خيارات البحث
النتائج 61 - 70 من 450
Assessment of Plant Population and Time of Introduction of Maizeon the Performance of Garden egg - Maize Intercrop
Olabisi Awoniyi | Felix Takim | Gbadebo Olaoye | Patience Olorunmaiye | Ade Isaac Afe
The field trials were conducted during the rainy and dry seasons of 2014 and 2015 to investigate the influence of population density and time of introduction of the component maize on the performance of garden egg/maize intercrop in Nigeria. The trial was laid as a randomised complete block design in a split-plot arrangement with 3 replications. The main plots were time of introduction of maize [2weeks before transplanting (WBT), same time with transplanting (STT) and 2 weeks after transplanting (WAT)] while 9 plant population ratios were the sub plots (100M: 100G, 100M: 75G, 100M: 50G, 100M: 25G 100M: 0, 0:100G, 25M: 100G, 50M: 100G, 75M: 100G). Intercropping system was evaluated using competitive indices and data collected on yield and yield components of both crops were subjected to analysis of variance. Maize sown STT garden egg had significantly high grain yield (3.70 t/ha) while the highest garden egg fruit yields of 40.96 t/ha was obtained when maize was introduced 2 WAT garden egg. This study recommends that, 50-75% maize should be introduced 2WAT of 100% garden egg during the dry season where irrigation facilities are available for optimal crops yields and minimal intercrop losses.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]An Investigation on Serum Mineral Levels of Healthy Norduz and Hair Goats Raised in Semi-Intensive Conditions
Ayşe Özge Demir | Ferda Karakuş | Suna Akkol
The aim of this study was to determine the some serum minerals and their interactions between in 2, 3 and 4 years-old healthy Norduz (n=45) and Hair (n=31) goats raised in semi-intensive conditions. Mineral levels were determined with Atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS) in ppm level. Results were calculated as Fe 1.578±0.088 and 1.379±0.095 mmol/L, Cu 1.300±0.067 and 1.303±0.080 mg/L, Zn 0.972±0.029 and 0.937±0.029 mg/L, K 4.574±0.091 and 2.102±0.074 mmol/L, Mg 2.089±0.057 and 4.670±0.098 mmol/L, Mn 2.163±0.152 and 2.215±0.198 mg/L, Pb 0.078±0.005 and 0.087±0.006 mg/L for Norduz and Hair goats, respectively. While the differences in the mineral levels of hair goats were not significant, significant differences has been found between the age groups in terms of K, F and Pb in Norduz goats. In addition, while there was no statistically significant difference between 3-year-old goats, statistically significant differences hs been found for Fe and 2-year-old goats K and Mg in 4-year-old goats. Moreover, with respect to correlation coefficients, positive correlations were obtained both between K-Mg at Norduz goats and between Fe-Cu, Fe-K, Fe-Mg, K-Mg at Hair goats in all years-old groups.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Conventional Medicine in the Treatment of Different Diseases as a Complementary and Alternative Medicine
Muhammad Fakhar-e-Alam Kulyar | Zeeshan Ahmad Bhutta | Moazam Ali | Shah Nawaz | Muhammad Asif
Traditional medicine is still the only treatment in many rural areas especially the rural communities of east. Due to limited access to modern medicine, local people use medicinal plants to treat most diseases. Some herbs contain powerful contents and must be treated with the same precautionary care as in the case of drug, we do. In fact, a lot of drugs are basically based on artificial verities of natural composite in plants. For example, the heart drug Digitalis comes from a foxglove plant. Some drugs are single active substance derived from botanical sources. Herbalists believe that if the active ingredient is isolated from other parts of the plant, its action may be lost or its safety may be reduced. E.g, salicylic acid is present in a plant of meadowsweet which is used for aspirin production. Aspirin may cause bleeding in the gastric mucosa, but meadowsweet contains some other compounds naturally that interfere with the stimulation of salicylic acid. According to some practitioners, the effect of whole plant is greater than its parts individually. Critics believe that the nature of the herbs makes itself difficult to administer of such active ingredients. Herbs contain active ingredients, Mostly of them have unknown ingredients. As with other prescription drugs, herbs should always be prescribed by a qualified doctor.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]The Effect of Pneumonic Pasteurellosis on Apoptosis and Nitric Oxide Synthase in the Lungs in Calves
Orhan Yavuz | Güngör Çağdaş Dinçel
Pneumonic Pasteurellosis (PP) is an infectious disease caused by Pasteurella multocida and Mannheimia haemolytica, mostly observed in cattle, sheep and calves. PP is characterized by fibrinous bronchopneumonia and pleuritis in the lungs. In this study, it was aimed to determine Caspase-3, Caspase-9, inducible nitric oxide synthase and neuronal nitric oxide synthase expressions by immunohistochemical methods in the lungs suffered from PP. For this purpose, twenty lung tissues were collected from calves with PP. For the Control Group, ten lungs of calves were collected from Aksaray Slaughterhouse. After necropsies of calves were confirmed to be PP by bacteriological examinations. Then the routine histological process was performed to tissues, and stained by Hematoxylin & Eosin for histopathology, and Caspase-3, Caspase-9, inducible nitric oxide synthase and neuronal nitric oxide synthase antibody staining for immunohistochemistry. The immunohistochemical findings indicated that Caspase-3, Caspase-9, inducible nitric oxide synthase and neuronal nitric oxide synthase positive reactions were seen in alveolar, bronchial and bronchiolar epithelia, and desquamated inflammatory cells in the lumens. In addition, the peripheral neural extensions were immunopositive for neuronal nitric oxide synthase and vascular endothelial cell were positive for inducible nitric oxide synthase. The findings can contribute to a better understanding of expressions of molecules such as Caspase and nitric oxide synthase. These results show that apoptosis and nitric oxide synthase expressions have triggered by airway epithelia and inflammatory cells in the lungs with Pneumonic Pasteurellosis in calves.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Antioxidant, Antimicrobial Activity of Olive Leaf Extract and Oleuropein, Their Possibilities Usage in Foods
Mustafa Bayram | Semra Topuz | Cemal Kaya
Olive leaves which is one of the by-products of olive tree cultivation and olive processing industry, have been used in traditional folk medicine for centuries. In recent studies, it has been determined that olive leaf has many bioactivities and these effects have been associated with high phenolic compound content. The most dominant phenolic compound of olive leaf is oleuropein, which is the heterosidic ester of elenolic acid and 3,4-dihydroxyphenylethanol. Therefore, some studies have been carried out for extracting high value added compounds from olive leaves in recent years. Antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of crude phenolic extract and oleuropein have been investigated. Moreover, some studies have been carried out to increase the possibility of using olive leaf extract and oleuropein in food industry due to increasing suspicion of side effects and toxicity of synthetic food preservatives. In this review, it was aimed to investigate phenolic compounds of olive leaf extract, phenolic compound extraction from olive leaf as well as antioxidant, antimicrobial activity of olive leaf extract and oleuropein and possibilities of use in foods.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Determination of Species of Cicadellidae (Hemiptera) Family in Sweet Cherry Growing Areas of Eastern Mediterranean Region
Kamuran Kaya | Hüseyin Başpınar
Sweet cherry (Prunus avium L.) is highly valued fruit in the world and has wide production area in Turkey. Some of the species from the family Cicadellidae can cause direct damage by sucking the sap, and indirect damage by transmitting the phytoplasmas during their feeding process on the sweet cherry trees. This study was conducted to investigate the presence of the species of Cicadellidae family in Adana (Pozantı), Niğde (Darboğaz) and Kahramanmaraş (Andırın and Central Town), where sweet cherry cultivation is carried out, through 2014-2016. Surveying was done in two period a year, in spring (May-June) and fall (October-November) on the trees and weeds. As a result of sampling, 55 species from 35 genus in Cicadellidae were found. They are 32 species from Deltocephalinae subfamily, 18 species from Typhlocybinae, 4 species from Agallinae and 1 species from Megophthalminae subfamily were identified. Among them, Psammotettix striatus (Linnaeus) was the most common species with the 45.79% in total, followed by P. provincialis (Ribaut) with 15.26%. The other species were Empoasca sp. and Asymmetrasca decedens (Paoli) with 7.15% and 6.63%, respectively. It is known that the Phytoplasmas are phloem-limited agents, so, the cicadellid species that are feeding phloem tissue of the plant can acquire the pathogen and be able to transmit the phytoplasma potentially. As a result, it could be concluded that studies are needed to determine the potential to be vector of species of Deltocephalinae determined in sweet cherry orchards.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Optimisation of Plant-based Milk Formulation using Hazelnut, Sunflower Seed and Pumpkin Seed by Mixture Design
Canan Kuru | İsmail Tontul
The preference for plant-based foods has been increased in recent years. Animal milk alternatives, named as plant-based milk, are produced from different oilseeds, nuts and cereals by a series of processing steps. These plant-based milk have different advantages over animal milk such as being lactose and cholesterol-free and having a high content of phenolics, minerals and unsaturated fatty acids. On the contrary, they generally have a lower content of proteins and low sensorial acceptability. To overcome these disadvantages, an optimisation by mixture design was carried out to produce high-quality plant-based milk in terms of chemical, physical and sensorial properties. The results showed that dry matter (7.7-11.5 g/100 mL) and ash (0.11-0.46 g/100 mL) content of the samples increased using a combination of sunflower seeds and pumpkin seeds. Total phenolic content and DPPH radical scavenging activity of plant-based milk were governed by the ratio of sunflower seeds. Hazelnut ratio in the samples had a positive impact on protein content (0.17-1.85 g/100 mL), whiteness index, serum stability and sensorial properties. The optimum formulation was determined as 66.3% hazelnut, 0% pumpkin seed and 33.7% sunflower seed. Verification studies showed a good agreement between theoretical and experimental responses.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]The Effects of Weaning at Different Ages on Growth Performances and Survival Rates of Profilic and Terminal Lamb Breeds
Müzeyyen Kutluca Korkmaz | Ebru Emsen
In this study, we compared the growth and survival characteristics of Romanov × Morkaraman (F1 Rom), Romanov × F1 Romanov (G1 Rom) and Charollais × F1 Romanov (Charom) crossbreed lambs weaning weight at different ages. After birth, from three genotypes lambs were weaned at two different ages of 50 and 75 days and growth performance after weaning was examined at 120 days of age. The effect of three different genotypes and birth type on birth weight was very important, and sex effect was insignificant. In weaning weight, only the effect of birth type was found to be significant. Lamb birth and weaning weights were in Charom, F1 Rom, G1 Rom lambs, 3.38-15.28; 3.98-15.04; 3.21-15.55 kg, respectively. The type of birth showed variation in the birth weight of the lamb and the decrease in lamb birth weights (Single: 4.19 kg: Twin: 3.42 kg; Triplet: 3.15 kg and Quadrature: 2.88 kg) was observed as the number of offspring increased. The effect of the birth type on weaning weights was similar in single and triplet. Single-born lambs have higher weaning weights than those of twins and quadruplets. Average daily live weight gain (ADG) from weaning in single lambs, 247.37 g were found higher than twin (190.67 g), triplets (201.44 g) and quadruplets (178.57 g). The effect of weaning age was insignificant on weaning weights. The first month weight after weaning, effect of the genotype of the lamb, the birth type and the sex were insignificant; but effect of weaning age was significant weaning weights and first month after weaning weights the ADG. The late weaned lambs had higher next first month live weight (18.62-17.89 kg) and ADG (179.45-81.32 g). The live weights of the lambs on the 120 days were similar and none of the factors investigated were found to be effective.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Fatty Acids, Bioactive Content and Antimicrobial Activity of Hibiscus sabdariffa L. Extract Obtained by Different Techniques
Nazan Çömlekcioğlu | Ashabil Aygan
Hibiscus sabdariffa L. (Hibiskus) is a plant that belongs to the Malvaceae family and and is a rich source of anthocyanins and other bioactive compounds. In this study, the total phenolic and flavonoid content, antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of commercially supplied Hibiscus sabdariffa calyx extracts obtained by two different extractors (soxhlete and ultrasonic bath) were investigated. In addition, fatty acids were analysed by GC-MS analysis, 14 different fatty acids were determined and the major fatty acid components of extracts obtained from plant calyxes were palmitic acid (15.25%) and oleic acid (32.18%) and linoleic acid (30.77%). The ultrasonic bath was found to be more effective to reveal the bioactive contents of the extracts than the soxhlete. Total phenolic content and flavonoid values of plant calyx extracts (USB) were 23.29 and 3.08 mg ml-1, respectively, and FRAP and IC50 (% DPPH) values were 47.54 µg g-1 and 0.61 mg ml-1, respectively. Antimicrobial activity experiment carried out with total of 9 microorganisms consisting of seven bacteria and two yeast showed that H. sabdariffa extracts had dose-depended inhibition on test microorganisms but S. cerevisia.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]The Effect of Intramuscular Oxytocin Injection on Milk Ejection in Dairy Cattles
Mansur Seymen Seğmenoğlu
Milking is a source of change in milk yield and milk quality determination, and one of the main events of milking is the oxytocin-mediated ejection reflex. Complete ejection of milk from the udder is due to the presence of high oxytocin during milking. The aim of this study is to investigate whether oxytocin administered intramuscularly has an effect on increasing milk ejection. In the study, 28 clinically healthy lactation Holstein cows were used, the lactation numbers and lactation periods of these cows were ignored in the evaluation. The study groups are divided into four groups, each consisting of seven cows. 50 IU oxytocin was given to group-1 five days before milking in the morning and evening, group-2 received 50 IU oxytocin once a day just before milking and the group-3 was given 50 IU oxytocin once before morning milking on the 1st, 3rd, and 5th days and the group-4 is a control group, oxytocin was not given to this group. Oxytocin injection was administered intramuscularly 30 minutes before milking. In the evaluation, the last five days of milk data before the application, five days of milk data during the application period and five days of milk data after the application period were taken into consideration. As a result of the study, we can say that the udder was not completely emptied with the intramuscular administration of oxytocin.
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