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Agriculture policy scores of selected countries through the technique for order of preference (TOPSIS) method
Madiyoh, A., Bursa Uludag Univ. (Turkey) | Turan, Ö., Bursa Uludag Univ. (Turkey) | Gürlük, S., Bursa Uludag Univ. (Turkey)
The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate the performance of agricultural sectors in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) countries using selected criteria, to identify the deficiencies in agricultural policies, to explore competitive advantages and to guide food and nutrition policies. The analyses of this research use the secondary of time series data between the years 1967‒ 2016 from 10 countries including; Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam which are the member of ASEAN. This research uses the Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) method and the data used for the mentioned countries include the following criteria; total agricultural production value of the land, self-sufficiency of animal products criteria, self-sufficiency of crop products criteria, rural population rate, greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture, and value of foreign trade in agricultural products. The result of proximity coefficients calculated with the TOPSIS method, which according to the number of proximity and maximum benefit analysis should be done according to the order of preference. It is stated that Thailand, Philippines and Indonesia were the most successful countries in the agricultural policy performance in 1967. As for last decades, Malaysia became the most successful country in agricultural policy performance. We can infer from the results that Malay industrial sector triggered the agricultural sector by supplying financial investment atmosphere.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]State decoupling audit of low-carbon agricultural production
Datsii, O., Interregional Academy of Personnel Management, Kiev (Ukraine) | Levchenko, N., National Univ. Zaporizhzhia Polytechnic (Ukraine) | Shyshkanova, G., National Univ. Zaporizhzhia Polytechnic (Ukraine) | Dmytrenko, R., Vinnytsia National Agrarian Univ. (Ukraine) | Abuselidze, G., Batumi Shota Rustaveli State Univ. (Georgia)
It is stated that the strategic benchmark for transformational changes in the economy is currently low-carbon production, the achievement of which is possible to provide with the consistent application of an arsenal of strict control measures, in particular, the introduction of state audit of low-carbon production. The effectiveness of the mechanism for ensuring the implementation of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change has been assessed. The necessity of implementation in the domestic practice of the state audit of low-carbon production by the decoupling approach is proved. The agri-business portfolio has been formed according to the decoupling approach as one of the leaders in greenhouse gas pollution. The author's economic and mathematical models of estimation according to the decoupling approach of the impact of branches of crop and livestock production on environmental pollution are proposed. The dependence of greenhouse gas emissions on the volume of gross output of agricultural production, capital investment and current expenditures on environmental protection has been established. The results of a comparative analysis of the realism of forecasts of changes in greenhouse gas emissions according to the methodology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and the author's methodology are highlighted. A roadmap for the introduction of a state low-carbon decoupling audit of the state decoupling audit has been proposed as part of the preparation of the second nationally determined contribution to the Paris Agreement. The expediency of supplementing GRI 300 “Environmental Disclosures” with the group of indicators GRI-305.5 “Reduction of GHG emissions”, formed by the decoupling approach, is substantiated.
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