أجريس - النظام الدولي للعلوم الزراعية والتكنولوجيا

الكلمات المفتاحية الخاصة بالمكنز الزراعي (أجروفوك)

النتائج 1 - 2 من 2

Proposals for classification and evaluation of land degradation in Latvia


Jankava, A., Latvia Univ. of Life Sciences and Technologies, Jelgava (Latvia). Dept. of Land Management and Geodesy | Parsova, V., Latvia Univ. of Life Sciences and Technologies, Jelgava (Latvia). Dept. of Land Management and Geodesy | Laizane, E., Latvia Univ. of Life Sciences and Technologies, Jelgava (Latvia). Dept. of Land Management and Geodesy | Berzina, M., Latvia Univ. of Life Sciences and Technologies, Jelgava (Latvia). Dept. of Land Management and Geodesy | Palabinska, A., Latvia Univ. of Life Sciences and Technologies, Jelgava (Latvia). Dept. of Land Management and Geodesy

Fundamental Library of Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies - Latvia

Abandoned land classification using classical theory method


Suziedelyte Visockiene, J., Vilnius Gediminas Technical Univ. (Lithuania) | Tumeliene, E., Vytautas Magnus Univ. Agriculture Academy, Akademija, Kauno raj. (Lithuania)

Fundamental Library of Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies - Latvia