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Improving the technical potential of agrarian enterprises
Mamai, O., Samara State Agrarian Univ. (Russian Federation) | Volkonskaya, A., Samara State Agrarian Univ. (Russian Federation) | Parsova, V., Latvia Univ. of Life Sciences and Technologies, Jelgava (Latvia)
The technological potential of agricultural enterprise is complex system consisting of various elements with different functional capabilities and features, which are characterized by the characteristics of complex systems. The complexity of technological potential lies in the presence in structure of its several elements − technological preparation of production, equipment and technology. There is no doubt that the basis of technological potential is an active part of main production assets, namely the equipment park. Working machines and equipment, instrumentation, transmission devices and tooling − this is exactly what primarily determines the level of labour productivity. The aim of the study is to develop recommendations for efficient use of machinery of agrarian enterprises as part of their technological potential, to solve important task of developing them and improving quality and competitiveness of their products. In methodological basis of this research various methods were used: an analytical method, abstract and logical method, system approach, statistical and economic analysis, method of analogies, and method of comparative and expert estimates. The study showed that in order to increase the efficiency of use of technical equipment and more fully satisfy agricultural producers in technical services, it is necessary to create the technical centre for maintenance and repair of agricultural machines. As result, implementation of preventive strategy of technical maintenance and repair of equipment will reduce the number of machine failures by 2−2.5 times, increase the use of resource of their components and mechanisms by 30%, and significantly reduce the loss of agricultural products due to long downtime of mechanization equipment and crop shortages while increasing agro-technical timelines for field work.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Conditions and prospects of improvement of nonagricultural land evaluation in Ukraine as constituent of the state land cadastre
Susak, T., Lviv National Agrarian Univ. (Ukraine)
The article describes peculiarities of formation of the estimated constituent in the structure of the state land cadastre in Ukraine. The author gives analysis of the current Ukrainian practice of consideration of the intended use of a land plot while making normative monetary evaluation of non-agricultural land plots within and outside settlements. The conducted analysis of the methodology of normative monetary evaluation of the land of settlements and non-agricultural land outside the settlements confirms that in the process of evaluation, each of the methodologies considers the intended use of land plots in a different way, causing different value correlation between the lands of different categories and kinds of intended use. Differentiation of the estimated indices of the methodology of normative monetary evaluation of non-agricultural lands within and outside settlements absolutely disagree with one another. The article supplies conclusions on the necessity to transfer to a consistent approach of such differentiation without reference to the land plot location within or outside the settlements. Basing on the analysis of statistical information on the sale of state- and communally-owned lands, the author defines the coefficients of correlation between the sale price of state- and communally-owned lands in 2017−2018 in Ukraine in terms of the kinds of intended use and the figures of the indices of differentiation of normative monetary evaluation of non-agricultural lands within and outside settlements depending on the intended use of the land plot. The author proposes changes to the approaches to differentiation of the indices of evaluation of the lands of different intended use on the base of market prices. The work also outlines the main problems and possible directions of transition to a large-scale evaluation of lands in Ukraine.
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