خيارات البحث
النتائج 51 - 60 من 421
Thermal Resistance of Acid Adapted and Non-Adapted Stationary Phase Escherichia coli O157:H7, Salmonella enterica Typhimurium and Listeria monocytogenes in Pomegranate Juice
Zeynal Topalcengiz | Sefa Işık | Yusuf Alan
The purpose of this study was to investigate the thermal resistance of acid adapted and non-adapted stationary phase Escherichia coli O157:H7, Salmonella enterica Typhimurium and Listeria monocytogenes in pomegranate juice. In addition, the performance of generic E. coli was evaluated as an indicator. Non-adapted stationary phase cells were grown by incubating inoculated tryptic soy broth without glucose (TSB-NG) at 36±1°C for 18±2 hours. Tryptic soy broth with 1% glucose (10 g/l; TSBG) was used for acid adaptation. All media used for L. monocytogenes was supplemented with 0.6% yeast extract. After washing the cells with peptone, 5 ml of pasteurized pomegranate juice was added onto the pellet to obtain inoculated juice with a initial concentration of 107-1010 log CFU/ml. Inoculated pomegranate juice was sealed into the microcapillary tubes. Microtubes were heat treated in waterbaths at 50, 52 and 54±1°C by immersing at pre-determined time intervals. Survived populations were counted on tryptic soy agar (TSA). S. Typhimurium had the lowest thermal resistance in pomegranate juice. At 50°C, E. coli O157:H7 was the most resistant, whereas L. monocytogenes was more thermally tolerant at 52 and 54°C. Acid adaptation decreased the thermal resistance of E. coli O157:H7, but increased the heat resistance of L. monocytogenes at all tested temperatures significantly. Thermal tolerance of S. Typhimurium increased only at 50°C. The most resistant microorganism was non-adapted generic E. coli at 50 and 52°C; acid-adapted L. monocytogenes had the most thermal tolerance at 54°C. Thermal inactivation of microorganisms in pomegranate juice could be tested at lower temperatures compare to other fruit juices. This may be due to the natural antimicrobial effect and more acidic content of pomegranate juice.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Good Agricultural Practices in Protected Areas: Which factors Affecting the implementation?
Polyxeni Karagkiozi | Eleni Oxouzi | Evangelos Papanagiotou
The purpose of this study is to indicate and analyse the factors that affect the decision of the Prespa bean producers to implement Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) in their farmlands. Additionally, the social characteristics of the producers are analyzed in order to obtain a broader picture. To achieve the above objectives, a logit model was applied as well as descriptive statistics for the analysis of the personal and social characteristics of farmers. The research was conducted in the Florina Prefecture of Western Macedonia through questionnaires that were filled in during personal interviews with the producers. The results of the research showed that growing PGI (Protected Geographical Indication) products, attending training seminars, the educational level of the producers, the earned income, the communication and information by an agricultural engineer affect significantly the decision of the producers to apply Good Agricultural Practices.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Mısır Üretiminde Geleceğe Yönelik Beklenti Analizi
Merve Bozdemir | Zeki Bayramoğlu | Kemalettin Ağızan | Süheyla Ağızan
Türkiye’nin toplam tarım arazisi varlığında yıllar itibariyle azalış meydana gelmesine rağmen ekonomik olarak sulanabilir nitelikte arazilerin üretime kazandırılması sayesinde mısır üretim faaliyetleri Türkiye’de yaygınlaşmıştır. Sulama imkânının olduğu alanlarda mısır; işçilik maliyetlerinin az olması, birim alanda yüksek verim avantajı sağlaması ve ürün pazarının kolaylıkla erişilebilir olması nedeniyle üretim açısından popüler bir üründür. Sulama alanlarının artışına paralel olarak üretimi yaygınlaşan mısır; ekonomik değeri yüksek fakat su tüketim miktarı da yüksek bir üründür. Bu yönüyle çalışmada işletmecilerin tarımsal faaliyetlerin sürdürülebilirliğine, mısırın ekiminden hasadına kadar geçen süreçte karşılaştıkları problemlerin çözümüne, üretim ile ilgili beklentilerine yönelik analizlerin yapılması amaçlanmıştır. Çalışmada mısır üreten tarım işletmecilerinin girdi maliyetleri, depolama olanakları ve su kaynaklarının tüketimine yönelik gelecek endişesi taşıdıkları belirlenmiştir.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]The Current State of Goat Raising in The City of Uşak Problems and Suggestions for Solutions
Sibel Alapala Demirhan | Murat Erdem
In the present study, it is aimed to determine the current state of the goat raising businesses operating in the city of Uşak and in its provinces, their problems and to come up with suggestions for solutions to these problems. In the current study, as the sampling of the study, 132 goat-raising businesses were selected by means of stratified random sampling method and they were administered a questionnaire consisted of 83 questions. The data obtained from the analysis of the questionnaires have revealed that high majority of the goat-raisers are elementary school graduates (86.4%) and they generally raise Hair goat (89.4%). Moreover, it has also been determined that for the mating of goats, male goats are brought into the herd in September and October and this mating process occurs in the form of free insemination, the age for female goats to be used as stock is 15-18 months old, additional feeding and synchronization are not generally practiced and weaning of baby goats occurs when they are 3-4 months old. Births are usually given in February-March and milking also starts in this period and lasts 6 months on average, the lactation milk yield is 60-80 liters, milking is performed once a day with hand and the produced milk is mostly used in cheese production. Moreover, in goat raising, transhumance is not a common practice and high majority of the breeders apply regular protective vaccines. As in many other regions, many problems such as high feed prices, the difficulty in finding a shepherd and price fluctuations force goat breeders to quit. For goat raising to be sustainable, technical and economic supports given to breeders should continue and improve. If the feed can be supplied with the internal resources of the businesses and if their products can be marketed directly without using intermediaries then some of the problems can be alleviated. Putting greater emphasis on this issue and developing incentive policies will make contributions to goat raising. As a result of the present study, it was concluded that developing goat raising businesses operating mostly as small-scale family businesses in the city of Uşak to large-scale businesses where intensive production is made by providing the necessary incentives and subsides is of great importance.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Histological Changes of Electric Yellow Cichlid (Labidochromis caeruleus) Exposed to Acute and Chronic Cadmium Concentrations
Semra Küçük | Sema Midilli | Mehmet Güler | Deniz Çoban
In this study, electric yellow cichlid were (Labidochromis caeruleus) exposed to acute cadmium (Cd) concentrations (0, 50, 60, 70, 80 mg l-1) for 72 h, and chronic Cd concentrations (0.00, 0.25, 0.50, 1.00, 2.00 mg l-1) for 20 d to examine histological alternation. In addition to the recovery was detected after 10 d. After chronic trial, rest of the fish were exposed to just water not containing cadmium for 10 day for recovery. Gills, liver, muscle, and spleen samples were collected from randomly selected fish. The tissue samples prepared with standard techniques for haematoxylin and eosin (H&E). Cadmium depending on concentrations increase caused severe disorders on fish. After acute exposure, several changes were detected such as edema, hyperplasia, breakdown in epithelial tissues of gills; vacuolation and necrosis in liver; increase of hemosterin clustering and necrosis in spleen. After chronic exposure, some symptoms were also found such as edema, aneurysm, degermation of secondary lamellae in gills; degeneration and necrosis in liver; degeneration and granulomas in spleen. Additionally, after recovery of chronic Cd exposure some of the same symptoms were observed such as edema, hyperplasia and aneurysm in gills; vacuolar degeneration and necrosis in liver; granulomas and degeneration in spleen.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]A Review on the Bioactive, Antioxidant Properties of Einkorn (Triticum monococcum L. ssp. monococcum) Populations and Using in Organic Agriculture
Alaettin Keçeli
In addition to having the most cultivation area and production in the world, cereals are irreplaceable in agriculture and in our life with being a basic food material. Wheat, which ranks first in terms of sowing area, is also an origin of our country and has been a basic food raw material since the beginning of history. Besides, wheat contains starch, protein, phytochemical and antioxidant substances which have an important role in human nutrition. As agricultural fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides have negative effects on the environment and human health, the interest in organic agriculture is increasing. The suspicion that pesticide, synthetic fertilizer and growth regulator residues can lead to cancer and other health problems in humans has led the researchers to focus their attention to improve of production methods that will prevent these disadvantages. Research has shown that the most reliable method of production is called Organic or Ecological or Biological Agriculture method. For these reasons, organic agriculture practices in the world have increased in the last 15 years. New breeding varieties selected in high-yielding traditional farming conditions do not sufficiently adapt to organic farming conditions. Readily available existing varieties due to yet correspond to new breeding for organic farming conditions not only yield when used in organic farming but also that they contain proteins and other useful in amounts of vitamins components also occurs a decrease. Cultivation of local varieties is becoming more attractive instead of already cultivated in marginal areas and stable yield values. For this purpose, local varieties produced in restricted regions of our country are the most suitable candidates for both breeding and organic production since they are well adapted to the regions where they are located.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Çiftçilerin Ürün Desenlerine Karar Vermelerini Etkileyen Faktörler: Samsun İli Bafra İlçesi Sebze Yetiştiricileri Örneği
Nur İlkay Abacı | Kürşat Demiryürek
Çiftçilerin tarım sektörünün doğal yapısından kaynaklanan birçok unsuru dikkate alarak çeşitli ürünler arasından kendilerine en uygun olanını nasıl seçtikleri ve üretimine nasıl karar verdiklerinin belirlenmesi önemlidir. Bu araştırmanın amacı, Samsun ili Bafra ilçesindeki sebze yetiştiricilerinin ürün desenlerine karar verirken etkilendikleri faktörleri belirlemektir. Bu amaca ulaşmak için basit tesadüfi örnekleme yöntemi ile belirlenen 122 çiftçi ile anket yapılmıştır. Çiftçilerin ürün desenlerine karar verirken etkilendikleri faktörleri belirlemek amacıyla, incelenen literatürden yararlanılarak ve araştırmacı tarafından yapılan pilot çalışmalardan hareketle sosyal ve kişisel, ekonomik, fiziksel ve iklim koşullarından kaynaklı faktörleri içine alan 67 madde tespit edilmiştir. Çiftçilerin düşüncelerini yansıtan ifadeler Likert tipi beşli bir ölçeklendirmeye göre puanlanmıştır. Araştırmada istatistiksel işlemler sırasına göre iç tutarlılık katsayılarının belirlenmesi, açıklayıcı faktör analizi, doğrulayıcı faktör analizi olarak gerçekleştirilmiştir ve bulgular sunulmuştur. Açıklayıcı faktör analizi sonucunda toplam varyansın %57,74’ünü açıklayan; ürün özellikleri, fiziksel özellikler, işletme özellikleri, doğal faktörler, sulama özellikleri ve işgücü özellikleri olarak altı faktör grubu ortaya çıkmıştır. Analiz sonuçlarından elde edilen bulgulara göre çiftçilerin ürün desenlerini planlarken etkilendikleri en önemli faktör ürün özelliği ile ilişkilidir. Ancak, çiftçiler üretecekleri ürünlere karar verirken sadece ürün özelliklerinden değil aynı zamanda ellerinde olmayan farklı koşullardan etkilenmektedirler. Dolayısıyla çiftçilerin kararlarını etkileyen faktörler arasında davranış özelliklerinin de dikkate alınması gerektiği düşünülmektedir.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Bottled Water Consumption Habits and Purchase Behaviours of Consumers in the Urban Areas of Adana
Mutlu Bulut | Arzu Seçer
In recent years, the world population, urbanization process and need for natural water resources have increased. Therefore, providing the safe and clean drinking water has become an important topic of our day. This research was carried out to determine the bottled water consumption habits and purchasing behaviours of consumers. Primary data were obtained from 384 consumers living in urban areas of Adana province. The demographic characteristics and consumption habits of consumers were determined by calculating frequencies, ratios and averages. Factor analysis was used to determine the factors that affect the purchasing behaviours of the consumers and the cluster analysis were used to distinguish consumers with different perception levels from those with similar characteristics. Results indicated that 40.4% of participants consumed bottled water and 85.2% of these consumers took into account the brand of bottled water. Factor analysis revealed that 3 factors, product characteristics, packaging and price, and recognition affected purchasing behaviours in this sample. As a result of the K-means clustering analysis consumers in this study were divided into 3 groups. The most important factors for consumers in these observed clusters were shelf life, product freshness and product hygiene.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Water-Yield Relationships in Deficit Irrigated Onion
Serhat Ayas
This trial was realized in the greenhouses of Uludağ University Yenişehir Vocational School between 2009 and 2010 to investigate effects of water deficit on yield and quality parameters of onion during four crop growth stages. In this trial, fourteen irrigation treatments in four growth periods (establishment, vegetative, yield formation and ripening) of onion (Allium cepa L E.T Grano.502) were constituted and the yield and quality parameters found from these treatments were evaluated. The layout of the experiment was a completely randomized block design with three replications for each of the fourteen irrigation treatments tested. According to the content of the treatments, the irrigation amount water applied to the plants varied between 0 and 436 mm in the first year, and between 0 and 448 mm in the second year. Water consumption of onion in the first year ranged between 205 and 496 mm and in the second year ranged between 210 and 502 mm. Yield, bulb weight, diameter, height and dry matter ratio were determined statistically significant. In 2009 and 2010 years, the maximum yield were found as 52.2 t ha-1 and 52.4 t ha-1 in E100V100Y100R100 treatments, while the minimum yield were found as 0.8 t ha-1 and 0.5 t ha-1 in the E0V0Y0R0 treatments, respectively. Water- yield relationship factors (ky) in 2009 and 2010 years were found as 1.03 and 1.04, respectively. The maximum WUE and IWUE values were obtained from establishment and ripening periods. Establishment and ripening periods may be suggested as the maximum efficient irrigation periods for the onion applied with drip irrigation under unheated greenhouse conditions.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Isparta Ekolojik Koşullarında Farklı Silajlık Mısır Çeşitlerinin Verim ve Bazı Özelliklerinin Belirlenmesi
Mehmet Alagöz | Mevlüt Türk
Bu araştırma, farklı silajlık mısır çeşitlerinin verim ve bazı özelliklerini belirlemek amacıyla 2018 yılında Isparta Uygulamalı Bilimler Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi, Eğitim, Araştırma ve Uygulama Çiftliği’nde yürütülmüştür. Çalışmada materyal olarak 6 silajlık mısır çeşidi (DKC721, Hido, Kilowat, Kolosseus, LG30709 ve PNR31143) kullanılmıştır. Denemeler, tesadüf blokları deneme desenine göre 3 tekrarlamalı olarak kurulmuştur. Araştırmada yeşil ot verimi, bitki boyu, sap, yaprak ve koçan oranları, yaprak sayısı, koçan uzunluğu ve koçan çapı değerleri belirlenmiştir. Varyans analiz sonuçlarına göre çeşitler arasında yeşil ot verimi, bitki boyu, yaprak sayısı, koçan boyu ve koçan çapı değerleri bakımından %1 düzeyinde, koçan oranı bakımından ise %5 düzeyinde istatistiksel olarak önemli farklılıklar bulunurken, sap ve yaprak oranları açısından çeşitler arasında gözlemlenen farklılıkların istatistiksel olarak önemsiz olduğu belirlenmiştir. İncelenen özellikler bakımından, yeşil ot verimi 8624,9-10681,0 kg/da, bitki boyu 234,3-294,3 cm, yaprak sayısı 13,0-15,2 adet/bitki, koçan uzunluğu 20,7-26,0 cm ve koçan çapı 46,5-55,6 mm arasında değişmiştir. Özellikle verim ve sap, yaprak ve koçan oranları açısından Hido çeşidi öne çıkarken bunu Kolosseus ve LG30709 çeşitlerinin takip ettiği gözlemlenmiştir. DKC721 çeşidinin ise incelenen özellikler bakımından geride kaldığı söylenebilir.
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