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النتائج 1 - 4 من 4
Densification ITRF08 into Ukraine area
Savchuk, S., Polish Air Force Academy, Deblin (Poland) | Doskich, S., Lviv Polytechnic National Univ. (Ukraine)
According to the fast development and distribution of GNSS technologies all over the world, the large numbers of reference GNSS stations have appeared in Ukraine. These stations are included in the state and several private networks. The permanent GNSS observations gathered within these networks are processed and analysed by the Centre of Lviv Polytechnic National University. A cumulative solution (coordinates expressed at the specified epoch and velocities of all stations) was estimated by using the GAMIT-GLOBK software. The authors made several numerous tests using certain configuration of fiducial stations which belong to the EPN A class to transfer ITRF08 frame into Ukraine area and choose the best strategy of alignment of the Ukrainian national GNSS network to the EPN. Three different solutions with cretin tolerance set for Ukrainian GNSS network were estimated and each time the different set of coordinates was obtained. The differences reached several millimetres. Also for verification, our solution was compared with EPN solution. Received coordinates and velocities could have a geophysical interpretation and provide very useful information for local geodesy tasks.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Environmental impact of land consolidation
Gecaite, D., Aleksandras Stulginskis Univ., Akademija, Kauno reg. (Lithuania) | Jankava, A., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia)
Land consolidation – an important stage of agricultural and rural development. This is a significant land use planning process, when private, municipal and state land parcels located in rural areas are redistributed in a complex way, their boundaries and location are changed by the prepared land consolidation project of a certain area. Recently, there has been a lot of talk about the benefits of land consolidation to farm structure and productivity, restructuring of rural areas and development, but there is not enough emphasis on the benefits of our environment, landscape and biodiversity. Experience of European countries shows that the land consolidation projects can be useful not only for farmers, but also for our environment and its individual components. The article gives an overview of not only the positive aspects of environmental preservation. The fact that the land consolidation projects can bring negative results (i.e. that they are implemented without regard to the sustainable transformation of the territory) is noted as well.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Legal aspects of state cadastral registration of land plots for the allocation of linear facilities in the Russian federation
Averina, L., Samara State Univ. of Economics (Russian Federation);Samara State Technical Univ. (Russian Federation) | Pecherskaya, E., Samara State Univ. of Economics (Russian Federation)
There are still many drawbacks in legal regulation of construction, cadastral registration of linear facilities, as well as land management in the above-mentioned aspects in the Russian Federation, therefore this study is a theoretical overview and analysis of the existing legal framework. The definition of linear facilities had been incorporated in the City Planning Code of the Russian Federation only in 2016, thus a legal regulation of the issue at stake is of great significance at the moment. The key issues in the area of state cadastral registration and surveying are developing, including cadastral registration and registration of linear facilities and land plots as a united (integrated) complex object of real estate. The results of the research indicate the necessity of developing specific rules for the allocation, construction and reconstruction of linear facilities in addition to determining the legal status of land plots, where such placement takes place.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]The applicability of accessibility analyses in spatial planning
Kurowska, K., University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn (Poland). Faculty of Geodesy, Geospatial and Civil Engineering | Kietlinska, E., University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn (Poland). Faculty of Geodesy, Geospatial and Civil Engineering
Accessibility is a popular concept in many research areas, including spatial planning, where it denotes the possibility of reaching a specific location. Accessibility is not a characteristic feature of a single location: it is always measured between at least two locations (places), and it is strictly determined by the mode of transport. Subject to the evaluated parameter, accessibility falls into different categories, including physical accessibility which is defined by distance (meters, kilometers), temporal accessibility which is expressed in minutes and hours, and economic accessibility which is denoted by cost. In highly urbanized areas and their rural outskirts, spatial policies need to be coordinated to guarantee the effective distribution of functions and services. The optimization of accessibility should be the key goal of spatial policies adopted at both local and metropolitan level. The aim of this study was to analyze the applicability of public data sources and GIS tools for analyzing and improving spatial accessibility. A wide range of tools and data supports detailed evaluations of the spatial coverage and effectiveness of services (public and commercial), multi-objective optimization of planned locations and determination of the optimal service areas (with the use of gravitation and potential methods). Spatial planning is a process of selecting the optimal and rational functions for the existing space. A very wide variety of analytical tools can be deployed to acquire and process public data and research data. The results of multi-objective analyses can be support the planning proces.
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