicative Competence and the Competence assessment in the Primary Schools' Foreign Language (English) Lessons (for students aged 12-14) has been made. The Model of Intercultural Communicative Competence comprises Linguistic competence, Sociolinguistic competence, Discourse competence, and Intercultural competence. The developmental model of intercultural sensitivity consists of Ethnocentric stage (denial, defence, minimization), and Ethnorelative stage (acceptance, adaptation, integration). Intercultural methodology for teaching foreign languages includes Intercultural comparison, Intercultural didactics, and Intercultural Language awareness. Assessment of Intercultural communication competence shows culture understanding: empathy toward other (target) culture, ability to observe and analyse a culture, ability to communicate in the foreign (target) language.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Entrepreneurship education at university: innovative models and current trends
Capiene, A., Aleksandras Stulginskis Univ., Akademija, Kauno reg. (Lithuania) | Ragauskaite, A., Aleksandras Stulginskis Univ., Akademija, Kauno reg. (Lithuania)
Entrepreneurship education is a relevant topic in today’s study programs of higher education at two levels: as research object and as development of skills while preparing students. In fact, the latter is one of the most important objectives in Lithuanian universities aiming together with other disciplines at developing students’ entrepreneurial skills. The main aim of the article is to analyse theoretical and practical models of entrepreneurship education applied in universities and introduce development trends. Teaching process involves various methods, internships, consultation and instruction, but usually all activities are not systematically applied. From the behavioural perspective, this study analyses students towards entrepreneurship through the opportunity identification, motivational factors, information source, resources impact and entrepreneurial ability. Hypothetical deductive approach was used through a population sample of 194 students of Aleksandras Stulginskis University Faculty of Economics and management. The research summarized in this paper students attitude toward motives, factors encouraging and preventing entrepreneurship and information sources in the higher education institutions. The gap between teaching methods and student attitude towards at entrepreneurship educations can be reduced supplementing collaboration among stakeholders in the entrepreneurship education. In final part of the article, trends of entrepreneurship education in university enabling to assess dimensions of the development of entrepreneurship education are presented.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Cross-border assignment – the study method supporting internationalization of SMEs [small- and medium- sized enterprises] and linkage between HEIs [higher education institutions] and industry
Lescevica, M., Vidzeme Univ. of Applied Sciences, Valmiera (Latvia) | Titov, E., Estonian Entrepreneurship Univ. of Applied Sciences, Tallinn (Estonia)
The variety of study methods used at universities still is conservative and more pragmatic, but there is an increasing tendency to change study methodology to more and more student-centred and to focus on the students’ ability to become valuable workforce for SMEs. The necessity for development of study methods clearly demonstrates the research problem. At the same time, universities are facing pressure from governmental authorities to internationalize – student and teacher mobility, international partners and projects are highly recommended. The main process at universities is the study process. But also internationalization should support the study process and students in achieving practice-based learning outcomes. Facing these challenges, NOBANET network of universities has elaborated and piloted the study method Cross-Border Assignments (CBA) linking students’ future ability to successfully incorporate in the job market and the requirement for internationalization of studies. The aim of this article is to introduce and assess the CBA as a method to involve student work and students to engage in entrepreneurship problems. The authors have collected and analysed feedback of 10 CBAs implemented in 6 different universities. The feedback was received by using questionnaires with mainly closed questions. The results show that companies are satisfied with students’ work and they also appreciate teachers. The main conclusion about assessment of this method gives valuable contribution to scientific literature as a description of modern study method and good practice in linking HEIs and SMEs. Gratitude is expressed to the Nordic Council of Ministers for funding NOBANET project and project EKOSOC-LV, part 5.2.2. and INTERFRAME-LV.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Pedagogical approaches to problem solving in higher education
Vintere, A., Latvia Univ. of Life Sciences and Technologies, Jelgava (Latvia)
One of the most often mentioned competence in the surveyed literature is problem solving. It is also one of the key skills for the sustainable development of society. The article includes analysis of pedagogical approaches like project-based, problem-based learning and enquiry-based learning, as well as describes the use of design thinking as one of the problem solving approaches in higher education. As mathematics studies at universities play an important role in developing problem solving skills, an empirical study was carried out to identify the pedagogical approaches used by mathematics teachers and to illustrate the development of problem solving skills in mathematics studies at universities in Latvia. It includes a survey of mathematics teachers in Latvia aimed at identifying their experience in implementing different pedagogical approaches to mathematics and assessing the extent to which these methods help develop problem solving skills. The answers of mathematics teachers show that problem solving skills are developed at the middle level, which means only for the use in a certain situation (that is slightly different from previously known). The most effective approach to promoting problem-solving skills is the so-called context approach, which means focusing on the practical task related to a specialty. In the empirical study self-assessment method is used and the results are based only on respondents’ opinion.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Elements of distance education and e-studies content in higher educational establishments
Reihmane, S.(Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia))E-mail:kaiva@cs.llu.lv
Nowadays the industrial society changes over to the information society. The introduction of elements from distance education and e-studies is an effective means in updating traditional education system in higher educational establishments of Latvia. Due to the decrease of the amount of contact classes and increase of the share of independent work, the version of studies of a mixed-mode type (the introduction of separate elements from the distance education and e-studies in traditional subjects of studies) is the most appropriate types of education in higher educational establishments of Latvia. Hence new study materials elaborated exactly to cover the needs of independent active studies with feedback are required. The techniques type of study materials has to be acceptable for students of different age groups. The aims and tasks are to be clearly defined in the study materials for distance education and e-studies. Tests and examinations are carried out to state whether the aims and tasks are fulfilled. The objective of tests and exams is not a severe evaluation of student knowledge but the analysis of made mistakes. With the introduction the elements of distance education and e-studies in the process of teaching and learning of subjects in higher educational establishments, the students from towns and country will have greater possibilities to acquire knowledge at the speed, time and place most suitable for them.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Training academic writing in university students
Luse, N.
Training academic writing is proposed as a topical subject within the teachers' education study programme on graduate level at Latvia University of Agriculture. In order to promote the development of students personality self-actualization, we are called for introducing new digital technology as teaching-learning method contributing to opening up opportunities in training academic writing at University. How can we use the digital environment for developing formal academic writing technique in our students? The main argument is that digital environment is a key factor for changes in the teaching-learning process and organization of Teachers' Education study programme curricula as the traditional academic print world is changed. Students involved in the Teachers' Education study programme at University are using Web conducting their learning process. Academic writing as a part of learning process at University is based on cognition and activity. We propose to define the training of students' academic writing as a learning process transforming the student's knowledge in unity of two positions: curricular academic writing and informal academic writing. We propose three criteria towards the students' academic writing as heuristics, self-dependence and collaboration. How can we help our students to promote academic writing by using the digital environment? How can we help them differentiate between the appropriate and inappropriate use of information found on the Web and understand what plagiarism is and how is to be avoided?
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Environmental aspect of dialogue educational method in Latvia rural music school
Cernavska, G.
In XX century, educational dialogue is researched as educational and pedagogical method. The rural music schools of Latvia are good basis for scientific investigation. The aim of the research is to study situation of the educational dialogue in Latvia rural music schools and to analyse pedagogical aspects and authority, constructing progressive environment in understanding between individuals. A two thousand year's dialogue shows perspective way for best communication and cooperation. Dialogue idea in XX century philosophical and pedagogical theories is analysed in M. Bbuber, M.M. Bakhtin, P. Freire and N.C. Burbules works, and they have played an important role in the development of dialogue theory as a pedagogical problem. Dialogical interaction can provide to higher motivation of ensemble play lessons and to solve transportation and large way distance difficulties in Latvia rural areas.
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