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النتائج 91 - 99 من 99
From taboo to commodity: history and current situation of cavy culture in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
Maass, Brigitte | Metre, Thierry K. | Tsongo, F | Mugisho, AB | Kampemba, FM | Ayagirwe, RBB | Azine, PC | Bindelle, Jérôme | Chiuri, WL
peer reviewed | For the first time, the status of cavy culture in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) is reviewed with emphasis on Sud-Kivu province. Cavy culture, as discussed in this paper, is the raising, production and utilization of the domestic cavy (i.e., Guinea pig, Cavia porcellus) for consumption. Many sources were used in the review, but published scientific research literature is extremely scarce. Nevertheless, it can be estimated that more than 2 million cavies are kept in DRC, contributing significantly to nutrition security, especially animal protein, and income generation of some hundreds of thousands of poor rural and urban households. The largest cavy populations are in the Kivu provinces, which is probably partly due to the inclusion of cavies in ‘rehabilitation kits’ of humanitarian NGOs and in the agricultural portfolio of development agencies who seek to address the challenges of widespread hunger and malnutrition in the area. The review covers the history of cavy culture in Sud-Kivu since colonial times based on oral tradition; it describes the current ‘cavy status’ in the country and identifies research and capacity building needs. We suggest that cavy culture in DRC is likely to become more widespread and important due to the activities of a new project on ‘Harnessing husbandry of domestic cavy for alternative and rapid access to food and income in Cameroon and the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo’. Given the dimension, cavies should be included in livestock census as well as research and development agenda, honoring their role in the livelihoods of less endowed people, especially women.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Impact de l ́abattage des chèvres gravides sur l ́élevage des petits ruminants au Cameroun.
Nana, F.C.N. | Tume, C. | Daouda, F. | Djitie, F.K. | Dandji M.B.S., | Zoli, A.P. | Beckers, Jean-François
peer reviewed
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Impact de l ́abattage des chèvres gravides sur l ́élevage des petits ruminants au Cameroun.
Nana, F.C.N. | Tume, C. | Daouda, F. | Djitie, F.K. | Dandji M.B.S., | Zoli, A.P. | Beckers, Jean-François
peer reviewed
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Growth and carcass traits of Creole kids experimentally infected by Haemonchus contortus: effects of sex, housing conditions and slaughter weights
Cei, Willy | Bambou, Jean-Christophe | Silou, Félix | Mounoussamy, Fritz | Alexandre, Gisèle
Growth and carcass traits of Creole kids experimentally infected by Haemonchus contortus: effects of sex, housing conditions and slaughter weights
Cei, Willy | Bambou, Jean-Christophe | Silou, Félix | Mounoussamy, Fritz | Alexandre, Gisèle
Prioritizing feed technologies with FEAST in four districts of Karnatka State in India
International Livestock Research Institute
The Chinyanja triangle in the Zambezi River Basin, southern Africa: status of, and prospects for, agriculture, natural resources management and rural development
Amede, Tilahun | Tamene, Lulseged D. | Harris, D. | Kizito, Fred | Xueliang Cai
Did rapid smallholder-led agricultural growth fail to reduce rural poverty?: Making sense of Malawi’s poverty puzzle
Pauw, Karl | Beck, Ulrik | Mussa, Richard
Disappointment was widespread when rapid economic growth since 2005, coupled with a smallholder-targeted fertilizer subsidy program, failed to significantly reduce poverty in Malawi. Official estimates for 2011 showed a 1.7 percentage point decline in national poverty between 2005 and 2011, while rural poverty increased marginally. In this study we estimate an alternative set of regional poverty lines using a cost of basic needs method that allows the consumption bundle to vary spatially and temporally while ensuring utility consistency. Our poverty figures suggest a substantial 7.3 percentage point decrease in national poverty over the analysis period, driven largely by a sharp reduction in rural poverty. These results are more consistent with the observed level of economic growth and improvements in several non-monetary dimensions of well-being. However, we find that extreme poverty did increase, suggesting that the most vulnerable people continue to be excluded from the benefits of economic policy and growth.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]An interpretation of large-scale land deals using Boserup’s: Theories of agricultural intensification, gender and rural development
Behrman, Julia A. | Meinzen-Dick, Ruth S. | Quisumbing, Agnes R.