خيارات البحث
النتائج 1 - 10 من 24
An Analysis of the Effectiveness of Caspian Sea Ports on the Enhancement of Iran’s Spatial Structure Interconnection
Shafie Haghshenas, Moien | Dadashpoor, Hashem
With a growth rate higher than global GDP, exports, etc., Marine business (especially container transport) has had great effects on the spatial structure of different regions and areas. Ports have an important role in this regard, because they are the main gates of goods import and export in a country. This study explores the structure and interconnection of Iran’s northern ports (on Caspian Sea) with the ports of other countries neighboring Caspian Sea due to the great importance of marine transportation and its effectiveness on Iran’s spatial structure interconnection. In order to examine the evolution of the spatial interconnection network structure of Iran’s northern ports at local and international level between the years 1989 to 2019, the model used in this study analyzed the passenger and goods transportation among Caspian Sea ports of Iran and those of other countries around Caspian Sea using UCINET software. The results showed that the interconnection of goods and passenger transportation in Iran’s northern provinces (in general) and Iran’s ports on Caspian Sea (in particular) is not in good conditions. In fact, the connection between Iran and other countries neighboring Caspian Sea is not so high except for scarce, insignificant cases (i.e., connection with Russia through Amirabad port), and the spatial interconnection of other borders of Iran, especially the southern coastline, is much higher than that of Caspian Sea coastline.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]A Spatial-Temporal Analysis of the Factors Effective on Housing Prices (Case study: District 5 of Tehran Municipality)
Zali, Saeed | Pahlavani, Parham | Bigdeli, Behnaz
In this study, the spatial-temporal distribution analysis of housing prices in District 5 of Tehran Municipality and the factors effective on it were investigated. To this end, the data related to housing buying and selling in this district in the years 2018, 2019, and 2020 were used to model the housing price. The results were obtained using GTWR method, which gave in a better measure compared to GWR and OLS methods. The adjusted coefficient of determination in OLS, GWR, and GTWR algorithms were found to be 0.759, 0.798, and 0.835, respectively. GTWR is a method that can model the spatial-temporal heterogeneities that exist in the housing price data. Based on the obtained results, the currency exchange rate (dollar to rial) has the highest effect on modeling housing prices. After that, the physical characteristics of housing – such as its footage and age – are important in modeling housing prices. Finally, the access rate to urban services – such as distance to hospitals, sports centers, educational centers, religious sites, green space, highways, and urban public transportation stations – can improve the modeling of housing prices. The findings of this study show that using dollar-to-rial exchange rate as the independent variable, we can model the housing price with a proper precision.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]An Examination of the Effect of Land Use Changes on the Temporal-Spatial Models of Land Surface Temperature Using Remote Sensing and GIS Data (Case Study: Ilam City)
Sheikhi, Hojat | Malekmohamadi, Reza
Due to the vast changes it brings about in the land use and land cover, the rapid expansion of cities has had many negative effects on the environmental quality at global level. Examples include air quality, increased temperature, changes in perspective, and the alteration of agricultural lands into barren lands that leads to the loss of biodiversity. Since land use changes happen at extensively, remote sensing technology is a necessary, efficient, and valuable means to monitor changes. In this study, the effect of land use changes on the temporal-spatial patterns of land surface temperature in the urban lands of Ilam city in a 30-year period (1990-2020) was examined using Landsat satellite images and simulation of changes using fuzzy ARTMAP neural network model. Landsat satellite sensors (TM, OLI, ETM) were used to investigate the longitudinal and spatial changes (LST) in Ilam city. To provide the land use map, the pixel-based classification for all periods (1990-1995-2000-2005-2010-2015-2020) was applied using ENVI and Ecognitio software packs and then estimations were made using NDVI and LST models. The results showed that Ilam city ecosystem has moderate levels of NDVI. The average temperature of residential land use level in June is 35.8 degrees centigrade, and the temperatures of three land uses of horticulture, agriculture, and other uses (uncovered lands) were 32.22, 37.25, and 38.46, respectively, with the main lands with the minimum temperature being green highlands. In city, existence of high rise buildings and building shading, use of materials with less heat absorption such as Isogam, urban green space and furniture, and air pollution lead to lesser absorption of energy. On the other hand, the spatial distribution of NDVI was aligned with LSP values. The results regarding land use areas using fuzzy-neural network show that residential land uses has risen from 19.18 percent in 1990 to 39.35 percent in 2020, which shows the city expansion and development. On the other hand, the horticultural land use has declined from 8.64 in 1990 to 3.49 in 2020, which can be attributed to the development of urban space.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Territorial approach to rural development in Iran (A systematic review)
Khodadadi, Ali | Pourtaheri, Mahdi | Tavakoli, Morteza
Many years have passed since the initiation and implementation of sustainable rural development projects in the country of Iran, however, rural communities in many regions of the country still face numerous challenges. In this regard, government planners and administrators have made efforts to address the issues and problems of rural areas by presenting new approaches. Accordingly, the current research aims to provide a different approach to rural development by critically and comparatively analyzing traditional approaches in rural development planning. Therefore, the present research is of a developmental type, and the research method is analytical-interpretive, with data collection primarily based on library and documentary research. The findings of the study indicate that the top-down approach based on the endogenous approach and sectoral planning still dominates the rural development system in Iran, and as a result, the desired development of rural communities nationwide has not been achieved. The results show that sustainable rural development can be facilitated at the national level by incorporating the characteristics of a territorial approach. This suggests that a proposal beyond agriculture should be based on the participation of all stakeholders, emphasizing the importance of social factors and rural institutions, and incorporating both agricultural and non-agricultural occupations, considering the interrelationships between agricultural, industrial, and service sectors, and most importantly, it should be inconsistent with a spatial perspective on urban-rural relations. Therefore, the process of rural development in the country would be economically rational, socially equitable, and environmentally responsible.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Location of urban administrative uses with passive defense approach (Case study: Isfahan city)
Hajarian, Ahmad
Locating and architectural design, as a suitable platform to provide the ground for achieving the goals and purposes of passive defense, is of great importance and causes the success of decision-making at different strategic levels. Office spaces are one of the uses that are considered by planners and designers for urban services. The current research is among applied research and descriptive-analytical research methods and it aims to locate and design office sites in Isfahan City. Documentary methods and questionnaires were also used to collect information. For this purpose, 18 indicators for the location of urban administrative uses in the form of four general criteria (demographic, functional, physical, and structural), selected and using the network analysis process model (ANP), the importance coefficient of criteria and sub-criteria are determined. The coefficients obtained in the environment of the geographic information system (GIS) were influenced by the information layers. By overlapping them, areas prone to the construction of office uses have been identified. Then, each of the eighteen uses was weighted using the Delphi method and experts' questionnaire. Finally, using the capabilities of the geographic information system (Euclidean Distance and Weighted Overlay), the spatial distribution of each service use was analyzed. The results of the research show that 3% of the entire city of Isfahan has very low desirability, 15.9% is low desirability, 43.4% is moderate desirability, 28.74% is high desirability and 8.96% is very high desirability. From the south to the north of the city, the level of desirability decreases.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Identification of Tourism Challenges in Rural Areas During Corona virus pandemic With an Analytical Approach(Case study: Sulqan village)
Shafiee Roodposhti, Maysam | Rezaei, Mahla | Rashidnia, Fatemeh
The present research has been carried out with the aim of identifying the challenges of tourism in Soleqan village during the Coronavirus pandemic with an analytical approach it is functional and it has been done using qualitative paradigm and exploratory theory method. The research community is made up of tourism experts and specialists from different rural areas and 15 of them were selected by using the combined purposeful sampling method. The data collection method was done using library studies, interview protocol, and direct observation and continued until reaching the theoretical saturation level. Data analysis was performed using coding. The collected data were analyzed through content analysis. The results of the research show that the most important challenges caused by the pandemic in Soleqan village are: not being used, remaining unknown and destroying the human, natural, and cultural capacities of villages, paying less attention to the native and local attractions of the villages, economic recession (poverty and unemployment), the inefficiency of the policy process, planning and lack of government and local support.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Locating the waste landfill site of Bam City using multi-criteria decision- making modeling in GIS environment
Talebi, Mohammad Sadegh
The location of sanitary landfills is one of the most important environmental issues in cities. If the design of landfills is not appropriate, it will threaten human health. The aim of the current research is to locate waste burial using geographic information system in the city of Bam, this research is applied in terms of its purpose and its method is descriptive-analytical. Based on this, the effective criteria in the location of Bam's landfill were identified, prepared and standardized. Then by digitizing and weighting 8 layers based on the existing standards, including: topography, geology, slope, fault, waterways, communication lines and distance from the city, and importing the mentioned layers into the software environment and forming special burial databases. Waste and implementation of various analytical multi-criteria decision-making models on the existing layers. According to the layers used and the final map obtained, the studied area was classified in the form of four classes: very suitable, suitable, unsuitable and very unsuitable, and it was determined that the most optimal waste burial space is in the southeast of the region, and the least optimal space is in the northwest of the city. There is. The issue of waste management, or beyond that, material cycle management, is one of the main and very important axes of sustainable development today. Therefore, it is necessary to put the necessary infrastructures for the best possible management of urban waste, which has not yet been done and requires proper management and implementation of economic plans.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Evaluation the effects of land use changes on ecosystem services based on the InVEST model (Case study: Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari province)
Mohammadyari, Fatemeh
The most obvious example of human activities on the land due to the increase in population and the need for development is land use changes, which lead to changes in the provision of ecosystem services. To that end, the present study was done with the aim of quantitatively evaluating the carbon storage capacity and habitat quality and showing their spatial distribution to achieve social-ecological stability, sustainable use of land resources, and develop appropriate plans and policies in Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari province. The modeling of selected ecosystem services was calculated using InVEST software models and the capacity to provide them in land use classes using Zonal Statistics analysis in a GIS software environment. The results indicated that high-value carbon storage areas are focused in areas with forest cover, which have strong carbon storage capacity and are the largest carbon sinks in ecosystems. Likewise, the highest habitat quality was also observed in these areas, and in places where the vegetation is fragmented and the surrounding environment is occupied by human threat sources, the quality of the habitat has decreased. Spatially, carbon storage and habitat quality Indicated a low-high-medium spatial distribution pattern from north to south. The maps of ecosystem service created in this study can be useful in identifying potential areas of carbon storage supply and habitat quality, and provide a scientific basis for further discussion by policymakers about future land use planning, from the perspective of minimizing climate change and increasing biodiversity.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Analyzing the degree of realization of the integrated regional development model (Case study: Gilan province)
Sojodi, Maryam | Ziari, Keramatollah | Poorahmad, Ahmad | Yasouri, Majid
Since comprehensiveness and integration of development can promise efficient use of the region's potential and improvement of living conditions; Therefore, the current research has aimed to analyze the pattern of integrated regional development at the level of Gilan province. In this context, based on contextual theory, the type of response to this objective was qualitative and based on documentary studies and in-depth interviews with 20 provincial experts including (policy-making, scientific and academic experts, private and government sector). Then, by using MAXQDA software as an effective tool in qualitative data analysis, open and central codes were extracted, and finally, selective coding was done using the potentials of the region and the opinion of elites. The findings and results from the comparison of the components of the desired model show that the key categories in the documentation-field dimension in the sections of causal conditions, focal core, strategies, and consequences, respectively, include cases of lack of synergy and integration of process and product, lack of perspective. Wide and extrapolated from the long-term development of the region, the sector-oriented model with a minimal approach to the place and space of development, the transformation of the spatial organization of the regional system. Also, in the ideological-theoretical dimension, the most important categories in the four sections, respectively, include things such as emphasis on the structure and pattern of decision-making (planning, policy-making, and management), political-territorial-organizational and departmental integration, the necessity of changing social and institutional management and Finally, regional organizations have been recognized as the main actors in coordination for the implementation, follow-up, and review of the sustainable development process. In addition, the relationship between abstract and operational dimensions has shown coordination and alignment in the causal and phenomenon parts and a lack of direct alignment in the strategy and consequence parts. For this purpose, suggestions such as the need to separate propositions and components by sector, territory (spatial areas), the need to rewrite and explain previously repeated codes, review the determination of priorities, real attention to attention to the integration between sectors, territories, Institutions and... have been considered.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]An Analysis of the Importance of Sustainable Urban Development Indicators in Iran and its Comparison With Global Indicators
Amoushahi, Solmaz | Salmanmahiny, Abdolrassoul | Moradi, Hossein | Mikaeili Tabrizi, Ali Reza | Galán, Carmen
Today, the expansion of urbanism has led to many problems for various countries in the world, especially developing countries. Iran is one of the developing countries that in recent years has faced numerous damages due to population increase, especially in urban areas. In recent years, countries in the world have tried to overcome the problems deriving from unsustainable urbanism via using sustainable urban development. Accordingly, the authors carried out this study to determine the similarities and differences among sustainability evaluation systems existing in developing and developed counties and explain the needs of developing countries, like Iran, to improve management of urban areas. Therefore, in the study at hand, the global urban sustainability indicators such as BREEAM Community، CASBEE-UD، GBI Township، LEED-ND، IGBC Green Townships، GRIHA-LD، Green Star, and IUSAF were examined and were compared with the intended system in Iran (IUSI). In this process, the similarities and differences of selected evaluation systems were compared with each other in terms of type and importance level of indicators. The obtained result showed that the urbanism challenges in various countries in the world are different based on the development level and environmental, social, economic, and geopolitical conditions. In addition, the most important indicators of urban development measurement in developed countries were identified as energy, resources and social welfare, smartening, and environment, while the prioritized indicators in the developing countries were determined to be planning and developing the society, managing infrastructure resources, transportation, local security and economy, employment, and – mostly importantly – access to healthy water. Moreover, the findings of this study indicate that via localization of the systems and indicators related to sustainability evaluation for every country, region, or province, a more precise evaluation can be attained. This can offer great assistance to future planning to advance the sustainable development goals.
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