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النتائج 1 - 6 من 6
Tüketicilerin Sert Kabuklu Kuruyemiş Tüketim Alışkanlıkları ve Satın Alma Davranışlarının Belirlenmesi: Siirt İli Örneği
Merve Kardeş | Koray Özrenk | Mustafa Terin
Çalışmanın amacı, Siirt ili kentsel alanda tüketicilerin sert kabuklu kuruyemiş tüketim alışkanlıkları ve satın alma davranışlarını belirlemektir. Çalışmanın ana materyalini Siirt ili kentsel alanda yaşayan 150 tüketiciden anket yoluyla toplanan veriler oluşturmaktadır. Verilerin analizinde, frekans tabloları ve tüketicilerin ailelerinde yeterli miktarda kuruyemiş tüketip tüketmedikleri düşüncesi logit model yardımıyla analiz edilmiştir. Araştırmada, ankete katılanların %62,7’si erkek, %63,3’ü 25-40 yaş grubunda, %64,0’ü evli, %62,0’si 2001-4000 TL gelir grubunda, %49,3’ü ailede yeterli miktarda kuruyemiş tüketildiği, %56,0’sı kuruyemiş tüketiminin faydaları hakkında bilgiye sahip olduğu ve %78,7’sinin kuruyemişi, kuruyemişçilerden satın aldığı belirlenmiştir. Çalışmada ayrıca ailede yeterli miktarda kuruyemiş tüketildiğini düşünme ile kuruyemiş tüketmenin faydalarını bilme arasında pozitif, cinsiyet arasında ise negatif bir ilişkini olduğu tespit edilmiştir.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Determining the Factors Affecting Farmers’ Decision on Organic Livestock
Nuray Demir | Canan Sancar | Okan Demir | Vecihi Aksakal | Adem Aksoy
In this study, the objective was to determine the factors affecting farmers’ decisions on organic livestock. Within this scope, the Gümüşhane province, in which one of the major organic livestock projects has been carried out, was taken into the focus of attention for this study. The data of the study was obtained from 134 surveys based on census and focusing on farmers doing conventional animal breeding and possessing 25 or more cattle. The data obtained were used in predicting the Logit Model. In the model, it was determined that the inclination to transition to organic animal breeding in institutions where the rate of benefiting from animal breeding supports and the rate of meeting forage requirements from their own are high and besides where the rate of using industrial feed is low. As a result, it was recommended that the government support for forage crops, which are already within the current support policies, should be increased on yearly basis. This will have a positive effect on the decision of the farmers to choose organic livestock. This support is also important in terms of carrying out livestock activities in more profitable and technical way.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Evaluation of the Red Meat Sales Policy of the Meat and Milk Institution on the Dimension of Consumers
Adnan Çiçek | Merve Ayyıldız | Didem Doğar
Meat and Milk Institution is implementing red meat sales through grocery chains in order to ensure stability in red meat prices in Turkey. In this study in order to evaluate the effectiveness of this policy from the perspective of consumers, data set obtained from 388 households in Gaziantep city center was used. According to the findings, it has been determined that 53.6% of consumers prefer contracted markets due to the suitability of red meat prices. Initially, all consumers bought red meat from contracted markets, but it was found that 62.11% of them gave up buying red meat from these markets. This situation was found to be quite remarkable and logit model was used to determine the factors affecting the continuity of red meat purchase of households from contracted markets. According to the Logit model results, it was observed that households buying red meat from the contracted markets were affected by the variables that they are care about the price of red meat, income and frequency of shopping at these markets. As a result, it can be stated that this policy implemented by the ESK is aimed at selling red meat to low-income consumers rather than providing price stability and does not have a demand increasing effect.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Good Agricultural Practices in Protected Areas: Which factors Affecting the implementation?
Polyxeni Karagkiozi | Eleni Oxouzi | Evangelos Papanagiotou
The purpose of this study is to indicate and analyse the factors that affect the decision of the Prespa bean producers to implement Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) in their farmlands. Additionally, the social characteristics of the producers are analyzed in order to obtain a broader picture. To achieve the above objectives, a logit model was applied as well as descriptive statistics for the analysis of the personal and social characteristics of farmers. The research was conducted in the Florina Prefecture of Western Macedonia through questionnaires that were filled in during personal interviews with the producers. The results of the research showed that growing PGI (Protected Geographical Indication) products, attending training seminars, the educational level of the producers, the earned income, the communication and information by an agricultural engineer affect significantly the decision of the producers to apply Good Agricultural Practices.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Determinants of Farmers Adaptation to Climate Change. A Case from Nawalparasi District of Nepal
Jeevan Lamichhane | Durga Bahadur RanaBhat | Ankit Koirala | Dipesh Shrestha
A field survey was conducted to study the factor that determines farmers’ decisions to adapt to climate change in Deurali and Agyouli V.D.Cs of Nawalparasi District. Altogether 180 household, 90 from each V.D.C were selected randomly for the study. A logit regression model was employed in the study. However, in order to measure the magnitude of the impact of the explanatory variables on the decision of the farmer to adapt to climate change marginal effects were computed. The study uses a binary dependent variable taking the value 1 if the farmer adapted to climate change and 0 otherwise. A farmer is considered to have adapted to climate change if he/she has employed at least one of the adaptation strategies such as early and late planting, use of drought resistant crops, zero tillage operation, crop diversification, use of mulching and composting of weeds to control water loss and conserving moisture in the field. This current research considers the following as potential factors determining farmers’ decisions to adapt to climate change; economically active members, education of the household head, farm size, annual cash earnings, access to credit, training and extension. Findings reveal that these factors influence farmers’ decisions to adapt to climate change in Nawalparasi District and marginal effects computed showed that per unit increase in these variables increased the probability of practicing different adaptation strategies by 4.3%, 31.4%, 3%, 1.5%, 17%, 66% respectively. The log likelihood was computed to be -43.45. Psuedo. R2 was calculated to be 39%.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]A Research on Red Meat Consumption and Preferences: A Case Study in Tekirdağ Province
Ebru Onurlubaş | Neslihan Yılmaz | Hasan Gökhan Doğan | Halil Kızılaslan
In this study, 384 persons have been subjected to questionnaire made in order to determine the red meat consumption and preferences of the people living in the central district of Tekirdağ province. In the study it was determined that all the consumers consumed red meat. According to the findings of the research, the annual red meat consumption per capita was determined to be 34.22 kg. Considering the red meat consumption of the people subjected to research, it was determined that beef meat was the most preferred kind among all the other kinds of red meat. In the study, it was determined that in red meat buying place preference consumers prefer traditional retailers such as butcher been specialized. Consumers prefer red meat due to be the most nutritious, respectively be healthy, delicious, habit and easy to access. It was determined that 47.5% of consumers participated in the study were ready to pay extra for red meat in the food safety. It was determined 75.6% people participated in the study consume more red meat if the price of red meat cheapens. A logit model was used for analyzing the factors that influence the red meat consumption of the families participating in this research. According to the logit model results, it was determined that the families’ red meat consumption amount is affected from statistical variables such as; number of family members, education level, spouse's employment status, income, cheapening of the price of red meat .
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