خيارات البحث
النتائج 51 - 60 من 117
Biodiversity values in fallow areas of northeast India
Darlong, V.T. (Ministry of Environment and Forests, Upland Road, Shillong 973003 (India). N.E. Regional Office) Tiwari, R.K. | Singh, J. | Prasad, K.G.
Forest improvement technology (FIT): an alternative to logging
Rice, D. (Kalahan Educational Foundation, Inc., Imuyan, Santa Fe, Nueva Viscaya (Philippines))
Agroforestry options for shifting cultivators in northeast India
Singh, J. (Institute of Rain and Moist Deciduous Forest Research, Doovan, P.O. Box 136 Sotai, Jorhat 785001 Assam (India))
Changing our understanding of the fertility of tropical soils: nutrient banks or nutrient access?
Bunch, R. (Apartado 3586, Tegucigalpa, Honduras (Central America))
Medicinal plants for sustainable management of uplands in south & south-east Asia
Karki, M. (International Development Research Center Canada House, 208 Jor Bagh, New Delhi (India))
Community-based fire management: tools and techniques of the Mizos in India
Darlong, V.T. (Ministry of Environment and Forests, Upland Road Shillong 793003 (India). N.E. Regional Office) Vanchhong, R.
Relay cropping as an improved fallow practice in northern Thailand
Prinz, K. (McKean Rehabilitation Center, P.O. Box 53 Chiang Mai 50000 (Thailand)) Ongprasert, S.
Role of ruminants in shifting cultivation: changing perspectives
Burgers, P. (International Center for Research in Agroforestry, Jl Cifor, Situ Gede, Sindang Barang, P.O. Box 161 Bogor 6001 (Indonesia)) Trakansuphakon, P.
Influencing forest policies through local realities
Karki, M. (International Development Research Center Canada House 208 Jor Bagh, New Delhi 110003 (India)) Vergara, N.T.
Gender and agrobiodiversity management among the Lepchas in Sikkim, India
Gurung, C. (Resources Himalaya, Kathmandu (Nepal))