خيارات البحث
النتائج 51 - 60 من 421
Current Status and Potential Improvements for Under-Cover Production Systems in Çarşamba District of Samsun Province
Emin Atay | Sedat Karaman
This study was conducted to assess the structural and environmental conditions and potential problems of under-cover production systems of Çarşamba town, which constitute about 87,81% of under-cover production potential of Samsun Province through comprehensive literature search and to develop possible solutions towards these problems. Selected facilities were analyzed for their structural characteristics, production techniques, technology use, environmental conditions through surveys, drawings, observations and photographs. Present findings revealed that all of the family type under-cover production systems are composed of individual (single) constructions. Facility owners had quite low level of education and under-cover production systems constituted a significant place in their economic statuses. Under-cover production systems were mostly lack of technology because of financial burdens and unplanned production activities. Ventilation, heating and cooling systems, playing a significant role in control of environmental conditions, were mostly insufficient and relevant design criteria were not mostly taken into consideration. With this study, potential problems were identified, structural and environmental requirements of under-cover production systems were determined, and recommendations were provided to producers accordingly.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Improvement of Sperm Motility of Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss W., 1792) by Supplementation of L-Arginine
Durali Danabaş | Mehmet Kocabaş | Filiz Kutluyer
In this study, the effect of supplementing amino acid-precursor of nitric oxide (NO) L-arginine were examined on sperm motility of rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss. Different concentrations [0 mM (Control), 1 mM, 2 mM, 4 mM and 8 mM] of L-arginine were used in the study. To assess the effects on percentage of motile sperm and longevity, L-arginine was added to activation medium containing NaCl (52 mM). The higher L-arginine concentration (4mM) has promoting-effect on sperm motility. The treatments containing L-arginine caused significant effect on percentage of motile sperm and longevity. Overall, the findings of the present study indicated that supplementation of L-arginine may have improving effects on sperm motility of rainbow trout.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]The Use of Syrian Sumac (Rhus coriaria) as a Meat Tenderizer: Effect on Fat, Protein and Collagen Profiles on Pectoralis superficialis Cut
Khaula Sakhr | Sami El Khatib
The Syrian Sumac (Rhus coriaria) is a widely used spice in the Arab world of attractive economic importance in food, cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries. Meat tenderness is one of the very most important factors for customers’ acceptability. The global objective of this study was to add an additional value to Sumac by evaluating its meat tenderizing effect. Crude sumac fruits were used to create three different extracts (aqueous, ethanolic and purified enzymatic extract). Pectoralis superficialis cuts were treated with the extracts and studied for their shear stress, pH, protein and fat contents and collagen. The hypothesis that Sumac could have a meat tenderizing effect was supported by our results showing a significant decrease in shear stress and protein content with increase in collagen solubility. Moreover, an effect on decreasing meat fat was detected, where the aqueous sumac extract decreased significantly the fat percentage in meat. The active enzymes in Sumac were shown to be variate in nature, lipase and protease, with a significant effect on collagen, thus proving Sumac’s possibility to be potentially used as a meat tenderizer.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Use of Solar Energy Assisted Drying Methods in the Food Industry
Vildan Top | İsmail Tontul | Selman Türker
Dried products are widely used from the past because of their long shelf life, rich nutrient content and availability. Solar or shade drying methods have become the most widely used drying technique from past to date, due to no equipment requirement, cost and simplicity. However, this drying method has some disadvantages such as long drying time, contamination risk and requirement of large area and heavy labor. In this review, various drying methods applied in food are summarized. Then, solar energy assisted drying methods were examined in detail. Finally, solar energy-assisted drying methods involving energy storage are examined. Solar energy assisted drying is a very advantageous technique for economical production. The most important advantages of this technique are that the system can be designed in many different ways in order to provide the desired characteristics. In addition, the availability of various energy storage units contributes to the availability of the system.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Validation of The Weather Generator CLIGEN with Season Precipitation Data in Tokat Province
Saniye Demir | İrfan Oğuz
In models that predict hydrologic, ecological and product-yield relationship, the climate interface file is widely used. Today, CLIGEN is the most widely used climate model. While this model is extensively used in many countries around the world, it is not used commonly in our country. In this study, daily data belonging to Tokat climate conditions were simulated with CLIGEN. Observed and simulated precipitation was classified as the wet/dry period. The performance of the CLIGEN climate model was evaluated in both wet and dry periods according to the seasons. The relationship between the obtained precipitation data was statistically determined by Kolmogorov-Smirnov and t-test. Tokat province is located in the arid and semi-arid climate zone. The performance of the model in predicting precipitation in all seasons during the dry period was found to be quite successful.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]A Survey on Seafood Consumption and Consumer Preference in İzmir Province
Bengü Çaylak | Fatma Çolakoğlu | İbrahim Ender Künili | Hasan Basri Ormancı
Seafood are important in human nutrition due to being healthy and valuable proteins resources. Despite serious problems in balanced nutrition found in Turkey, seafood are not consumed sufficiently. In our country, it is necessary to review this situation regarding the consumption of fisheries and to produce solutions by considering the reasons. In this study, the consumption preference of seafood was analyzed in İzmir province, where the fishing and aquaculture production and consumption are made as common. The study was carried out as a questionnaire application to 700 individuals randomly selected in different districts in July 2012. It was determined that 33.8% of the respondents consumes white meat, 19.6% consumes red meat and 8.8% consumes fish. The most consumed fishes by the participants were observed as 40.4% sea bream, 34.2% sea bass, 32.4% horse mackerel, 31.8% anchovy, and 30.4% sardines, respectively. It was determined that 90.4% of the participants consume the fish freshly. As consumption style, frying (51.6%) and grilling (33%) was determined as major preferences. In the study, it was determined that the participants consume an average of 15 kg of fish per year.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]İyileştirici Bahçeler ve Tasarım Kriterlerinin Değerlendirilmesi
Gülbin Çetinkale Demirkan
Var olduğu günden beri doğa ile etkileşim halinde olan insanoğlu doğadan farklı amaçlar için yararlanmaktadır. Eğlenmek, çeşitli aktivitelerde bulunmak, kendini iyi hissetmek için her zaman doğanın bir parçası olan yeşil alanlara ihtiyaç duyulmaktadır. Ancak insanlar; hızlı ve çarpık şehirleşme, sanayileşme ve teknoloji gibi faaliyetler sebebiyle azalan yeşil alanlarla artan kapalı mekanlarda yaşamlarını devam ettirmektedir. Kırsal alanlarda yaşayan insanların da artan kaygıları, onları şehirlere çekmeye başlamış, kentler giderek yoğunlaşmış, birçok kentte ihtiyacı karşılamak adına betonlar yükselmiş, yaşam kalitesi azalmış, doğa hiç bozulmayacakmış gibi tahrip edilmiş ve bugün birçok konut yeşil alansız, bahçesi olmadan inşa edilmiştir. Yeşile özlem duyan, doğadan uzaklaşan günümüz insanında depresyon ve buna bağlı olarak gelişen psikolojik bozukluklar görülmeye başlanmıştır. Doğa ve doğal alanların insanlar üzerindeki olumlu etkileri birçok bilim insanı tarafından da tespit edilmiştir. Son yıllarda, insan sağlığı üzerinde yapısal çevrenin etkileri dikkat çekmiş ve “iyileştirici bahçe” kavramı ortaya çıkmıştır. İyileştirici bahçeler peyzaj mimarlığı çalışmalarında da yeni bir hareket etkisi oluşturmuştur. Bu çalışmada; iyileştirici bahçelerin çeşitli sağlık problemleri olan hastalar üzerindeki etkilerinden bahsedilerek, tasarım ilkelerine göre değerlendirmesi yapılmıştır.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Evaluation of Spermatological Parameters of Karayaka Ram Grown in Ordu Province
Fatih Ahmet Aslan | Hilal Tozlu Çelik | Yeliz Kaşko Arıcı | Kalbiye Konanç | Metehan Eser Kahveci | İbrahim Kiper
The aim of this study was to determine the macroscopic and microscopic spermatological parameters of the Karayaka rams grown in public hands. Out off-season sperm couldn’t be taken from the rams. During the season, semen was collected from all 2-4 age of Karayaka rams (n = 10). Weight (kg) and circumference of the scrotum (cm) were also recorded. When the collected spermatozoa were examined, it was found that the weight variable correlated only with the pH variable. The correlation coefficient calculated between weight and pH was -0,802 and it was found to be statistically significant. The correlation coefficient, which calculated as 0.680, between the circumference of the scrotum (cm) and mortality (% Dead-Live) shows that one feature increases while the other increases significantly. Viscosity (1-5) was correlated only with mass activity (Mass Activity 0-4), and the degree of this relationship was calculated as -0.655. Variables were not associated with sperm volume (ml), motility (%) and density (109).
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Effects of Microorganism Count and Physicochemical Properties of Tulum and Kashar Cheeses to Biogenic Amine Formation
Filiz Yıldız Akgül | Atila Yetişemiyen | Ebru Şenel | Fügen Durlu-Özkaya | Şebnem Öztekin | Ebru Şanlı
In this research, biogenic amine types and quantity of Tulum and Kashar cheeses were determined. In addition, the relationship between biogenic amines and some microbiological-chemical properties of cheese samples were investigated. The contents of tryptamine, phenylethylamine, putrecine, cadaverine, histamine, tyramine of totally 40 samples (20 of each cheese) were examined. While only one sample of Tulum cheeses had no biogenic amines, different levels of biogenic amines were determined in other samples. No significant relation was confirmed between the biogenic amine quantity and total aerobic mesophilic bacteria, lactic acid bacteria, enterococci bacteria count, but there was a correlation between some biogenic amine contents and chemical properties which are tyrosine, lactic acid, pH, protein and ripening coefficient. Biogenic amine levels determined in the cheeses found below hazard limit values according to what legal limit.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Bayburt Florasına Katkılar: Cichorieae (Asteraceae)
Murat Erdem Güzel | Mutlu Gültepe | Serdar Makbul | İsa Bozkır | Kamil Coşkunçelebi
Cichorieae Lam. & DC., Asteraceae familyasının oymaklarından biridir. Bu oymak tamamen dilsi çiçeklerden oluşan homogam başcık çiçekli ve lateksli üyeleriyle ile karakterize olur. Bu oymak ekonomik öneme sahip Lactuca L. (Marul), Scorzonera L. (Tekesakalı) ve Tragopogon L. (Yemlik) cinslerini içine alır. Bu oymağın üyeleri aynı zamanda halk ilacı olarak da kullanılır. Bayburt Soğanlı, Otlukbeli, Mescit ve Giresun Dağları arasında yer almaktadır. Fitocoğrafik olarak İran-Turan floristik bölgesinin ağaçsız step bölgesine dahildir ve Anadolu Çatalı’nın kuzey ucunda yer almaktadır. Bu fitocoğrafik özelliklerinden dolayı Bayburt zengin bir bitki çeşitliliğine ev sahipliği yapmaktadır. Bu çalışmada Bayburt’un bitki çeşitliliğine katkıda bulunulması amaçlanmıştır. Örnekler 2010-2017 dönemlerinde Cicerbita Wallr., Lactuca, Scorzonera, Tragopogon ve Prenanthes L. cinsleri üzerine olan farklı projeler kapsamında toplanmış ve Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi Biyoloji Bölümü Herbaryumu (KTUB) ile Rize Üniversitesi Biyoloji Bölümü Herbaryumu (RUB)’nda muhafaza edilmektedir. QGIS paket programı kullanılarak toplanan bitki örneklerinin koordinatları Bayburt haritası üzerinde gösterilmiştir. Flora of Turkey and East Aegean Islands adlı eserde Bayburt için 4 Lactuca ve 7 Scorzonera, kaydı rapor edilmiştir fakat Tragopogon kaydı yer almamaktadır. Mevcut çalışmada Bayburt ili için 24 (5 Lactuca, 14 Scorzonera ve 5 Tragopogon) takson rapor edilmiştir ve bunların 6’sı Türkiye endemiğidir. Sonuç olarak 13 takson Bayburt için ilk kez bu çalışmada rapor edilmiştir.
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