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النتائج 61 - 70 من 319
Düşük Doz Gama (60Co) Işını Uygulamalarının Kısıtlı Sulama Koşullarında Taze Fasulyenin Erken Fide Gelişimine Etkilerinin Belirlenmesi
Muhsin Yıldız | Çeknas Erdinç | Aytekin Ekincialp
Kuraklık stresi, pek çok kültür bitkisinde olduğu gibi taze fasulye üretimini de sınırlayan başlıca faktörlerden biridir. Son zamanlarda düşük dozda gama ışını uygulamalarının bitki gelişiminin kritik aşamalarında kuraklığın oluşturduğu olumsuz etkinin elemine edilmesinde yardımcı olduğu bazı araştırmacılar tarafından bildirilmiştir. Fakat bu konuda yapılan çalışmalar oldukça sınırlıdır. Bu çalışmada farklı gama ışın dozları (0, 25, 50 ve 100 Gy) uygulanan Gina ve Romano taze fasulye çeşitlerinde kısıtlı sulamanın etkilerinin belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Fideler iklim odası koşullarında 23 ± 2°C sıcaklık ve 16:8 ışık:karanlık periyodunda tam sulama [%100 (I1)] ve kısıtlı sulama [%50 (I2)] olacak şekilde iki farklı sulama seviyesinde yetiştirilmişlerdir. Çalışma sonunda gama ışını dozları ile kısıtlı sulamanın sürgün ve kök boyu, yaprak sayısı, sürgün ve kök yaş-kuru ağırlıkları, kök-sürgün oranı gibi fide gelişim parametrelerinin yanı sıra yaprak oransal su içeriği, fotosentetik pigment içeriği, lipid peroksidasyonu ve sürgün besin elementi içeriklerine etkisi araştırılmıştır. Çalışmada düşük doz gama uygulamasının kısıtlı sulama koşullarında çeşitlere göre farklı sonuçlar verdiği görülmüştür. Gama ışın dozları %50 sulamada Gina çeşidinde kök boyunda önemli bir etki yaratırken, Romano çeşidinde 50 ve 100 Gy dozlarının sürgün boyu ile yaş ve kuru ağırlıklarda önemli bir artış sağlamıştır. MDA içeriği her iki çeşitte de su stresinde 50 ve 100 Gy gama ışını ile birlikte önemli miktarda azalmıştır. Düşük doz gama ışını uygulamasının özellikle Romano çeşidinde daha etkili olduğu ve genel olarak 50 ve 100 Gy gama ışın dozlarının kısıtlı sulamada uygulanabilir dozlar olduğu belirlenmiştir.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Chia (Salvia hispanica L.) Ununun Pirinç ve Mısır Unu Bazlı Glutensiz Top Kek Üretiminde Kullanılabilirliği
Mustafa Satouf | Mehmet Köten
Bu çalışmada tahıl benzeri bir tohum olan chianın glutensiz top kek üretiminde kullanılabilirliği ve keklerin bazı özellikleri üzerine etkileri araştırılmıştır. Bu amaçla chia unu altı farklı oranda (%0, 2, 4, 6, 8 ve 10) pirinç unu ve mısır unu karışımı ile ikame edilerek top kek üretimi yapılmıştır. Formülasyonda chia unu kullanımı, glutensiz top kek örneklerinin karbonhidrat ve enerji hariç diğer tüm kimyasal özelliklerinde artışa neden olmuştur. Chia unu ikame oranının artışına bağlı olarak keklerin özgül hacminde ve pişme kaybında artışlar gözlenirken, kek verim değerlerinde düşüşler gözlenmiştir. Chia unu kullanımı ayrıca keklerin toplam besinsel lif, antioksidan aktivite ve toplam fenolik madde değerlerini de önemli derecede etkilemiştir. Keklerin duyusal değerlendirmesinde genel beğeni açısından en yüksek puanı kontrol örneği alırken, chia unu ikameli kekler kontrolden daha düşük puanlar almıştır. Çalışmadan elde edilen sonuçlar chia ununun özellikle besinsel ve fonksiyonel açıdan glutensiz top kek formülasyonu geliştirilmesinde kullanılabileceğini ve böylece çölyak hastalarının tüketebileceği ürün yelpazesine çeşitlilik kazandırılacağını göstermiştir.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]In Vitro Shoot Bioassay of Salt Tolerant International Potato Center Bred Potato Genotypes for Assessing Their Salinity Tolerance
Md. Habibur Rahman | Deen Mohammad Deepo | Md Mazahul Islam | Md. Abul Bashar | Kamrun Nahar Sheuly | Khalid Syfullah | Md. Ekramul Hoque | Md Moshrraf Hossain Molla
The aim of the experiment is to study in vitro regeneration efficiency of international potato center (CIP)-bred salt tolerant potato genotypes under salt stress condition and to identify effective potato genotype(s) for saline belt areas of Bangladesh. An in vitro shoot bioassay of eight CIP-bred potato genotypes viz. CIP 102, CIP 106, CIP 111, CIP 117, CIP 124, BARI Alu 72 (CIP 139), and BARI Alu 73 (CIP 127) and CIP 136 were used. In this study, single node of these genotypes was cultured in MS media supplemented with 0, 80, 100, 120, 140 and 160 mM NaCl. Among the eight genotypes, BARI Alu 72 (CIP 139) showed the highest tolerance against salinity up to 160 mM NaCl (14.61 dS/m) for all studied parameters (except shoot and root initiation) with the highest plant height (9.67 cm), leaves number (13.60), nodes number (9.50), root length (6.50 cm), roots number (7.80), fresh weight of shoot (536.1 mg) and root (205.60 mg). On the other hand, CIP 106 was found the most susceptible genotype against salinity showing its highest salinity tolerance up to 120 mM NaCl (10.96 dS/m) with maximum plant height (7.17 cm), leaves number (12.50), nodes number (6.50), root length (7.50 cm), roots number (9.7), fresh weight of shoot (572.3 mg) and root (250 mg). The experiment's findings corroborated CIP's findings that they were salt tolerant, as well as recommended for their cultivation suitability in saline-affected area in Bangladesh.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Investigation of the Use of Waste Commercial Plant Pulps as Edible Fish Coating Material
Emre Yavuzer
In this study, the effects of pulps obtained after cold press oil production was tested as edible fish coating material. It was determined by PV and TBARS values that waste pulp prevented undesirable quality changes due to lipid oxidation. While coating process with black cumin, pumpkin seed and poppy pulp stopped YM development, the lowest TVC values were observed in poppy and black seed groups. Sensory results showed that the use of plant pulps extended the shelf life of rainbow trout fillets, with poppy and black cumin pulps being the most effective groups in terms of odor, taste, texture and general acceptability.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Exploring fish consumption patterns and preference factors among consumers in the Siraha district of Nepal
Balmiki Chaudhary | Shubh Pravat Singh Yadav | Bishnu Yadav | Swastika Chaudhary | Keshab Kumar Budha Magar | Sumit Kumar Sah
Fish consumption choices are impacted by the socioeconomic aspects of customers. A field survey was done in 2022 with the purpose of (i) measuring the frequency of fish consumption, (ii) studying the socioeconomic characteristics of customers and their preferences; and (iii) researching the variables impacting the consumption of fish by consumers in the Siraha district. A sample size of 102 individuals was selected randomly from the Siraha district, including the Lahan Municipality, Dhangadhimai Municipality, and Golbazar Municipality, to ensure representation across diverse socio-economic backgrounds. Data was collected using a questionnaire administered to the participants. Respondents (58.8%) overwhelmingly prefer to eat fish more than twice a week, throughout the year or particularly in winter. Rohu (Labeo rohita) and carp (Cyprinus carpio) are the most often eaten fish species. The frequency of fish-consumption shows a strong connection with income level and education level. The stepwise multiple regression model explained 58.1% of the overall variation in fish consumption. The market structure is not sanitary, the price of fresh fish is expensive, and the consumption frequency of customers is impacted, particularly for poor socio-economic groups. boosted by a variety of various legislation, marketing, and advertising methods. In addition, consumers should be dispersed throughout the year rather than exclusively in particular seasons.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Spatial Variability and Mapping of Selected Soil Physical Properties under Continuous Cultivation
Sufiyanu Sani | Aliyu Abdulkadir | Salihu A hmad Pantami | Mahmud Sani | Ali Muhammad Amin | Muhammad Yakubu Abdullahi
Assessments of Soil physical properties and estimation of their associated variability are essential for making site-specific decisions on soil and crop management This study examined the spatial variability of soil hydro-physical properties and variance structure at Sector F1 of the Jibia Irrigation project Katsina State, Nigeria. Grid sampling technique was used to obtain one hundred and forty-four (144) soil samples from 206 ha of land using Google earth. The grids were drawn using Google earth software at intervals of 150 m x 150 m. Surface soil samples (0 - 20 cm) were collected at grid intersection points. The collected soil samples were air-dried and passed through a 2mm sieve, and analyzed using standard laboratory procedures for physical parameters. The ArcGIS software package 10.3 was used to model the variance structure of Sand, Silt, Clay, Bulk density, Particle density, Percent total porosity and Organic Matter (OM). Results obtained revealed that the coefficient of variation (CV) ranged from 5.724% in particle density to 109% in clay. The Semivariogram showed that the range of spatial dependence varied from 0.342m for (Dry mean weight diameter) to 9.3m (Organic matter) for all measured soil properties. High Spatial dependency ratios were observed for Bulk density, Sand, Silt and clay contents. Particle density exhibited moderate spatial dependency (Nugget to sill ratio 0.25 – 0.75%). Wet Mean weight diameter and organic matter content have a weak spatial dependency. The results indicated that sandy textured soils dominated the greater part of the study area with low to moderate organic matter content. The soils being sandy-dominated has a high infiltration rate and low ability to retain moisture and nutrients were observed as the major characteristics of the soil of the study area.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]A Review On Citrus tristeza virus (CTV) And Its Management Approaches
Sachin Sharma
Citrus tristeza virus (CTV), one of the casual agents of citrus decline, is responsible for the death of millions of citrus trees and reduced production and productivity of citrus orchards worldwide. CTV epidemics has been recorded from several parts of the world where mainly steam pitting (SP) and quick decline (QD) strains of CTV have induced severe disease reactions. Identification and characterization of CTV isolates primarily has been focused on the biological assaying in indicator plants, serology-based ELISA and molecular PCR tests. Controlling the presence and spread of CTV where it is absent or establishment is limited heavily relies upon preventive measures, quarantine and legislations. Cross protection is an appealing technique especially for controlling CTV – Stem Pitting strains and use of CTV resistant rootstocks largely prevent infection by CTV – Quick Decline strains. More reliable and effective way to control CTV is breeding for resistant or tolerant cultivars. Advances in molecular biology have lead scientists to find out genes and map genetic loci of CTV resistant citrus and related species that could be exploited in breeding. However incorporation of resistant ability offered by a handful of citrus and its related species into the susceptible cultivars containing other desirable agronomical traits is challenging through classical plant breeding approaches. The following review work is based on Citrus tristza virus and its management practices.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Microplastics as a Threat to Meat Consumption, Review
Aliu Olamide Oyedun | Lukman Omoniyi Lawal
The world population increasingly consumes about 300million tonnes of meat up to 2018. As this trend continues due to the increasing world population, plastic becomes necessary to preserve meat, required to meet its corresponding demands. Plastics in the meat industry were of immense benefits that have turned into an environmental burden. This is because they protect meat and other products from spoilage but contain many contaminants in the form of microplastics (MPs) additives and trapped carbons. These contaminants significantly contribute to the health risks meat pose and other global environmental concerns. A further concern is that consumers may likely not be aware of the safety risks of these MPs and their additives. Educating the meat consumers through proper labeling of the plastic packaging with straightforward and understandable terms for MPs migratory possibilities rather than industrial terminologies may likely guide the consumer against MPs consumption.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Performances of Transplanted Spring Rice Under Different Weed Management Techniques in Kapilbastu, Nepal
Keshav Raj Kafle | Kapil Simkhada
At Banganga, Kapilbastu, Nepal, a field experiment was conducted in the spring of 2021 to determine the performances of transplanted spring rice under different weed management techniques. With five treatments and four replications, the experiment was structured as a single-factorial Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD). The treatments consisted of Pretilachlor 50% EC (dose: 500 ml a.i. per acre) as pre-emergence herbicide, Pretilachlor 50% EC (dose: 500 ml a.i. per acre) as pre-emergence herbicide plus hand weeding at 20, 40 DAT, Hand weeding at 20 DAT, 40 DAT, 60 DAT, Cono-weeding at 20 DAT, 40 DAT, 60 DAT and control. The plots treated with Pretilachlor plus hand weeding recorded a significantly higher plant height (99cm), higher number of effective tillers per meter square (11.97), higher panicle length (26cm), and higher number of grains per panicle (200.60) at 90 DAT. The sterility percentage and the no. of grains per panicle were not affected by the weed management practices. Cono-weeding was found statistically superior in terms of grain yield (6.09 Mt ha-1) and harvest index (42.10 %). The experiment concluded that the weed management practices affect the grain yield of transplanted spring rice.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Effect of Irrigation Intervals on Some Morphological Traits, Seed Properties and Essence Yield of Savory (Satureja spicigera L.) Under Field Conditions
Seyyed Fazel Fazeli Kakhki | Mohammad Joleini | Nasser Beikzadeh
Agricultural management is one of the main factors to ameliorate environment adverse effects. Climate change has adverse effects on water availability in drought and semi-drought regions that constrain crop survival. In order to investigate the effect of irrigation intervals on morphological characteristics and yield components of savory plant (Satureja spicigera L.), an experiment was carried out based on randomized complete block design in three levels irrigation interval treatments (7 days (I7), 14 days (I14) and 21 days (I21)) with three replications in Khorasan Razavi Agricultural and Natural Resources Research and Education Center during of 2019. Results showed that with increase in irrigation intervals, all morphological characteristics and yield components were decreased. However there was no significant differences in seed and essence yield, plant canopy area, number of main stems, number of branches and stem diameter due to I7 and I14 treatments. In drought stress (I21), seed width was more affected than seed length. The lowest percentage of survival was observed in I21 treatment which was reduced by 26% and 35% respectively, compared to treatments I14 and I7. By increasing the irrigation interval to 21 days, the highest reduction in savory characteristics occurred, so that the highest and lowest biomass and seed yield were recorded from I7 and I21 treatments, respectively. There was a significant positive correlation between biomass and plant height (r = 0.998*), total plant leaf area (r = 0.770*), number of main stems (r = 0.796*) and number of branches (r = 0.998*). It seems that savory production can be improved in acceptable amount with 14-day irrigation interval.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]